Hungary cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats
Last update : 15 January 2025.
This is the best list of 9840 cities in the Hungary available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).
Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.
Here is an example of the data from the Hungary file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:
Geoname_ID | City | Alternate_Name | Country_Code | Region | Sub_region | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Population | Timezone | Fcode_Name |
3048886 | Lebukirész | HU | Pest | 47.48333 | 19.35 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3053347 | Egyházaskesző | Egyhazaskeszo,Egyházaskesző | HU | Veszprém | 47.41606 | 17.3287 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3054065 | Csillapuszta | HU | Komárom-Esztergom | 47.70343 | 17.94261 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3044898 | Szárazd | HU | Tolna | 46.57426 | 18.42476 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3055187 | Belmajor | HU | Somogy | 46.51667 | 17.78333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
721038 | Faragódűlő | HU | Csongrád | 46.28333 | 20.06667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3054922 | Bodolyabér | Bodolyaber,Bodolyabér | HU | Baranya | 46.2014 | 18.11114 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
722281 | Biharkeresztes | Biharkeresztes | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.13333 | 21.71667 | 4237 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3054329 | Csatornarész | HU | Bács-Kiskun | 46 | 18.91667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3054981 | Bírótanya | HU | Pest | 47.68333 | 19.36667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
7177521 | Center | HU | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | 48.25486 | 20.36264 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3051133 | Inárcs | Inarcs,Inárcs | HU | Pest | 47.262 | 19.327 | 4262 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
716181 | Rákositelep | HU | Csongrád | 46.33333 | 20.21667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
722396 | Belsőjárandó | HU | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | 46.9 | 20.4 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3052308 | Geresdlak | Gereschlak,Geresd,Geresdlak,Puspoklak,Püspöklak | HU | Baranya | 46.10835 | 18.52364 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3052263 | Gizellamajor | HU | Vas | 46.98333 | 16.75 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3055927 | Antalpuszta | HU | Somogy | 45.96667 | 17.46667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3043167 | Vargahegy | HU | Pest | 47.48333 | 19.61667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3052952 | Felsőbocsárdűlő | HU | Veszprém | 46.96667 | 17.86667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
718026 | Ludaddűlő | HU | Bekes County | 46.76667 | 21.13333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3053781 | Dáviddűlő | HU | Pest | 47.16667 | 19.8 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
715976 | Ruzsatanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48 | 22.16667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
715569 | Szajoli Tanyák | HU | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | 47.18333 | 20.3 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
719355 | Kastélykútitanya | Kastelykut-tanya,Kastelykutitanya,Kastélykút-tanya,Kastélykútitanya | HU | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | 48.46667 | 20.48333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3047641 | Nagykutas | Nagykutas | HU | Zala | 46.9277 | 16.80573 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3051442 | Himesháza | Himeshaza,Himesháza,Imes,Imesaz,Imeš,Imešaz,Khimeshkhaza,Nemisaz,Nemišaz,Nimes,Nimeš,Nimmersch,Nimmesch,xi mai shen ha zuo,Химешхаза,希迈什哈佐 | HU | Baranya | 46.08823 | 18.56998 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3051441 | Himesházi Puszta | HU | Baranya | 46.08333 | 18.56667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
714353 | Ura | Ura | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 47.81893 | 22.60456 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3056117 | Alsómonostor | HU | Bács-Kiskun | 46.64695 | 19.75592 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3051767 | Hansági Tanyák | HU | Győr-Moson-Sopron | 47.71667 | 17.21667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
714262 | Váncsod | Vancsod,Váncsod | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.2 | 21.65 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3055434 | Bányahegy | HU | Komárom-Esztergom | 47.66667 | 18.46667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3054879 | Bogyatanya | HU | Fejér | 47.45 | 18.58333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3049437 | Kőrisgyőr | HU | Veszprém | 47.22202 | 17.78996 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3050897 | Javítmány | HU | Bács-Kiskun | 46.71667 | 19.4 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3054326 | Csebe | HU | Baranya | 45.96996 | 18.78472 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3053575 | Dömsödi Tanyák | HU | Komárom-Esztergom | 47.08333 | 19 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3056418 | Ádánd | Adand,Ádánd | HU | Somogy | 46.85931 | 18.16442 | 2306 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3051557 | Hegyhátszentmárton | Hegyhatszentmarton,Hegyhátszentmárton,Ruprecht | HU | Vas | 46.93522 | 16.48048 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3054671 | Búcsúszentlászló | Bucsuszentlaszlo,Bucsuszentlászló | HU | Zala | 46.78842 | 16.93081 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3050912 | Jásd | HU | Veszprém | 47.28936 | 18.02273 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
719049 | Királytelek | Kiralytelek,Kiralytelekiszollok,Királytelek,Királytelekiszőllők | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48 | 21.58333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3055117 | Berekalja | HU | Heves | 47.66667 | 19.9 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3049424 | Kormosházipuszta | HU | Nógrád | 48.01667 | 19.83333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3048134 | Meszestelepek | Meszestelep | HU | 46.1 | 18.26667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3056104 | Alsónyék | Alsonyek,Alsónyék | HU | Tolna | 46.2019 | 18.73447 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
721529 | Csürkölesdűlő | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.53333 | 21.9 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3055510 | Balázstelep | HU | Baranya | 45.88333 | 17.8 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3055276 | Bázakerettye | Baza,Bazakerettye,Báza,Bázakerettye,Kerettye | HU | Zala | 46.52333 | 16.72944 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
714687 | Tisztaberek | Tisztaberek | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 47.95501 | 22.79109 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3043673 | Turcsányimalom | HU | Veszprém | 47.1 | 17.81667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3046061 | Rábagyarmat | Rabagyarmat,Rábagyarmat | HU | Vas | 46.9409 | 16.4225 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3055410 | Baracska | Baracska | HU | Fejér | 47.28225 | 18.75853 | 2701 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3045370 | Sikátor | Sikator,Sikátor | HU | Győr-Moson-Sopron | 47.43719 | 17.85043 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
721481 | Darvastanya | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.59759 | 21.89697 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3043394 | Újtelep | HU | Nógrád | 48.19343 | 19.74048 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3054431 | Csalaerdészlak | HU | Fejér | 47.21667 | 18.55 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3047601 | Nagypáli | Nagypali,Nagypáli | HU | Zala | 46.91104 | 16.84501 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
717754 | Mátyásgaz | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48.38333 | 22.23333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3043041 | Vasszentmihály | Vasszentmihaly,Vasszentmihály | HU | Vas | 46.96983 | 16.40688 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
714651 | Tökösdűlő | HU | Csongrád | 46.55 | 20.11667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
719668 | Járdánháza | Jardanhaza,Járdánháza | HU | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | 48.15 | 20.25 | 1938 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3053602 | Dolinapuszta | HU | Nógrád | 47.77867 | 19.45153 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3051451 | Hidegség | Hidegseg,Hidegség,Kleinandrae,Kleinandrä,Vedesin,Vedešin,hydgsg,xi dai ge xie ge,הידגשג,希代格谢格 | HU | Győr-Moson-Sopron | 47.62651 | 16.74147 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
721758 | Cserekert | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.32078 | 21.89223 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3050785 | Kadarkút | Kadarkut,Kadarkút | HU | Somogy | 46.23623 | 17.62014 | 2740 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3051271 | Hosszúpereszteg | Hosszupereszteg,Hosszúpereszteg,huo shen su pai lai si tai ge,霍什苏派赖斯泰格 | HU | Vas | 47.09684 | 17.02332 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
713995 | Vitéztanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48.05 | 22.36667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3044139 | Tapolcai Tanyák | HU | Veszprém | 46.88333 | 17.45 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3048816 | Levelespuszta | HU | Zala | 46.55 | 17.18333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
721927 | Christophtanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48 | 22.68333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3046546 | Páty | Paty,Páty | HU | Pest | 47.51709 | 18.82851 | 5475 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
717059 | Nagyvillongó | HU | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | 47.56667 | 21 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3042500 | Zsédeny | Zsedeny,Zsédeny,re dai ni,热代尼 | HU | Vas | 47.34195 | 16.90273 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
714909 | Téglásszőllő | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.85 | 21.43333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
715358 | Szendetanya | Antos-tanya,Antós-tanya,Szendetanya | HU | Pest | 47.18333 | 20.06667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
722230 | Blautanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 47.95 | 22.31667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3043734 | Tóti Állami Gazdaság | Toti Allami Gazdasag,Totimajor,Tóti Állami Gazdaság,Tótimajor | HU | Zala | 47.02631 | 17.01244 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3052448 | Gadány | Gadany,Gadány | HU | Somogy | 46.51526 | 17.39155 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3048126 | Mészpesttanya | HU | Nógrád | 47.95 | 19.75 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3054681 | Bucka | HU | Pest | 47.16667 | 18.95 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
716753 | Őrhegytanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48.12372 | 21.46429 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3044248 | Szulok | Szulok | HU | Somogy | 46.05264 | 17.55024 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
722186 | Bodrogolaszi | Bodrogolaszi | HU | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | 48.28333 | 21.51667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3053559 | Dorogpuszta | Dorogpuszta,Pusztadorog | HU | Tolna | 46.68442 | 18.38727 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3043938 | Tettyedűlő | HU | 46.03333 | 18.25 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||||
720558 | Gencsytanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 47.81667 | 22.01667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3053841 | Czermanntanya | HU | Pest | 47.43333 | 18.91667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
717919 | Majorostanya | HU | Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén | 47.9 | 20.91667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
717025 | Nemesborzova | Nemesborzova | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 47.99304 | 22.63233 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
719377 | Károlyitanya | HU | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | 48.03333 | 22.33333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3046569 | Patak | Patak | HU | Nógrád | 48.02294 | 19.14523 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3050083 | Kisbeszterce | Kisbeszterce | HU | Baranya | 46.20544 | 18.03465 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
3044729 | Szélrész | HU | Tolna | 46.71667 | 18.76667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3047969 | Moha | Moha | HU | Fejér | 47.24304 | 18.33494 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
715020 | Tájaktanya | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.13333 | 21.76667 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3055785 | Babarcpuszta | Babarci Puszta,Babarcpuszta | HU | Baranya | 46.03229 | 18.51534 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
717104 | Nagytanya | HU | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | 47.51667 | 20.65 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | |||
3055108 | Beremend | Behrend,Beremend | HU | Baranya | 45.79108 | 18.43263 | 2775 | Europe/Budapest | populated place | ||
716825 | Olaszzug | HU | Hajdú-Bihar | 47.1 | 21.33333 | 0 | Europe/Budapest | populated place |
Hungary: A Geographical Overview of a Central European Gem
The Geographic Landscape of Hungary
Hungary, situated in the heart of Central Europe, is a landlocked country that boasts a rich and varied geographical landscape. The country is bordered by seven nations: Austria to the west, Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east, Serbia to the south, Croatia to the southwest, and Slovenia to the northwest. This central position in Europe has made Hungary a significant crossroads for various cultures and civilizations throughout history.
The terrain of Hungary is largely flat, with plains covering about two-thirds of the country, particularly in the Great Hungarian Plain. To the north, the country is bordered by the Carpathian Mountains, which gradually give way to the Transdanubian hills and valleys. Hungary’s many rivers, including the Danube, Tisza, and Drava, play a crucial role in shaping the landscape and supporting agriculture, trade, and transportation.
Hungary’s climate is classified as temperate continental, with hot summers and cold winters, which is characteristic of much of Central Europe. This climate, along with the fertile plains and river systems, has made Hungary one of the leading agricultural producers in the region, especially in crops like wheat, corn, and grapes for wine production. Hungary’s diverse landscapes, from its mountainous regions to its expansive plains and rich river systems, provide a dynamic environment that influences its economic, social, and cultural development.
Administrative Divisions: Regions and Counties of Hungary
Hungary is divided into 19 counties (known as "megyék") and the capital city of Budapest, which functions as an independent administrative region. The counties are the primary units of local government and serve as important cultural and economic hubs within the country. The capital, Budapest, is the largest city in Hungary and serves as the political, economic, and cultural center, with its geographical position on both sides of the Danube River symbolizing the country’s historical and contemporary importance.
The counties of Hungary vary greatly in terms of geography and economic activity. For example, Pest County, which surrounds Budapest, is the most populous county and contains a significant portion of Hungary’s infrastructure. Other counties, such as Veszprém and Baranya, are located along the western and southern borders of Hungary and are known for their rural landscapes and agricultural production. On the other hand, regions like Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg in the northeast of Hungary are more rural but rich in natural beauty and mining resources.
Each of Hungary’s counties is further subdivided into districts and villages. The division into these administrative units enables efficient governance, resource distribution, and the organization of public services. Mapping these counties and their respective regions is essential for understanding the dynamics of Hungary’s territorial development, regional disparities, and population distribution.
Cities and Towns: Understanding Urban Development in Hungary
Hungary’s cities and towns are diverse in terms of size, historical significance, and economic importance. The capital, Budapest, is the most prominent urban center in the country, but other cities, such as Debrecen, Szeged, and Pécs, also play significant roles in the country’s cultural and economic life.
Budapest, located along the banks of the Danube River, is not only the largest city but also the historical heart of Hungary. The city is a major center for commerce, tourism, education, and politics. It is divided into two parts: Buda, which is located on the western bank of the Danube, and Pest, located on the eastern side. This geographical division is mirrored in the city’s cultural and architectural landscape, making Budapest one of Europe’s most unique and attractive cities.
In addition to the capital, many other cities in Hungary are known for their historical landmarks and vibrant cultural scenes. For instance, Debrecen, located in the eastern part of the country, is Hungary’s second-largest city and an important university town. Szeged, located in the southern region, is famous for its Mediterranean atmosphere, while Pécs, in the southwest, is known for its rich Roman history and vibrant arts scene. Each of these cities, along with hundreds of smaller towns and villages, plays an integral part in Hungary’s cultural, political, and economic fabric.
Geographical Data for Mapping Hungarian Cities and Regions
Obtaining detailed data about Hungary’s cities and regions, including their geographical locations and administrative divisions, is crucial for understanding the country’s geography and urban dynamics. Geographic data, such as the latitude and longitude of each city, allows for precise mapping of Hungary’s cities, districts, and resources, which can be used for various purposes, including urban planning, infrastructure development, and policy-making.
For example, mapping the exact coordinates of Budapest allows urban planners to assess its geographical expansion and growth patterns. By examining the spatial relationship between Budapest and surrounding towns such as Gödöllő or Szentendre, researchers can understand how urban sprawl affects regional development, transportation, and the allocation of resources.
The availability of geographic data on Hungary’s cities, including their coordinates, enables a better understanding of regional economic dynamics. Cities such as Debrecen or Szeged are situated in specific regions with unique access to resources and economic activity. Geographic mapping helps to identify which regions are more suited to agricultural development, tourism, or industrial growth.
Latitude and Longitude: The Key to Spatial Understanding in Hungary
Latitude and longitude data are essential for creating accurate geographic representations of Hungary’s cities and regions. By using geographic coordinates, one can determine the exact location of cities like Szeged in the south or Miskolc in the northeast. This precision allows for a deeper understanding of the spatial distribution of urban centers across the country, as well as how these cities connect to rural regions.
For example, knowing the latitude and longitude of regions like the Buda Hills or Lake Balaton provides valuable insights into their role in tourism, agriculture, and local economies. Mapping these coordinates also aids in identifying areas prone to natural disasters, such as flooding along the Danube River, and planning for resilience and disaster management.
The use of latitude and longitude coordinates enables researchers to generate spatial data for effective land use planning, environmental protection, and infrastructure development. Detailed mapping also supports better transportation and logistics planning, making it easier to connect cities and regions across Hungary in ways that reduce congestion and improve accessibility.
Urbanization and Sustainable Development in Hungary
Hungary’s urbanization presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in the context of sustainable development. While cities like Budapest continue to grow, smaller towns and rural areas often face demographic decline and the need for infrastructure investment. Accurate geographic data on cities, towns, and regions helps to identify where urbanization is occurring, where population growth is concentrated, and where the country’s resources need to be allocated for sustainable development.
For instance, understanding the geographic data of Hungary’s rural areas can help inform decisions about agricultural policies, natural resource management, and rural development programs. In contrast, data on rapidly growing cities like Debrecen or Pécs can guide urban planners in managing housing, transportation, and environmental protection.
Sustainable development in Hungary is closely tied to the efficient use of land and resources, particularly in the context of climate change and environmental preservation. Accurate geographic data allows policymakers to create effective strategies for managing urban growth while preserving Hungary’s natural beauty and agricultural heritage.
Leveraging Geographic Data for Hungary’s Future
As Hungary continues to evolve, geographic data will remain a critical resource for guiding its growth and development. From urban planning in Budapest to managing rural communities in the Great Plain, the use of geographic data helps ensure that the country’s cities, regions, and resources are developed in a balanced and sustainable manner.
With the availability of detailed geographic information on Hungary’s cities, regions, and natural features, the country can make informed decisions about infrastructure, resource management, and environmental conservation. As Hungary embraces its future, geographic data will be a cornerstone for building a prosperous, resilient, and sustainable nation.
In conclusion, obtaining and utilizing detailed geographic data on Hungary’s cities, regions, and natural resources—including their exact latitude and longitude—is essential for understanding the country’s geography and promoting sustainable development. This data serves as the foundation for informed decision-making in urban planning, infrastructure development, and environmental management. As Hungary continues to grow and adapt to global challenges, leveraging geographic data will ensure a balanced, prosperous, and sustainable future.
FaQ about Hungary
- Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
- City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
- Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
- Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
- Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
- Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
- Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
- Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
- Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
- Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
- Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
- Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.