Palau cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 76 cities in the Palau available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Palau file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

1559480Ngchemiangel HamletEmieangl,Gamliangel,Kamiyangaru,Kamiyangaur,Komliangl,NgchemiangelPWAimeliik7.446134.47596100Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038053NgereklmadelMechebechubl,Mehebehubl,New Ngatbang,Ngatbang,NgerklamadPWNgatpang7.48822134.4848150Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038282Angaur StateNgeaurPWAngaur6.90601134.129970188Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559543UlimangA Ulimang,Galap,UlimanPWNgaraard7.62416134.64208581Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
4038109Ngersung HamletGarasuun,Garusuun,Ngarsung,NgorsumPWAirai7.35412134.53576130Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7732415Koror TownLittle TokyoPWKoror7.34257134.4788812676Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559475Ngermelech HamletGalumuleaka,Garumureaka,Ngeremeleg,NgermelechPWMelekeok7.49966134.634730Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4037993Ngebei HamletGabel,Ngabei,Ngabeul,Ngabiul,NgabygulPWNgarchelong7.69887134.63672250Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559362Ngchesechang HamletAmarakarakkuru,Aramarakarakkuru,Aramarakarakuru,Gasakan,Gaskan,Ngaragebukl,Ngasachang,Ngchesechang,Nggasagang,NghesehangPWAirai7.38472134.580270Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7670816Sonsorol VillageDongosaro,SonsorolPWSonsorol5.32608132.2194330Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559351Kloulklubed HamletKloulklubed - US post-WW2 builtPWPeleliu7.04193134.2554930Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559673Ngermetengel HamletAlmonogui,Arumonogui,Ngaremetengel,Ngeremlengui,NgermetengelPWNgaremlengui7.52253134.5026830Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559755Ngeburch HamletGabulko,Galbuko,Ngaburok,Ngeburch,Ngebureg,Ololian,Ororian,a IpelauPWMelekeok7.50762134.6293230Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7701398Ngebuked HamletPWNgaraard7.64191134.630490Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4037733Chol HamletA Gol,Acholl,Agol,Akoru,Akuro,Choll,Gol,RollPWNgaraard7.67063134.63587150Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559670Ngerngesang HamletGaiakasan,Garakasan,Ngarakesou,Ngarakosou,Ngargeso,NgerngesangPWNgchesar7.45304134.603750Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559674Elechui HamletChelechuiPWAimeliik7.43161134.47997200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7670861Pulo Anna VillagePuro VillagePWSonsorol4.65404131.949010Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559654Ngeruluobel HamletGaruruon,NgeruluobelPWAirai7.36448134.5241260Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7732314Ngeremecheluch HamletPWMelekeok7.49199134.6359640Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038140Ngerusar HamletGarasuun,Garusal,Garusaru,Garusuru,Ngarsung,Ngorsum,Ngursar,NgurusarPWAirai7.35987134.5296550Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038144NgesangPWNgaraard7.62695134.6437320Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559720NgerkeaiNgermechau,Ngiwal,Ogiwal,OgiwaruPWNgiwal7.55458134.6358230Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559728Ngerbodel HamletArubodoru,Nerubodoru,Ngarbagedesau,NgerbodelPWKoror7.35134.493940Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559847Iyebukel HamletAebukuru,Aiebukl,Ayebukuru,Doro Island,IyebukelPWKoror7.34929134.48594100Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559488Ngerkeai HamletGalegui,Garadai,Garikiai,Goleguy,Karikari,Karikiai,Nagarekeai,Ngarekai,Ngarekeai,Ngergeai,Ngerkeai,NgerkeyaiPWAimeliik7.42072134.49786200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559864Imeong HamletA Imeungs,Aimeong,Aimion,Imeiong,ImeongPWNgaremlengui7.53134134.527133132Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559645Ngeruikl HamletGalauekkel,Ngarevikl,Ngeruiki,Ngeruikl,NgeruwiklPWNgchesar7.48362134.6166450Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559338Iebukel HamletJebukolPWNgarchelong7.70006134.64097150Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038316Ngardmau VillagePWNgardmau7.60988134.5741860Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559400Ngerbeched HamletArabaketsu,Arubaketsu,Neustadt,Ngarbaged,Ngarbaged-rengul,Ngarbeched,NgerbechedPWKoror7.33249134.47623100Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7732297NgardmauPWNgardmau7.60986134.57446221Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
7671223KloulklubedPWPeleliu7.04192134.255613702Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559820NgereklmadelMadarabae,Madarabaye,NgedbangPWNgatpang7.48826134.48562150Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559534Ngetkib HamletAakip,Adkip,Atkiip,Atkiíp,Gadkip,Gakip,Gakkibu,Gatkip,Itkib,Ngatkip,Ngetgip,Ngetkib,Ngetkip,Ngtkip,NgtkípPWAirai7.36438134.51439200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7670730Tobi VillageHatohobeiPWHatohobei3.00488131.1216844Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559694Meketii HamletMeketii,MinatohangPWKoror7.34708134.4829940Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7701549NgetkibPWAirai7.36451134.5148462Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559635Ertong HamletPWMelekeok7.50442134.61480Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559962Airai HamletA Irai,Airrai,IrraiPWAirai7.35985134.55946150Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4037805Ngerubesang HamletPWMelekeok7.48969134.6309330Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4037823Imelechol HamletA Imelogel,Babelthuap Village,Emeleol,ImeleolPWPeleliu7.03966134.265630Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559914Chelab HamletAchelap,Aiokako-suido,Aiokako-suidō,Akalak,Akarappu,Chelab,Elab,Gabokkudo,Galap,Garurudo,Gaysan,Geysan,Ralap,Rallap,YalapPWNgaraard7.63575134.638850Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038107Ngersuul HamletGarashiyoo,Garasho,Karasho,Ngarsul,NgorsulPWNgchesar7.43479134.5949540Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038170MengellangKayungur,Ngeiungel,OnonguruPWNgarchelong7.6957134.6305453488Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
7732276NgchemiangelPWAimeliik7.44613134.4767810270Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
7732825Ngeraus HamletPWNgchesar7.47667134.613460Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7701544Ordomel HamletPWAirai7.38111134.555280Pacific/Palaupopulated place
7670994KayangelPWKayangel8.08228134.71725188Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
4038080Ngerkesou HamletGaiakasan,Garakasan,Ngarakesou,Ngarakosou,NgargesoPWNgchesar7.46363134.6047800Pacific/Palaupopulated place
11776437KoskaPW7.03526134.251990Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559732Ngerbau HamletAracalong,Delebog,Galapao,Ngarabau,Ngarbau,Ngerbau,Pkulrengereiong Point,PkulrengerelongPWNgarchelong7.70291134.64106150Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559419Oikull HamletGoikul,Koiguru,Koygul,Oigul,OikullPWAirai7.37192134.587730Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559484Idid HamletPWKoror7.34299134.48373100Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559350Ngermid HamletArmid,Arumizu,Arumuzu,Ngarmid,NgermidPWKoror7.33983134.50163200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
8063361NgerulmudNgerulmud,eung-gelulmudeu,Нгерулмуд,응게룰무드PWMelekeok7.50077134.62380Pacific/Palaucapital of a political entity
1559617Ngriil HamletChiyou,Ngriel,Ngriil,NgrilPWNgarchelong7.69032134.63609350Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559513Ngerchemai HamletAragamae,Aragamaye,Arekamae,Ngarchemai,Ngaregamai,Ngarekamais,Ngerchemai,NgerechemaiPWKoror7.35134.488960Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038130Ngeruling HamletPWMelekeok7.50535134.6324940Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559804Melekeok VillageArtingall,Athermal,Athernal,Coaengal,Malligoyoke,Marukiyoku,Melekeiok,Melekejok,Melekiok,Melekyok,Meligeok,Mgadernal,Molegojok,Molegoyok,NgadernalPWMelekeok7.49567134.636713271Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559353Tngeronger HamletDngeronger,NgargersiulPWKoror7.34449134.4791250Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559890Eimelik HamletPWAimeliik7.3973134.510340Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038353Yelch - New VillagePWAirai7.36051134.5457450Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559703Ngerekebesang HamletArakabesan,NgerekebesangPWKoror7.35444134.4464880Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559446KororGoreor,Goror,Koreor,Koror,Koror City,Koror town,Koror village,Kororu,Korōru,ROR,kololeu,kololeu ju,코로르,코로르 주PWKoror7.33978134.473262014000Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
1559797Meyungs HamletAmiyonsu,Meiungs,Meungs,Meyungs,a MeungsPWKoror7.35381134.4596380Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559785AngaurDelutaog,Jimusho,Ngaramash,Saipan,Saipan Town,Saipon,Sipon,YubinkyokuPWAngaur6.90331134.131335320Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4038014NgerkeaiKaraeru,Ngaragoluuk,Ngaregeluj,Ngerecheluk,Ngermechau,Ngiwal,Ogiwal,OgiwaruPWNgiwal7.55456134.636123223Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
4038084Ngerkeseuaol HamletAiekasaol,Aiekasol,Arakasoaol,Atekasabra,Atekasabru,Atekasaoru,Kesaiaol,Kesauaol,Ngarakassoul,Ngarekesauaol,Ngerkeseoul,NgerkesewaolPWKoror7.34301134.48949400Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559812Medorm HamletAdmodhorom,Amodhorom,Medorm,Medorom,Mudorom,MuduromPWAimeliik7.4565134.47901200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559444Echang HamletEang,Sonsorol Islanders Village,Tobi Islanders VillagePWKoror7.34661134.45289200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4036778Ngchesar HamletAlakasoho,Arakaso,Enchesar,Engkasar,Enkasar,Enkassar,Galaus,Ngesar,Nggesar,Nggessar,NgurutoiPWNgchesar7.46932134.609917300Pacific/Palauseat of a first-order administrative division
4038174Ngkeklau HamletAngkaluau,Geklau,Kaklau,Kakurao,Kaslau,Keklau,Kekurao,Ngekeklau,Ngerkeklau,NgkekauPWNgaraard7.59296134.640230Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559482Echol HamletChechol,Echol,Eeyahoru,Eeyakoru,Eholl,Euakor,GegolPWKoror7.35133134.4469360Pacific/Palaupopulated place
1559604Chollei HamletGolei,Konlei,Konrei,Olei,OlleiPWNgarchelong7.71985134.61414200Pacific/Palaupopulated place
4037770Elauesachel HamletPWAimeliik7.45743134.50616300Pacific/Palaupopulated place

Discovering Palau: A Geographical Exploration

Palau, an island nation located in the western Pacific Ocean, stands as a stunning testament to the natural beauty and geographical diversity of Oceania. Consisting of over 340 islands, Palau offers a unique combination of tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and rugged coastlines that are as biologically diverse as they are breathtaking. For geographers, understanding the topography, climate, and settlement patterns of Palau requires precise data on its cities, regions, and exact geographical coordinates. This geographical data, when accessed correctly, can provide deeper insights into the island’s environmental systems and human interactions.

The Geographical Layout of Palau

The geography of Palau is as varied as it is captivating. The country is made up of a series of volcanic and limestone islands, spread across the western Pacific, with the largest island being Babeldaob. The islands of Palau are situated near the equator, giving the country a tropical climate, characterized by warm temperatures and high humidity throughout the year. The country’s diverse ecosystems, from coral reefs to mangrove forests, make it one of the most ecologically rich nations in the world.

Palau’s most famous geographical feature is its coral reef system, which encircles many of its islands and creates an underwater paradise for marine life. The nation’s compact size hides an extraordinary diversity in landscapes. While the outer islands are small and remote, the main islands, particularly Babeldaob and Koror, feature a mixture of mountainous terrain and lush forests that are home to endemic plant and animal species. The islands' varied geography influences everything from agricultural practices to the development of infrastructure and urban areas.

The Regions and Urban Areas of Palau

Palau’s administrative divisions include states, each with its own set of responsibilities and cultural significance. There are 16 states in total, which are further divided into smaller regions and departments. These states, including Koror, Babeldaob, and Peleliu, each offer different geographical and cultural characteristics that are shaped by their unique locations within the archipelago.

Koror, the largest city and former capital, serves as the commercial and cultural hub of Palau. The city is located on the island of Koror, which is connected by bridge to Babeldaob, the largest island in the country. This connection is crucial for the country’s infrastructure, linking urban areas with rural ones, while also facilitating economic activities. Other states like Peleliu, which has historical significance from World War II, provide additional layers of cultural heritage tied to the country’s geographical landscape.

The cities and towns of Palau are generally small, with many areas remaining sparsely populated due to the island's limited resources and vast wilderness areas. The geographical distribution of these settlements has been influenced by the availability of land, proximity to the coast, and the surrounding environment.

Latitude and Longitude: Mapping Palau’s Cities

For any geographer, understanding the precise geographical positioning of cities and regions is essential for mapping out the relationships between urban areas, natural resources, and transportation networks. The latitude and longitude coordinates of Palau’s cities provide key data for spatial analysis, helping to map the layout of the country in a way that accounts for both natural and human factors.

Obtaining detailed latitude and longitude coordinates for Palau’s major cities and regions allows for the creation of accurate geographic models that help inform infrastructure planning, environmental conservation, and the study of demographic patterns. For example, knowing the coordinates of Koror, the nation’s most populous city, provides insights into how the country’s urban areas interact with its surrounding marine environments. The same goes for cities like Melekeok and Ngerulmud, which are also integral to understanding Palau’s urban dynamics.

Unlocking Geospatial Data for a Deeper Understanding of Palau

Accessing detailed data about the cities, regions, and exact geographical coordinates of Palau is a powerful tool for researchers and urban planners. Such a database provides a comprehensive understanding of how geography shapes the daily lives of the people of Palau, from their economic activities to their interaction with the environment.

Having access to accurate and up-to-date geographical information allows for detailed studies into the movement of populations, the distribution of resources, and the impact of climate change on the islands. Moreover, it aids in the development of sustainable policies that respect the balance between human habitation and the preservation of Palau’s diverse ecosystems.

The role of geospatial data in guiding decisions related to tourism, agriculture, and conservation cannot be overstated. With detailed data, one can map out Palau’s key geographic features—whether it be the coral reefs, forests, or coastal settlements—and create strategies to protect these vital areas while fostering development.


Palau, with its unique geographical features and rich cultural history, presents a fascinating subject for study. Its diverse landscapes, ranging from coral reefs to dense forests, offer a wealth of insights into the ways in which geography influences human settlement, economic activity, and environmental conservation. By obtaining detailed geographical data about Palau’s cities, regions, and their precise coordinates, one can gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the land and the people who inhabit it. Access to such data is invaluable for anyone seeking to study or plan the future of this incredible island nation, ensuring that both its natural and human landscapes are preserved for generations to come.

FaQ about Palau

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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