Cameroon cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 13441 cities in the Cameroon available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Cameroon file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

7109757FamtchuètFamtchuet,FamtchuètCMWest5.5060410.488750Africa/Doualapopulated place
6760025GadalaCMFar North10.6926113.981240Africa/Doualapopulated place
2230755HoungCM4.7510.383330Africa/Doualapopulated place
8665318Garoua VindéCMNorth9.2675113.342740Africa/Doualapopulated place
2226578MinkoCMSouth2.2333310.716670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234409BengondCMEast4.1512.883330Africa/Doualapopulated place
8669790SanguéréCMNorth9.9174313.942840Africa/Doualapopulated place
6855346BondongCMNorth-West6.37849.96910Africa/Doualapopulated place
8668955BountoumCMNorth9.9319813.694270Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234136BikoukoundCMCentre3.511.216670Africa/Doualapopulated place
8607429ToungangToungang,Toungang IICMWest5.4920910.41830Africa/Doualapopulated place
2230122Kombo-DongoKombo Do,Kombo-DongoCMLittoral3.916679.683330Africa/Doualapopulated place
2233423BoyabisoumbiCMCentre4.6166711.316670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2233993BiriCMFar North10.1191813.392240Africa/Doualapopulated place
2232730DjouglaCMNorth8.3007613.275260Africa/Doualapopulated place
2221917SongndengSongdeng,SongndengCMCentre3.6833310.90Africa/Doualapopulated place
2222012SioutouCMAdamaoua6.4166711.816670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2233473BounjoukouraBounjoukouraCMAdamaoua6.8511.616670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2225657MvomonCMSouth2.6166711.416670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2232710DjouoCMEast3.3166712.933330Africa/Doualapopulated place
2224936NemeyongCMSouth3.0666711.366670Africa/Doualapopulated place
7108749MaghètMaghet,MaghètCMWest5.8014310.979290Africa/Doualapopulated place
6858052EdjuingangCMSouth-West5.57489.75720Africa/Doualapopulated place
2223451NtongaManjenge’s,Manjenge’s,Ntonga,Tounga,TungaCMEast3.4166712.666670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2223639NlongménangaCMCentre4.1166711.20Africa/Doualapopulated place
9074879GotsouwayCMFar North10.6355213.989040Africa/Doualapopulated place
7109690MfelengMfelengCMWest5.3925410.592830Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234598BédoboCMEast4.814.566670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2229154LoumCMCentre4.3666712.766670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2224066NkolafendekCMSouth2.7666712.516670Africa/Doualapopulated place
9074400OurloumCMFar North10.7786313.875120Africa/Doualapopulated place
9073954PléjyanCMFar North10.9464813.977540Africa/Doualapopulated place
2229273LolabéAwanje,Awānje,Lalabe,Lalabé,Lolabe,Lolabé,Lulaba,WolabeCMSouth2.666679.850Africa/Doualapopulated place
8561101BongoCMWest5.1034910.539520Africa/Doualapopulated place
8605494DjembiCMWest5.3100110.301960Africa/Doualapopulated place
6760096Ouro BorgaCMFar North10.7749113.729560Africa/Doualapopulated place
8669504KolléCMNorth9.802213.972660Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234013BeokoBeoko,Biok,BiokoCMSouth-West4.846898.949430Africa/Doualapopulated place
9074786MonyéCMWest5.6568810.206490Africa/Doualapopulated place
2228393MariCMNorth10.007313.719740Africa/Doualapopulated place
2229922NkwatKouhouat,NkwatCMWest5.788910.713150Africa/Doualapopulated place
2221810SourguiéSourgie,Sourgié,Sourguie,SourguiéCMFar North12.5678614.699950Africa/Doualapopulated place
9074069ZakatiCMFar North10.8734513.93560Africa/Doualapopulated place
6730666MbororoCMFar North10.6848614.840280Africa/Doualapopulated place
8563401TchangTchang,Tchang ICMWest5.428310.166260Africa/Doualapopulated place
2232256EbonikakCMCentre4.7833312.116670Africa/Doualapopulated place
6760057BivonCMFar North10.2547413.859190Africa/Doualapopulated place
2235359AwaCMCentre4.2166712.60Africa/Doualapopulated place
8696655SolaCMAdamaoua6.3096512.551760Africa/Doualapopulated place
2231358GankoumbolGamkoumbon,Gankoumbol,Gaukoumboum,GaukumbalCMAdamaoua6.2666714.366670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2227831MbéuéCMAdamaoua713.466670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2232501DoumboulkoCMNorth8.4147813.270370Africa/Doualapopulated place
2221648TchanyaréTchagnare,Tchagnaré,Tchanyare,TchanyaréCMFar North11.2013914.938320Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234123Bilanga KombéBilanga Kombe,Bilanga Kombé,Bilenga-Kombe,Bilenga-KombéCMCentre4.5166711.633330Africa/Doualapopulated place
6732027Dogba MaoudéCMFar North10.8455614.327920Africa/Doualapopulated place
2224213NjingwètNjingouo,Njingwet,NjingwètCMWest5.388110.958620Africa/Doualapopulated place
7110440PamfuetléPamfuetle,PamfuetléCMWest5.6391910.702340Africa/Doualapopulated place
2227017MésamCMSouth3.311.80Africa/Doualapopulated place
2226854Meyo-MengoCMSouth2.2666711.350Africa/Doualapopulated place
2224139NkimichiNkemchi,Nkemechi,NkimichiCMSouth-West5.68549.155670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2227950Mbartalla IMbartala,Mbartalla ICMFar North12.6205714.290610Africa/Doualapopulated place
6685535MaloumriMaloumri,mlwmry,ملومريCMFar North11.1020814.036240Africa/Doualapopulated place
2222346SabouraCMFar North12.6686614.664460Africa/Doualapopulated place
8560435LakotchalaCMWest5.2392910.220370Africa/Doualapopulated place
2228510Manguen ICMCentre5.6166711.933330Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234377BerabiCMNorth-West6.7510.733330Africa/Doualapopulated place
2225194NdjomCMSouth3.1666712.150Africa/Doualapopulated place
2230365KéléoKele,Keleo,Kélé,KéléoCMFar North10.7370814.966470Africa/Doualapopulated place
6685556GouloudjahanCMFar North11.3063914.298060Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234705BatangaCMEast4.1666714.466670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2594887WonguéCMLittoral4.01599.51470Africa/Doualapopulated place
2223470NtimbéCMEast3.8833313.283330Africa/Doualapopulated place
8561070KamdamCMWest5.1189210.567540Africa/Doualapopulated place
2223778NkongmelenCMCentre3.8511.766670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2595104KupeCMSouth-West4.75719.68540Africa/Doualapopulated place
2233322DaboayaCMFar North11.0333314.066670Africa/Doualapopulated place
8696115MitimCMAdamaoua6.713512.357690Africa/Doualapopulated place
2223060OtéléOtele,Otelle,Otellé,Ottele,Ottélé,OtéléCMCentre3.5833311.250Africa/Doualapopulated place
6760163MadjagouldamCMFar North10.2516113.595580Africa/Doualapopulated place
2222830Ouro Mayo RiaOuro Mayo Ria,Ouromayo,OuroumayoCMNorth8.7336114.303210Africa/Doualapopulated place
7109640TchoBatcho,TchoCMWest5.4942110.300760Africa/Doualapopulated place
2231671FegmimbangCMCentre3.5166711.316670Africa/Doualapopulated place
2230702IndingéCMCentre3.411.650Africa/Doualapopulated place
8563393NdoutsangCMWest5.4308210.107940Africa/Doualapopulated place
7110334MangaMangaCMWest5.6341310.922150Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234905BandjoukriBandjoukri,BangougniCMNorth8.0285113.836170Africa/Doualapopulated place
6732182MahelCMFar North10.732414.463270Africa/Doualapopulated place
6730161MogomCMFar North10.3490614.074070Africa/Doualapopulated place
8561303MengheCMWest5.3090310.138670Africa/Doualapopulated place
8672917GaschigaCMNorth9.9551913.316290Africa/Doualapopulated place
2235890AkakCMSouth2.9666711.883330Africa/Doualapopulated place
2230868Guinane IGuiname,Guinamé,Guinane,Guinane I,GuinanéCMFar North10.1923215.097630Africa/Doualapopulated place
8696063Sirki SamariCMAdamaoua6.517612.427260Africa/Doualapopulated place
2234960BamessoBamessoCMWest5.642210.329780Africa/Doualapopulated place
2232915Djaoro AboCMAdamaoua7.2666713.133330Africa/Doualapopulated place
2232042ÉlandjoCMEast3.313.10Africa/Doualapopulated place
2225726MuyukaMouyouka,MuyukaCMSouth-West4.28989.410331384Africa/Doualapopulated place
6731574GarmasCMFar North10.0623914.60970Africa/Doualapopulated place
2230119Kombo LotéCMLittoral3.483069.728060Africa/Doualapopulated place
2220656ZoullaCMFar North10.3838615.272730Africa/Doualapopulated place

Cameroon: A Geographical Overview of Diversity and Connectivity

Cameroon, a country situated in Central Africa, is often referred to as "Africa in miniature" due to its remarkable geographical diversity. This small yet vast nation offers a compelling mixture of landscapes, ranging from coastal plains to highland plateaus, and dense tropical forests to arid regions in the north. A geographical exploration of Cameroon reveals not only its stunning natural beauty but also the dynamic urbanization and complex administrative divisions that shape the country today. For those looking to explore the country more deeply, accessing detailed data on its cities, regions, and departments—complete with exact latitude and longitude information—provides essential insights for both practical and academic purposes.

Geographical Diversity: From Coastal Plains to Highland Peaks

Cameroon's geography is as diverse as it is vast, spanning approximately 475,000 square kilometers. This expansive area is divided into several distinct geographical regions, each with its own unique characteristics. The country's southern and central regions are dominated by dense tropical forests, including parts of the Congo Basin, which provide rich biodiversity and support a variety of ecosystems. These areas are crucial for both wildlife conservation and local economies, particularly those tied to agriculture and logging.

In contrast, the western region of Cameroon is home to the famous volcanic mountains, including Mount Cameroon, the highest peak in the country and one of the tallest active volcanoes in Africa. The surrounding highlands boast cooler temperatures, fertile soil, and picturesque landscapes, making them a hub for agricultural production, including crops like bananas, cocoa, and coffee.

To the north, the landscape shifts dramatically to savannahs and semi-arid zones. This region, characterized by its relatively dry climate and seasonal rainfall, is crucial for livestock farming, as well as agriculture that relies on drought-resistant crops. The northern parts of Cameroon, bordering Chad, Nigeria, and the Central African Republic, represent a different side of the country's geography, with expansive plains and an intricate system of river basins.

Urban Centers and Cities: Pillars of Growth and Development

Cameroon is home to several important cities, each with its own geographical significance and role in the nation’s economic development. Yaoundé, the capital, is situated in the central part of the country, nestled between hills and offering a unique topographical setting. The city lies at the confluence of the Mfoundi River, and its location in the highlands provides a moderate climate compared to other regions of Cameroon. Yaoundé is the country’s political and administrative center, hosting government institutions, embassies, and international organizations.

Douala, located on the Atlantic coast, is Cameroon’s largest city and economic powerhouse. It is the country’s primary port, handling much of Cameroon’s import and export trade. The city’s coastal position, combined with its bustling commercial district, makes it one of the most influential urban centers in Central Africa. The surrounding area features mangrove swamps, coastal plains, and significant fishing communities, contributing to Douala’s economic importance.

In the northwest, the city of Bamenda serves as the administrative capital of the North West Region. Known for its cooler climate and mountainous terrain, Bamenda is an important cultural and economic hub. It is a gateway to the Anglophone regions of Cameroon, offering a mix of traditional customs and modern development. The city’s location within the Cameroon highlands makes it an ideal center for agriculture and trade.

Administrative Structure: Regions and Departments

Cameroon is divided into 10 regions, each governed by a regional delegate appointed by the central government. These regions are further divided into departments, and each department is made up of smaller administrative units, such as communes and villages. The regions of Cameroon differ greatly in their geography, climate, and economic activities, which directly influences the country’s infrastructure, social policies, and development strategies.

The **Central Region**, with Yaoundé at its heart, is a political powerhouse but also contains rural zones that contribute to the country’s agricultural output. The **Littoral Region**, where Douala is located, is primarily focused on trade, transport, and industry, while the **South West** and **North West** regions are recognized for their cooler climates and agricultural productivity.

The **Adamawa Region** serves as a transitional area between the southern forests and the northern savannahs, while the **East Region** is rich in natural resources, including minerals and timber. Meanwhile, the **North** and **Far North** regions experience harsher climates and are more sparsely populated, but they are critical for livestock farming and cross-border trade with neighboring countries.

Understanding the geographical and administrative divisions of Cameroon is essential for anyone interested in the region, as these distinctions shape everything from infrastructure development to local economies and political relationships.

Accessing Detailed Data on Cameroon’s Cities and Regions

For those with a particular interest in the geographical intricacies of Cameroon, our comprehensive database provides in-depth data on the country’s cities, regions, and departments. This resource includes precise geographic coordinates for each urban area, allowing you to explore the exact latitude and longitude of key cities across Cameroon.

The availability of this data is a crucial asset for various stakeholders, including researchers, urban planners, and government agencies, as it facilitates better decision-making related to urban development, transportation networks, resource management, and environmental conservation. By accessing this rich database, you can gain valuable insights into Cameroon's diverse regions and cities, helping to inform both academic studies and practical applications in fields like geography, urban planning, and regional development.

Whether you're looking to study the country's rich urban fabric or plan strategic projects in Cameroon’s diverse regions, the detailed data available can help you gain a more nuanced understanding of the country’s geographical layout.

Conclusion: Embracing Cameroon's Geographical Complexity

Cameroon’s geographical diversity is a testament to its rich natural heritage and cultural complexity. From the highlands of the west to the savannahs in the north, the urban centers along the coast to the agricultural heartlands in the south, the country offers a unique blend of natural landscapes and human activity. By gaining access to detailed data on Cameroon’s cities, regions, and departments—including the precise geographical coordinates—you can uncover the intricate layers of this fascinating country. Whether you're an academic researcher, an urban planner, or someone simply seeking to explore Cameroon in greater depth, the availability of this data opens up a world of possibilities for a more comprehensive geographical understanding.

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
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