Indonesia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 10 December 2024.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 243039 cities in the Indonesia available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Indonesia file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

7410405Presak BatPresak BatIDWest Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Lombok Timur-8.7312116.47310Asia/Makassarpopulated place
7473177MasukaMasukaIDSouth SulawesiKabupaten Luwu-3.2785120.23490Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6260900SembunganIDCentral JavaKabupaten Magelang-7.59722110.182780Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7792518CitiisCitiisIDBantenKabupaten Serang-6.2111105.96390Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6256772KarangwuniIDCentral JavaKabupaten Magelang-7.37694110.316390Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1965613NgowokGowok,NgowokIDEast JavaKabupaten Malang-8.1206112.55110Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7545492BentaurBentaurIDWest Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Lombok Barat-8.5227116.11780Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6563734NgabuhNgabuhIDCentral JavaKabupaten Temanggung-7.19028110.205560Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6770082TambakringinTambakringinIDCentral JavaKabupaten Pemalang-6.8924109.36460Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1638704LakoLako,Lako 2ID1.11667127.416670Asia/Jayapurapopulated place
8390309MumubolanMumubolanIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Kupang-10.1412123.39540Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6387621KalimenyawakKalimenyawakIDCentral JavaKabupaten Banyumas-7.43028108.995560Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8067429CihieumCihieumIDWest JavaKabupaten Kuningan-7.0087108.56990Asia/Jakartapopulated place
2010292SorogatenIDYogyakartaKabupaten Kulon Progo-7.94722110.194440Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1949452SadamayaSadamayaIDWest JavaKabupaten Cianjur-6.70472107.125830Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6915641PangipangiPangipangiIDSoutheast SulawesiKabupaten Kolaka Timur-4.2016121.9130Asia/Makassarpopulated place
8520108KomarKomar,KomorIDSouth PapuaKabupaten Asmat-5.27109138.28010Asia/Jayapurapopulated place
6261630TegalsariIDCentral JavaKabupaten Purworejo-7.70194110.014440Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7888153SawahnangkaSawahnangkaIDWest JavaKabupaten Cianjur-7.1807107.11370Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1986211KatulampaIDWest JavaKabupaten Bandung-7.09972107.737780Asia/Jakartapopulated place
2006522PundenIDCentral JavaKabupaten Klaten-7.66417110.615280Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1906374PengamponPengamponIDEast JavaGresik Regency-7.2976112.61350Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6923636LawangLawangIDNorth SulawesiKabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe3.40703125.569170Asia/Makassarpopulated place
8744996Transmigrasi Sugihan KiriTransmigrasi Sugihan KiriIDSouth SumatraKabupaten Banyu Asin-2.55125105.163050Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1935878TegalsariIDCentral JavaKabupaten Sukoharjo-7.6575110.876940Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6721071Sinta DamaiSinta DamaiIDNorth SumatraKabupaten Deli Serdang3.6297998.91340Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7845346Sengkol DuaSengkol DuaIDWest JavaKabupaten Sukabumi-7.3184106.57430Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7415296LembahbahagiaLembahbahagiaIDSouth SulawesiKabupaten Luwu Timur-2.5538120.78410Asia/Makassarpopulated place
8017983SukarasaSoekakarsa,SukarasaIDWest JavaKabupaten Tasikmalaya-7.3722108.08210Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8362101Umbulan KayubangarUmbulan Kayubangar,UmbulankayubangarIDLampungKabupaten Lampung Utara-4.72593104.742180Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8637293Situmtuman SatuSitumtuman 1,Situmtuman SatuIDNorth SumatraKabupaten Humbang Hasundutan2.306698.95160Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6703600Pondok Karang RejoPondok Karang RejoIDNorth SumatraKabupaten Asahan3.011199.64330Asia/Jakartapopulated place
12178258Beyan LorIDEast JavaKabupaten Jombang-7.56662112.215590Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1640852KayiKaji,KayiIDSouthwest PapuaKabupaten Tambrauw-0.93333132.633330Asia/Jayapurapopulated place
2006696TegalmulyoIDCentral JavaKabupaten Klaten-7.68333110.60750Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6255579NayuIDCentral JavaKabupaten Wonogiri-7.94111110.945560Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6601248ParisParisIDWest JavaKabupaten Sukabumi-6.87583106.770Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7061155KaerengeKaerengeIDSouth SulawesiKabupaten Barru-4.4326119.71150Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6714486PerlakPerlakIDAcehKabupaten Gayo Lues4.158496.97690Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7780959PatenggengPatenggengIDBantenKabupaten Pandeglang-6.3605105.90320Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7743070Lumban DolokLumban DolokIDNorth SumatraKabupaten Samosir2.740498.77280Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8420669LawangtabakLawangtabakIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Alor-8.1842124.75630Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6831003NgemplakNgemplakIDEast JavaKabupaten Kediri-7.6599112.20240Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6703098SalangdaguSalangdaguIDNorth SumatraKabupaten Langkat3.610298.08990Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1635883MataramMataramIDWest JavaKabupaten Sukabumi-7.1684106.66650Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6378248KaranganyarKaranganyarIDCentral JavaKabupaten Wonosobo-7.5675109.811110Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6724576Duit DuaDuit 2,Duit DuaIDRiauKabupaten Kampar0.3533101.23250Asia/Jakartapopulated place
2005233GonjeuIDYogyakartaKabupaten Bantul-7.82694110.3350Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6842133Bulu SatuBulu SatuIDEast JavaKabupaten Madiun-7.4847111.67740Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6408039JandangJandangIDCentral JavaKabupaten Wonogiri-7.75139111.268890Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7743777AmbarisanAmbarisanIDNorth SumatraKabupaten Simalungun2.875898.90330Asia/Jakartapopulated place
2000093KuncenIDYogyakartaKabupaten Sleman-7.81556110.449720Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6579268WarujajarWarujajarIDWest JavaKabupaten Cianjur-6.81917107.145560Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6260529GebangIDCentral JavaKabupaten Purworejo-7.57417110.032780Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6597260NanggelengNanggelengIDWest JavaKabupaten Bogor-6.73222106.860280Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6821926Bupong LaoBupong LaoIDEast JavaKabupaten Situbondo-7.764113.7380Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6588384CiradenCiradenIDWest JavaKabupaten Sukabumi-6.98889107.012780Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1962480CeuriCeuri,TjeuriIDWest JavaKabupaten Bandung-7.00722107.545280Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8058382JelakJelakIDCentral JavaKabupaten Pati-6.7188111.04620Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8314824KentengKentengIDEast JavaKabupaten Trenggalek-8.148111.54940Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7569372FatimaFatimaIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Ngada-8.8056120.97070Asia/Makassarpopulated place
7781556CombongCombongIDBantenKabupaten Serang-6.2153106.12180Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8078019KutaKutaIDCentral JavaKabupaten Brebes-7.0639108.86520Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6597901Gang SukarnaGang SukarnaIDWest JavaKota Bogor-6.58917106.789170Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7377570BinakaryaBinakaryaIDWest Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Sumbawa-8.6018117.45310Asia/Makassarpopulated place
8410058NoefefanNoefefanIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan-10.1134124.48230Asia/Makassarpopulated place
7380140WolowujaWolowujaIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Ende-8.7901121.88760Asia/Makassarpopulated place
8185392KebonKebonIDEast JavaKabupaten Jember-8.2914113.51170Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6758947CiloaCiloaIDBantenKabupaten Serang-6.0831106.05440Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6593087Dusun EmpatDusun EmpatIDWest JavaKabupaten Purwakarta-6.61389107.483610Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6718504Meunasah AluemudimMeunasah AluemudimIDAcehKabupaten Aceh Utara5.069997.30120Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1629356SabandarSabandarIDWest JavaKabupaten Majalengka-6.64833108.056940Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1965977WareguIDWest JavaKabupaten Bandung-7.06528107.618330Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8527172Talang TanjungtaringTalang TanjungtaringIDSouth SumatraKota Pagar Alam-4.12039103.201380Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8418329OepuahOepuahIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan-9.7881124.68940Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6830048GemantarGemantarIDEast JavaKabupaten Magetan-7.5806111.45480Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6378283PandaganPandaganIDCentral JavaKabupaten Wonosobo-7.56222109.771390Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6588882CikaretCikaretIDWest JavaKabupaten Bandung Barat-6.97722107.215830Asia/Jakartapopulated place
1639271KuangsanKoeangsan,Koengsan,KuangsanIDCentral JavaKabupaten Sukoharjo-7.68333110.950Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7558821LonggatoLonggatoIDGorontaloKabupaten Gorontalo0.6061123.03590Asia/Makassarpopulated place
7057565BalibungaBalibungaIDWest Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Dompu-8.5404118.43540Asia/Makassarpopulated place
6763246BlambanganBlambanganIDCentral JavaKota Pekalongan-6.92499109.67890Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8579275TabuanTabuanIDRiauKabupaten Indragiri Hilir0.01425103.484060Asia/Jakartapopulated place
2002661DagaranIDYogyakartaKabupaten Bantul-7.91111110.315560Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6407117TalangTalangIDCentral JavaKabupaten Wonogiri-7.80611111.230Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6779047LonangkaLonangkaIDEast JavaKabupaten Sampang-7.0556113.22560Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7083499SumberjedingSumberjedingIDEast JavaKabupaten Jember-8.2035113.79790Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6739475LegokkoleLegokkoleIDWest JavaKabupaten Bandung-7.0604107.43880Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7666474TempelsariTempelsariIDLampungKabupaten Pesawaran-5.46357105.021210Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6386041GunungtumpengGunungtumpengIDCentral JavaKabupaten Kebumen-7.62528109.612780Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6828817BuaranBuaranIDEast JavaKabupaten Pasuruan-7.6759112.91870Asia/Jakartapopulated place
7567654MeraMeraIDEast Nusa TenggaraKabupaten Manggarai Timur-8.7489120.68560Asia/Makassarpopulated place
1974465PolangPolangIDSouth SulawesiKabupaten Barru-4.4674119.62630Asia/Makassarpopulated place
7571845CongahingCongahingIDSouth SulawesiKabupaten Bone-4.9969120.09440Asia/Makassarpopulated place
1621791BatumeaBatoemea,Batumea,Watoemea,Watoenea,WatuneaIDSoutheast SulawesiKabupaten Konawe Kepulauan-4.0759122.94290Asia/Makassarpopulated place
1638886LabuandiriLaboeandere,Laboeandiri,LabuandiriIDSoutheast SulawesiKabupaten Buton-5.37118123.137210Asia/Makassarpopulated place
12197546GondangIDCentral JavaKabupaten Pemalang-6.88651109.419620Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6579489PasirwaruPasirwaruIDWest JavaKabupaten Cianjur-6.84639107.144720Asia/Jakartapopulated place
8057396KarangsariKarangsariIDWest JavaKabupaten Ciamis-7.4932108.58720Asia/Jakartapopulated place
6590931WarungnangkaWarungnangkaIDWest JavaKabupaten Bandung Barat-6.74306107.342780Asia/Jakartapopulated place

Indonesia: A Geographical Exploration of the Archipelago

The Diverse Geography of Indonesia

Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is a nation of remarkable geographic diversity. Comprising over 17,000 islands, Indonesia spans a vast area in Southeast Asia, straddling both the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The country's diverse geography includes tropical rainforests, volcanic mountains, extensive coastlines, and rich marine ecosystems. Its islands, varying in size and landscape, offer unique challenges and opportunities for both human habitation and environmental management.

Indonesia’s islands are divided into two main geographic regions: the western islands, which include Sumatra, Java, and Bali, and the eastern islands, which include Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Sulawesi, and Papua. The island of Java, the most populous island in the world, is home to Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, and serves as the country’s political, economic, and cultural center. While Java and Sumatra are characterized by dense populations and bustling urban areas, regions like Papua and Kalimantan feature lush rainforests and biodiversity hotspots, much of which remain relatively underdeveloped.

The country’s geographic location along the Pacific "Ring of Fire" also means it experiences frequent volcanic activity, shaping both the landscape and the society. Indonesia’s volcanoes are a vital part of its natural heritage, but they also present hazards that influence settlement patterns and infrastructure development. The country's rivers, such as the Kapuas in Borneo and the Mahakam in Kalimantan, play a significant role in transportation, agriculture, and trade.

Administrative Structure of Indonesia

Indonesia is divided into 34 provinces, each with its own unique geography, culture, and economic focus. The provinces are further subdivided into districts (kabupaten) and cities (kota). Jakarta, the capital, is a special region with a unique administrative structure, functioning both as a province and a metropolitan area. The provinces range from highly urbanized regions like Bali, Java, and Sumatra to the more remote and sparsely populated provinces in the eastern part of the archipelago, such as Papua and East Nusa Tenggara.

The vast and varied geography of Indonesia is reflected in its administrative divisions. Some provinces, such as West Java, are heavily urbanized, with large metropolitan areas that are hubs of economic activity, while provinces like Aceh and Papua are characterized by their mountainous terrain, agricultural reliance, and smaller populations. The geographical characteristics of each province influence not only local economic activities but also regional development policies, infrastructure planning, and resource management strategies.

Cities and Regions: Understanding Indonesia’s Urban and Rural Distribution

Indonesia’s cities and towns are concentrated in specific regions, with urbanization being particularly pronounced on Java and Sumatra. Jakarta, as the political and economic capital, is the largest city in the country and serves as the focal point for business, government, and culture. Other major cities like Surabaya, Bandung, and Medan also play significant roles in the country's economic and cultural development.

In contrast, rural regions such as those in Kalimantan, Papua, and East Nusa Tenggara are less densely populated, with much of the population relying on agriculture, fishing, and forestry for livelihood. These areas are rich in natural resources and biodiversity, but they also face challenges in terms of infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Understanding the geography of Indonesia’s cities and rural areas is crucial for policymakers and planners who aim to balance urban expansion with the preservation of natural environments and the improvement of living standards across the archipelago.

Geographical Data: Mapping Indonesia’s Cities and Regions

For a comprehensive understanding of Indonesia’s geography, detailed data on the cities, provinces, and regions is essential. Mapping Indonesia’s cities, towns, and regions, including their precise locations and administrative boundaries, helps create a clear picture of the country’s spatial organization. Geographic data, such as the latitude and longitude of each city and province, is key to identifying trends in urbanization, resource distribution, and the movement of populations.

By obtaining geographic data on Indonesian cities, including the capital Jakarta and other key urban centers, geographers can better understand how the country's population is distributed and how cities are connected by infrastructure. For example, data on cities like Surabaya, Medan, and Makassar reveals how urbanization has developed along major transportation corridors, while data on remote towns in Papua or Maluku provides insights into the challenges of service delivery in less accessible areas.

Geographical data also helps policymakers address issues such as environmental sustainability, infrastructure needs, and disaster management. With Indonesia being prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, geographic data is essential for identifying risk zones and ensuring the safety of residents in high-risk areas.

Latitude and Longitude: The Key to Understanding Spatial Dynamics in Indonesia

Latitude and longitude data are essential for understanding the geographical distribution of Indonesia’s cities, regions, and natural resources. By obtaining the precise coordinates of each city, region, and district, planners can create accurate maps that display how urban areas are connected to rural zones, how industries are distributed across the country, and where the country’s resources are located.

For instance, knowing the exact coordinates of Jakarta allows geographers and planners to understand how the capital city is situated along major trade routes and how its coastal location impacts its economy. Similarly, mapping out the locations of remote cities like Jayapura or Pontianak helps planners address issues of transportation, access to basic services, and regional development.

Geographic data also enables effective planning for disaster management. In a country prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, knowing the latitude and longitude of cities located near fault lines or volcanoes is essential for building resilient infrastructure and planning evacuation routes.

Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Using Geographic Data for Growth

Indonesia’s growing population and rapid urbanization present both opportunities and challenges for sustainable development. The country's diverse geography—ranging from fertile plains and volcanic mountains to coastal ecosystems and dense rainforests—provides ample resources for development, but it also requires careful management to avoid overexploitation.

Geographic data plays a critical role in sustainable development by helping policymakers identify regions with abundant resources and those that need more attention in terms of conservation and environmental protection. By analyzing data on the distribution of agricultural lands, forests, and urban areas, the government can develop policies that support both economic growth and environmental preservation.

For example, mapping out the location of industries and agriculture in provinces like East Java or South Sumatra allows for better management of land use, water resources, and energy needs. In rural provinces like Papua, geographic data helps prioritize development efforts to improve infrastructure, education, and healthcare in remote regions.

Leveraging Geographic Data for Indonesia’s Future

As Indonesia continues to grow and evolve, the use of geographic data will become even more important in shaping its future. By obtaining detailed data on the cities, regions, and natural resources of Indonesia, the country can plan more effectively for sustainable urbanization, resource management, and disaster resilience.

Geographic data will also play a key role in enhancing the country’s infrastructure, improving connectivity between urban and rural areas, and ensuring that Indonesia’s development benefits all regions equitably. As Indonesia navigates the challenges posed by climate change, population growth, and technological advancements, geographic data will help the country build a resilient, sustainable future.


In conclusion, obtaining comprehensive geographic data on Indonesia’s cities, regions, and natural resources—including their latitude and longitude coordinates—is essential for understanding the country’s geography and planning for its future development. This data is key to managing urbanization, preserving natural environments, and promoting sustainable growth. By leveraging geographic data, Indonesia can enhance its infrastructure, improve living standards, and create a more sustainable and resilient future for its people.

FaQ about Indonesia

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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