Ghana cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 15556 cities in the Ghana available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Ghana file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

12087478SawomaEsamang,SawomaGHWesternEllembelle4.90246-2.271120Africa/Accrapopulated place
2293999WorasoGHAshantiSekyere Afram Plains6.87178-1.278930Africa/Accrapopulated place
11427989KwamosoGHEasternAkuapim North5.95867-0.146710Africa/Accrapopulated place
11813105AfigyaAfigyaGHAshantiAtwima Nwabiagya6.77781-1.872050Africa/Accrapopulated place
2293751YoggoYoggo,YogguGHNorthernTolon/Kumbungu9.48416-1.096770Africa/Accrapopulated place
2296885NyamibechereNyamebekyere,NyamibechereGHCentralTwifo Ati-Morkwa5.55-1.550Africa/Accrapopulated place
11675589OklunkwantaOklunkwantaGHCentralAwutu Senya East Municipal5.60571-0.45230Africa/Accrapopulated place
2297923MonseesoMonseeso,MoseasoGHWesternWassa Amenfi East5.7565-2.042230Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301754DiewumDiewumGHWesternWassa Amenfi East5.67354-2.11250Africa/Accrapopulated place
11721973ApampaApampaGHWestern NorthBibiani/Ahwiaso/Bekwai6.30784-2.2210Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300694GbodomeGbodome,Santrokofi GbodomeGHVoltaHohoe7.223830.474050Africa/Accrapopulated place
12134717KunniKunniGHUpper WestSissala West10.98276-2.329280Africa/Accrapopulated place
11761311KwakumensakuromKwakumensakuromGHAshantiAhafo Ano North6.83915-2.197190Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301809ElentusuazoDentokrom,Dentukrom,ElentusuazoGHWesternNzema East4.82185-2.197610Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294691TempelaGHNorth EastEast Mamprusi10.41781-0.656950Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779978AsribuosoAsribuosoGHAshantiBekwai6.45294-1.691720Africa/Accrapopulated place
2297733NachiuGHNorthernGushiegu10.274480.01440Africa/Accrapopulated place
2302570BrofoyedruAsin Brofoyedur,BrofoyedruGHCentralGomoa West5.32068-0.79890Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300075GyenegyeneGyenegyene,JininiGHBonoJaman North8.11792-2.555020Africa/Accrapopulated place
11726309Nykenkemso Number ThreeNykenkemso Number ThreeGHAshantiAtwima Mponua6.67597-2.003620Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300166JebrajoGHNorth EastEast Mamprusi10.42858-0.236790Africa/Accrapopulated place
11752665TuamikamTuamikamGHWestern NorthJuaboso6.31746-3.160790Africa/Accrapopulated place
2302691BoraeBorae,Borae Number 2,Brai,Neu-Borae,New BoraeGHOtiKrachi Nchumuru8.16193-0.043370Africa/Accrapopulated place
2305415AholupuAholupu,AkolupuGHGreater AccraAda East5.782410.681160Africa/Accrapopulated place
11803059NwomasiNwomasi,WomasiGHAshantiKwabre District6.76335-1.539260Africa/Accrapopulated place
2305381AyikaidobloAikaidoboro,Ayikai Doblo,AyikaidobloGHGreater AccraGa West5.67826-0.353830Africa/Accrapopulated place
12107637NwowasuNwowasuGHBonoSunyani7.16165-2.373810Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779462PhilipkromPhilipkromGHWesternShama5.1321-1.596050Africa/Accrapopulated place
11752553TobogruTobogruGHUpper WestNandom10.83195-2.793140Africa/Accrapopulated place
11780073SebedieSebedie,SubidieGHAshantiBekwai6.49955-1.542980Africa/Accrapopulated place
2295413SeoSeoGHWesternAhanta West4.80535-2.118030Africa/Accrapopulated place
2296535OdonawOdonaw,OdornoGHEasternLower Manya Krobo6.323120.009910Africa/Accrapopulated place
2297793MuohuMuohuGHAshantiAmansie West6.41307-1.997630Africa/Accrapopulated place
2295838PretuGHEasternAkuapim North6-0.216670Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299688KosanKawsan,KosanGHBonoDormaa7.30496-2.85230Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299475KokodieGHAshantiEjisu Juaben6.76839-1.389790Africa/Accrapopulated place
2295314SimpriSimpriGHWesternWassa Amenfi West5.9192-2.463220Africa/Accrapopulated place
11751825NgoakromNgoakromGHWestern NorthAowin/Suaman5.89848-2.936870Africa/Accrapopulated place
11761542SupongajaSupongajaGHAshantiAhafo Ano South6.88025-2.066770Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294103WawmyaGHVoltaCentral Tongu6.183330.616670Africa/Accrapopulated place
11752482GopareGopareGHUpper WestLawra10.64299-2.903050Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779985NubuatentenNubuatentenGHAshantiBekwai6.46584-1.676020Africa/Accrapopulated place
11780390OhiaminohiniOhiaminohiniGHAshantiKumasi6.7259-1.610690Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779764BinsereBinsere,BinsiriGHAshantiObuasi6.21176-1.708730Africa/Accrapopulated place
2296162PalariGHNorthernMion9.18788-0.303510Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300186JanyuniGHNorth EastChereponi9.983330.150Africa/Accrapopulated place
2305614AgbadikopeAgbadikofe,Agbadikope,AgbadikorpeGHVoltaKetu South District6.056111.037780Africa/Accrapopulated place
12093808AboronyeAboronyeGHAshantiAtwima Mponua6.62795-2.358920Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294305MaudasoMandaso,Maudaso,Moadaso,Moadaso Tonsuosim,Tonsuosim,TwinsisimGHCentralUpper Denkyira West6.12318-2.160920Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294428TovemeGHVoltaSouth Dayi6.666670.333330Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779811EsonkuromEsonkuromGHAshantiAdansi South6.03314-1.553460Africa/Accrapopulated place
2296427OfuasiGHCentralAgona West5.70244-0.78050Africa/Accrapopulated place
2305862AdiembraAdeemmra,Adiambra,AdiembraGHAshantiAtwima Mponua6.60232-2.038940Africa/Accrapopulated place
12074237AboaboAboaboGHAshantiAhafo Ano North7.01976-2.090430Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300123JesikromGHCentralAbura/Asebu/Kwamankese5.33333-1.233330Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300887OforikuromForikrom,Forikurom,OforikuromGHBonoBerekum7.60438-2.511090Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299723KatiniaKatinan,KatiniaGHUpper WestSissala East10.9782-1.946640Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299447KokpogeleKokpogele,Kokpuguri,KukpogliGHNorth EastChereponi10.250.166670Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779689KokwaadoKokwaadoGHAshantiAdansi South5.96412-1.606310Africa/Accrapopulated place
2302118ChwibiaGHBono EastTechiman Municipal7.55-1.966670Africa/Accrapopulated place
2304560AnkonahogongGHEasternBirim South5.90626-0.967340Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300588GonyokofeGHVoltaNorth Tongu6.190390.200910Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294133WasoiWasoiGHWesternEllembelle5.10072-2.40350Africa/Accrapopulated place
12093784MayebonikromMayebonikromGHAshantiAtwima Mponua6.65688-2.268250Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300596GomoamemGomoa Manmu,GomoamemGHCentralGomoa West5.33057-0.884140Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300270JabukpoDzabukpo,JabukpoGHVoltaCentral Tongu6.20.566670Africa/Accrapopulated place
11802818MamiMamiGHAshantiAfigya-Kwabre District6.83457-1.548590Africa/Accrapopulated place
11816674KebiesuKebiesuGHSavannahWest Gonja9.07879-1.752070Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294094WeigaWeiga,WiigGHUpper EastBawku West10.89382-0.455160Africa/Accrapopulated place
2300731GbangbomGHSavannahSawla-Tuna-Kalba9.4-2.550Africa/Accrapopulated place
2303771AtunsoAtunso,KramokuromGHAshantiMampong7.28333-1.40Africa/Accrapopulated place
11805040AchwakwakromAchwakwakromGHWesternTarkwa Nsuaem5.26818-1.996610Africa/Accrapopulated place
2302019DamangDaman,DamangGHWesternPrestea-Huni Valley5.51983-1.837680Africa/Accrapopulated place
2298362LuariLawgawre,Logri Number 2,LuariGHNorth EastWest Mamprusi10.2789-0.825880Africa/Accrapopulated place
2305285AjimpomaAgyempoma,AjimpomaGHCentralUpper Denkyira East5.70145-1.781270Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301810DentinDentinGHAshantiOffinso Municipal District6.94055-1.678370Africa/Accrapopulated place
11761556AmakuromAmakuromGHAshantiAhafo Ano North6.92767-2.148160Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299247KpalsakoJinwol,KpalsakoGHNorthernKaraga10.24075-0.260420Africa/Accrapopulated place
2302134ChumabinGHAshantiSekyere Afram Plains6.88333-1.333330Africa/Accrapopulated place
2298918KulugunguKulugungu,KulunguguGHUpper EastPusiga11.14714-0.209630Africa/Accrapopulated place
12094330PakyiPakyiGHAshantiAhafo Ano North6.85187-2.296350Africa/Accrapopulated place
2294894TakwaGHEasternKwahu South6.65523-0.554640Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301875DedemedeGHCentralTwifo Ati-Morkwa5.66667-1.616670Africa/Accrapopulated place
11779384EwuechiriEwuechiriGHWesternShama5.028-1.679680Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299190KpengnuKpengnu,KpenuGHVoltaSouth Tongu District5.90.716670Africa/Accrapopulated place
2306417AbedwumAbedwum,AbejumGHAshantiAdansi North6.30047-1.663120Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299549KofegaGHVoltaKetu South District6.130561.072870Africa/Accrapopulated place
2305500AgotomeAgotome,AgotormeGHVoltaKetu South District6.057951.026070Africa/Accrapopulated place
2302095DaboyaDaboyaGHSavannahNorth Gonja9.5311-1.378950Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301101EsiankwantaEsiankwantaGHAshantiBekwai6.3492-1.549460Africa/Accrapopulated place
2298195Mankrong NkwantaMankron Nkwanta,Mankrong NkwantaGHCentralAgona East5.64124-0.61740Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301328EgbazoEbwazo,Egbazo,EhboasoGHWesternJomoro5.03072-2.790630Africa/Accrapopulated place
12169242NibribaNibribaGHAhafoAsutifi South6.87769-2.526610Africa/Accrapopulated place
2293894Yakpaga MburekaGHNorth EastChereponi10.016670.133330Africa/Accrapopulated place
2301618DomiDome,DomiGHEasternAyensuano6.01828-0.53010Africa/Accrapopulated place
2299332KopiongGHNorthernSavelugu/Nanton9.48333-0.783330Africa/Accrapopulated place
12093893BonwireBonwireGHAshantiAtwima Mponua6.5446-2.268990Africa/Accrapopulated place
2296961NuweGHVoltaHo6.60.483330Africa/Accrapopulated place
11761419SomudadeSomudadeGHAshantiAhafo Ano South6.88208-2.082310Africa/Accrapopulated place
12106984KwabenamoakromKwabenamoakromGHWestern NorthSefwi-Wiawso6.34406-2.420090Africa/Accrapopulated place

Ghana: A Geographical Exploration of Its Dynamic Landscape

The Geography of Ghana: From Coastal Plains to Volcanic Highlands

Ghana, located in West Africa along the Gulf of Guinea, is a country of striking geographical contrasts. From the broad coastal plains in the south to the fertile savannahs in the north, Ghana’s landscape is a tapestry of varied ecosystems. The country is bordered by Côte d'Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the south, positioning it as a key player in both regional and global trade networks.

The geographical diversity of Ghana is one of its most remarkable features. In the south, the coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches and coastal lagoons, while further inland, the land rises into the Ashanti Uplands, a region of rolling hills and plateaus. The northern part of the country is characterized by more arid conditions, with savannah landscapes and distinct wet and dry seasons. The diversity in Ghana's physical geography directly influences its agricultural productivity, resource management, and urban development patterns.

Ghana's vast network of rivers, including the Volta River, plays a vital role in shaping the country’s environment and supporting its economy. The Volta River, one of the largest in West Africa, not only contributes to the irrigation of farmland but also serves as a key route for transportation and trade.

The Regional Divisions of Ghana: Understanding the Administrative Landscape

Ghana is divided into 16 regions, each with its own administrative structure. These regions are further divided into districts, providing the backbone for local governance and the delivery of services. Each region has its own unique characteristics, which influence everything from population distribution to economic activities.

For example, the Greater Accra Region, which includes the capital city Accra, is the country’s political and economic hub, home to the highest population density and the most significant infrastructure development. In contrast, the Northern Region is more sparsely populated and is dominated by agricultural activities. The Western and Eastern Regions, with their proximity to the coastline, are known for both their natural resources and the role they play in Ghana's agriculture and mining sectors.

Each of these regions has specific characteristics that make them unique, and understanding the geography of these regions is key for any comprehensive study of Ghana’s cities, towns, and rural areas.

City Data: The Key to Unlocking Ghana’s Urban Dynamics

For a geographer, understanding the distribution of cities across Ghana is vital in comprehending the country’s overall spatial dynamics. Cities like Accra, Kumasi, and Takoradi are economic and cultural centers that serve as hubs for trade, education, and governance. However, many smaller towns and villages in Ghana also contribute significantly to the country's agricultural output and regional connectivity.

The study of city data, which includes information about the locations of cities, their regional divisions, and their economic roles, allows geographers to explore how urbanization patterns have developed in Ghana. For example, Accra’s rapid urbanization has been closely linked to its role as a coastal city with access to international trade routes. Meanwhile, cities in the northern regions, such as Tamale, have grown primarily due to agriculture and local industries.

Obtaining detailed data on the cities of Ghana, including their regional affiliations and administrative boundaries, is essential for understanding how urban centers relate to their surrounding environments and economies. This data allows for the identification of key urbanization trends and offers valuable insights into how cities are influenced by both geographical and economic factors.

Latitude and Longitude: Precision Mapping of Ghana’s Cities

Latitude and longitude provide the foundation for accurate mapping, making them essential for studying the geography of Ghana’s cities. By obtaining the geographic coordinates for each city, researchers can create highly detailed maps that show the spatial relationships between urban areas and their surroundings.

For instance, understanding the precise coordinates of cities like Accra, which lies on the coast, versus cities like Kumasi, which is more inland, reveals how Ghana’s urban areas interact with different ecological and economic zones. The latitude and longitude of each city are not only valuable for mapping but also for understanding patterns of population growth, transportation networks, and the distribution of resources.

The location of each city, relative to natural resources, climate zones, and transportation routes, plays a major role in shaping its economic activities. By collecting latitude and longitude data, geographers can explore how cities like Tema and Sekondi-Takoradi, with their port access, have developed industrially, while cities further inland like Kumasi have become trade and cultural centers for the surrounding agricultural communities.

Unlocking the Potential of City and Regional Data in Ghana

Obtaining comprehensive data on the cities of Ghana—including their geographical coordinates, regional affiliations, and departments—opens up numerous possibilities for geographical research and urban planning. By understanding the spatial arrangement of cities and their regions, researchers can assess how human settlements are distributed across the country and how these settlements interact with their environment.

City data is essential for urban planning and policy development. For example, by studying the distribution of cities in relation to water bodies, arable land, and transportation corridors, planners can develop strategies to optimize infrastructure development and reduce congestion in growing urban areas. Similarly, understanding regional differences in population density and economic activity can help guide resource allocation and address issues related to rural development.

Moreover, this data is invaluable for environmental studies. Cities located near rivers or coastlines face different challenges compared to those situated inland. By obtaining data on the locations of cities, regions, and natural resources, researchers can assess the environmental impacts of urban growth, analyze climate change effects, and create solutions that minimize ecological degradation.

Geographic Data as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Ghana

As Ghana continues to grow and develop, geographic data will be a crucial tool in managing the country’s expansion in a sustainable way. The precise location of cities, combined with other factors such as population density, natural resource distribution, and climate conditions, allows for more informed decision-making when it comes to sustainable development.

For example, by using city data and geographic coordinates, planners can identify the best locations for new infrastructure projects, ensuring that they are both economically feasible and environmentally responsible. Furthermore, understanding how cities and regions are distributed can help mitigate the effects of urban sprawl and promote balanced growth across the country.

The Future of Ghana’s Geography: Data-Driven Insights for Growth

The future of Ghana, in terms of both urbanization and environmental preservation, will be shaped by the availability and use of geographic data. With detailed information about the cities of Ghana—including their geographical coordinates, regions, and administrative boundaries—researchers, urban planners, and policymakers can make data-driven decisions that promote sustainable growth and improve the quality of life for Ghanaians.

By continuing to collect and analyze geographic data, Ghana can better navigate the complexities of urbanization, environmental conservation, and resource management. Whether planning new cities or protecting natural ecosystems, geographic data provides the insights necessary to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for the country.

FaQ about Ghana

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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