Ecuador cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 10 December 2024.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 7413 cities in the Ecuador available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Ecuador file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3656728Hacienda La PalmaHacienda La Palma,La PalmaECPichinchaCantón Quito-0.16667-78.350America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658131El RecreoECGuayasCantón Naranjal-2.58289-79.586710America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3746084Santa RosaECManabíCantón Manta-1.11667-80.883330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3657514GuayaboECEl OroCantón Santa Rosa-3.58919-79.861940America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3660305Barro ColoradoECEsmeraldasCantón Eloy Alfaro0.96667-78.883330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3657635GuallupeGuallupe,GuallupiECImbaburaIbarra0.78333-78.30America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659363ChaullambaECAzuayCantón Cuenca-2.85773-78.899750America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658144El PueblitoECManabíCantón Sucre-0.82742-80.496460America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3649883CeilánCeilan,Ceilán,Zeilan,Zeilán,Zuevlan,Zuevlán,Zueylan,ZueylánECPastazaArajuno-1.57735-75.694240America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658289El CruceECEl Oro-3.38333-80.316670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3657371Hacienda AspurAspur,Hacienda AspurECPichinchaCantón Quito-0.35-78.50America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3650998SoledadECLos RíosPalenque-1.36667-79.716670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3653003PocitaPocita,Pocito,PozitoECManabíCantón Jipijapa-1.51667-80.533330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656762Hacienda La JoyaHacienda La Joya,La JoyaECCarchiCantón Tulcán0.81667-77.750America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651692San LorenzoECGuayasCantón Samborondón-1.88333-79.783330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651357Santa RosaECAzuayCantón Nabón-3.36667-79.216670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652401RecreoRecreo,RecuerdoECGuayasSanta Lucía-1.76667-80.033330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656629Hacienda MagroHacienda Magro,MagroECGuayasCantón Milagro-2.05-79.533330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659622CashatomaECLojaCantón Catamayo-3.98333-79.516670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3650195Villa CarmelaECEl OroCantón Machala-3.3-79.90America/Guayaquilpopulated place
10345686El PilcheECSucumbiosShushufindi-0.48442-76.408970America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3655336La BodegaECImbaburaCantón Cotacachi0.35-78.250America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652036San AndrésECGuayasCanton Colimes-1.45-80.083330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3760324Centro Shuara del QuimiECZamora-ChinchipeEl Pangui-3.61519-78.559430America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3657940Facundo VelaECBolívarCantón Guaranda-1.20425-79.064320America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652406RayolomaECAzuayCantón Cuenca-2.91096-78.966330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656421Hacienda Puente LimónHacienda Puente Limon,Hacienda Puente Limón,Limon,Limón,Puente Limon,Puente Limón,Puente de Limon,Puente de LimónECGuayasCantón Naranjito-2.18333-79.333330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3660502AtahualpaAtahualpa,Engabao,Engabao de ChanduyECGuayas-2.31277-80.773160America/Guayaquilpopulated place
12179094CaluputuCaluputuECAzuayCantón Nabón-3.38654-79.136490America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656486Hacienda PechichalHacienda Pechichal,Hacienda Pechiche,PechicheECGuayasCantón Naranjal-2.66248-79.618270America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3650552ToteguaicoECAzuayCantón Paute-2.72364-78.662890America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3654833Lauro GuerreroECLojaCantón Paltas-3.96652-79.760990America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658052El TriunfoECGuayas-2.31667-80.40America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3828965JiatECMorona-SantiagoTaisha-2.61301-77.468690America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3654955La SequitaECGuayasCantón Guayaquil-2.31667-80.016670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
8470137Río SilencioECEsmeraldasCantón Quinindé0.17366-79.335320America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3760699ChauECMorona-SantiagoTiwintza-2.8242-77.771790America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3653466PanoECNapo-0.73333-77.20America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656155Hacienda San MiguelHacienda San Miguel,San MiguelECLos RíosCantón Vinces-1.5-79.733330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651273San VicenteECCañarCantón Azogues-2.55414-78.669240America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3653816NievesChaya,Las Nieves,NievesECAzuayCantón Nabón-3.34154-79.115470America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659023CimientosECCañarCantón Cañar-2.41667-79.150America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652970PongalECAzuayCantón Cuenca-2.96667-78.950America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659353Chaupi LomaECPichinchaCantón Pedro Moncayo0.1-78.20America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659094ChucchilánChucchilan,Chucchilán,ChugchilanoECCotopaxiCantón Sigchos-0.8-78.916670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659648CasacayECEl OroCantón Pasaje-3.32225-79.723310America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3660254Bella MaríaECEl OroCantón Santa Rosa-3.50122-79.891440America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3654916Las MercedesECLos RíosCantón Baba-1.70491-79.621750America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658119El RosarioECAzuayCantón Santa Isabel-3.26667-79.266670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
12179105AllpachacaAllpachacaECLojaCantón Saraguro-3.51519-79.176860America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3653179PilaresECLojaZapotillo-4.36667-80.433330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3660298BastillaECGuayasCantón Salitre-1.78333-79.816670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652924PotrerilloECLojaCantón Macará-4.25286-79.901990America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651980San Antonio de BayushigECChimborazoPenipe-1.53333-78.516670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652200RusiocochaRusicocha,RusiocochaECEl OroChilla-3.48333-79.60America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652712Puerto QuitoPuerto QuitoECPichinchaPuerto Quito0.12783-79.212610America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658043ElviraECLos RíosCantón Babahoyo-1.86667-79.533330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658676CuchipambaECAzuayCantón Sigsig-3.05-78.783330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3653162PilipheECPichinchaCantón Quito0.09555-78.66150America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3746427La YamillaECZamora-ChinchipeCantón Zamora-4.02259-78.940480America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3657139Hacienda CuatisCuatis,Hacienda Cuatis,Hacienda Cuatis GrandeECCarchiSan Pedro De Huaca0.6467-77.723970America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656509Hacienda PalinHacienda Palin,PalinECAzuayCantón Paute-2.74528-78.716820America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3650170Vista FloridaECGuayasCantón Salitre-1.73333-79.816670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652634Punta de PiedraECManabíCantón Veinticuatro de Mayo-1.29697-80.415910America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651997San AntonioECMorona-SantiagoCantón Limón Indanza-3.00653-78.406280America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656391Hacienda QuisincheHacienda Quisinche,QuisincheECCotopaxiCantón Latacunga-0.8-78.583330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656083Hacienda Santa IreneHacienda Santa Irene,Santa IreneECGuayasCantón Guayaquil-2.3-80.216670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
9255436AtenasECSucumbiosGonzalo Pizarro-0.01086-77.424220America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3653407PasaECTungurahuaCantón Ambato-1.26842-78.731510America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651534San RafaelECCarchiCantón Tulcán0.86667-78.083330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656077Hacienda Santa LauritaHacienda Santa Laurita,Laurita,Santa LauritaECPichinchaCantón Mejía-0.51667-78.533330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652887ProgresoECEsmeraldas-1.03333-79.016670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658433Don LucasECGuayas-2.26031-80.297550America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3754888CoquitoECEsmeraldas0.69083-80.134720America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3657147CotogchoaCotocchoa,Cotogchoa,Hacienda Cotocchoa,Hacienda CotogchoaECPichinchaCantón Rumiñahui-0.36524-78.450980America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651222SaucelomaECAzuayCantón Santa Isabel-3.35-79.283330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658166El PlateadoECLojaCantón Loja-3.98333-79.250America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656669Hacienda La VioletaHacienda La Violeta,La VioletaECGuayasCantón El Empalme-1.05-79.566670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
8470435CalvasECPichinchaCanton Pedro Vicente Maldonado0.11518-78.990690America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651776San JoséECLojaCantón Loja-4.27154-79.213360America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659694CarmelaECPichincha-0.65-790America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3655171LagunaECManabíJama-0.17403-80.126870America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3658370El BaldacoECGuayasCantón Daule-1.91667-79.933330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3654800LazulECAzuayCantón Paute-2.73059-78.730870America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659829CandelariaECGuayasCantón Daule-2.03333-79.933330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659139ChoneChone,Chuni,Cone,ČonėECManabíCantón Chone-0.69819-80.0936144751America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652643PunguhuaicoECImbaburaIbarra0.26667-78.133330America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3652213RumitolaECPichinchaCantón Quito-0.32776-78.478350America/Guayaquilpopulated place
8472287El ChisparoECManabíCantón El Carmen-0.36411-79.575220America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656355Rumipamba VillacísHacienda Rumipamba,Rumipamba,Rumipamba Villacis,Rumipamba VillacísECCotopaxiCantón Latacunga-0.7495-78.562350America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656592Hacienda MindaburloHacienda Mindaburlo,MindaburloECImbaburaSan Miguel de Urcuqui Canton0.39374-78.201110America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3656941Hacienda GualaquíGualaqui,Gualaquí,Hacienda Gualaqui,Hacienda GualaquíECImbaburaIbarra0.41667-78.066670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3654822La VictoriaECLos RíosPalenque-1.28333-79.750America/Guayaquilpopulated place
12179133Arvejas LomaArvejas LomaECLojaCantón Saraguro-3.50448-79.26920America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3654807La VirgenECGuayasCantón Salitre-1.75-79.816670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651854San GregorioECAzuayCantón Girón-3.2-79.116670America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3659027CiénegaCienaga,Cienega,Ciénaga,CiénegaECGuayas-2.29427-80.380070America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3760232Corral PambaECZamora-ChinchipeCantón Yacuambi-3.57501-78.962650America/Guayaquilpopulated place
8472268Los NaranjosECManabíCantón El Carmen-0.5221-79.64780America/Guayaquilpopulated place
3651793San JoséECGuayasSanta Lucía-1.76667-80.050America/Guayaquilpopulated place

Ecuador: A Geographical Exploration of the Land of Diversity

Ecuador, a country located in the northwestern part of South America, is one of the most geographically diverse nations in the world. From the Amazon rainforest to the Andes Mountains and the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador offers a variety of ecosystems and landscapes that shape the country’s culture, economy, and way of life. As a geographer, Ecuador presents an extraordinary opportunity to study the interaction between natural environments and human settlements. The country's location on the equator—its name itself being a direct reference to this—provides it with a unique set of geographical and climatic conditions that influence every aspect of life within its borders. For those seeking to explore Ecuador’s spatial dynamics more deeply, access to detailed geographic data—such as the **latitude and longitude** of cities and regions—can unlock important insights into how its urban areas, infrastructure, and natural resources are distributed.

The Geography of Ecuador: From Mountains to Rainforests

Ecuador's diverse geography is divided into four major regions: the **Coastal Region**, the **Andean Highlands**, the **Amazon Basin**, and the **Galápagos Islands**. These regions vary dramatically in terms of climate, natural features, and human activity, providing a fascinating study for geographers.

The Coastal Region** lies along the Pacific Ocean and is home to Ecuador’s major port cities, such as **Guayaquil**, the country’s largest city and commercial center. The region is characterized by its tropical climate, vast river systems, and fertile plains, which support a thriving agricultural industry, particularly in the production of bananas, cocoa, and shrimp. The coastal area is also home to several beautiful beaches, making it a key destination for tourism.

The Andean Highlands**, which stretch through the center of the country, form the spine of Ecuador. The **Sierra** (mountain range) is home to some of the country’s most famous cities, such as **Quito**, the capital, and **Cuenca**, both of which are located at high altitudes and surrounded by stunning volcanic landscapes. The highland region is also home to several active volcanoes, including **Cotopaxi**, one of the highest active volcanoes in the world. The climate in this region is temperate, offering mild temperatures despite the high altitudes. The Andean region is also crucial to Ecuador’s cultural heritage, with many indigenous communities living in these areas.

The Amazon Basin**, or **Oriente**, lies to the east of the Andes and is a vast expanse of tropical rainforest. The basin is sparsely populated but rich in biodiversity and natural resources, including oil and timber. The region is part of the **Amazon Rainforest**, the world’s largest tropical rainforest, and plays a critical role in global environmental sustainability. Cities such as **Tena** and **Puyo** serve as entry points to the rainforest and are key to Ecuador's eco-tourism industry, which has grown in recent years due to the country’s natural beauty and conservation efforts.

Finally, the **Galápagos Islands**, located about 1,000 kilometers off the coast of Ecuador, are one of the world’s most famous ecological preserves. The islands are home to unique species that have helped scientists understand evolution and natural selection. These islands play a significant role in Ecuador’s environmental policies, with efforts focused on preserving their delicate ecosystems.

Ecuador’s Urban Landscape: Cities and Infrastructure

Ecuador's urban areas are a fascinating blend of colonial history and modern development. The capital city, **Quito**, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its well-preserved colonial architecture, narrow streets, and vibrant cultural life. Situated high in the Andes, Quito is one of the highest capitals in the world and enjoys a temperate climate, making it a pleasant place to live and visit. The city is an economic and political hub, with a growing service sector, educational institutions, and a growing infrastructure network.

Further south, **Cuenca** is another major urban center in Ecuador, known for its colonial charm, historical significance, and cultural heritage. As a growing city, Cuenca is becoming increasingly important for both national and international trade and services.

Guayaquil**, located on the coast, is Ecuador’s largest city and its industrial and commercial center. The city’s port is one of the busiest in Latin America, and it plays a vital role in the country’s export-oriented economy. Guayaquil has seen substantial growth and urbanization in recent decades, with a thriving business district, residential areas, and infrastructure development.

The city of **Ambato**, located in the central highlands, is known for its agricultural production, particularly in fruits and flowers. Ambato has grown in importance as a trade and commerce hub for the surrounding rural areas. Similarly, cities like **Loja**, **Machala**, and **Ibarra** contribute significantly to Ecuador’s economy and offer a mixture of traditional and modern urban features.

Ecuador’s Administrative Divisions: Provinces and Regions

Ecuador is divided into **24 provinces**, each of which has a provincial capital and is further subdivided into **cantons** (municipalities). These provinces are grouped into **three main regions**: the **Coastal Region** (Costa), the **Highland Region** (Sierra), and the **Amazon Region** (Oriente).

- **Pichincha**, where **Quito** is located, is the capital province and a political and economic center.

- **Guayas**, home to **Guayaquil**, is the most populous and industrialized province, essential for the nation’s economy.

- **Azuay**, where **Cuenca** resides, is an important province in the highlands with a growing role in tourism and cultural preservation.

- **Morona Santiago** and **Sucumbíos** are important provinces in the Amazon region, rich in natural resources and biodiversity.

- **Galápagos** is a special province, given its international ecological significance, with a focus on conservation.

Each province and canton is governed by local authorities, while national governance is centered in **Quito**, where the central government manages national affairs, including infrastructure, education, and economic policy.

Accessing Geographic Data for Ecuador’s Cities and Regions

For those looking to better understand Ecuador’s geographical layout, access to precise geographic data is essential. Our comprehensive database offers detailed information on Ecuador’s cities, regions, and provinces, including **latitude and longitude** coordinates for each location. This data enables more accurate mapping, spatial analysis, and planning for a wide range of applications, from urban development to environmental protection.

Whether for research, urban planning, or sustainable development, having access to such data allows for informed decision-making. By obtaining the geographic coordinates of cities such as **Quito**, **Guayaquil**, and **Cuenca**, users can explore the distribution of resources, plan transportation networks, and analyze environmental impacts across the country.

Conclusion: Unlocking Ecuador’s Geographical Potential

Ecuador’s rich geography, spanning from the peaks of the Andes to the depths of the Amazon rainforest, offers an invaluable perspective on how landscapes shape culture, economy, and governance. Accessing detailed geographic data, such as the **latitude and longitude** coordinates of cities and regions, allows for a deeper understanding of the country’s urbanization, infrastructure needs, and environmental conservation efforts. This data is essential for geographers, urban planners, environmentalists, and anyone interested in exploring the diverse geography of Ecuador and its future development.

FaQ about Ecuador

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
Absolutely! You can pay with paypal or stripe in total security.
  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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