Uzbekistan cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 7769 cities in the Uzbekistan available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Uzbekistan file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

11245797Qizil QishloqQizil QishloqUZSurxondaryo38.3561468.0780Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
8140294QumKum,Qum,КумUZAndijon40.6649372.088030Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1463557OkdzharOkdzhar,RabatUZSurxondaryo38.1366767.208610Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12128038ArpaArpaUZSamarqand39.9164166.664740Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1512789Sho‘xSho`x,Sho‘x,Shuk,ShurUZFergana40.5955570.989520Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
12127786Bekto’pBekto’p,Bekto’pUZSamarqand39.9661365.768520Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7580267TakarangTakarangUZNamangan41.2278971.51970Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11241641ToshkentToshkentUZJizzax40.7280268.099270Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216581KyzyltumshukKyzyltumshuk,Kzyl TumthukUZSurxondaryo37.5333367.516670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1217194İtynchiUZQashqadaryo39.2666765.80Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11244891OzodbuxoroOzodbuxoroUZSurxondaryo37.4549967.066250Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1215842UrayUZSamarqand39.8388967.437220Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11244900QorakamarQorakamarUZSurxondaryo37.4002866.541520Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514557OrlotArlat,OrlotUZSamarqand40.0866166.689170Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514385BesopanBesapan,Beshchapan,BesopanUZNavoiy41.5270864.494970Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216867Xo’jaismoliKhodzha-Ismail,Xo’jaismoli,Xo’jaismoliUZSamarqand39.8166766.950Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1512358Yangi-ChekUZAndijon40.7666772.133330Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
12127190Mirzacho’lMirzacho’l,Mirzacho’lUZJizzax40.7819967.972490Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514235ChigatayUZ40.0166766.583330Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1217931AksultanUZ39.7833366.666670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1513452Qutchibag‘rinKuchchibakhryn,Kuchchidakhryn,Qutchibag`rin,Qutchibag‘rinUZNavoiy40.1345165.836730Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12128088Chorbog’Chorbog’,Chorbog’UZSamarqand39.7674866.850790Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1529668ObruchevoObruchevo,Ul’yanovo,Ul’yanovoUZ40.1278468.496470Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1512308YukarykurganUZNavoiy40.5666766.633330Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12127797EshmatjobiEshmatjobiUZSamarqand40.1127965.510060Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1512884Sary-KundaUZ40.0333364.250Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7527347UchtepaUchtepaUZNamangan40.9329471.873970Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
7536982Qirg‘izqo‘rg‘onKirgizkurgan,Qirg`izqo`rg`on,Qirg‘izqo‘rg‘onUZNamangan40.8870371.555160Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1513772Kara-KumUZNavoiy40.4833366.150Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12128153Ko’kgumbazKo’kgumbaz,Ko’kgumbazUZSamarqand39.7708467.130680Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514160DovqoraDaukara,Dovqora,UrkendyUZKarakalpakstan43.141860.368110Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216439NagayUZ37.9333366.916670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514345Bol’shevikBol’shevik,Bol’shevikUZ40.0166768.266670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1215940ToparUZ37.5833367.050Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216888KhisarakUZ38.567.866670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11244833KunchiqishKunchiqishUZSurxondaryo37.6764767.308120Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12127980ZarmitanZarmitanUZSamarqand40.3339866.720850Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1215892TuyunUZ39.766.150Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1217096Kara-KhanaUZQashqadaryo39.1333367.083330Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12126247QozoqQozoqUZBukhara39.5897564.300520Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216530MangindMangind,MangitUZ39.7166764.083330Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
8163708EshanEhshan,Eshan,ЭшанUZAndijon40.7330672.739660Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
10973185NamunaBegat,NamunaUZFergana40.6122371.982680Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11242323H. Olimjon NomliH. Olimjon NomliUZSirdaryo Region40.551968.761610Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1513266LesxozImeni Maksima Gor’kogo,Imeni Maksima Gor’kogo,Leskhoz,LesxozUZKarakalpakstan41.9084761.079510Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11242620FarhadFarhad,Sovkhoz FarkhadUZSirdaryo Region40.2263769.067150Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
7888963QizilqushUZKarakalpakstan43.1446858.730870Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216370OshkonOshikan,Oshkan,OshkonUZQashqadaryo39.1881967.19420Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514495AznekUZNavoiy41.1564.583330Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12126395Ko’hna Sho’rchaKo’hna Sho’rcha,Ko’hna Sho’rchaUZBukhara39.9831364.240980Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12128044HazorboboHazorboboUZSamarqand39.8454966.586880Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216557LangarLangar,LyangarUZQashqadaryo39.3635466.669630Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7630373Zartepa QishloqZartepa QishloqUZSamarqand39.6656865.747270Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216941Khakim-KudukUZSamarqand39.5566.016670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1217318GaraulyUZ39.7666765.750Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7580327Bo‘stonobodBo`stonobod,Bo‘stonobodUZNamangan41.1141871.516340Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1216216Sasyk-Kul’UZ37.4166766.866670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12128163KattaqishloqKattaqishloqUZSamarqand39.6015967.328090Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7630421Talliqo‘rg‘onTalliqo`rg`on,Talliqo‘rg‘onUZQashqadaryo38.86865.668670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216146ShirinUZ39.9666764.466670Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12127001AdirobodAdirobodUZJizzax40.1526868.045220Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
10974495Bekto‘piBekto`pi,Bekto‘piUZFergana40.5413771.783350Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
12153107Sho’r’yopSho’r’yop,Sho’r’yopUZXorazm41.2784261.174080Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11241901UchtepaUchtepaUZToshkent40.7327869.01430Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1514697AkbulakUZ41.4166770.30Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
8148750PakhtafrontPakhtafront,ПахтафронтUZNamangan40.9439772.125160Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11241675G‘ayratG`ayrat,G‘ayratUZToshkent40.9948269.105980Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11241822ZangarZangarUZToshkent40.8982568.838530Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
7893003MadaniyatUZKarakalpakstan42.6501959.526110Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1514268ChangiChangi,ChangirUZToshkent41.3080669.739720Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11231709Do‘stlikDo`stlik,Do‘stlikUZAndijon40.7715972.831930Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11247010LaylakxonaLaylakxonaUZSurxondaryo37.9775867.838270Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11242268NamunaNamunaUZSirdaryo Region40.6712468.822880Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
10649163QoziquzavatQoziquzavatUZFergana40.3591970.945460Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
8163730QiziloyoqKyzylajak,Kyzylayak,Qiziloyoq,КызылаякUZAndijon40.6806872.58760Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1217703BeshkentBeshkent,Bish-Kent,БешкентUZQashqadaryo38.8213965.6530618900Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1217826AtkaronAtaron,AtkaronUZ39.9666764.40Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11104880YangiobodDo`stlik,Do‘stlik,Sovkhoz Dustlik,YangiobodUZAndijon40.8158271.691810Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
7785309Xo‘jaqo‘rg‘onUZQashqadaryo39.0403466.50810Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7784741Afg‘onbog‘UZQashqadaryo38.5909966.273720Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1463748OzodAzad,OzodUZQashqadaryo38.5622665.552340Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
7580374IstiqlolIstiqlolUZNamangan41.1965371.735050Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11056860O‘rtamaxallaO`rtamaxalla,O‘rtamaxalla,UrtamakhallaUZFergana40.3627771.238260Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
10974171QipchoqQipchoqUZFergana40.5821471.728740Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
7528114YashiqYashik,YashiqUZNamangan40.9013672.093770Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11057412Xo‘jao‘ldiKhodzhaul’ly,Khodzhaul’ly,Xo`jao`ldi,Xo‘jao‘ldiUZFergana40.6202771.049240Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1514249ChatkalUZ41.5666770.066670Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
10651680OltiqushOltiqushUZFergana40.5959270.896840Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1217676BogoudinUZ39.864.533330Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11057389Toshkentlig‘uzarTashkaliguzar,Toshkentlig`uzar,Toshkentlig‘uzarUZFergana40.5260770.986240Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1513192ManasManas,Mukur,МукурUZAndijon40.7971672.784610Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
1475069YangikishlakJangikishlak,Yangikishlak,ЯнгикишлакUZSurxondaryo37.2411167.302220Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
1216164ShayxlarShaykhlar,Shayxlar,Sheykhlyar,ShikhlyarUZSamarqand39.9055666.549440Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
12153027OydinOydinUZXorazm41.4265560.721980Asia/Samarkandpopulated place
11242600SharqobodSharqobodUZSirdaryo Region40.220968.950630Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11104919MadraximovMadraximovUZAndijon40.7406571.921870Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
7528843ZarbdorZarbdar,ZarbdorUZAndijon40.9100672.224670Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
10974858G‘ishtmonG`ishtmon,Gishtman,G‘ishtmonUZFergana40.4723971.62170Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
11056879KalavatKalavatUZFergana40.3569571.355490Asia/Tashkentpopulated place
12126972JarqishloqJarqishloqUZJizzax40.0144968.504660Asia/Samarkandpopulated place

Discovering Uzbekistan: A Geographical Perspective

The Geography of Uzbekistan: A Land of Rich Diversity

Uzbekistan, a landlocked country nestled in Central Asia, is often overshadowed by its more prominent neighbors, but it possesses a geography that is both striking and diverse. With its vast deserts, fertile river valleys, and towering mountain ranges, Uzbekistan offers a unique blend of landscapes that have shaped its culture and history for millennia. The country’s geography plays a crucial role in understanding its economic activities, climate patterns, and population distribution.

The terrain of Uzbekistan is dominated by the Kyzylkum Desert in the north, the vast steppes in the west, and the lush valleys of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. These rivers, alongside the fertile Fergana Valley, are essential to Uzbekistan’s agriculture, which is one of the country’s main economic sectors. To the south, the Pamir and Tien Shan mountain ranges rise, providing not only natural beauty but also important resources such as minerals and water supplies.

Uzbekistan’s geographical position in Central Asia, bordered by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan, places it at the crossroads of several historic trade routes, including the ancient Silk Road. This strategic location has contributed to the rich cultural exchange that has influenced the country’s cities and regions, making it an essential part of Central Asia’s historical and cultural identity.

Uzbekistan’s Administrative Divisions: Cities, Regions, and Their Significance

Uzbekistan is divided into 12 regions, along with the capital city, Tashkent, which serves as a separate administrative unit. These regions, known as "viloyats," are further subdivided into districts or "tumanlar," which help manage local governance. The division of the country into regions is not only administrative but also reflects Uzbekistan’s diverse geography and cultural identity. Each region has distinct features that contribute to the country's overall landscape.

For example, the Fergana Valley in the east is known for its agricultural richness and is home to many of the country’s cities, while the Karakalpakstan region in the northwest is a more arid, desert-like area with a rich history related to the Aral Sea. Understanding these geographical divisions is essential for grasping the unique characteristics of each region, from their climate to their economic activities.

The cities within Uzbekistan, including the capital Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, have historical significance that ties back to the Silk Road, but they also represent modern economic and cultural centers of the nation. Each city plays an integral role in the country’s overall development, with Tashkent standing as the political and economic hub of the country.

Geographical Data: Unlocking Insights into Uzbekistan’s Cities and Regions

Geographical data is a powerful tool for understanding the intricate relationship between cities, regions, and the overall landscape of Uzbekistan. By obtaining precise data on the locations of cities, regions, and their respective departments, one can explore the economic, social, and environmental dynamics that shape the country.

Latitude and longitude data, for example, provides essential insights into the positioning of cities within the context of Uzbekistan's varied climate zones. This data is invaluable not only for academic research but also for practical applications such as urban planning, infrastructure development, and resource management. The vast differences in geography between regions—whether it’s the mountainous regions in the east or the desert landscapes in the west—mean that each city and region has distinct geographical characteristics that affect its development and growth.

For those involved in strategic planning or research, knowing the precise coordinates of cities and understanding the geographical relationship between them can reveal patterns in population density, transportation, and resource distribution. Accurate geographic data is crucial for assessing the development potential of each region and formulating effective policies.

The Role of Geographic Data in Uzbekistan’s Development

Accurate geographic data plays a crucial role in the continued development of Uzbekistan. From its agricultural sectors that rely on river basins and irrigation systems to its growing urban centers that require efficient infrastructure planning, geographic information is essential for the country’s economic advancement.

For instance, by knowing the exact locations of cities and their relationship to natural resources, urban planners can optimize land use, ensuring that resources are efficiently distributed and environmental concerns are addressed. Geographic data also plays a critical role in improving transportation systems, allowing for better connectivity between Uzbekistan’s major cities, including Tashkent, Samarkand, and Fergana.

In addition, access to this data supports Uzbekistan’s efforts in conservation and environmental management. The changing climate and the challenges surrounding the shrinking Aral Sea are pressing concerns that require a deep understanding of the country's geography. With detailed geographic data, researchers and policymakers can track these changes more accurately and develop sustainable solutions.

Comprehensive Geographic Data for Strategic Insights

Our comprehensive database offers precise and detailed geographic information on Uzbekistan’s cities, regions, and departments. By accessing this data, you can explore the relationships between cities and their geographic features with a level of accuracy that is invaluable for research, policy-making, and business development.

This database includes detailed geographic coordinates of each city, allowing users to understand the spatial relationships between regions, evaluate environmental factors, and identify opportunities for economic growth. Whether you’re looking to explore the geographical diversity of Uzbekistan’s cities or develop a strategic plan for urban expansion, our database provides the tools to help you make informed decisions.

A New Era of Geographic Exploration in Uzbekistan

With the help of accurate geographic data, the potential for understanding Uzbekistan’s diverse regions is greater than ever. The data provided in our platform opens up new possibilities for research, strategic development, and resource management in Uzbekistan. By utilizing this data, you can explore the country’s geography with a level of precision that was once difficult to achieve.

Whether you are a geographer, an urban planner, or simply someone interested in understanding the geographic intricacies of Uzbekistan, our database provides the resources you need to explore the country’s diverse regions and cities. With detailed latitude and longitude data, the opportunities for research and development are boundless.

Conclusion: The Power of Geographic Data in Unlocking Uzbekistan’s Potential

Uzbekistan’s diverse geography and strategic location in Central Asia make it an essential country for study and exploration. By leveraging geographic data, we can unlock a deeper understanding of the country’s cities, regions, and overall landscape. Whether for academic research, urban development, or resource management, the ability to access precise geographic data is invaluable.

Our platform offers the most comprehensive database available on Uzbekistan, providing detailed geographic information that allows users to explore the country in new and meaningful ways. With accurate latitude and longitude data, you can gain a deeper understanding of Uzbekistan’s geography and contribute to the continued growth and development of this fascinating country.

FaQ about Uzbekistan

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
Yes, you'll be able to download the content you've purchased whenever you want, with no time limit.
Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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