Madagascar cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats
Last update : 15 January 2025.
This is the best list of 24091 cities in the Madagascar available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).
Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.
Here is an example of the data from the Madagascar file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:
Geoname_ID | City | Alternate_Name | Country_Code | Region | Sub_region | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Population | Timezone | Fcode_Name |
1084267 | Ambalamanakana | MG | Amoron’i Mania | Ambositra District | -20.73333 | 47.18333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1078054 | Ampasimpotsy | MG | Alaotra Mangoro | Moramanga District | -18.68333 | 48.01667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1081919 | Amboaimitrohaky | MG | Androy | Beloha District | -24.76667 | 45.05 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1063796 | Ivory | MG | Upper Matsiatra | Vohibato | -21.56667 | 46.91667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060268 | Marobanty | MG | Boeny | Mahajanga II | -15.81667 | 46.9 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1059187 | Menakanitsy | MG | Ihorombe | Ivohibe | -22.86667 | 46.93333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076481 | Andampy | MG | Sofia | Port-Berge (Boriziny-Vaovao) | -15.53333 | 47.7 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1059218 | Mazavalanitra | MG | Atsinanana | Marolambo | -20.33333 | 47.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1054586 | Tsinjoarivo | MG | Bongolava | Tsiroanomandidy | -19.01667 | 45.65 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060023 | Marokoro | MG | Alaotra Mangoro | Andilamena District | -16.58333 | 48.21667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1073959 | Angodona | MG | Sofia | Port-Berge (Boriziny-Vaovao) | -15.46667 | 47.75 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1083603 | Ambararata | MG | Anosy | Betroka District | -23.6 | 45.75 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075835 | Andondahe | MG | Atsinanana | Toamasina II | -17.75 | 49.36667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1070517 | Antanimena | MG | Anosy | Amboasary District | -24.7 | 46.25 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1061200 | Manavony | MG | Melaky | Antsalova | -19.16667 | 44.73333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1080144 | Ambohimena | Ambatomena,Ambohimena | MG | Bongolava | Fenoarivobe | -17.96667 | 45.98333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1076533 | Andambario | MG | Ihorombe | Ihosy | -22.61667 | 46.51667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076954 | Analasatrana | Analasatrana,Antsatrana | MG | Diana | Ambilobe | -13.06667 | 48.88333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1059308 | Matsaborimanga | MG | Diana | Ambilobe | -12.86667 | 49.05 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1071497 | Anosibe | MG | Melaky | Maintirano | -18.28333 | 44.26667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1072057 | Ankily | MG | Androy | Tsihombe | -25.36667 | 45.53333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060194 | Marofiviky | MG | Anosy | Amboasary District | -24.18333 | 46.45 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1070746 | Antanetibe Avaratra | Antanetibe Avaratra,Antanetibe Nord | MG | Bongolava | Tsiroanomandidy | -19.01667 | 46.46667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1081713 | Ambodialampona | MG | Atsinanana | Brickaville | -18.5 | 48.7 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076660 | Andafia | MG | Menabe | Belo Sur Tsiribihina | -19.35 | 44.8 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1078168 | Ampasimariny | Ampasimarina,Ampasimariny | MG | Boeny | Mahajanga II | -15.51667 | 46.5 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1064768 | Folahanteza | MG | Analanjirofo | Mananara Nord District | -16.01667 | 49.53333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1077897 | Ampefy | MG | Sava | Vohemar | -13.75 | 49.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1073788 | Anjahandoaka | MG | Atsimo-Andrefana | Sakaraha District | -22.9 | 44.55 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062882 | Madiromirafy | MG | Boeny | Ambato Boeni | -16.33212 | 46.8524 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1084472 | Ambalabe | MG | Menabe | Manja District | -21.55 | 44.26667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1080850 | Ambodivoahangy | MG | Atsinanana | Brickaville | -18.73333 | 48.58333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1083515 | Ambaratra | MG | Vakinankaratra | Mandoto | -19.56667 | 46.46667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1077110 | Analamavo | MG | Melaky | Besalampy | -16.66667 | 44.71667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1067470 | Bemamba | MG | Melaky | Antsalova | -19.21667 | 44.78333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1084557 | Ambakirano | MG | Sava | Vohemar | -13.36667 | 49.78333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062238 | Mahatsinjo | MG | Atsimo-Atsinanana | Midongy-Atsimo | -23.06667 | 46.91667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1070828 | Antanantsara | MG | Analamanga | Ambohidratrimo District | -18.63333 | 47.53333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075931 | Andohatany | MG | Vakinankaratra | Faratsiho | -19.25 | 47.05 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1084362 | Ambalahosy | MG | Vatovavy Region | Mananjary | -21.38333 | 47.93333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1059993 | Maroleo | Mahaleo,Maroleo | MG | Boeny | Soalala | -16.15 | 45.23333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1077293 | Analabe | MG | Fitovinany Region | Manakara | -21.78333 | 47.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1073741 | Anjanaborona | MG | Boeny | Mahajanga II | -15.68333 | 46.51667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1083036 | Ambatolahy | MG | Anosy | Betroka District | -23.75 | 46.15 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1056029 | Taiembetsy | MG | Androy | Tsihombe | -25.4 | 45.45 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1063828 | Ivohimalaza | Ivohimalaza,Vahimalaza,Vohimalaxa,Vohimalaza | MG | Ihorombe | Ihosy | -22.11667 | 45.68333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1054022 | Vohibola | MG | Androy | Beloha District | -24.7 | 45.1 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1058424 | Morarfena | MG | Bongolava | Fenoarivobe | -18.41667 | 46.68333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1078459 | Ampapamenabe | MG | Diana | Ambilobe | -13.35 | 48.85 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1082010 | Ambinda | MG | Anosy | Betroka District | -23 | 45.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1056579 | Siasia | MG | Anosy | Taolagnaro | -24.76667 | 47.01667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1077785 | Ampiolahana | MG | Itasy | Soavinandriana | -19.15 | 46.45 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1083225 | Ambatofolaka | MG | Analanjirofo | Fenerive Est | -17.25 | 49.35 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062158 | Mahavelo | MG | Atsimo-Atsinanana | Farafangana District | -22.7 | 47.7 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075419 | Andranoboaka Andremafana | Andranoboaka Andremafana,Andranomiboaka | MG | Ihorombe | Ihosy | -21.9 | 46.01667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1068886 | Antsotaha | Antsotaha,Antsotsaha | MG | Sava | Vohemar | -13.55 | 49.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1082682 | Ambatomitsangana | MG | Analamanga | Ankazobe District | -18.28333 | 47.13333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1059073 | Miakotso | MG | Bongolava | Fenoarivobe | -18.6 | 46.95 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060583 | Manompy Avaratra | MG | Alaotra Mangoro | Andilamena District | -16.41667 | 48.11667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1057450 | Sahandraty | MG | Vatovavy Region | Nosy-Varika | -20.56667 | 47.93333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1059593 | Marovato | MG | Atsinanana | Brickaville | -18.68333 | 48.6 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1073674 | Anjeba | Anjeba,Anjebatoby | MG | Androy | Ambovombe District | -24.96667 | 45.56667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1075185 | Andranomaitso | MG | Vatovavy Region | Ifanadiana | -20.83333 | 47.7 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062110 | Mahazenda | MG | Fitovinany Region | Ikongo | -21.86667 | 47.45 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076380 | Andasimbary | MG | Atsimo-Andrefana | Betioky District | -23.93333 | 44.95 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1056503 | Soaindrana | MG | Upper Matsiatra | Vohibato | -21.51667 | 47.03333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1057467 | Sahananto | MG | Atsinanana | Brickaville | -18.51667 | 48.96667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076429 | Andaparaty | MG | Analanjirofo | Maroantsetra District | -15.2 | 49.6 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1067313 | Bemavo | MG | Atsimo-Andrefana | Beroroha District | -21.61667 | 45.38333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075349 | Andranofotsy | MG | Androy | Beloha District | -24.95 | 45.08333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075581 | Andrambonivory | MG | Amoron’i Mania | Ambatofinandrahana District | -20.68333 | 46.71667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1067998 | Bekijana | MG | Itasy | Soavinandriana | -19.21667 | 46.66667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1061962 | Mahitsitady | MG | Vakinankaratra | Betafo District | -19.7 | 46.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1066128 | Betsipanga | MG | Atsimo-Atsinanana | Befotaka | -23.9 | 46.96667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1083747 | Ambanimangy | MG | Sava | Antalaha | -15.25 | 50.43333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1081177 | Ambodimanry | MG | Betsiboka | Maevatanana | -16.96667 | 46.8 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062601 | Mahamavo | MG | Betsiboka | Maevatanana | -16.9 | 47.2 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076262 | Andemaky Andrefana | Andemaky Andrefana,Andemaky Ouest,Andemoka | MG | Anosy | Betroka District | -23.05 | 45.71667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1072236 | Ankilimary | MG | Anosy | Amboasary District | -23.98333 | 46.33333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075264 | Andranolava | MG | Ihorombe | Ivohibe | -22.45 | 47.13333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1076543 | Andalona | MG | Vakinankaratra | Betafo District | -19.71667 | 46.51667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1074511 | Andrazato | MG | Anosy | Taolagnaro | -24.6 | 47.18333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062611 | Mahamanina | MG | Sava | Vohemar | -13.23333 | 49.91667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1059653 | Marotsiraka | Marotsifaka,Marotsiraka | MG | Atsimo-Andrefana | Sakaraha District | -22.81667 | 44.3 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1073563 | Anjilajila | MG | Vatovavy Region | Mananjary | -21.21667 | 48.21667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060465 | Marerano | Marerano,Morarano | MG | Atsimo-Andrefana | Beroroha District | -21.36667 | 44.86667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1069224 | Antsingilo | MG | Menabe | Miandrivazo District | -19.28333 | 45.41667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1067194 | Bemorampa | Bemoramba,Bemorampa | MG | Melaky | Maintirano | -17.16667 | 44.5 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1083128 | Ambatoharanana | MG | Analamanga | Andramasina District | -19.28333 | 47.8 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1084502 | Ambalabao | MG | Betsiboka | Maevatanana | -17.43333 | 47.18333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060243 | Marodimaka | MG | Diana | Ambilobe | -13.55 | 48.81667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1057550 | Sahamamy | Antsahamamy,Sahamamy | MG | Alaotra Mangoro | Amparafaravola District | -17.51667 | 48.3 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | |
1077391 | Anadabomaro | MG | Androy | Bekily District | -24.18333 | 45.75 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1084391 | Ambalahambana | MG | Upper Matsiatra | Vohibato | -21.68333 | 46.93333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1060548 | Manoroka | MG | Atsimo-Andrefana | Toliara II District | -23.51667 | 43.83333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1062220 | Mahatsinjokely | MG | Boeny | Ambato Boeni | -16.91667 | 45.96667 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1061671 | Manakambahiny | MG | Atsinanana | Toamasina II | -17.63333 | 49.48333 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1054049 | Vohibazaha | MG | Atsinanana | Brickaville | -18.8 | 48.55 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1070964 | Antananabo | MG | Atsimo-Atsinanana | Farafangana District | -22.85 | 47.8 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place | ||
1075811 | Andongozahely | MG | Sofia | Befandriana Nord | -15.1 | 49.25 | 0 | Indian/Antananarivo | populated place |
Exploring Madagascar: A Geographical Treasure Trove
The Island of Diversity
Madagascar, the world’s fourth-largest island, is a geographical marvel that sits off the southeastern coast of Africa. It stands as a vibrant hub of biodiversity and ecological importance, with ecosystems that range from lush rainforests to arid deserts. With its rich cultural history and distinctive flora and fauna, Madagascar offers more than just scenic beauty; it’s an island of discovery for geographers, ecologists, and travelers alike.
This island nation’s geographical diversity isn’t limited to its natural landscapes. The urban sprawl, historical sites, and rural territories form a complex web of human habitation, which is further defined by the administrative divisions of its cities, regions, and departments. To truly understand Madagascar's spatial intricacies, one must delve deeper into its geographic data. This includes obtaining critical information about the locations of its cities, regions, and departments, as well as the exact latitude and longitude of these locations.
Urban and Regional Layout: Understanding Madagascar’s Cities
Madagascar’s cities are a mix of bustling urban centers and quieter towns, each contributing to the country’s cultural and economic landscape. The capital city, Antananarivo, stands as the focal point of Madagascar’s urban life, sprawling over the central highlands. However, other cities such as Toamasina, Mahajanga, and Fianarantsoa also play significant roles in the economic and cultural development of the island.
Understanding the layout of these cities within their respective regions and departments offers valuable insights into the regional distribution of Madagascar’s resources, infrastructure, and population. The country is divided into several regions, each with its own set of cities, towns, and administrative divisions that together form a complex but structured territorial framework.
Obtaining detailed geographical data that includes the names of Madagascar's cities, along with their respective regions and departments, is crucial for those studying the island’s development. This data allows geographers to identify patterns in population density, resource allocation, and urban growth. Such detailed knowledge is key to understanding how different regions interact and how each city plays a role in the broader geographic and administrative system of the island.
The Role of Geographic Coordinates
Geographic coordinates — specifically latitude and longitude — provide a precise method for locating any point on Madagascar’s vast expanse. These coordinates allow geographers to map out every city and urban center with accuracy, ensuring that studies of the island’s topography, climate, and infrastructure are grounded in verifiable data.
For instance, mapping the cities of Madagascar with their exact latitude and longitude allows for better understanding of their spatial relationships, from the way transportation networks interconnect to the impact of geographic location on economic activities. Furthermore, knowing the exact geographic coordinates of cities can help in the study of environmental factors, such as the influence of altitude on weather patterns or the distribution of plant and animal species.
Accessing accurate and up-to-date geographic coordinates for every major city on Madagascar provides crucial data for scientists, policymakers, and anyone interested in the island's physical geography. This information is especially important for planning purposes, such as the development of infrastructure, environmental conservation efforts, and disaster management strategies.
Mapping Madagascar: From the Highlands to the Coastlines
Madagascar’s unique topography plays a major role in shaping the lives of its inhabitants. The island is characterized by a central highland region surrounded by coastal plains, which significantly affect the distribution of cities and human settlements. The combination of rugged mountains, fertile valleys, and extensive coastline creates a dynamic geographical environment that requires in-depth analysis to understand how the human population has adapted to and interacted with these features.
For those looking to study Madagascar in a more structured way, access to comprehensive geographical data—detailing cities, regions, and departments—is indispensable. This kind of data not only enhances understanding of urban planning and development but also aids in the study of environmental conservation. For example, knowing the precise location of a city in relation to surrounding ecosystems can inform efforts to preserve Madagascar's biodiversity while balancing the need for economic development.
By having access to the latitude and longitude of each city, one can map the geographical features of Madagascar with greater precision, enhancing studies in various fields such as transportation, ecology, and climatology.
Unlocking the Full Potential of Madagascar’s Geography
For anyone eager to explore the full geographical landscape of Madagascar, obtaining detailed city, region, and department data is essential. With this information, one can uncover insights into the spatial organization of the island, assess the environmental impacts of urbanization, and understand the complex relationships between human settlements and natural resources.
A comprehensive database that includes geographical coordinates and city information offers unparalleled access to Madagascar’s geography. Whether for academic research, urban development projects, or environmental conservation efforts, this data empowers individuals to study the island from a multidimensional perspective, revealing the intricate and unique geographical features that define Madagascar.
FaQ about Madagascar
- Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
- City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
- Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
- Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
- Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
- Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
- Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
- Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
- Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
- Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
- Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
- Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.