Andorra cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV format


Last update : 18 September 2024.

Andorra la Vella
Number of cities

This is the best list of 59 cities in the Andorra available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Andorra file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3040132la MassanaLa Macana,La Massana,La Maçana,La-Massana,la Massana,ma sa na,Ла-Массана,ラ・マサナ教区,马萨纳ADLa Massana42.544991.514837211Europe/Andorraseat of a first-order administrative division
3040686EncampEhnkam,Encamp,en kan pu,enkanpu jiao qu,Энкам,エンカンプ教区,恩坎普ADEncamp42.534741.5801411223Europe/Andorraseat of a first-order administrative division
3039320RansolADCanillo42.581371.638120Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039979LlortsLlors,Llorta,LorsADOrdino42.596251.526580Europe/Andorrapopulated place
7302102La MarginedaMarkhineda,МархинедаADAndorra la Vella42.485991.49024155Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3038999SoldeuADCanillo42.576881.66769602Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039862MeritxellSanctuaire de Meritxeli,Sanctuaire de Meritxell,Santuari de MeritxellADCanillo42.554031.590870Europe/Andorrapopulated place
8260095Sant Miquel d'EngolastersADEscaldes-Engordany42.511191.559870Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3038832VilaCasas Vila,VilaADEncamp42.531761.566540Europe/Andorrapopulated place
11945497Els VilarsEls VilarsADEscaldes-Engordany42.516361.533560Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040694El VilarEl VilarADCanillo42.572041.6080Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039132SegudetSegudetADOrdino42.557131.538080Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039959LlumeneresLlumeneresADSant Julià de Loria42.472291.511650Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040141l'AldosaADLa Massana42.543911.52289594Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039634PalPalADLa Massana42.545921.475240Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039819MolleresMolleresADCanillo42.550931.589850Europe/Andorrapopulated place
11945537La ComellaLa ComellaADAndorra la Vella42.501171.528790Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040154La CortinadaLa CortinadaADOrdino42.574231.518450Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040140l'Aldosa de canilloADCanillo42.578951.62902195Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040067Les BonsEls BonsADEncamp42.538731.586490Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039077SisponySisponyADLa Massana42.533681.516130Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040027Les SalinesADOrdino42.609521.536970Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039163Sant Julià de LòriaSan Julia,San Julià,Sant Julia de Loria,Sant Julià de Lòria,Sant-Zhulija-de-Lorija,sheng hu li ya-de luo li ya,Сант-Жулия-де-Лория,サン・ジュリア・デ・ロリア教区,圣胡利娅-德洛里亚,圣胡利娅-德洛里亚ADSant Julià de Loria42.463721.491298022Europe/Andorraseat of a first-order administrative division
8260083Bordes d'EnvaliraBordes d'Envalira,Bordes de EnvaliraADCanillo42.559621.685760Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041098CertersCerters,Certes,Certés,SertesADSant Julià de Loria42.474571.506110Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039181Santa ColomaSanta ColomaADAndorra la Vella42.494541.498970Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040051les EscaldesEhskal'des-Ehndzhordani,Escaldes,Escaldes-Engordany,Les Escaldes,esukarudesu=engorudani jiao qu,lai sai si ka er de-en ge er da,Эскальдес-Энджордани,エスカルデス=エンゴルダニ教区,萊塞斯卡爾德-恩戈爾達,萊塞斯卡爾德-恩戈爾達ADEscaldes-Engordany42.507291.5341415853Europe/Andorraseat of a first-order administrative division
3039604Pas de la CasaPas de la Kasa,Пас де ла КасаADEncamp42.542771.7336120502363Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040200JuberriJuberri,JuverriADSant Julià de Loria42.441.491940Europe/Andorrapopulated place
10630523Puiol del PiuADLa Massana42.56521.491591660400Europe/Andorrapopulated place
8260082InclesADCanillo42.582851.662670Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041475AubinyàAubinya,Aubinyà,AuvinyaADSant Julià de Loria42.45311.492470Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041609AixàsAixas,AixàsADSant Julià de Loria42.486471.468380Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040437FontanedaFontanedaADSant Julià de Loria42.454051.464710Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040709Els PlansEls PlansADCanillo42.581431.632730Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039757NagolNagolADSant Julià de Loria42.471421.502310Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041543AnyósAnyos,AnyósADLa Massana42.534651.52510Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040737El SerratLo SerratADOrdino42.61831.539120Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039678OrdinoOrdino,ao er di nuo,orudino jiao qu,Ордино,オルディノ教区,奥尔迪诺ADOrdino42.556231.533193066Europe/Andorraseat of a first-order administrative division
3039386PratsADCanillo42.560031.593960Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041519ArinsalArinsal,Arinsal',Arinsalis,arynsal,Аринсал,Аринсаль,آرینسالADLa Massana42.572051.484531419Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039166Sant Joan de CasellesSan Joan de Casettas,Sant Joan de Casellas,Sant Joan de CasellesADCanillo42.571161.607610Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040648EngordanyEngordanyADEscaldes-Engordany42.511151.541180Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3038987SornàsSornas,SornàsADOrdino42.564611.527570Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040025Les SubiranesLes SobiranesADOrdino42.620551.5414716126Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040601EscàsEscas,EscàsADLa Massana42.546431.508950Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041541AransAransADOrdino42.582261.518440Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041598AixovallAixovallADSant Julià de Loria42.47641.488990Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3040609ErtsErcs,Ercz,ErezADLa Massana42.562181.49680Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041204CanilloCanillo,Kanil'o,ka ni e,kaniryo jiao qu,Канильо,カニーリョ教区,卡尼略ADCanillo42.56761.597563292Europe/Andorraseat of a first-order administrative division
3039896Mas de RibafetaADLa Massana42.569321.488580Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041563Andorra la VellaALV,Ando-la-Vyey,Andora,Andora la Vela,Andora la Velja,Andora lja Vehl'ja,Andoro Malnova,Andorra,Andorra Tuan,Andorra a Vella,Andorra la Biella,Andorra la Vella,Andorra la Vielha,Andorra-a-Velha,Andorra-la-Vel'ja,Andorra-la-Vielye,Andorre-la-Vieille,Andò-la-Vyèy,Andòrra la Vièlha,an dao er cheng,andolalabeya,andwra la fyla,Ανδόρρα,Андора ла Веля,Андора ла Веља,Андора ля Вэлья,Андорра-ла-Велья,אנדורה לה וולה,أندورا لا فيلا,አንዶራ ላ ቬላ,アンドラ・ラ・ヴェリャ,安道爾城,안도라라베야ADAndorra la Vella42.507791.5210920430Europe/Andorracapital of a political entity
3039901Mas d’AlinsADSant Julià de Loria42.441121.451280Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3038816XixerellaADLa Massana42.553271.487360Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039154El TarterEhl Tarter,Эл ТартерADCanillo42.579521.653621052Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3039322RàmioADEscaldes-Engordany42.497341.574010Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041546AnsalongaAnsalongaADOrdino42.568811.521980Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041604AixirivallAixirivali,Aixirivall,Aixirvall,EixirivallADSant Julià de Loria42.462451.502090Europe/Andorrapopulated place
3041375BixessarriBicisarri,Bixessarri,Bixisarri,Biçisarri,VixesarriADSant Julià de Loria42.481971.460520Europe/Andorrapopulated place

FaQ about Andorra

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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