Azerbaijan cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 4985 cities in the Azerbaijan available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Azerbaijan file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

584644Yukhary AngelanAngelan,Yukhary Angelan,Yuxari Angilan,Yuxarı ƏngilanAZXızı40.8265349.027990Asia/Bakupopulated place
147698QovuşuqKarmrasen,Karmrashen,Kavyshykh,Kovushuk,Kovushut,Qovusuq,Qovuşuq,Ковушук,ԿարմրաշենAZLaçın39.8757246.23570Asia/Bakupopulated place
586620CücükChodzhuk,Cucuk,Cücük,DzhyudzhyukAZAğdaş40.6056147.434820Asia/Bakupopulated place
586588FadılıFadili,Fadily,Fadyly,FadılıAZGoygol Rayon40.6524746.20980Asia/Bakupopulated place
11913343AbasallıAbasalli,AbasallıAZYardımlı38.883148.075540Asia/Bakupopulated place
587151AskiparaAskipara,Oskepar,Voskepar,Əskipara,Аскипара,ՈսկեպարAZTǝrtǝr40.3109746.955990Asia/Bakupopulated place
148002İbadullaIbadulla,İbadullaAZNakhichevanSharur Rayon39.4843844.995410Asia/Bakupopulated place
9887803XaspoladKhaspolad,XaspoladAZQuba41.2556448.713240Asia/Bakupopulated place
8621846NordNordAZXaçmaz41.6317948.813350Asia/Bakupopulated place
585263PiriliPiriliAZAğstafa41.2044745.393280Asia/Bakupopulated place
587099BadzhirovanBaciravan,Badzhiravan,Badzhirovan,BəcirəvanAZBarda40.2108947.217360Asia/Bakupopulated place
147273SalmanlıMashad-Salmanly,Salmanli,Salmanly,SalmanlıAZSalyan39.6891548.948910Asia/Bakupopulated place
585884KirovkendAnvar Mammadxanli,Kirovkand,Kirovkend,Kirovkənd,Ənvər MəmmədxanlıAZUcar40.4620447.785030Asia/Bakupopulated place
148326BabagilBabagil,Bobogil,Byubogil’,Byubogil’AZLerik38.7981448.511110Asia/Bakupopulated place
584880TalışnuruTalisnuru,Talysh-Nuri,Talyshnuru,Talysh”-Nuri,TalışnuruAZŞamaxı40.7697648.660610Asia/Bakupopulated place
147094TağaserT’aghaser,T’aghaserr,Tagaser,Tagasir,Tağaser,Tʻagaser,T’aghaser,T’aghaserr,Тагасер,Թաղասեռ,ԹաղասերAZKhojavend39.5200147.010Asia/Bakupopulated place
586183QaraqayaKarakaya,QaraqayaAZİsmayıllı40.7961348.307290Asia/Bakupopulated place
148158ŞahbulaqCagazur,Cağazur,Dzhagadzur,Dzhagazur,Dzhagazyr,Sahbulaq,ŞahbulaqAZNakhichevanSharur Rayon39.6532945.147460Asia/Bakupopulated place
148618AgdamkentAgdam,Agdamkand,Agdamkend,Agdamkent,Aghdamk’end,Aghdamk’end,Ağdamkǝnd,Ağdamkənd,Агдам,Агдамкенд,ԱղդամքենդAZAğdam40.0019846.954470Asia/Bakupopulated place
586314İtitalaIti-Talaoba,Ititala,İtitala,ИтиталаAZBalakǝn41.5813446.367270Asia/Bakupopulated place
148247DağdağanDagdagan,Dağdağan,K’arrasni,K’rasni,K’rrasni,Krasni,Krasny,Kʻarasni,Kʻrasni,K’arrasni,K’rasni,K’rrasni,Дагдаган,Красны,Քառասնի,Քռասնի,ՔրասնիAZXocalı39.7966646.823610Asia/Bakupopulated place
148283ÇanaqbulaqCanaqbulaq,Chanakhbulak,ÇanaqbulaqAZYardımlı39.0206948.373430Asia/Bakupopulated place
146912YurdçuYurdchu,Yurdcu,Yurdçu,YurtchiAZNakhichevanKangarli Rayon39.408945.150010Asia/Bakupopulated place
584965ŞıxımlıShikhimly,Shykhymly,Siximli,ŞıxımlıAZKürdǝmir40.3623248.18220Asia/Bakupopulated place
799678Orta SalahlıOrta Salahli,Orta Salahlı,Orta-SalakhlyAZAğstafa41.2119445.381670Asia/Bakupopulated place
146984Yuxarı YemişcanVerin Siznek,Verin Sznek,Verin Sznek’,Verin Sznek’,Verin Sıznek,Verin-Syznek,Yuxari Yemiscan,Yuxarı Yemişcan,Верин-Сызнек,Վերին Սզնեկ,Վերին ՍզնեքAZXocalı39.7408446.833810Asia/Bakupopulated place
148482Nizhnyaya BilinyaAsagi Bilna,Ashagy Bil’nya,Ashagy Bil’nya,Aşağı Bilnə,Bilna,Bilnə,Nizhnyaya BilinyaAZLerik38.8153348.438630Asia/Bakupopulated place
148591AxtaçıAkhtachi-Shaumyan,Akhtachy Shaumyan,Axtaci,Axtaci Saumyan,Axtaçı,Axtaçı ŞaumyanAZSabirabad39.9665748.711210Asia/Bakupopulated place
147241SeyidbazarSeidbazar,SeyidbazarAZJalilabad39.1686748.43310Asia/Bakupopulated place
585684QurdbayramKurdbayram,Kyurd-Bayram,Kürdbayram,QurdbayramAZKürdǝmir40.5115448.091230Asia/Bakupopulated place
585555MazıxKatekh,Macekh,Matsekh,Matsex,Mazix,Mazykh,Mazıx,Катех,МацехAZZaqatala41.6583246.58160Asia/Bakupopulated place
585829KolayırKolair,Kolayir,KolayırAZSamux40.7600946.382350Asia/Bakupopulated place
8473733YusifliYusifliAZMasally38.9814648.664320Asia/Bakupopulated place
587157Ashagy ZeynaddinAsagi Zeynaddin,Ashagy Zeynaddin,Aşağı ZeynəddinAZAğdaş40.6568247.440890Asia/Bakupopulated place
587029BayandurBajandur,Bayandur,Pitomnik,БаяндурAZTǝrtǝr40.3304846.994250Asia/Bakupopulated place
148163DzhafarkuluushagyDzhafargulu-Ushagy,DzhafarkuluushagyAZZǝngilan39.1671946.651410Asia/Bakupopulated place
148284ChalovlyChalovlu,ChalovlyAZShirvan39.8666749.30Asia/Bakupopulated place
824057Orta CeyrançölDzheyranchel’,Dzheyranchël’,Orta Ceyrancol,Orta CeyrançölAZTovuz41.1099745.860640Asia/Bakupopulated place
585420MüdriMjudri,Mudri,Muedri,Myudri,Myudry,Müdri,МюдриAZİsmayıllı40.8720248.331670Asia/Bakupopulated place
587214ArmenatkyshlakArmenatkyshlak,Ermenet-KishlakhAZOğuz41.0208347.484170Asia/Bakupopulated place
146975VistanVistan,VistənAZLerik38.8256548.487790Asia/Bakupopulated place
148241TambalauDambalov,Dəmbəlov,TambalauAZMasally38.9784348.532740Asia/Bakupopulated place
586540HacılarGadzhylar,Hacilar,HacılarAZXaçmaz41.4396648.904550Asia/Bakupopulated place
147443MyursaguluMursa-Kuli,Mursaqulu,Myursagulu,MürsəquluAZNeftçala39.328948.802680Asia/Bakupopulated place
585034ShekerbeyliSakarbay,Shekerbey,Shekerbeyli,ŞəkərbəyAZGǝdǝbǝy40.6094945.727790Asia/Bakupopulated place
11783942ViləşəVilasa,ViləşəAZAstara38.604448.74920Asia/Bakupopulated place
147221SeytasSejtas,Seyt’as,Seytas,Seyt’as,Zeyt’a,Zeytʻa,Zeyt’a,Сейтас,Զեյթա,ՍեյթասAZQubadlı39.386746.421390Asia/Bakupopulated place
585643LemberanLambaran,Lanbaran,Lemberan,Lǝnbǝran,Lənbəran,Mammadli,Mämmädli,ЛемберанAZBarda40.2183147.312370Asia/Bakupopulated place
11312748ZvarZvar,ԶվարAZNakhichevanOrdubad Rayon39.047346.025080Asia/Bakupopulated place
388658Yuxarı AranKomsomol,Yuxari Aran,Yuxarı AranAZBeyləqan39.732747.657640Asia/Bakupopulated place
586434QocalıGodzhaly,Kodzhahi,Qocali,Qocalı,ГоджалыAZKürdǝmir40.0669948.260280Asia/Bakupopulated place
147893İkinci QaralıIkinci Qarali,Karally Vtoryye,Karaly Vtoryye,İkinci QaralıAZNeftçala39.4570349.029520Asia/Bakupopulated place
148202DidivarDidivar,DiduvarAZNakhichevanBabek Rayon39.3056145.436110Asia/Bakupopulated place
585229QarasuGadzhiyevo,Karasu,Qarasu,КарасуAZHacıqabul40.1646548.678070Asia/Bakupopulated place
584704YanıqlıVezirly,Yaniqli,Yanykhly,YanıqlıAZTovuz40.843245.68032395Asia/Bakupopulated place
587394AğaşirinobaAgashirinoba,Agasirinoba,AğaşirinobaAZXaçmaz41.5198848.681960Asia/Bakupopulated place
586834ChobankendChobankend,Cobankand,ÇobankəndAZGǝdǝbǝy40.562845.583150Asia/Bakupopulated place
585714QıraqlıKyragly,Kyrakhly,Qiraqli,QıraqlıAZXaçmaz41.4928148.639530Asia/Bakupopulated place
586870Birinci ÇaylıBirinci Cayli,Birinci Çaylı,Cayli,Chajly,Chayly,Chayly Pervyy,Chayly Pervyye,Çaylı,ЧайлыAZŞamaxı40.4672848.708930Asia/Bakupopulated place
586922QaragüneyByazirkhana,Karagjunej,Karagyuney,Qaraguney,Qaragüney,КарагюнейAZKalbajar40.1436446.1930Asia/Bakupopulated place
395690MayakMayakAZBeyləqan39.7610247.68080Asia/Bakupopulated place
8606512SofularSofularAZTovuz40.7799945.624280Asia/Bakupopulated place
8724245KetyuklyuKetyuklyu,Kotuklu,KötüklüAZQǝbǝlǝ40.9878447.705980Asia/Bakupopulated place
824431SoyuqbulaqSoyukbulak,Soyuqbulaq,Tsivi-TskaroAZAğstafa41.3227945.269740Asia/Bakupopulated place
148527AnzoluAnzoli,AnzoluAZLerik38.6931448.48430Asia/Bakupopulated place
586449HilGil’,Gil’,Hil,ГильAZQusar41.4676848.344370Asia/Bakupopulated place
8475117TatovaTatovaAZLənkəran38.8285248.779140Asia/Bakupopulated place
585977KhanegyaKhanaga,Khanagyakh,Khanegya,Xanagah,XanəgahAZİsmayıllı40.8491148.145860Asia/Bakupopulated place
801191Kyurt-DamKyurt-DamAZKalbajar40.2619446.103060Asia/Bakupopulated place
147547MaşxanMashkhan,Masxan,MaşxanAZAstara38.5492448.82030Asia/Bakupopulated place
11912457SoltanabadSoltanabadAZSaatlı39.8420448.633280Asia/Bakupopulated place
8655931Nerk’in T’aghavardNerk’in T’aghavard,Nerkʻin Tʻagavard,Nerk’in T’aghavard,Ներքին ԹաղավարդAZKhojavend39.6697546.932440Asia/Bakupopulated place
8548827MelikumudluMalikumudlu,Melikumudlu,MəlikumudluAZZərdab40.3285247.738980Asia/Bakupopulated place
586676CalutCalut,DzhalutAZOğuz41.074847.426410Asia/Bakupopulated place
146895ZardabaraZardabara,ZərdəbərəAZLerik38.7768448.338950Asia/Bakupopulated place
9887863LimanLimanAZShabran41.2644348.992580Asia/Bakupopulated place
147001VankVang,Vank,Vank’,Vank’,Vanq,Vəng,Ванк,ՎանքAZKhojavend39.5114847.023650Asia/Bakupopulated place
9887963CadarıCadari,CadarıAZQuba41.2464448.610110Asia/Bakupopulated place
148417BabalıBabali,Babaly,BabalıAZJalilabad39.2432248.3360Asia/Bakupopulated place
147191ŞekercikSekercik,Shakardzhik,Shekerdzhik,Şekercik,ШекерджикAZFüzuli39.6065247.162540Asia/Bakupopulated place
586037KyandobaKandoba,Kendoba,Kyandoba,Kǝndoba,Kəndoba,КендобаAZAğsu40.4032848.44460Asia/Bakupopulated place
587318Ali-BayramlyAli-Bayramly,Mollacalilli,Mollacəlilli,Yeni Alibayramli,Yeni Əlibayramlı,Yeni-AlibayramlyAZGoygol Rayon40.5888646.374930Asia/Bakupopulated place
146872ZorDzorak,Jorak,Zor,Зор,ՁորակAZQubadlı39.3038846.548550Asia/Bakupopulated place
586433GomuşçuGomuscu,Gomushchu,Gomuşçu,TomushiAZSabirabad40.0511148.393610Asia/Bakupopulated place
586322İsmayılabadIsmailabad,Ismayilabad,İsmayılabadAZYevlax40.5791547.092960Asia/Bakupopulated place
824619MeyveliMeyvali,Meyveli,MeyvəliAZYevlax40.7569147.274510Asia/Bakupopulated place
147003VenendVanand,Venend,VənəndAZNakhichevanOrdubad Rayon38.9452345.924740Asia/Bakupopulated place
586628CülyanCulyan,Cülyan,Dzhul’yan,Dzhul’yan,Dzhyul’yan,Dzhyul’yanAZİsmayıllı40.8162848.172540Asia/Bakupopulated place
586615EmirAmir,Emir,ƏmirAZGǝdǝbǝy40.5793745.680910Asia/Bakupopulated place
586871ÇaylıCayli,Chayli,ÇaylıAZHacıqabul40.248.933330Asia/Bakupopulated place
587399AğamalılarAgamalilar,Agamalylar,Ağamalilar,Ağamalılar,Tsnidr,АгамалыларAZİmişli40.0949147.81520Asia/Bakupopulated place
147480MollakendMollakand,Mollakend,MollakəndAZLənkəran38.716948.734740Asia/Bakupopulated place
395737IsmailbeyliIsmailbeyli,Ismayibayli,İsmayıbəylıAZAğdam39.9378347.010230Asia/Bakupopulated place
11783687ÜrgəUrga,ÜrgəAZLənkəran38.8231248.819430Asia/Bakupopulated place
148616AğdaşAgdas,Agdash,Ağdaş,АгдасAZJalilabad39.1197348.49350Asia/Bakupopulated place
586198QaracüzlüKara-Dzhuzli,Karadzhjuzlju,Karadzhyuzlyu,Qaracuezlue,Qaracuzlu,Qaracüzlü,КараджюзлюAZQobustan40.5767449.079790Asia/Bakupopulated place
585056ŞamlıqSamliq,Shamlykh,ŞamlıqAZTovuz40.7175145.547520Asia/Bakupopulated place
147027TankDagdosu,Dağdöşü,Tak,Tank,Tjak’,Tyak,Tyak’,Tyak’,Тякь,Տակ,Տյակ,ՏյաքAZKhojavend39.5032147.038170Asia/Bakupopulated place
393871GyuleberdCagkaberd,Gjulebird,Gulabird,Gyuleberd,Gyulebird,Güləbird,Tsaghkaberd,Гюлебирд,ԾաղկաբերդAZLaçın39.4845846.609120Asia/Bakupopulated place
585709QırıqlıKyrykhly,Kyrykly,Qiriqli,QırıqlıAZGoygol Rayon40.6627246.262590Asia/Bakupopulated place

Azerbaijan: A Geographical Exploration and Data Resource

Understanding Azerbaijan’s Geographical Diversity

Azerbaijan, a country located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is characterized by its diverse geography, ranging from the Caspian Sea coast in the east to the towering Caucasus Mountains in the north. The country’s total area of approximately 86,600 square kilometers is home to a striking variety of landscapes, including expansive lowlands, lush river valleys, vast steppes, and high, rugged mountains. This geographical diversity has not only shaped Azerbaijan's climate and biodiversity but also influenced its settlement patterns, economic activities, and strategic importance in the region.

Azerbaijan’s location between Russia, Iran, Armenia, and Georgia provides a natural bridge between the cultures and economies of Europe and Central Asia. The Caspian Sea, the largest enclosed body of water in the world, borders Azerbaijan to the east, making it an important hub for trade, energy production, and marine life. The country’s varied climate, which ranges from semi-arid in the lowlands to colder, more alpine conditions in the mountains, supports a wide range of ecosystems, including rich flora and fauna.

To better understand Azerbaijan’s cities, regions, and departments, it is crucial to map how human activity and development have interacted with this varied terrain. Through my geographic database on Azerbaijan, I provide detailed data on the cities and regions of the country, including their latitude and longitude coordinates, which allows for a deeper exploration of how geographic features shape the lives and activities of the people living there.

The Cities and Regions of Azerbaijan: Urban and Rural Distribution

Azerbaijan is divided into several administrative regions, including 10 economic regions and 59 districts. These regions are home to both bustling urban centers and rural towns, each influenced by their surrounding geography. Baku, the capital and largest city, is located along the Caspian Sea in the Absheron Peninsula, where it serves as the country’s economic, political, and cultural hub. Baku’s strategic location on the coast has made it a key center for trade, oil production, and cultural exchange. The city is a global focal point in the energy sector and has experienced rapid development due to its proximity to oil reserves.

Beyond Baku, Azerbaijan’s other cities reflect the country’s regional diversity. Ganja, located in the west, is Azerbaijan’s second-largest city and serves as an important cultural and industrial center. Situated near the Ganja River and surrounded by foothills, Ganja has a more temperate climate compared to Baku and has historically been a key player in Azerbaijan’s agriculture, manufacturing, and trade.

In contrast, the mountainous region of Sheki in the northwest offers a very different landscape, with its picturesque valleys, rivers, and highland climate. The city of Sheki has long been an important historical and cultural center, known for its medieval architecture and natural beauty.

Each region in Azerbaijan has its own geographic identity, from the fertile lowlands of the Kura River to the remote, arid steppes of Nakhchivan. The distribution of cities across these regions, from the coast to the mountains, provides key insights into how geography influences economic activity, culture, and infrastructure. The geographic database I have developed includes detailed data on the cities, regions, and departments of Azerbaijan, allowing users to analyze the spatial relationships between these areas and their surrounding environments.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Azerbaijan’s Cities and Regions

Latitude and longitude coordinates are critical for understanding the precise location of cities and regions in Azerbaijan. These coordinates help geographers and urban planners assess the relationship between cities, the natural environment, and key infrastructure. For instance, Baku’s proximity to the Caspian Sea and its relatively low latitude make it a natural port city with access to global shipping routes, while cities like Ganja and Sheki are positioned in higher altitudes and face different climatic and logistical challenges.

The use of geographic data allows for a clearer understanding of how the country’s topography impacts settlement patterns, resource distribution, and regional development. For example, the flatter regions in the east are better suited to agriculture, while the mountainous regions in the north and west are more prone to energy production (through hydroelectric power) and tourism. Knowing the exact latitude and longitude of these cities helps to visualize their role in the broader geographic context of Azerbaijan.

My geographic database offers precise latitude and longitude data for every major city, town, and region of Azerbaijan. This information can be used to map the country’s infrastructure, explore regional economic strengths, and help researchers and policymakers make informed decisions based on geographic realities.

The Administrative Divisions and Regional Characteristics of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s administrative structure plays a significant role in understanding its geographic distribution. The country is divided into 10 economic regions, which include both urban centers like Baku and Ganja, as well as rural districts in the plains and mountains. These economic regions serve as the backbone of Azerbaijan’s administrative structure and are instrumental in the organization of the country’s resources and infrastructure.

Each region of Azerbaijan has distinct characteristics shaped by its geography. For instance, the capital region, which includes Baku and its surrounding areas, is the economic powerhouse of the country, driven by oil production, trade, and services. In contrast, the western regions, including Ganja and the foothills of the Caucasus, are known for agriculture, particularly the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, while the southeastern regions, such as Lankaran, are influenced by subtropical climates and are renowned for their tea production.

In addition to these economic regions, Azerbaijan is further divided into districts and municipalities, which are the administrative units within each region. The geographic database I have created includes data on these subdivisions, providing latitude and longitude coordinates for each city and town within them. This allows users to gain a more nuanced understanding of the administrative structure of Azerbaijan and how it aligns with the country’s geographical features.

The Role of Geographic Data in Azerbaijan’s Development

Geographic data plays a critical role in understanding and addressing the challenges and opportunities facing Azerbaijan. As the country continues to grow and modernize, accurate geographic data is essential for urban planning, environmental management, and infrastructure development. The geographic database provides detailed insights into the distribution of resources, the availability of land for development, and the environmental conditions that shape each region.

For instance, the Caspian Sea’s proximity to Baku makes it an ideal location for oil exploration and maritime trade, but it also presents challenges related to environmental conservation and infrastructure development. Understanding the geography of Azerbaijan helps policymakers and businesses make informed decisions about land use, natural resource management, and the development of new industries such as tourism and technology.

The data provided in my geographic database offers precise information about Azerbaijan’s cities and regions, helping to guide future growth in a way that is both sustainable and aligned with the country’s natural resources.

Conclusion: Unlocking Azerbaijan’s Geographic Potential

Azerbaijan’s diverse geography offers a wealth of opportunities for study, development, and sustainable growth. From the Caspian coast to the Caucasus Mountains, the geography of Azerbaijan plays a fundamental role in shaping its cities, regions, and economy. Through the comprehensive geographic database I have developed, which includes detailed latitude and longitude coordinates for each city and region, users can gain valuable insights into the spatial relationships that influence the country’s development. This resource is essential for researchers, urban planners, and policymakers looking to make informed decisions that respect Azerbaijan’s unique geography and ensure its continued prosperity.

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
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