Bolivia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 25131 cities in the Bolivia available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Bolivia file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3923204Bella VistaBOSanta Cruz Department-15.75-61.066670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3915948Estancia VintoBOChuquisaca Department-20.12505-65.222740America/La_Pazpopulated place
3920633ChiranipampaBOPotosí Department-21.7-66.766670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3907277Puerto AsisPuerto Asis,Puerto AsteBOPando-10.11667-66.866670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3920975ChiaraqueBOOruro-17.93333-68.283330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3910431MicayaBOLa Paz Department-16.95-68.216670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3919053Corral de PalmasBOBeni Department-14.25-66.883330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3907719PolvoritayocBOPotosí Department-21.6-65.950America/La_Pazpopulated place
12528282Primero de EneroPrimero de EneroBOCochabamba-17.21581-66.654270America/La_Pazpopulated place
3904066Sobo SoboSobo Sobo,Sobosobo,Sopo SopoBOChuquisaca Department-19.2683-64.425060America/La_Pazpopulated place
3913102CacachiCacachi,Comunidad Kakachi,KakachiBOLa Paz Department-15.71451-69.116570America/La_Pazpopulated place
12499798YavichucoYavichucoBOLa Paz Department-16.20442-67.776520America/La_Pazpopulated place
12520559Caña HuaycoCana Huayco,Caña HuaycoBOChuquisaca Department-19.65485-64.289420America/La_Pazpopulated place
12528170Challa VillqueChalla VillqueBOLa Paz Department-17.17758-67.306740America/La_Pazpopulated place
12522396Localidad Nuevo MundoLocalidad Nuevo MundoBOSanta Cruz Department-17.43151-63.747290America/La_Pazpopulated place
3904319Sijilla PataBOPotosí Department-21.10282-66.930070America/La_Pazpopulated place
12522294GuapurucitoGuapurucitoBOSanta Cruz Department-18.32681-63.198930America/La_Pazpopulated place
11751761WilawilaniBOLa Paz Department-15.5955-68.656270America/La_Pazpopulated place
3923493AymaAyma,Comunidad AymaBOLa Paz Department-16.65-68.066670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12520521ChuncuslaChuncuslaBOChuquisaca Department-19.83101-63.949690America/La_Pazpopulated place
3901453VinayocBOPotosí Department-21.58333-65.983330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3903732TacopayaEstancia Tacopaya,TacopayaBOOruro-18.19588-67.631830America/La_Pazpopulated place
3905334San MartínBOSanta Cruz Department-15.56667-61.683330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3444677CaucasCaucas,ChaucasBOSanta Cruz Department-16.76667-58.733330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3914148InquisiviInquisiviBOLa Paz Department-16.92002-67.173460America/La_Pazpopulated place
12494458Quebrada HondaQuebrada HondaBOTarija Department-21.9566-65.151030America/La_Pazpopulated place
11751588ChuataBOLa Paz Department-15.50323-68.849020America/La_Pazpopulated place
12504953Indígena Mojeño Trinitaria Alto PallarIndigena Mojeno Trinitaria Alto Pallar,Indígena Mojeño Trinitaria Alto PallarBOSanta Cruz Department-16.89484-64.757540America/La_Pazpopulated place
3903452TapaquilchaBOPotosí Department-21.51667-67.90America/La_Pazpopulated place
3917380Estancia ChuraBOOruro-18.56172-68.050690America/La_Pazpopulated place
12482399Veintisiete de Noviembre27 de Noviembre,Veintisiete de NoviembreBOBeni Department-10.89254-65.399880America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916429Estancia PotrerosBOSanta Cruz Department-17.48333-63.650America/La_Pazpopulated place
3901985Urku UrkuEstancia Urku Urku,Urku UrkuBOLa Paz Department-16.85-69.066670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12528464VictalaVictalaBOPotosí Department-18.35159-66.651370America/La_Pazpopulated place
12518105PucarilloPucarilloBOChuquisaca Department-19.09662-64.762010America/La_Pazpopulated place
3913578JapónBOBeni Department-12.41667-66.30America/La_Pazpopulated place
12504968Monte CarmeloMonte CarmeloBOCochabamba-17.15006-64.498310America/La_Pazpopulated place
3914258ImporaBOChuquisaca Department-21.46667-65.350America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916573PacumiriEstancia Pacomiri,PacumiriBOLa Paz Department-17.40932-66.891670America/La_Pazpopulated place
11498625Ancho ”B”Ancho B,Ancho ”B”BOPando-11.07248-68.836020America/La_Pazpopulated place
12498816Ganadera UruguayitoGanadera UruguayitoBOSanta Cruz Department-16.09127-61.632310America/La_Pazpopulated place
3904097SolojaBOOruro-19.55-67.60America/La_Pazpopulated place
12498285CachapayaCachapayaBOLa Paz Department-16.71443-67.85510America/La_Pazpopulated place
12511801Pinar del RíoPinar del Rio,Pinar del RíoBOBeni Department-14.81825-66.634620America/La_Pazpopulated place
12520360PilaloPilaloBOChuquisaca Department-20.28086-64.76140America/La_Pazpopulated place
11760289HuayrapataBOLa Paz Department-15.47198-68.82540America/La_Pazpopulated place
11502873Dieciséis de Mayo16 de Mayo,Dieciseis de Mayo,Dieciséis de MayoBOPando-11.17606-68.376460America/La_Pazpopulated place
3921856CasapaBOChuquisaca Department-20.13283-63.879380America/La_Pazpopulated place
3444369Las TroncasLas Troncas,Los TroncosBOSanta Cruz Department-18.28333-59.80America/La_Pazpopulated place
3661517San AntonioBOPando-9.83333-66.216670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3907526Pozo CavadoPozo Acabado,Pozo Acavado,Pozo CavadoBOPotosí Department-21.20619-66.796160America/La_Pazpopulated place
3917022Jatun JaraEstancia Jatun Jara,Jatun JaraBOPotosí Department-20.28256-65.610070America/La_Pazpopulated place
3919653Comunidad ChajnacayaBOPotosí Department-19.97065-65.657720America/La_Pazpopulated place
3918806CuartelesBOSanta Cruz Department-17.9-63.283330America/La_Pazpopulated place
12499326San Bartolomé BSan Bartolome B,San Bartolomé BBOLa Paz Department-16.19944-67.158540America/La_Pazpopulated place
3918048El TesoroBOSanta Cruz Department-15.31667-61.083330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3906502RemedioBOPotosí Department-21.43423-65.716750America/La_Pazpopulated place
12518110Sala PampaSala PampaBOChuquisaca Department-19.04823-64.95490America/La_Pazpopulated place
3909416OcobayaOcobayaBOLa Paz Department-16.41667-67.516670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3661511Santos MercadoBOPando-9.95-66.616670America/La_Pazpopulated place
11503994LimeraLimeraBOPando-10.80865-67.720280America/La_Pazpopulated place
12520344PotrerosPotrerosBOChuquisaca Department-19.93835-64.249570America/La_Pazpopulated place
12528496ChacomaChacomaBOOruro-18.39526-67.458440America/La_Pazpopulated place
12525588PicaflorPicaflorBOTarija Department-21.335-63.392480America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916896QueñuaniEstancia Khenwani,Estancia Kheñwani,Quenuani,QueñuaniBOLa Paz Department-17.11654-67.137240America/La_Pazpopulated place
3914334IchumarcaBOPotosí Department-21.13333-66.216670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12521652MurilloMurilloBOSanta Cruz Department-16.75424-63.550750America/La_Pazpopulated place
3902680Tomatas GrandeTomatas GrandeBOTarija Department-21.32276-64.781860America/La_Pazpopulated place
3903187TelcanTelcan,TolcanBOPotosí Department-21.41667-65.616670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12498247Villa KhoraVilla KhoraBOLa Paz Department-16.59907-67.289090America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916599Estancia Oca TincoBOCochabamba-17.81667-66.516670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12522049YumaoYumaoBOSanta Cruz Department-19.10483-63.587670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3902091UltimátumBOSanta Cruz Department-15.15-61.866670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12528743ChojllaChojllaBOOruro-18.75604-66.593080America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916935Estancia Khalasaya GrandeBOOruro-18.01667-67.050America/La_Pazpopulated place
3444328MelgarCarmen de Melgar,MelgarBOSanta Cruz Department-16.76667-59.266670America/La_Pazpopulated place
12504617Valle GrandeValle GrandeBOCochabamba-17.00942-64.897660America/La_Pazpopulated place
12515438San Juan de ChiquitosSan Juan de ChiquitosBOSanta Cruz Department-17.77852-59.932690America/La_Pazpopulated place
3910934MaconeneMacomene,MaconeneBOBeni Department-13.25-63.483330America/La_Pazpopulated place
12504891CotocaCotocaBOCochabamba-16.98708-64.756580America/La_Pazpopulated place
12500003JajachiJajachiBOLa Paz Department-16.31914-68.65610America/La_Pazpopulated place
3924416Agua MilagroBOLa Paz Department-17.38333-68.166670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3915568GamonedaGamoneda,GomonedaBOTarija Department-21.49554-64.624890America/La_Pazpopulated place
3905184San PedritoBOSanta Cruz Department-15.91667-61.80America/La_Pazpopulated place
3918596CuricheCuriche,CurichiBOSanta Cruz Department-19.3-61.133330America/La_Pazpopulated place
12496019San Luis el AntaSan Luis el AntaBOTarija Department-22.68646-64.316340America/La_Pazpopulated place
12517232LacatiaLacatiaBOLa Paz Department-16.8744-67.725060America/La_Pazpopulated place
3917044Estancia Jankho KkotaBOLa Paz Department-17.71667-68.333330America/La_Pazpopulated place
3906338RojcoranchoBOCochabamba-17.01667-65.616670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3903722TacuacuaTacacua,TacuacuaBOChuquisaca Department-20.31667-63.816670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3912980KasataBOLa Paz Department-16.96667-69.066670America/La_Pazpopulated place
3911769JuntasJuntas,Las JuntasBOTarija Department-21.80979-64.797840America/La_Pazpopulated place
12528399Villa ExaltaciónVilla Exaltacion,Villa ExaltaciónBOLa Paz Department-17.20551-68.712590America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916595Ladislao CabreraEstancia Ojo de Agua,Ladislao CabreraBOPotosí Department-20.92586-67.996470America/La_Pazpopulated place
11498607San FranciscoSan FranciscoBOPando-11.0172-68.837720America/La_Pazpopulated place
12498956San AnselmoSan AnselmoBOLa Paz Department-15.31607-68.340620America/La_Pazpopulated place
3922044CaramaniCaramani,Caramanito,KaramanitoBOPando-11.12642-68.16130America/La_Pazpopulated place
3921410ChallacircaBOLa Paz Department-16.75-67.90America/La_Pazpopulated place
3916804Estancia Lampay PataBOOruro-18.97278-67.77570America/La_Pazpopulated place
12517900Sunchu HuaycuSunchu HuaycuBOChuquisaca Department-19.13777-64.304920America/La_Pazpopulated place

Exploring Bolivia: A Geographical Overview and Data Resource

Bolivia’s Diverse Geography: From Andean Heights to the Amazon Basin

Bolivia, located in the heart of South America, is a landlocked country that offers a fascinating diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. Covering around 1.1 million square kilometers, Bolivia is one of the most geographically diverse countries in the world, with vast contrasts between its mountainous western region, the high-altitude Altiplano, and the lowland Amazon Basin to the east. This geographical variety plays a major role in the country’s climate, culture, and urban development.

The Andes mountain range runs along the western border, with Bolivia’s highest peak, Illimani, reaching 6,438 meters (21,122 feet). The Altiplano, a vast plateau situated between the Western and Eastern Cordilleras of the Andes, is home to Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, which sits at an altitude of around 3,650 meters (11,975 feet). This high-altitude region is characterized by rugged terrain, salt flats, and high-altitude lakes, including the famous Lake Titicaca, which straddles the border between Bolivia and Peru and is the highest navigable lake in the world.

To the east, Bolivia transitions into the Amazon Basin, a lush, tropical region that covers much of the country’s lower elevations. The Madidi National Park, located in the northern part of the country, is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth, showcasing Bolivia’s incredible ecological range, from cloud forests to dense jungles. The country’s varied ecosystems are home to numerous indigenous communities, whose cultures are deeply intertwined with the land they inhabit.

Bolivia’s Cities and Urban Diversity

Bolivia’s cities reflect the contrasts of its geography. While La Paz, the administrative capital, is a city of remarkable altitude and natural beauty, Santa Cruz de la Sierra in the lowlands has become the country’s economic powerhouse, experiencing rapid urbanization and development. Sucre, the constitutional capital, is known for its colonial architecture, while El Alto, just above La Paz, is a bustling urban center that has seen significant growth in recent decades.

Geographic Data for Bolivia: A Valuable Resource

To further explore Bolivia’s geography, a detailed geographic database can be invaluable. Our Bolivia Cities Pack offers precise latitude and longitude data for the country's cities and towns, available in multiple formats including CSV, XML, SQL, and JSON. Whether you're working on a mapping project, conducting geographical research, or building location-based applications, this dataset provides the essential information you need. With accurate geographic coordinates for hundreds of locations across Bolivia, you’ll be able to enhance your project’s reliability and reach. The data is structured to be easily integrated into your system, making it a versatile and practical resource for developers, researchers, and geographers alike.

With Bolivia’s rich geographical diversity and a wealth of data at your fingertips, this pack is an essential tool for anyone exploring the country’s varied landscapes or developing location-based applications. Don't miss out on the opportunity to access the most reliable geographic data for Bolivia – in formats that are easy to work with, no matter your platform or use case.

FaQ about Bolivia

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
Yes, you'll be able to download the content you've purchased whenever you want, with no time limit.
Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

List of countries :

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