French Guiana cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats

French Guiana

Last update : 15 January 2025.

French Guiana
Number of cities

This is the best list of 478 cities in the French Guiana available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the French Guiana file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3380280SokoumouChantier Forestier de Socoumou,Socoumou,SokoumouGFGuyaneGuyane5.05536-52.684740America/Cayennepopulated place
3381326CouachinanaCouachinana,KouachinanaGFGuyaneGuyane5.62511-53.697940America/Cayennepopulated place
10412833Pilima PataPilima PataGFGuyaneGuyane3.28937-54.103870America/Cayennepopulated place
10370749EmbouchureEmbouchureGFGuyaneGuyane4.974-53.032290America/Cayennepopulated place
10370803CocoCoco,Crique CocoGFGuyaneGuyane4.86311-52.521550America/Cayennepopulated place
10630804Penki AvoPenki AvoGFGuyaneGuyane4.97603-54.437310America/Cayennepopulated place
11919322Relais du GalionRelais du GalionGF4.75782-52.42730America/Cayennepopulated place
10313755EskolDegrad Eskhol,Dégrad Eskhol,EskolGFGuyaneGuyane4.71742-52.282260America/Cayennepopulated place
3381816DorlinDorlinGFGuyaneGuyane3.74925-53.557860America/Cayennepopulated place
10311839Village Indien Sainte-Rose de LimaVillage Indien,Village Indien Sainte-Rose de LimaGFGuyaneGuyane4.83273-52.336960America/Cayennepopulated place
3380376Saint-PaulDegrad Saint-Paul,Dégrad Saint-Paul,Saint-Paul,Village Saint-PaulGFGuyaneGuyane4.3955-54.382760America/Cayennepopulated place
11919314La Colline VerteLa Colline VerteGF4.91969-52.537610America/Cayennepopulated place
3381841DevezGFGuyaneGuyane4.51667-52.433330America/Cayennepopulated place
3381896Dégrad MénadoDegrad Menado,Dégrad MénadoGFGuyaneGuyane4.6242-52.42510America/Cayennepopulated place
10372217AbompéAbompe,AbompéGFGuyaneGuyane5.27301-54.258110America/Cayennepopulated place
10412832Palimino PataPalimino PataGFGuyaneGuyane3.29458-54.100430America/Cayennepopulated place
3381356KawCaux,KawGFGuyaneGuyane4.4865-52.037060America/Cayennepopulated place
3381926Dégrad CanardDegrad Canard,Dégrad CanardGFGuyaneGuyane5.64127-53.727120America/Cayennepopulated place
3381754EntoucasEntouca,EntoucasGF3.48333-54.016670America/Cayennepopulated place
3381314Kouman-KoumanCouman-Couman,Kouman-KoumanGFGuyaneGuyane4.035-51.687740America/Cayennepopulated place
10372190MidénangalantiMidenangalanti,MidénangalantiGFGuyaneGuyane5.04159-54.421040America/Cayennepopulated place
11997147SimiliSimiliGF5.74492-53.934520America/Cayennepopulated place
3380484Roche BrigandinGFGuyaneGuyane5.45-530America/Cayennepopulated place
10372196MofiénaMofiena,MofiénaGFGuyaneGuyane5.07523-54.406820America/Cayennepopulated place
3381224La ValèreLa Valere,La ValèreGFGuyaneGuyane4.83361-52.323320America/Cayennepopulated place
10412830Pilipi WonoPilipi WonoGFGuyaneGuyane3.10813-54.172590America/Cayennepopulated place
3380616Petit PlacerGFGuyaneGuyane4.50996-52.486160America/Cayennepopulated place
3382575AlikotoAlicoto,Alikoto,Indiens Oyampis,OyampisGFGuyaneGuyane3.11523-52.344450America/Cayennepopulated place
3381961Dagou EdéGFGuyaneGuyane4.16667-52.266670America/Cayennepopulated place
3380968MatitiMatitiGFGuyaneGuyane5.03313-52.574230America/Cayennepopulated place
3381908Dégrad HenriGFGuyaneGuyane5.41667-53.133330America/Cayennepopulated place
3381596Grand BalaGFGuyaneGuyane4.393-54.303370America/Cayennepopulated place
3382313AgodéAgode,Agodé,BonivilleGFGuyaneGuyane3.83672-54.187780America/Cayennepopulated place
10630798LoboLoboGFGuyaneGuyane4.95748-54.43620America/Cayennepopulated place
3380531QuesnelQuesnelGFGuyaneGuyane4.9363-52.497660America/Cayennepopulated place
3381781ÉdouardCivet,Edouard,Emerillon,Village Emerillon,Village Emerillons,Village Emérillon,Édouard,ÉmerillonGFGuyaneGuyane3.39569-53.82990America/Cayennepopulated place
11953278SiguySiguyGF5.47303-54.032840America/Cayennepopulated place
10372198WangéaWangea,WangéaGFGuyaneGuyane5.09787-54.381790America/Cayennepopulated place
11953279Les RivagesLes RivagesGF5.47002-54.046690America/Cayennepopulated place
3380107Trou PoissonsTrou Poisson,Trou PoissonsGFGuyaneGuyane5.42827-53.089360America/Cayennepopulated place
3380384Saint-LouisGFGuyaneGuyane4.03172-51.688250America/Cayennepopulated place
3382414Beau SoleilBeau SoleilGFGuyaneGuyane4.86663-52.252180America/Cayennepopulated place
3382500AusterlitzAusterlitzGFGuyaneGuyane4.87469-52.367590America/Cayennepopulated place
3380706PatawaMac Donald,PatawaGFGuyaneGuyane4.83851-52.511270America/Cayennepopulated place
3380277SonnelleSoncelle,Soneelle,SonnelleGFGuyaneGuyane3.66277-53.964460America/Cayennepopulated place
11953277Les ÉcolesLes Ecoles,Les ÉcolesGF5.4777-54.030050America/Cayennepopulated place
3381884Dégrad PierreGFGuyaneGuyane4.95-53.183330America/Cayennepopulated place
11953263ProspéritéProsperite,ProspéritéGF5.47606-53.930310America/Cayennepopulated place
3382470BaïnoGFGuyaneGuyane4.93333-54.450America/Cayennepopulated place
10372228SamapaïSamapai,SamapaïGFGuyaneGuyane5.31395-54.182750America/Cayennepopulated place
10372493FatimaFatimaGFGuyaneGuyane5.49992-54.012870America/Cayennepopulated place
11953185Saint-MartinSaint-MartinGF4.92347-52.286980America/Cayennepopulated place
3381206Le GallionGFGuyaneGuyane4.78314-52.4290America/Cayennepopulated place
3380796OuanaryOuanaryGFGuyaneGuyane4.20869-51.674080America/Cayennepopulated place
10311571Village Indien ArawakVillage Cecilia,Village Cécilia,Village Indien,Village Indien ArawakGFGuyaneGuyane4.89956-52.342410America/Cayennepopulated place
3381749Mine EspéranceEsperance,Espérance,Mine Esperance,Mine Espérance,Village Esperance,Village EspéranceGFGuyaneGuyane4.65059-54.313770America/Cayennepopulated place
10372189LobimakaniLobimakaniGFGuyaneGuyane5.03176-54.426070America/Cayennepopulated place
10372211Niou KampouNiou KampouGFGuyaneGuyane5.23236-54.291980America/Cayennepopulated place
3382229CamélieGFGuyaneGuyane5.05-54.416670America/Cayennepopulated place
3380463Roche TablonGFGuyaneGuyane4.63333-52.383330America/Cayennepopulated place
11953291Amapa IAmapa IGF5.48584-54.01810America/Cayennepopulated place
10372223AssounaAssounaGFGuyaneGuyane5.28921-54.212310America/Cayennepopulated place
3382538AngoulêmeAngouleme,Angoulême,Nouvelle AngoulemeGFGuyaneGuyane5.41106-53.655270America/Cayennepopulated place
3381531Grand VillageGrand VillageGFGuyaneGuyane5.58059-53.720620America/Cayennepopulated place
10349705Balata-EstBalata-EstGFGuyaneGuyane4.88613-52.333240America/Cayennepopulated place
10372205Mont LouisMont LouisGFGuyaneGuyane5.1985-54.314670America/Cayennepopulated place
3381617GodebertGodebert,GodedertGFGuyaneGuyane5.52025-53.960030America/Cayennepopulated place
10372207MaliétiMalieti,MaliétiGFGuyaneGuyane5.20331-54.310750America/Cayennepopulated place
3380551PopuloGFGuyaneGuyane5.6127-53.817120America/Cayennepopulated place
10372210KialiondoKialiondoGFGuyaneGuyane5.23073-54.294520America/Cayennepopulated place
3381719Filon DoyleGFGuyaneGuyane4.50871-52.461670America/Cayennepopulated place
3381910Dégrad GénipaGFGuyaneGuyane5.36667-53.433330America/Cayennepopulated place
3380415Saint-ÉlieSaint-Elie,Saint-Élie,Sainte Elie,Sainte ÉlieGFGuyaneGuyane4.82426-53.288210America/Cayennepopulated place
3382599AkouménaïAkoumenai,Akoumenay,Akoumenaye,Akouménay,AkouménaïGFGuyaneGuyane3.00102-52.367640America/Cayennepopulated place
10372230GodeGodeGFGuyaneGuyane5.33918-54.167230America/Cayennepopulated place
3380505RisquetoutRisquetoutGFGuyaneGuyane4.91639-52.512460America/Cayennepopulated place
3380534ProvidenceProvidenceGFGuyaneGuyane4.62003-54.414790America/Cayennepopulated place
10372212FoukatiamiFoukatiamiGFGuyaneGuyane5.23379-54.2910America/Cayennepopulated place
10418511TolingaTolingaGFGuyaneGuyane3.66463-53.93090America/Cayennepopulated place
10311739CigogneCigogneGF4.80209-52.472890America/Cayennepopulated place
3382553Ana KondéAna Konde,Ana KondéGFGuyaneGuyane4.24637-54.384170America/Cayennepopulated place
10367293Savane NangoSavane NangoGFGuyaneGuyane5.36914-52.949370America/Cayennepopulated place
3381876Dégrad SaramakaGFGuyaneGuyane5.01667-52.70America/Cayennepopulated place
10372220BastienBastien,MayoGFGuyaneGuyane5.29208-54.228350America/Cayennepopulated place
10372203DoudouDoudouGFGuyaneGuyane5.19057-54.321030America/Cayennepopulated place
3380397Saint-JeanSaint-JeanGFGuyaneGuyane5.40538-54.078960America/Cayennepopulated place
10372497Camp LorrainCamp LorrainGFGuyaneGuyane5.49458-54.025440America/Cayennepopulated place
10372224SendiléSendile,SendiléGFGuyaneGuyane5.28634-54.216940America/Cayennepopulated place
10311643Le Grand BeauregardLe Grand BeauregardGFGuyaneGuyane4.89169-52.279560America/Cayennepopulated place
10370816MaripaMaripaGF4.85265-52.519140America/Cayennepopulated place
3382624Aéroplane KondéAeroplane Conde,Aeroplane Konde,Aéroplane Condé,Aéroplane KondéGFGuyaneGuyane4.42737-54.433760America/Cayennepopulated place
10372188NamiwawangNamiwawangGF5.01743-54.437170America/Cayennepopulated place
10372208OndiayéOndiaye,OndiayéGFGuyaneGuyane5.20892-54.308730America/Cayennepopulated place
10372226DolingDolingGFGuyaneGuyane5.32148-54.178410America/Cayennepopulated place
3382261CacaoCacao,Degrad Cacao,Dégrad CacaoGFGuyaneGuyane4.57123-52.468270America/Cayennepopulated place
3381279La BrandeLa BrandeGFGuyaneGuyane4.85952-52.318240America/Cayennepopulated place
3380889Montsinéry-TonnegrandeMonsineri-Tonnegrand,mwnsynyry-twnyghrand,Монсинери-Тоннегранд,Монсінері-Тоннегранд,مونسينيري-تونيغراندGFGuyaneGuyane4.9-52.50America/Cayennepopulated place
3382039ComboComboGFGuyaneGuyane4.88336-52.317650America/Cayennepopulated place
3382457BalatéBalate,BalatéGFGuyaneGuyane5.48158-54.041250America/Cayennepopulated place
11953214Résidence Cogneau-LarivotResidence Cogneau-Larivot,Résidence Cogneau-LarivotGF4.89382-52.341220America/Cayennepopulated place

French Guiana: A Geographical Exploration of a Unique Territory

A Vast and Diverse Landscape

Located on the northeastern coast of South America, French Guiana is an overseas region and department of France. Despite its geographical proximity to Brazil and Suriname, it remains an integral part of the French Republic. Covering an area of approximately 83,000 square kilometers, French Guiana is known for its dense rainforests, expansive wetlands, and coastal plains. This diverse landscape is teeming with biodiversity and offers a remarkable setting for the study of both natural and human geography.

The territory’s tropical climate, with heavy rainfall and high humidity, has fostered an incredibly rich ecosystem. French Guiana's geographic location near the equator gives it a unique position within South America, influencing not only its flora and fauna but also its human settlements. Its vast rainforests and rivers have historically shaped the development of towns and cities across the region, creating a fascinating dynamic between geography and urbanization.

Understanding the Administrative Divisions: Regions and Cities

French Guiana is divided into two main administrative divisions: the capital region, Cayenne, and the more rural territories surrounding it. While Cayenne is the heart of economic and political activity, other cities such as Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni and Kourou are crucial centers for local governance, commerce, and culture. These cities are part of the larger geopolitical structure that includes municipalities, districts, and regions. The combination of urban and rural settlements in French Guiana creates an intriguing blend of city life amidst dense jungle landscapes.

For a geographer, one of the most striking features of French Guiana is how its cities and regions are distributed across its varied terrain. The cities are often clustered along the coastline, where access to ports, roads, and transportation networks makes them more economically viable. However, as one moves inland, the landscape changes dramatically, and towns become more isolated, often relying on air and river transport to stay connected with the outside world.

The Importance of City and Regional Data

Understanding the cities and regions of French Guiana requires access to precise and detailed geographical data. From Cayenne’s role as the political and administrative center to the smaller municipalities dotting the territory, each city’s geographic location plays a vital role in how it interacts with the surrounding environment and the larger world. For researchers, access to data about each city—such as its region, department, and specific coordinates—is invaluable for understanding the spatial distribution of human activity in relation to the natural environment.

Obtaining geographical data, including the latitude and longitude of each city in French Guiana, is essential for a more comprehensive study of the region. By mapping the cities’ locations, researchers can study patterns of urbanization, transportation networks, and how different regions interact with one another. In particular, the unique positioning of French Guiana’s cities—close to major rivers and on the coast—raises interesting questions about the role of natural resources in urban development.

Latitude and Longitude: Essential Tools for Understanding French Guiana

One of the key aspects of geographical research in French Guiana involves understanding the exact location of its cities. Latitude and longitude data are indispensable tools in this process, enabling researchers to precisely identify where each city and town is situated. The coordinates provide more than just a way to mark cities on a map—they allow for in-depth analysis of how these locations influence regional development, climate conditions, and transportation.

In the case of French Guiana, the variation in latitude and longitude between coastal cities like Cayenne and inland towns such as Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni highlights the challenges faced by different regions. Coastal cities benefit from direct access to the Atlantic Ocean, facilitating trade and transportation, while inland cities face greater challenges due to the difficult terrain and reliance on air or river travel.

City Data as a Gateway to Geographic Insights

For geographers, obtaining detailed data on French Guiana’s cities is a gateway to understanding the region’s broader geographic dynamics. With access to data that includes the cities' geographic locations, regional classifications, and latitude/longitude coordinates, researchers can map out patterns of human settlement, environmental impact, and infrastructural development. This kind of detailed data is especially useful when studying the interconnectedness between urban and rural areas, as well as the relationship between human activity and natural resources.

Additionally, knowing the precise location of cities allows for the integration of geographical data with other types of data, such as environmental and economic information. By cross-referencing city data with ecological studies, researchers can assess how the development of certain cities has impacted local ecosystems or how climate change might affect future urban planning.

Unlocking French Guiana’s Potential Through Geographic Data

Access to detailed city data in French Guiana is not just an academic exercise—it holds practical implications for a wide range of applications. For urban planners, government officials, and businesses operating in French Guiana, understanding the geographical makeup of cities and their regions is essential for making informed decisions about infrastructure, transportation, and regional development.

For instance, as French Guiana faces the challenges of balancing urban growth with environmental preservation, access to detailed geographic data becomes crucial. The ability to map out where cities are located in relation to natural reserves, protected areas, and vulnerable ecosystems allows policymakers to plan with greater precision and foresight. It also helps in assessing the impact of new developments on local ecosystems and infrastructure.

A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding French Guiana

As French Guiana continues to develop and expand, understanding its geography through detailed city and regional data becomes even more vital. By obtaining data on the cities of French Guiana—along with their departments, regions, and precise geographical coordinates—researchers, government officials, and businesses can work together to foster sustainable growth and development.

The combination of geographic knowledge and data empowers a new generation of geographers to examine French Guiana’s potential in ways that were previously not possible. With access to this wealth of information, the future of French Guiana can be better understood, analyzed, and shaped in line with both local and global needs. The richness of French Guiana’s geography, when mapped and analyzed with detailed data, provides an invaluable resource for those who seek to explore, understand, and contribute to the continued evolution of this unique region.

FaQ about French Guiana

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
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