Senegal cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 9487 cities in the Senegal available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Senegal file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

2244634TiatiaoTiatiao,TiatiaouSNDiourbel14.75-16.60Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254271BanébaSNSédhiou13.25-15.533330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245540SinaSNSédhiou12.53778-15.603330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253938Béri DiagneSNDiourbel15-16.433330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246935Ouro MoloSNTambacounda14.15-13.80Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247835NdiayèneSNFatick14.51667-15.70Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253874BinguilSNTambacounda14.5669-12.850690Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2248954Maka KalléMaka,Maka Kalle,Maka KalléSNLouga15.88333-16.233330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247181Niokolo-KobaNIK,Niocolo Koba,Niokholo-Koba,Niokolo-KobaSNTambacounda13.07712-12.727120Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246617PoulomakSNFatick14.33333-15.983330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245622Serigne AboSNDiourbel14.68333-15.966670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250306Keur MadiabelKer Mandiebel,Keur Madiabel,Keur Mandiebel,Madiabel,MandiabelSNKaolack13.85-16.066670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249733Kone KogneKogne-Kogne,Kone KogneSNLouga15.65-16.466670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253088DatorkoutaSNSédhiou13.3-15.733330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244012Yassine MandinaSNSédhiou12.77694-15.741670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2251077KabakotoKabacolo,Kabacoto,KabakotoSNKaolack13.78333-15.650Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246747Patièm 2SNDiourbel14.56667-15.90Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250513Keur Amadou YassineKeur Amadou Yacene,Keur Amadou Yacène,Keur Amadou YassineSNThiès15.01667-16.783330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249047Madina BaféSNKédougou12.49656-11.528830Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2248539MbirineMbirine,N’Birine,N’BirineSNThiès15.15-16.416670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245783Saré TiernoSNKolda13.05-14.233330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250663Kebé Keur BabouSNKaffrine14.08333-15.60Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2252991Diâba MaoundéDiaba Maounde,Diaba Mondi,Diâba Maoundé,MondiSNSaint-Louis16.05845-13.768960Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245348Sintiou MalèmMaleme,Malème,Sinntiou Maleme,Sinntiou Malème,Sinthiou Maleme,Sinthiou Malème,Sintiou Malem,Sintiou Maleme,Sintiou Malèm,Sintiou MalèmeSNTambacounda13.81667-13.916670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246115Saré BouranSNKolda12.68333-14.066670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253913BibiSNLouga15.0651-15.97660Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254045BéléBele,Bele II,Bélé,Bélé IISNTambacounda14.31667-13.033330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246362Keur Samba SadioKeur Samba Sadio,Samba SadioSNLouga15.5858-15.99160Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246043Saré FadiSNKolda12.86806-15.04750Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253054DekmodiSNLouga15.1839-15.28610Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2252032EssanholouSNZiguinchor12.5825-16.750830Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244588TièmèneSNLouga15.1272-15.86890Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249631KoukouSNTambacounda13.73333-14.516670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253372Daga NdoupSNFatick13.68333-16.350Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246292SandiaraSNThiès14.43333-16.80Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247343NguiedjSNKaffrine14-15.233330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2595953NdirèneSNThiès14.7957-17.115280Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247279NianakoundaSNTambacounda13.66667-13.650Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246661Pir NdavèneSNKaffrine14.1-14.616670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2248509Mbos NadiourM’Boss,Mbos Nadiour,M’BossSNKaffrine14.36667-15.783330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
6647990Sintiou BabaSNTambacounda14.24702-12.791430Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246112Saré Daba ForeaSNKolda12.96667-14.483330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2595958Darou Bayakh SillaSNThiès14.84421-17.138580Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247902NdiaovèneNdavene,Ndavène,Ndiaovene,NdiaovèneSNLouga15.46667-16.450Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254310Bam DjiganeSNFatick14.38333-15.833330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245933Saré Maounda NiémaSare Maouda Niema,Sare Maounda Niema,Saré Maouda Niéma,Saré Maounda NiémaSNKolda13.3-14.550Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254043BélelSNTambacounda14.05-14.566670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254688AmadjiSNTambacounda14.61007-12.228450Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249914KhelkomSNLouga15.75361-16.304720Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246880PakalaSNKaffrine13.83333-14.933330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245019Tal DiopTal Diop,Tall DiopSNSaint-Louis15.95-16.216670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2251679Ganguel MakaSNMatam14.94439-12.735850Africa/Dakarpopulated place
6917524EdéSNLouga15.0012-15.77510Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250302Keur MadianaSNThiès15-16.250Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253421DabalaSNTambacounda13.37124-12.875880Africa/Dakarpopulated place
6646782Galoya TôrobbéSNSaint-Louis16.06222-13.871570Africa/Dakarpopulated place
11288476DiokharSNThiès14.415-16.7660Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2251625Gassel DouloSNLouga15.1746-14.63630Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249212LougoulSNDiourbel14.95-16.066670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253632BoufantoSNKolda13.13333-14.183330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247169NiomouneNiomouneSNZiguinchor12.63944-16.656670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254338BamakoSNKolda12.86667-14.083330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247622Ndosse MbadiokNdoss,Ndosse MbadiokSNFatick14.45-16.350Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250637KéléSNLouga15.2282-15.35120Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250765KarantabaSNZiguinchor13.08639-16.718890Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244700TiankouSNKolda12.91667-13.850Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253827BitiouBitiou,Bitiou Seou,Bitiou SéouSNThiès15.31667-16.466670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246625Pouboul KanpanhePouboul Kampanhe,Pouboul KanpanheSNZiguinchor12.51667-16.150Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2252737Diana MalariDiana,Diana Malari,Diana Malary,Dianah Malari,Dianna,DiannahSNSédhiou12.84833-15.249720Africa/Dakarpopulated place
6917497Bélel DobaSNLouga15.8659-15.4790Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253790BofayeSNThiès14.65-16.633330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244568TienngTiengue,TienngSNThiès15.1-16.483330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246978OuniokOuniok,OunokSNZiguinchor12.98139-16.155560Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247016OudoukarSNSédhiou12.875-15.330280Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245439Sintiep SineSentien Sine,Sentiep Sine,Sinthiou Sine,Sinthiou Siné,Sintiep SineSNThiès14.98333-16.60Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2252255DjigironeDjigirone,DjirigoneSNZiguinchor12.99417-15.96750Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2251213GuirioSNZiguinchor12.97472-16.580280Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2245681SékrétaSNKédougou12.42296-11.956580Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250345Keur Ibra KaneKeur Ibra Kahn,Keur Ibra KaneSNThiès14.75-16.716670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253908BidemBidem,BidjemSNLouga15.53333-16.316670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247331NguiobèneSNLouga15.65-16.166670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2248449MédinaSNKaffrine13.88333-15.40Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2252925DiagoubelSNZiguinchor12.69972-16.326390Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2248108NdakarSNKaffrine14.08333-15.050Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253731BokiguiléSNTambacounda14.54631-12.951630Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2246754Paté SekSNDiourbel14.85-16.40Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2253426ChirifChirif,Serif,SérifSNThiès14.46667-16.833330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244217TouréSNLouga15.05-16.20Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249669KotiorKotion,KotiorSNFatick14.46667-16.533330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2251938FasFas,FassSNKaolack14-16.10Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244627TiavèneSNDiourbel14.95-16.150Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250669KazamanseSNThiès14.51667-16.833330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247867KhoubitKhoubit,Ndias,Ndiass RhobiteSNThiès14.62947-17.091930Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2249793Koki KadSNLouga15.01667-16.183330Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2250857KandjiSNThiès14.78333-16.666670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2247006OulampaneOulampane,OulanpaneSNZiguinchor12.95611-15.992780Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2244781TiagalSNDiourbel14.93333-16.466670Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2252900DiakhanorSNFatick13.98333-16.768060Africa/Dakarpopulated place
2254499BaganaSNThiès14.18333-16.750Africa/Dakarpopulated place
6602980Yaré DiaégalSNSaint-Louis16.02489-14.60780Africa/Dakarpopulated place

Exploring Senegal: A Geographical Overview and Data Insights

Senegal, a country located on the westernmost tip of Africa, is often seen as a crossroads between the Atlantic Ocean and the vast expanses of the Sahel. It is not only known for its rich culture, history, and vibrant landscapes, but also for its remarkable geographical diversity. From the arid deserts of the north to the lush forests and wetlands of the south, Senegal’s varied topography offers a fascinating study for geographers and data enthusiasts alike.

The Geography of Senegal: A Diverse Landscape

Senegal’s geography is one of contrasts. The northern regions are dominated by semi-arid lands, while the southern regions, including the Casamance area, experience a tropical climate, perfect for agriculture. Senegal's geography includes savannas, mangrove forests, and coastal wetlands, with the country’s vast coastline along the Atlantic Ocean providing a vital connection to international trade and cultural exchange.

The nation's highest point, located in the southeastern region of the country, offers stunning views and is a part of the Fouta Djallon Highlands. The country’s rivers, notably the Senegal River that flows through the northern part of the country, serve as both a natural boundary and a vital source of life, connecting communities from the inland to the coast.

The Political and Administrative Division of Senegal

Senegal’s administrative divisions provide a fascinating structure for studying the nation. The country is divided into 14 regions, which are further subdivided into 45 departments. These political divisions are not only essential for administrative governance but also play a significant role in the regional distribution of resources, development programs, and demographic studies.

The regions of Senegal, each with distinct characteristics, offer geographers unique insights into the country’s socio-economic conditions. For instance, the capital, Dakar, located on the Cape Verde Peninsula, is an economic powerhouse, while regions like Kaolack and Tambacounda provide crucial agricultural resources that feed the country and beyond.

Understanding these divisions and the varying characteristics of each region—ranging from coastal cities to inland rural areas—requires detailed data, particularly when examining how infrastructure, population density, and resource allocation differ across the nation.

Why Geographical Data of Senegal Matters

As a geographer, the significance of precise data on the cities, regions, and departments of Senegal cannot be overstated. Knowing the geographical coordinates, including the exact latitude and longitude of each urban area, is crucial for understanding patterns in urbanization, climate change effects, and human activity distribution across the country. Detailed geographical data also enhances urban planning, disaster response, and environmental conservation efforts.

Imagine wanting to explore the distinct characteristics of Saint-Louis, the historic city in the north, or analyzing the economic potential of cities like Thies or Ziguinchor. Access to comprehensive data on the coordinates and administrative divisions of these cities allows researchers to make informed decisions and develop strategies for sustainable development.

Accessing Senegal’s Data: The Key to a Deeper Understanding

For those interested in studying the cities of Senegal, it’s crucial to obtain accurate and updated geographical data. This includes essential information about the regions, departments, and, most importantly, the latitude and longitude of each city in Senegal. Such data can unlock a deeper understanding of how geography influences the development of infrastructure, the allocation of resources, and the socio-economic landscape of the country.

By gaining access to detailed data on Senegal's geographical layout, one can observe trends in population movements, urban sprawl, and the impacts of climate change on the nation's landscape. The availability of such data makes it easier for geographers, researchers, and planners to analyze various aspects of Senegal’s geographical challenges and opportunities.

Conclusion: A Call for Comprehensive Data Access

In summary, Senegal’s geographical diversity and intricate political structure provide an exciting canvas for geographic research and exploration. The key to unlocking the full potential of this diverse landscape lies in access to accurate and detailed data, particularly on the cities and regions of Senegal. By obtaining the geographical coordinates and other crucial data of each city, including their regions and departments, one can gain invaluable insights that drive better planning, development, and research.

For anyone keen to dive deeper into the geographical and administrative makeup of Senegal, access to comprehensive data is essential. Whether you are a geographer, researcher, or someone interested in understanding the country’s dynamics, having access to precise coordinates and regional data will provide a solid foundation for your analysis and exploration.

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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