Saudi Arabia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats

Saudi Arabia

Last update : 15 January 2025.

Saudi Arabia
Number of cities

This is the best list of 3881 cities in the Saudi Arabia available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Saudi Arabia file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

108603An Nuqay‘ahAl Nuqaia`h,Al Nuqaia‘h,An Nuqay`ah,An Nuqay‘ah,النقيعةSARiyadh Region24.5477446.145810Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
395250MinshārMinshar,Minshār,mnshar,منشارSAHa’il Region27.5790441.642530Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109853Āl ḐahrahAl Dahrah,Āl ḐahrahSA17.9434843.216370Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
397908‘Usaylah`Usaylah,عسيلة,‘UsaylahSAAl-Qassim Region26.5680942.82210Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
103177Quḑay‘ānQuday`an,Quḑay‘ānSARiyadh Region23.945.166670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
107267BusalBusai,BusalSAMecca Region21.2166740.733330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109165Al MarkazAl MarkazSAEastern Province25.449.733336464Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545882Al KhālidīyahAl Khālidīyah,Al Mawāfī‘,AlKhalidiyah,AlMawafi`,alkhaldyt,الخالدية,الموافيعSA’Asir Region18.5417343.6420Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
103915MináMena,Mina,Miná,Muna,Muná,mny,منىSAMecca Region21.4133439.893920Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
106510Ghar ‘IshahGhar `Ishah,Ghar ‘IshahSA20.0541.450Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108125As Saḩrā’As Sahara,As Sahra’,As Saḩarā,As Saḩrā’SA18.2833342.466670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109510Al JadīdahAl Jadidah,Al JadīdahSAMecca Region21.6706540.126450Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
107913Aţ ŢuwayyahAt Tuwaiya,At Tuwayyah,At-Twejje,Aţ Ţuwayyah,Aṭ-Ṭwejje,Tuwaiyah,TwaiyyaSAHa’il Region27.641.216670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
395427‘Urayfijān Sāḩūq`Urayfajan Sahuq,`Urayfijan Sahuq,`Urayfjan Sahuq,عريفجان ساحوق,‘Urayfajān Sāḩūq,‘Urayfijān Sāḩūq,‘Urayfjān SāḩūqSAAl-Qassim Region25.3594642.029160Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
104923KhulayşKhulais,Khulays,KhulayşSAMecca Region22.1555339.320150Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
101131Al MuraysīyahAl Muraysiyah,Al Muraysīyah,Umm Hamdh,Umm al Hamd,Umm al ḨamḑSAMecca Region21.3726940.435540Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109731Al ḨaddārAl Haddar,Al Ḩaddār,HaddarSARiyadh Region21.9835445.956440Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545965BīnahBinah,Bīnah,bynt,بينةSA’Asir Region19.06643.326050Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
411306Al KhalaşAl Khalas,Al KhalaşSAMecca Region21.6931639.806650Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545878Ḩamad Bin ’AlīHamadBin’Ali,حمد بن علي,Ḩamad Bin ’AlīSA’Asir Region18.6812143.599380Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
409878Al ḨawmahAl Hawmah,Al ḨawmahSAMedina Region22.8777840.506940Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546178WaqfahWaqfah,wqft,وقفةSA’Asir Region18.7974842.070180Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
397238Umm ŢalḩahUmm Talhah,Umm Ţalḩah,am tlht,ام طلحةSARiyadh Region24.6505845.325430Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
448620BashmBashmSAMecca Region21.4822239.820830Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545796Al KhumaysahAl Khumaysah,AlKhumaysah,alkhmyst,الخميسةSA’Asir Region19.6117343.524150Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
409548Za‘farānZa`faran,Za‘farānSAMecca Region21.2220340.73480Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546449Ath ThamālahAth Thamālah,AthThamalah,althmalt,الثمالةSA’Asir Region18.9369841.958070Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109436Al JubaylAl Jubayl,Al’-Dzhubajl’,Al-Jubail,Аль-ДжубайльSAEastern Province25.449.659108Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546645MahjājMahjaj,Mahjāj,mhjaj,مهجاجSA’Asir Region18.8623942.086210Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545846An NakhīlAn Nakhīl,AnNakhil,alnkhyl,النخيلSA’Asir Region19.1296143.295650Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
104250Ma‘talahMa`talah,Matala,Ma‘talah,Mu’tala,Mu’talaSARiyadh Region20.4666744.850Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
100669‘Ushārah`Ushara,`Usharah,‘Ushara,‘UshārahSA20.339.866670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546141Al QirdahAl Qirdah,AlQirdah,alqrdt,القردةSA’Asir Region19.181941.665930Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
102041ShimāsShamas,Shimas,ShimāsSA26.3543.983330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
101778SulaymAs Silaym,Sulavm,SulaymSAMecca Region22.5859539.633330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12500206Al KhālidīyahAl Khālidīyah,AlKhalidiyah,alkhaldyt,الخالديةSA’Asir Region18.0667543.152460Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109195Al MajmaAl MajmaSA18.1166742.733330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546372Aḑ ḐabrahAdDabrah,Al Ḩabīl,AlHabil,Aḑ Ḑabrah,aldbrt,alhbyl,الحبيل,الضبرةSA’Asir Region18.8483842.006790Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108948Al QarīSARiyadh Region25.6833345.50Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108864Āl ShaybānAl Shayban,Āl ShaybānSA’Asir Region17.9833343.10Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
414174Al ḨazimAl Hazim,Al Hazm,Al Ḩazim,Al Ḩazm,alhzm,الحزمSARiyadh Region24.1333647.152950Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546827As SalīmAs Salīm,AsSalim,alslym,السليمSA’Asir Region18.806141.658330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108048As SulayyilAs Sulayyil,As Sullayyil,SLF,SulaiyilSARiyadh Region20.4606745.5779224097Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
11786068Al JudayyidahAl Judayyidah,aljdydt,الجديدةSANorthern Borders Region31.236741.423870Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546443Al MaqāţirAl Maqāţir,AlMaqatir,almqatr,المقاطرSA’Asir Region18.9429342.04330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108787Al ‘UyaynahAl ’Uyaynah,Al `Uyaynah,Al ‘Uyaynah,Al ’Uyaynah,`Ayaina,alʿyynt,العيينة,‘AyainaSARiyadh Region24.907446.38460Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
397567ḐabbahDabbah,dabat,ضَبَّة,ḐabbahSARiyadh Region25.1274643.649890Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546699Aş Şinā‘īyahAsSina`iyah,Aş Şinā‘īyah,الصناعيةSA’Asir Region19.0978241.921520Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
395037Al Ma‘āzilAl Ma`azil,Al Ma‘āzil,المعازلSAHa’il Region26.8806342.134670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
396991Umm ŢulayḩUmm Tulayh,Umm Ţulayḩ,am tlyh,ام طليحSARiyadh Region24.4000145.847350Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
391189Ibn Su‘ayyidIbn Su`ayyid,Ibn Su‘ayyid,ابن سعيّدSANorthern Borders Region31.0680540.785270Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546206Ar RadahAr Radah,ArRadah,alrdh,الردهSA’Asir Region19.0202941.996790Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109185Al MallahAl Mallah,Al MallatSA20.0166741.50Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
413801Az Zurra‘Az Zurra`,Az Zurra‘SAMecca Region21.9096939.404190Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
411003Al ḨanāshahAl Hanashah,Al ḨanāshahSAJazan Region16.5580642.765280Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
398237Al WazīyahAl Waziyah,Al Wazīyah,alwzyt,الوزيةSAEastern Province25.5032149.547810Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
400054Kidwat al GhawānimahKidwat al Ghawanimah,Kidwat al GhawānimahSAMecca Region18.7741.426110Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
398394Umm Tāli‘Umm Tali`,Umm Tāli‘,أم تالعSAEastern Province25.9753248.863370Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108120As SalamīyahAs Salamiyah,As Salamīyah,As Sulaimiya,As Sulaimīya,As Sulaymiyah,As Sulaymīyah,Salamiyah,Salamīyah,Sulaimiya,Sulaimiyah,Sulaimīyah,Sulaymiyah,SulaymīyahSARiyadh Region24.2015447.288720Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
104933KhuffKhuffSATabuk Region25.3333337.333330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
410064ḨādhahHadah,Hadhah,Ḩaḑah,ḨādhahSAMecca Region21.6527440.014170Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546243Al ‘AşīrahAl ‘Aşīrah,Al`Asirah,العصيرةSA’Asir Region19.0436141.692910Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
108208Ash ShufayyahAbar el-Shifaiya,Ash Shafayyah,Ash ShufayyahSAMedina Region23.8226139.135680Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
101084Umm al QaşarīyahUmm al Qasariyah,Umm al QaşarīyahSAJazan Region16.7843442.948210Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546474Al Qan‘ātAl Qan‘āt,AlQan`at,القنعاتSA’Asir Region18.9135942.056740Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545977Al Khaţmā’Al Khaţmā’,AlKhatma’,الخطماءSA’Asir Region21.4208742.520910Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546830Al JalābahAl Jalābah,AlJalabah,aljlabt,الجلابةSA’Asir Region18.9695841.999250Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546809Ghalīfah al JanūbīahGhalifahalJanubiah,Ghalīfah al Janūbīah,ghlyftaljnwbyt,غليفة الجنوبيةSA’Asir Region18.8720341.763380Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
100889Umm RaḑamahUmm Radamah,Umm Radmah,Umm Raḑamah,Umm Raḑmah,Umm Rudhuma,Umm Ruzuma,am rdmt,ام رضمةSANorthern Borders Region28.6798544.695490Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545698MalḩMalh,Malḩ,mlh,ملحSA’Asir Region19.9938843.453030Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546349‘Āţif`Atif,عاطف,‘ĀţifSA’Asir Region18.9047341.904720Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
11498509Al KharkhayrAl Kharkhayr,alkhrkhyr,الخرخيرSANajran Region18.8598451.128010Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546379As SādahAs Sādah,AsSadah,alsadt,السادةSA’Asir Region18.9166541.903870Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
106468GhazzālahAl Ghazalah,Al Ghazālah,Al-Razale,Ghazzala,Ghazzalah,GhazzālahSA26.7883641.321050Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545704Rawgh ḨaḑnānRawgh Ḩaḑnān,RawghHadnan,rwghhdnan,روغ حضنانSA’Asir Region19.453643.511990Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546272Al KhaţīmAl Khaţīm,AlKhatim,alkhtym,الخطيمSA’Asir Region18.9234241.928790Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
105418Jarbā’Jarba’,Jarbu`,Jarbu‘,Jarbā’SA18.5666743.233330Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
101706Sūq SuwayqSuq Suwaq,Suq Suwayq,Sūq Suwaq,Sūq SuwayqSAMedina Region24.373238.450730Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109242Al Ma’āmilAl Ma’amil,Al Ma’āmilSA18.3303442.851530Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
103987MuhashwilaMuhashwilaSA18.9333341.216670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
102253ShahārShahar,ShahārSAMecca Region21.2333340.416670Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
11562952Al FiqarahAl Fiqarah,alfqrt,الفقرةSAJazan Region17.0943142.533450Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
7370871Ash ShāfirahAsh Shafirah,Ash Shāfirah,alshafrt,الشافرةSAJazan Region17.920742.979170Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546847Al Haj‘ahAl Haj‘ah,AlHaj`ah,الهجعةSA’Asir Region19.1303141.621650Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
411555Umaylij aş ŞadrAs Sadr,Aş Şadr,Qura as Sadr,Qurá aş Şadr,Umaylij aş Şadr,UmaylijasSadr,amyljalsdr,qry alsdr,اميلج الصدر,قرى الصدرSAMecca Region21.5211640.184660Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
104082MismāhMisma,Mismah,MismāhSAJazan Region17.2666743.150Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12490518ZalāqahZalaqah,Zalāqah,zlaqt,زلاقةSAMecca Region21.3792541.772440Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
104464MallahahAl-Mallaha,Mallaha,almlaht,الملاحةSAEastern Province26.51583500Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
397624Duhaymā’Duhayma’,Duhaymā’,دُهَيماءSAAl-Qassim Region25.5283743.836980Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
109631Al ḨawātimahAl Hawatimah,Al Ḩawātimah,El HawatimaSA19.440.950Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
411404MalakānMalakan,MalakānSAMecca Region21.2158339.950280Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545769Al Lajmah al JanūbīyahAl Lajmah al Janūbīyah,AlLajmahalJanubiyah,alljmtaljnwbyt,اللجمة الجنوبيةSA’Asir Region18.8607443.608990Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
8436681alQiblatyn القبلتينSAMedina Region24.4802739.578850Asia/Riyadhsection of populated place
107658Banī HamīmBani Hamim,Bani Humaim,Bani Humaym,Banī Hamīm,Banī ḨumaymSA17.8269444.014720Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
7366643Dhī al MunāshDhi al Munash,Dhī al Munāsh,dhy almnash,ذي المناشSA’Asir Region17.9438242.489250Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12546787Al JūfAl Jūf,AlJuf,aljwf,الجوفSA’Asir Region19.0606141.937120Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
110296Ad DilaymīyahAd Dilaymiyah,Ad Dilaymīyah,Ad Dulaymiyah,Ad Dulaymīyah,aldlymyh,aldlymyt,الدليمية,الدليميهSAAl-Qassim Region26.0287543.280770Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545960Al MabītAl Mabīt,AlMabit,almbyt,المبيتSA’Asir Region19.1140943.611290Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
104852KhuwaylīdīyahKhuwaildiya,Khuwaylidiyah,KhuwaylīdīyahSAEastern Province26.5513949.990830Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
12545804Ash ShamīţahAsh Shamīţah,AshShamitah,alshmytt,الشميطةSA’Asir Region18.9857243.282980Asia/Riyadhpopulated place

Saudi Arabia: A Geographical Analysis of the Kingdom

Saudi Arabia, the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula, boasts a landscape that is as diverse as it is vast. From the arid expanses of the Rub' al Khali, or "Empty Quarter," to the fertile lands of the Hejaz mountains, the kingdom’s geography has shaped not only its climate but its culture, economy, and urban development. Understanding Saudi Arabia's geography—through the precise locations of its cities, regions, and coordinates—helps to illustrate how its natural environment has influenced the growth and functioning of one of the most influential countries in the Middle East.

The Geography of Saudi Arabia: A Land of Extremes

Saudi Arabia occupies a unique position at the crossroads of Asia and Africa, bordered by Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Yemen. The country is also flanked by the Red Sea to the west and the Arabian Gulf to the east. This strategic location makes Saudi Arabia a key player in both regional and global geopolitics.

The country's vast landscape is dominated by desert terrain, with the Rub' al Khali, the largest continuous sand desert in the world, spanning much of the eastern portion. The desert is interspersed with rocky plateaus, dry valleys, and salt flats, where few settlements exist due to the harsh living conditions. Despite this, the desert has historical significance, having served as a major trade route for centuries.

Saudi Arabia is also home to the Hejaz mountain range, which runs parallel to the Red Sea coastline in the west. The range includes the highest point in Saudi Arabia, Jabal Sawda, which rises to an altitude of 3,133 meters. The mountains provide cooler temperatures and fertile soil, supporting agriculture in areas such as Ta'if and the fertile plains of Wadi Al-Rummah. The region also plays a key role in the pilgrimage of millions of Muslims who visit Mecca and Medina each year for Hajj and Umrah.

In contrast to its mountainous and desert regions, Saudi Arabia has an extensive coastline. The Red Sea to the west is dotted with ports such as Jeddah and Yanbu, which play crucial roles in both trade and the oil industry. The Arabian Gulf, to the east, is home to major cities like Dammam and Khobar, as well as vast oil reserves that have made Saudi Arabia one of the world’s largest oil producers.

Regions and Cities: The Heart of Saudi Urbanization

Saudi Arabia is divided into 13 administrative regions, each characterized by its own unique geography, climate, and culture. The regions are further subdivided into provinces and districts, which reflect both the traditional settlement patterns and modern urbanization of the country.

The capital city, Riyadh, located in the heart of the country, serves as the political, cultural, and economic hub of Saudi Arabia. Positioned on a plateau, Riyadh has grown from a small desert town to a bustling metropolis with modern infrastructure, skyscrapers, and a vibrant economy. The city's location on the central Najd plateau has historically made it a key center for trade and governance, and its strategic position continues to bolster its influence in the region.

Jeddah, on the western coast, is another critical city, particularly for its role as the gateway for the Islamic pilgrimage. Jeddah’s strategic location along the Red Sea coastline has made it one of Saudi Arabia's major commercial and tourism centers. The city is also vital for shipping, acting as the kingdom’s primary seaport. Jeddah’s proximity to Mecca, a central location for Hajj pilgrims, makes it an essential hub for Saudi Arabia’s religious tourism industry.

On the eastern side of the country, Dammam and Al Khobar are key urban centers, located near the Arabian Gulf. These cities play a crucial role in the oil industry, hosting numerous oil refineries, petrochemical plants, and corporate headquarters of major oil companies. The cities' proximity to Bahrain and Qatar has also made them important commercial and transportation hubs in the Gulf region.

The southern region of Asir, known for its mountainous landscapes and cooler climate, is home to the city of Abha, which serves as an important cultural and tourist center. The region’s temperate weather contrasts with the extreme heat of much of the country, making it a popular destination for domestic tourists. The fertile lands of the southwestern region, including the city of Najran, support agriculture, contributing significantly to the local economy.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Saudi Arabia’s Cities and Regions

Obtaining accurate latitude and longitude coordinates for Saudi Arabia’s cities, regions, and landmarks is essential for understanding their geographical importance. For instance, the coordinates of Riyadh help to clarify its role as the center of governance and commerce in the kingdom, while Jeddah’s coordinates provide insight into its proximity to Mecca and the Red Sea, a key feature for its commercial and religious significance.

In addition, the latitude and longitude of Dammam and Al Khobar reveal their strategic position within the oil industry and their connection to the broader Gulf region. These cities, located on the eastern coast, are vital for Saudi Arabia’s economic activities, particularly in energy production and international trade. Mapping the coordinates of these cities also sheds light on the infrastructure that supports their industries, from ports to transport routes.

By mapping the cities and regions of Saudi Arabia, we also gain a better understanding of the interplay between urbanization and the natural environment. The kingdom’s urban growth, especially in cities like Riyadh and Jeddah, has been driven by both the oil boom and the country's efforts to modernize and diversify its economy. Accurate geospatial data allows for better infrastructure planning, particularly in a country with vast stretches of desert and mountainous terrain.

Geospatial Data for Sustainable Development

Access to geospatial data for Saudi Arabia is vital for supporting sustainable development, urban planning, and resource management. Mapping the location of key cities and regions enables policymakers to make informed decisions about infrastructure, agriculture, and natural resource use. In a country where vast expanses of desert and mountains make connectivity and resource distribution challenging, geospatial data helps optimize land use, plan transportation networks, and ensure that development is focused on areas with the best potential for growth.

For example, mapping the coordinates of Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam helps inform decisions about housing, commercial development, and public services in these urban centers. It also supports environmental monitoring, allowing for the identification of vulnerable areas that may be at risk due to desertification, water scarcity, or extreme weather events. Similarly, in rural areas where agriculture is a key industry, geospatial data can aid in identifying suitable lands for farming, irrigation systems, and land conservation practices.

Saudi Arabia’s commitment to diversifying its economy through initiatives like Vision 2030 requires careful planning based on geographic data. Whether through developing non-oil industries, expanding tourism, or enhancing sustainability efforts, access to accurate geospatial data ensures that development is both efficient and environmentally responsible.


Saudi Arabia's geography, from its vast deserts and towering mountains to its coastal cities and oil-rich regions, defines its natural environment, culture, and economy. The precise mapping of cities, regions, and coordinates helps reveal the intricate connections between the kingdom's natural resources and human settlement. With access to comprehensive geospatial data, Saudi Arabia can continue to grow and develop sustainably, ensuring that its infrastructure, economy, and environment are aligned to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. This data is crucial for navigating the complexities of modern development, ensuring that the kingdom remains a central player in the global economy while preserving its unique natural and cultural heritage.

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
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