Switzerland cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 10 December 2024.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 7690 cities in the Switzerland available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Switzerland file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

6291421HofacherCHZurichBezirk Bülach47.489548.5571864Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669630HatswilCHThurgauBezirk Arbon47.557189.325894300Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669799NiederneunfornCHThurgauBezirk Frauenfeld47.597298.784824450Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661455BoltigenBol’tigen,Boltigen,bo er di gen,Больтиген,博爾蒂根CHBernObersimmental-Saanen District46.628477.390541443Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659575MosciaCHTicinoLocarno District46.15138.748640Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661465BodenCHBernInterlaken-Oberhasli District46.668768.266650Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658255Unter EigerCHBernInterlaken-Oberhasli District46.617648.011450Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658770SaxetenSaxeten,Zakseten,sa ke sai teng,Заксетен,薩克塞滕CHBernInterlaken-Oberhasli District46.636587.83087132Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661554BeringenBeringen,Beringen SH,БерингенCHSchaffhausenBezirk Schaffhausen47.697638.574314553216Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11466902Les ChesauxLes ChesauxCHVaudNyon District46.448236.149750Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659720MaurCHZurichBezirk Uster47.339968.66778307Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2657968WittenbachVittenbakh,Wittenbach,Wittenbach SG,wei teng ba he,Виттенбах,維滕巴赫CHSaint GallenWahlkreis St. Gallen47.461089.386018542Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661380BronschhofenBronshkhofen,Pramolveshova,bu long shi huo fen,Броншхофен,布龍施霍芬CHSaint GallenWahlkreis Wil47.478359.034544489Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6935411OberdettigenCHBernBern-Mittelland District46.972797.392060Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11487916HälmeschwandHalmeschwand,HälmeschwandCHBernFrutigen-Niedersimmental District46.607127.564150Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659646MognoMognoCHTicinoVallemaggia District46.43128.663410Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11113680Al PonteAl PonteCHTicinoLugano District46.07989.019060Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7302237SulzCHLucerneHochdorf District47.220018.285710Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661879AarburgAarburg,Aarmpournk,Arburg,Arburgo,a er bao,arbwrg,arbywrgh,Άαρμπουργκ,Арбург,أربيورغ,اربورگ,阿爾堡CHAargauBezirk Zofingen47.320677.899866828Europe/Zurichpopulated place
8533474LoveresseLoveresse,Lovres,luo wei sai,Ловрес,洛韋塞CHBernJura bernois47.243877.238810Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659565MuggioMuggioCHTicinoMendrisio District45.902069.04303218Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11048590VillarzelCHVaudBroye-Vully District46.747646.912160Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11113402SasselliSasselliCHTicinoBellinzona District46.145358.947950Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2657926ZernezCernec,Gumpus de Ernece,Zernes,Zernez,ce er nei ci,tsuerunettsu,Цернец,ツェルネッツ,策爾內茨CHGrisonsRegion Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair46.6986210.092681053Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6295514SchwerzenbachShvercenbakh,shi wei cen ba he,Шверценбах,施韋岑巴赫CHZurichBezirk Uster47.382138.657274180Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11487851MoosMoosCHBernObersimmental-Saanen District46.617327.375820Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6292248ChindismüliCHZurichBezirk Hinwil47.292698.7702547Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11488689Au VessieuxAu VessieuxCHFribourgGruyère District46.619357.088010Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11113496RovereRovereCHTicinoLocarno District46.122028.68840Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6292147UnteraurütiCHZurichBezirk Hinwil47.321958.9294124Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658166VercorinCHValaisSierre District46.256537.5310413400Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661571BellechasseCHFribourgSee District46.974517.132060Europe/Zurichpopulated place
8533511GempenachGempenachCHFribourgSee District46.9437.199240Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661265CarougeCarroge,Karuzas,Karuzh,Karužas,Quadruvium,ka lu ri,kaluju,karuju,karwj,krwzh,qrwz,Каруж,קרוז,كاروج,کروژ,カルージュ,卡鲁日,카루주CHGenevaGeneva46.180966.1392119344Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661326BürchenBetula,Buerchen VS,Bürchen VS,bi er xing,比爾興CHValaisRaron District46.280537.81506705Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11113375CrumiagaCrumiagaCHTicinoLocarno District46.152758.722190Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6615405Les CrosetsCHValaisMonthey District46.185066.83470Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6292393UnterhusCHZurichBezirk Hinwil47.28398.889517Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660496GrodoeyGrodei,GrodoeyCHBernObersimmental-Saanen District46.508367.395430Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11492996SelvaneraSelvaneraCHGrisonsRegion Viamala46.60529.45220Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670443VautenaivreCHJuraFranches-Montagnes District47.278196.956246400Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670020WeiningenCHThurgauBezirk Frauenfeld47.589958.887284480Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658449SumiswaldSumiswald,Zumisval’d,su mi si wa er de,Зумисвальд,蘇米斯瓦爾德CHBernEmmental District47.027477.745265159Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659972L’EtivazCHVaudRiviera-Pays-d’Enhaut District46.424777.146220Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669679KüngoldingenCHAargauBezirk Zofingen47.308747.943254330Europe/Zurichpopulated place
8533266MartherengesMartherenges,ma te lang ri,马特朗日CHVaudGros-de-Vaud District46.662286.75570Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661172ChippisChippis,xi pi,希皮CHValaisSierre District46.28027.539621556Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11048570EnnetmoosCHNidwaldenNidwalden46.955948.338840Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6294519WihaldenCHZurichBezirk Uster47.302598.719940Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661804Alpe di CortasCHGrisonsRegion Moesa46.49.216670Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6941590Givisiezji wei xie,吉維謝CHFribourgSarine District46.812017.126396443010Europe/Zurichpopulated place
8468979Mont-de-ButtesCHNeuchâtelVal-de-Travers District46.877856.508630Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11048359MeikirchCHBernBern-Mittelland District47.007517.364020Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661092CourtelaryCurtis Alerici,Kurtelari,ku te la li,Куртелари,庫特拉里CHBernJura bernois47.178227.072361163Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670423SurcastiCHGrisonsRegion Surselva46.697239.178519910Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660798FerenbalmFerenbal’m,Villa de Balmis,fei lun ba er mu,Ференбальм,費倫巴爾姆CHBernBern-Mittelland District46.94887.211241310Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6293924FirstCHZurichBezirk Pfäffikon47.439028.7358234Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660062La FerrièreLa Ferriere BE,La Ferriere i Sveits,La Ferrière BE,La Ferrière i Sveits,la fei li ai,拉費里埃CHBernJura bernois47.143036.89220Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660083LaaxLaax,Laax bei Ilanz,Laks,Nagens,la ke si,lagseu,Лакс,拉克斯,락스CHGrisonsRegion Surselva46.804529.257871252Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661729ArchArkh,a er he,Арх,阿爾赫CHBernSeeland District47.165337.431391574Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660532Le Grand-SaconnexGrand-Saconnex,Le Grand-Saconnex,Saconnex,da sa kong nei,ル・グラン=サコネ,大萨孔内CHGenevaGeneva46.231886.120919781Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661114CornauxCornauxCHNeuchâtelNeuchâtel District47.03967.018721557Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670092BrunniCHSchwyzBezirk Schwyz47.044878.7052110890Europe/Zurichpopulated place
10194780HornmattHornmattCHNidwaldenNidwalden46.913678.381910Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660051LaldenCHValaisVisp District46.299517.90235696Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659332UrdorfUrdorf,wu duo fu,Урдорф,烏多夫CHZurichBezirk Dietikon47.385078.425819205Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669644HörstettenCHThurgauBezirk Frauenfeld47.619478.980545190Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659150PraromanPraromanCHFribourgSarine District46.751457.177781223Europe/Zurichpopulated place
8198730GiezCHVaudJura-Nord vaudois District46.816046.617120Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658491SteinStein,Stein ARCHAppenzell AusserrhodenBezirk Hinterland47.371279.34353390Europe/Zurichpopulated place
9253241BiaufondCHJuraFranches-Montagnes District47.16696.858130Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670278LitzistorfCHFribourgSense District46.876647.222285710Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11492870Le Grand Croset DessusLe Grand Croset DessusCHVaudJura-Nord vaudois District46.584746.282090Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6293772WidenCHZurichBezirk Pfäffikon47.370278.8655931Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11048573MocevronCHValaisSion District46.266037.352040Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6291994RüeggshausenCHZurichBezirk Hinwil47.249618.8122721Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2659013RittiRiti,RittiCHValaisVisp District46.251177.876340Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669862RheinklingenCHThurgauBezirk Frauenfeld47.676358.808554080Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669925SignyCHVaudNyon District46.391746.202944680Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661254CastelsCHGrisonsRegion Prättigau / Davos46.966679.816670Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6291668LaubisserCHZurichBezirk Dielsdorf47.448288.47661617Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6941264ThunstettenThunstetten BE,Tunshtetten,tong si tai teng,Тунштеттен,通斯泰滕CHBernOberaargau47.202757.757460Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6290582HombergCHZurichBezirk Affoltern47.248898.480349Europe/Zurichpopulated place
8478301PutzPutz,Putz GRCHGrisonsRegion Prättigau / Davos46.926069.747020Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670356ProgensCHFribourgVeveyse District46.584786.911068730Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660543GrabsGrabs,Quaravedes,ge la bu si,Грабс,格拉布斯CHSaint GallenWahlkreis Werdenberg47.182489.443954656384Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661285CalörtschCHGrisonsRegion Surselva46.777349.327370Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6295406Unter ReppischtalCHZurichBezirk Dietikon47.374418.410628Europe/Zurichpopulated place
6291227Nieder-HöriCHZurichBezirk Bülach47.50918.503855Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7669561ErdessonCHValaisSierre District46.245367.471059950Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658598SignôraCHTicinoLugano District46.092589.047160Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660395HeerbruggHeerbrugg,Heerbrugge,Herbrug,ZHLCHSaint GallenWahlkreis Rheintal47.414889.626840Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2660191KanderstegKandershteg,Kandersteg,Pons Kanderae,ZHR,kan de si tai ge,Кандерштег,坎德斯泰格CHBernFrutigen-Niedersimmental District46.494677.673261123Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661518Thayngen, BibernBibern,Bibern SHCHSchaffhausenBezirk Reiat47.772918.6762486254Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670222InsoneCHTicinoLugano District46.086419.030768800Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670237La CrêtaCHValaisMartigny District46.095137.0048710790Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2658034WeissbadCHAppenzell InnerrhodenAppenzell Inner Rhodes47.308929.434680Europe/Zurichpopulated place
11493072ChappelihusChappelihusCHGrisonsRegion Surselva46.591299.196790Europe/Zurichpopulated place
2661726ArdezArdec,Ardez,Ardezis,a er de ci,Ардец,阿爾德茨CHGrisonsRegion Engiadina Bassa / Val Müstair46.7749510.20159441Europe/Zurichpopulated place
7670038ZiegelriedCHBernSeeland District47.041577.349365850Europe/Zurichpopulated place

Switzerland: A Geographical Examination of a Central European Treasure

Switzerland, a landlocked country nestled in the heart of Europe, is renowned for its breathtaking alpine landscapes, sophisticated cities, and impeccable organization. Known for its neutrality, economic strength, and natural beauty, Switzerland is a prime example of how geography can influence not only a country's landscape but its culture, economy, and governance. The country's diversity, in terms of both terrain and culture, is further reflected in its cities, regions, and departments, all of which are shaped by the country's distinctive topography and historical evolution. Understanding Switzerland's spatial dynamics requires detailed geographical data that maps its cities, regions, and municipalities, and reveals how these elements contribute to the nation's identity.

The Swiss Landscape: Mountains, Lakes, and Valleys

Switzerland's geography is defined by the majestic Alps, which dominate the southern half of the country. These towering mountains, with peaks such as the Matterhorn and Mont Blanc, are not only a draw for tourists and mountaineers but also play a central role in Switzerland’s climate and agriculture. The Alps form a natural border between Switzerland and Italy, providing dramatic scenery that is deeply embedded in Swiss culture and national pride. These mountains also create a significant climatic divide, with the southern regions of Switzerland experiencing milder Mediterranean influences, while the northern and central regions are marked by a temperate climate.

In addition to its mountain ranges, Switzerland is home to a number of picturesque lakes, such as Lake Geneva, Lake Zurich, and Lake Lucerne. These lakes have shaped the development of cities, facilitating trade, transport, and tourism. The fertile plains in between Switzerland’s mountainous regions, such as those around the Aare and Rhine rivers, have made the country ideal for agriculture, particularly dairy farming, which is an integral part of Swiss culture and economy.

The country's location in the heart of Europe also provides strategic advantages, as Switzerland serves as a crossroads for northern, southern, and western Europe. Its diverse geography fosters the coexistence of distinct linguistic, cultural, and environmental regions, each contributing to Switzerland’s rich heritage.

Administrative Structure: Cantons, Regions, and Municipalities

Switzerland’s political structure is highly decentralized, with 26 cantons acting as the primary administrative divisions. These cantons range from urban centers such as Zurich and Geneva to rural and mountainous areas like Uri and Valais. Each canton has its own constitution, government, and laws, making Switzerland one of the most politically decentralized countries in the world. This decentralization is a result of the country’s long-standing tradition of local autonomy and the importance placed on regional self-governance.

Switzerland is divided into urban areas and rural regions, with major cities such as Zurich, Basel, Geneva, and Bern serving as hubs of finance, culture, and government. The capital city, Bern, is located at the geographic center of the country and functions as the political capital, hosting the Swiss Federal Government and international organizations. Zurich, the financial capital, is the largest city and an important global financial center, while Geneva is home to the headquarters of numerous international organizations, including the United Nations.

The country’s cantonal system allows for a high degree of local autonomy, with each canton having its own language, traditions, and legislative processes. Switzerland’s four official languages—German, French, Italian, and Romansh—reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the nation. This diversity is geographically represented, with German spoken predominantly in the central and eastern regions, French in the west, and Italian in the southern canton of Ticino.

The Importance of Geographic Data for Understanding Switzerland’s Regions

The value of geographic data in understanding Switzerland’s spatial organization cannot be overstated. Switzerland’s political, economic, and environmental landscape is shaped by its cantonal divisions, geographic location, and topography. Detailed geographic data, including the latitude and longitude of each city, region, and canton, provides the foundation for understanding the intricate relationships between these divisions and the resources available to each area.

For example, geographic data on Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city, offers insight into the city’s role as an economic powerhouse and a major transportation hub. By mapping Zurich’s latitude and longitude coordinates, geographers and urban planners can better understand the city’s growth, population distribution, and infrastructure needs, particularly as it continues to expand as an international finance and technology center. Similarly, geographic data on Geneva and Basel, located along Switzerland’s borders with France and Germany, provides valuable context for understanding Switzerland’s role in cross-border trade and international diplomacy.

Beyond the urban centers, the geographic data of rural regions such as the canton of Grisons or the Jura Mountains offers valuable information about Switzerland’s agricultural industries, natural resource distribution, and environmental conservation efforts. These areas may not have the same population density as urban centers but are crucial for maintaining Switzerland’s ecological balance and preserving traditional Swiss lifestyles, such as farming and forestry.

Geographic Data and Regional Development in Switzerland

As Switzerland continues to evolve, understanding the distribution of resources, population, and economic activity across its cantons is essential for regional development and sustainability. Geographic data plays a pivotal role in planning and resource allocation, allowing for more effective decision-making regarding infrastructure projects, environmental protection, and social services.

In the canton of Ticino, for example, geographic data on the region's proximity to Italy and its Mediterranean climate can help guide decisions related to cross-border trade, tourism, and transportation. The area’s unique geography offers both challenges and opportunities, requiring targeted policies that balance economic growth with the preservation of the region’s natural beauty.

Switzerland’s rural regions, particularly those in the Alps, face unique challenges in terms of accessibility, transportation, and employment opportunities. Geographic data helps identify areas where infrastructure improvements are needed, such as in remote mountain villages that rely on seasonal tourism and agriculture. Understanding the geographic context of these regions enables policymakers to develop strategies that ensure sustainable development, while also preserving the cultural and natural heritage of Switzerland’s mountainous areas.

Environmental Sustainability and Geographic Data

Switzerland has long been a global leader in environmental sustainability, with a strong focus on protecting its natural resources, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting renewable energy. Geographic data is essential for monitoring and managing these efforts, particularly when it comes to the preservation of Switzerland’s unique ecosystems, including its forests, lakes, and alpine regions.

Switzerland’s environmental policies are informed by geographic data that helps track deforestation, biodiversity loss, and the impacts of climate change. For example, mapping the extent of glacial retreat in the Alps or monitoring water quality in Switzerland’s lakes provides essential information for conservation and climate adaptation strategies. The country’s commitment to clean energy is also supported by geographic data that identifies areas with the most potential for renewable energy generation, such as wind, solar, and hydropower.

Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Geographic Data in Switzerland

In conclusion, Switzerland’s geography is integral to its identity as a prosperous and sustainable nation. From its Alpine peaks to its fertile plains, Switzerland’s diverse landscapes shape its economy, culture, and political organization. Geographic data, including precise information on cities, regions, and natural resources, plays a critical role in understanding the complexities of Swiss society and guiding its future development.

As Switzerland continues to prioritize sustainability, innovation, and regional cooperation, access to accurate geographic data will remain a vital tool for policymakers, urban planners, and environmentalists. By utilizing geographic data, Switzerland can continue to foster balanced growth, address regional disparities, and preserve its natural heritage for future generations.

FaQ about Switzerland

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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