Bangladesh cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 48524 cities in the Bangladesh available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Bangladesh file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

1207137Char ĀndhārmānikBDDhakaRajbari23.7416189.719930Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7106172BhābkiBhabki,BhābkiBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.7860688.746380Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1205845Chhota SilmāndiBDDhakaNarayanganj23.6590.583330Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1200618JadubairaJadubaira,Jadubayra,Jote BairaBDKhulnaKushtia23.8373489.234390Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1201233HatiaHatiaBDKhulnaKushtia23.7770589.090940Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7486401PadmabilaPadmabilaBDKhulnaNarail22.9820589.721430Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7893407Buzruk RasulpurBuzruk RasulpurBDRangpur DivisionGaibandha25.4183589.415110Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7477540BānarkātāpāraBanarkatapara,BānarkātāpāraBDChittagongKhagrachhari22.811491.921170Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1208014BurindaBurindaBDKhulnaJessore23.1817289.072770Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1193189NārikelbāriNarikelbari,Narikelbaria,NārikelbāriBDDhakaGopalganj23.0550290.06330Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1204733DehelaDehala,DehelaBDChittagongLakshmipur23.1011990.918970Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1201890Culi ChoCuli Cho,Guli ChoBDChittagongCumilla23.3656390.97280Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1186846SutālaraBDDhakaNarayanganj23.7405190.546750Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7481321JoynagarJaynagarBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.4411688.973440Asia/Dhakapopulated place
6414596SaraiaSaraiaBDChittagongChittagong21.9233992.157980Asia/Dhakapopulated place
8064884ShimuShimuBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.315689.111590Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1211813BāhādurpurBahadurpur,BāhādurpurBDKhulnaKushtia24.1076888.96570Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7488272SankarpurSankarpurBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.6402688.551070Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1193464NandigrāmBDChittagongLakshmipur23.0115990.876160Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1210188BardhanpāraBDDhakaDhaka23.8166790.250Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1190747Purba KāndarBDDhakaDhaka23.7946990.352660Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1210872BānsgāriBansgari,Banshgari,BānsgāriBDDhakaMadaripur23.1018690.310260Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7891013Kismat HamidKismat HamidBDRangpur DivisionGaibandha25.4935989.483660Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1192664PānchpāraBDChittagongCumilla23.2833391.066670Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7484559KāripolKaripol,KāripolBDKhulnaKushtia23.9316888.975870Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1207864Chak ChandimandapBDMymensingh DivisionMymensingh24.762290.145710Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7634060KullagāchhaKullagachha,KullagāchhaBDKhulnaJhenaidah23.4360589.08040Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1194178MahinikathiMahinikathi,Mohinikathi,MohinikāthiBDKhulnaJessore23.0646989.103090Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1185996TonaBDDhakaFaridpur23.3455289.643110Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1191350PalāskāndiBDMymensingh DivisionSherpur24.9343590.183060Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7105808BāchālBachal,BāchālBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.8320988.520690Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1199369KajipurKajipur,KazipurBDKhulnaMeherpur23.9488288.751840Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1185785UluātiBDMymensingh DivisionNetrakona24.7154190.777040Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1193849NabābpurBDMymensingh DivisionMymensingh24.8333390.250Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1212951ĀlipurBDBarisālJhalokati22.6833390.20Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7484205BandarBandarBDKhulnaMeherpur23.7478688.625750Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1190707Purba RāmnagarBDRajshahi DivisionPabna24.2848789.407940Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7481369GangapurGangapurBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.4074288.91810Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1202182GolābāriBDChittagongCumilla23.4666791.233330Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1193064NaupāraBDKhulnaJhenaidah23.6336489.30020Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1187936SikibāidBDDhakaTangail24.476690.062010Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1188497SasundaBDDhakaManikganj23.8891589.97280Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7486172SiramaniSiramaniBDKhulnaKhulna22.9159789.506220Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1192874NijbākhāiBDMymensingh DivisionMymensingh24.5098790.333150Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1200296JāmsaBDDhakaDhaka23.7166790.10Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1196843KrishnasādaBDRajshahi DivisionNaogaon25.0833388.466670Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7478511SonāpurSonapur,SonāpurBDBarisālBhola22.4468990.831370Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1206773Char KeutiaChar KeutiaBDBarisālBarisal22.7075690.469180Asia/Dhakapopulated place
8432920SingairBDDhakaManikganj23.8128590.142760Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7484036Upanchauki KuchlibāriUpanchauki Kuchlibari,Upanchauki KuchlibāriBDRangpur DivisionLalmonirhat District26.3179989.007350Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7481773NidhiNidhiBDRajshahi DivisionJoypurhat25.1506388.928690Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7926408Purba ShibbāriPurba Shibbari,Purba ShibbāriBDRangpur DivisionKurigram25.692289.612750Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1202338GobindakulBDDhakaNarayanganj23.6434190.542340Asia/Dhakapopulated place
6415154KyāwthowaipāraKyawthowaipara,KyāwthowaipāraBDChittagongBandarban21.8337692.21670Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7485722KhāgrārbāriaKhagrarbaria,KhāgrārbāriaBDKhulnaKushtia23.759189.196520Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7104652DāngāpāraDangapara,DāngāpāraBDRangpur DivisionPanchagarh26.3083688.660910Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7478504Uttar ChandpurUttar ChandpurBDBarisālBhola22.4291690.833220Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1194308MirzāpurMirjapur,Mirzapur,MirzāpurBDKhulnaKushtia24.072388.926010Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1208093BrāhmapurBrahmapur,BrāhmapurBDRajshahi DivisionNatore24.513688.944540Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1190109RāmdiBDChittagongNoakhali22.8666791.233330Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7481578Chak KhāndālChak Khandal,Chak KhāndālBDRajshahi DivisionNaogaon25.0216588.801890Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1210171BaragāchhiBaragachhi,Baragāchhi,Bargachhi,BargāchhiBDRajshahi DivisionRajshahi24.5406688.447450Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7488113SiletSiletBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.7471788.509740Asia/Dhakapopulated place
6414511BarapāraBarapara,BarapāraBDChittagongRangamati22.5872591.999720Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1190696Purba SingraBDRajshahi DivisionBogra24.7805489.119220Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1204961DāskātiBDKhulnaSatkhira22.7381889.3050Asia/Dhakapopulated place
6414397SuābilSuabil,SuābilBDChittagongChittagong22.6464391.788970Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1198058KāutengarBDDhakaTangail24.5387790.069750Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1209859BāthandaBDDhakaManikganj23.8807489.818210Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1202630GhātaBDDhakaDhaka23.690.133330Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7483336RāmnagarRamnagar,RāmnagarBDRajshahi DivisionRajshahi24.3668988.620580Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1210610BaragāchhiBDDhakaRajbari23.7820189.412440Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7479959KalingkhāliKalingkhali,KalingkhāliBDKhulnaNarail23.245989.453030Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1190633PutiaBDDhakaKishoregonj24.2617190.707410Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7486706PātāgarhPatagarh,PātāgarhBDRangpur DivisionThakurgaon26.012588.20820Asia/Dhakapopulated place
8064700HaronathpurHaronathpurBDRangpur DivisionRangpur25.4463489.186350Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1209523Char Beri PotolBeripatal,Char Beri PotolBDDhakaTangail24.3685289.830770Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1197226Khurd KālnaKhordkalna,Khurd Kalna,Khurd KālnaBDRajshahi DivisionNaogaon24.9166788.733330Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1206457Char SilandiBDChittagongChandpur23.442790.774660Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7105587MadhupāraMadhupara,MadhupāraBDRangpur DivisionNilphamari Zila26.1918288.927680Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7483199AuchpāraAuchpara,AuchpāraBDRajshahi DivisionRajshahi24.6108488.712540Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1194703MāstaBDRangpur DivisionGaibandha25.0953889.393020Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1201385HarirāmpurHarirampur,HarirāmpurBDRajshahi DivisionChapai Nababganj24.6795388.301960Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1202055GopālpurBDMymensingh DivisionSherpur24.979390.001580Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1185388Paschim GoaīlPaschim Goail,Paschim Goaīl,West Goail,West GoaīlBDBarisālBarisal23.0265190.163630Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1194080MuchidaBDRajshahi DivisionPabna24.0055789.591180Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1199934JhikatiaBDChittagongCumilla23.491.116670Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1196623KunduraBDDhakaManikganj23.810689.972170Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7905720SonāmukhiSonamukhi,SonāmukhiBDMymensingh Division25.0363989.740280Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1196313LakshmipāsaBDBarisālBarisal22.5177290.415860Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1201856Gupto BrindābanGupta Brindaban,Gupta Brindāban,Gupto Brindaban,Gupto BrindābanBDDhakaTangail24.4824490.237650Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1205645DacopeBaruikhali,Bāruikhāli,Dacope,Dakupi,DākupiBDKhulnaKhulna22.581689.487430Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7479583DāukiDauki,DāukiBDDhakaRajbari23.7683989.57590Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1191507Pāik LakshmiaBDDhakaKishoregonj24.3282890.673570Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7923196DhalaDhalaBDMymensingh DivisionSherpur25.029190.088080Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7634667ChairkhāliChairkhali,ChairkhāliBDBarisālPatuakhali21.9244690.344670Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7489103RāmnagarRamnagar,RāmnagarBDRangpur DivisionNilphamari Zila25.9553988.9190Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7488314AusadpurAusadpurBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.6918288.576640Asia/Dhakapopulated place
1212364AswādiaBDChittagongCumilla23.3591.016670Asia/Dhakapopulated place
7487987BelbāshBelbash,BelbāshBDRangpur DivisionDinajpur25.7159688.472130Asia/Dhakapopulated place

Exploring Bangladesh: A Geographical Analysis and Data Resource

The Geography of Bangladesh: A Land of Rivers and Plains

Bangladesh, located in South Asia, is a country shaped by its rivers and low-lying plains, with the majority of its land area part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta. This geographical feature makes Bangladesh one of the most riverine countries in the world. Spanning over 147,000 square kilometers, it is home to a vast network of rivers, including the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna, which together form an intricate system of waterways that are crucial to both its ecology and its economy.

The land is mostly flat, with a few hilly regions in the southeastern and northeastern parts of the country. The fertile alluvial soil of the delta makes the country one of the largest producers of rice and jute in the world. The constant interaction between the rivers and the land has created a dynamic ecosystem that supports a large population, though it also presents significant challenges, such as flooding, erosion, and the risks of cyclones.

For geographers and urban planners, Bangladesh presents an interesting case study on how populations adapt to and interact with an ever-changing environment. Understanding how cities and towns are distributed within this geographical context, including their regions and departments, is key to managing development and disaster risks. My comprehensive geographic database of Bangladesh provides the latitude and longitude coordinates of cities, regions, and departments, offering detailed insights into the country's urban distribution and how it relates to its geography.

The Cities and Regions of Bangladesh: Urban Growth Amidst Natural Challenges

Bangladesh is divided into eight administrative divisions: Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur, and Mymensingh. Each division is further subdivided into districts and upazilas (sub-districts), with regional hubs like Dhaka, Chittagong, and Khulna serving as major urban centers. These cities and their surrounding areas are where the majority of the population resides, creating a highly concentrated urban landscape.

Dhaka, the capital city and largest in Bangladesh, is located along the Buriganga River in the central part of the country. As a result of its strategic location, Dhaka has grown into a major metropolitan area and is the political, economic, and cultural heart of the nation. The city’s rapid urbanization, driven by both population growth and industrial expansion, has led to challenges in infrastructure, housing, and transportation.

Chittagong, situated on the southeastern coast, is the country’s primary seaport and the second-largest city. Due to its coastal location, Chittagong has a more moderate climate compared to Dhaka and is a major hub for trade and shipping. It is also a gateway for goods entering Bangladesh, making it crucial for the country’s economy. The region is known for its hilly landscapes, which add a unique geographical element to its urban planning and infrastructure.

Khulna, located in the southwestern part of the country near the Sundarbans mangrove forest, is another key city known for its agricultural and industrial activities, particularly in the jute industry. The diverse regions of Bangladesh, from the fertile plains of Rajshahi in the north to the flood-prone lowlands of Barisal in the south, each have their own economic focus and unique challenges based on their geography.

Through the geographic database I have developed, users can access detailed data on the cities and regions of Bangladesh, including their exact latitude and longitude coordinates. This data helps to map the country's urban and rural areas, supporting urban planning, resource management, and disaster preparedness efforts.

Latitude and Longitude: The Key to Mapping Bangladesh’s Geography

The precise latitude and longitude of cities and regions are critical for understanding the geographic structure of Bangladesh. These coordinates offer valuable insights into how cities are situated relative to major waterways, natural resources, and each other. The low-lying delta region of Bangladesh is especially prone to flooding, and understanding the spatial relationships between cities, rivers, and agricultural areas is crucial for managing water resources, infrastructure, and disaster mitigation.

For example, Dhaka’s latitude places it in close proximity to the rivers that flow through the central region, which contributes to its economic activity but also exposes the city to the risks of river flooding during the monsoon season. Similarly, coastal cities like Chittagong face the risk of cyclones and tidal surges, and understanding the latitude and longitude of these areas helps with forecasting and managing the impacts of these natural disasters.

Using the geographic database, users can gain a better understanding of the positioning of cities and regions and how these locations affect everything from infrastructure planning to disaster response strategies. Accurate data on the latitude and longitude coordinates of each city allows for more effective urban planning, resource management, and environmental conservation.

Regions and Administrative Divisions: Mapping Bangladesh’s Growth

Bangladesh’s administrative structure is vital for understanding the spatial distribution of its cities, towns, and rural areas. The country’s divisions, districts, and upazilas each have their own specific geographic and cultural features, and they serve as administrative units for governance and public service delivery. The geography of these regions plays a significant role in shaping economic development, access to resources, and infrastructure planning.

For instance, the Dhaka division is the most developed in terms of infrastructure and industry, but it also faces immense challenges in managing urban sprawl, transportation, and environmental degradation. In contrast, regions like Sylhet and Rangpur are less developed but rich in agriculture, with their own geographic advantages and challenges, such as seasonal flooding and limited industrialization.

By using the geographic data available in the database, users can gain insights into how Bangladesh’s administrative divisions interact with the natural environment. The latitude and longitude data allow for a deeper understanding of how the country’s cities and regions are influenced by and interact with rivers, mountains, and floodplains. This understanding is essential for making informed decisions on development, infrastructure, and policy.

Geographic Data and Bangladesh’s Future Development

As Bangladesh continues to grow, its geographic data will play a crucial role in managing the challenges posed by urbanization, climate change, and environmental conservation. Accurate geographic data is essential for ensuring that the country’s development is sustainable and that resources are distributed equitably across urban and rural areas.

The geographic database I’ve developed offers precise latitude and longitude coordinates for each city and region, along with detailed information about the country’s administrative divisions. This data is indispensable for urban planners, policymakers, and environmentalists who need to consider both the natural environment and the demands of a growing population. The database provides a clear picture of how geography shapes human activities and allows for more effective planning for the future.

Whether it’s managing the impacts of seasonal floods, expanding transportation networks, or ensuring the sustainable use of agricultural land, the geographic data available through my database helps make informed decisions about Bangladesh’s future.

Conclusion: The Importance of Geographic Data in Shaping Bangladesh’s Future

Bangladesh’s diverse geography, from its fertile plains to its coastal cities, plays a significant role in shaping the country’s urban and rural development. By utilizing the comprehensive geographic database, which includes detailed latitude and longitude data for cities and regions, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the spatial relationships that drive economic, cultural, and environmental dynamics in Bangladesh. This data is essential for sustainable development, resource management, and disaster risk mitigation, ensuring that Bangladesh continues to grow while respecting its unique geographical challenges and opportunities.

FaQ about Bangladesh

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
Yes, you'll be able to download the content you've purchased whenever you want, with no time limit.
Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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