Eritrea cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 1348 cities in the Eritrea available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Eritrea file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

336579GiangherenERNorthern Red Sea15.8744438.367580Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391380SezlaERNorthern Red SeaGhinda Subregion15.3059139.214270Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345520AdaitoAdailo,Adaito,АдаитоERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo14.7224940.371470Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329225Sceic Abdo RaamaERNorthern Red SeaDahlak Subregion15.840.016670Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8381582GherghirERDebub17.3418438.371290Africa/Asmarapopulated place
416454Ghedghed/DebretERNorthern Red SeaShieb15.7677239.047110Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419585Adi FinneAdi FinneERDebubAreza Subregion14.8919438.646390Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419238Adi AssahartiAdi Assaharti,Adi AssakhartiERDebubMendefera Subregion14.7972238.872780Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419156Adi AndilAdi AndilERDebubAdi Quala14.7127838.860Africa/Asmarapopulated place
332527KululColluli,Colulli,Culculli,Cululli,Kolulli,Kuleli,Kulul,Kululli,КолуллиERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo14.3747440.351490Africa/Asmarapopulated place
338152IelitElit,IelitERGash-BarkaHaykota Subregion15.2382737.046060Africa/Asmarapopulated place
416445ForoForoERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.2634239.620710Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345030Ādī LamzaERDebub15.2163338.899550Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419067Adi KobasaAdi KobasaERDebubAreza Subregion14.8397238.627220Africa/Asmarapopulated place
330880Mersa Tek’layMersa Tehlay,Mersa Tek’lay,Mersa Tek’lay,Taclai,Taklai,Tek’lay,Tek’layERNorthern Red SeaKarura17.5563838.821850Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419277Adise AdiAdise AdiERDebubEmni Haili14.7383338.696390Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345380AdennaAdena,AdennaERGash-BarkaLogo Anseba15.4569638.749830Africa/Asmarapopulated place
344368Al-AlERNorthern Red Sea15.9657938.272670Africa/Asmarapopulated place
327987TaharaERAnsebaHabero Subregion16.5666738.183330Africa/Asmarapopulated place
343165AuganaERGash-BarkaBarentu Subregion15.1501937.640550Africa/Asmarapopulated place
330216Nak’faNacfa,Nak’fa,Nakfa,Nak’fa,alnqft‎,naghfa,nakfa,nqfa,nqft‎,النقفة‎,ناغفا,ناكفا,نقفا,نقفة‎,ናቐፋERNorthern Red SeaNakfa Subregion16.6672638.476490Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419559Adi GuheboAdi Guhebo,Adi GukheboERDebubMendefera Subregion14.9602838.758330Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329739RaheiRahei,Rahel,RaherERNorthern Red Sea16.0548938.209740Africa/Asmarapopulated place
334823HaykotaAicota,Aycota,Aycotal,Haikota,Haycota,HaykotaERGash-BarkaHaykota Subregion15.1859637.082890Africa/Asmarapopulated place
338076EngherneEngerne,EngherneERGash-BarkaAkurdet Subregion15.5213938.018060Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419306Deka ArbaaDeka ArbaaERDebubEmni Haili14.7897238.778890Africa/Asmarapopulated place
334286Imk’ats’aERDebubDbarwa15.1388938.908610Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329147ScisciScisci,ShiskiERGash-BarkaOmhajer14.3936636.900910Africa/Asmarapopulated place
340442CudombasciaERDebubAdi Quala14.5977838.7750Africa/Asmarapopulated place
339817Deba-SimaDabaissima,Dahaissima,Deba-Sima,Debaysima,DebaysīmaERSouthern Red SeaSouthern Denkalya Subregion12.700142.344930Africa/Asmarapopulated place
343540ArghezanaArgezanna,ArghezanaERDebubEmni Haili14.74538.746390Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329703Ras KasarERNorthern Red SeaKarura17.9754438.557890Africa/Asmarapopulated place
344974Ādīs ‘AlemAddis Alem 1,Adis `Alem,Adis `Alem (1),Ādīs ‘Alem,Ādīs ‘Ālem (1)ERDebubAdi Quala14.5619438.804170Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391704Kesa-KalatiERGash-BarkaMolqi15.0246138.465050Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419553May TaranbelayMay TaranbelayERDebubDbarwa14.9972238.798890Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419297Adi AsseroAdi AsseroERDebubEmni Haili14.7680638.769440Africa/Asmarapopulated place
328952SaladaroSaladaro,Sela’i Da’iro,Sela’i Da’iroERMaekelGhala Nefhi15.2052838.875830Africa/Asmarapopulated place
416462MuriERSouthern Red SeaSouthern Denkalya Subregion13.3333341.883330Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8392756Adi KokenERAnsebaHamelmalo15.8482938.543980Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391544AgokhaERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.0787439.40560Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329424SaheliaER16.0666740.050Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419286Kudo BaurKudo BaurERDebubEmni Haili14.7238938.73250Africa/Asmarapopulated place
331708Ma’erebaMa’ereba,Ma`ireba,Maarab,Maaraba,Mareba,Ma‘ireba,Ma’erebaERDebubSegeneity15.0393339.147970Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329875Ona GabienERDebubAdi Quala14.6611138.908890Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6417444Adi GullinaAdi GullinaERGash-BarkaMolqi14.7994438.328610Africa/Asmarapopulated place
329421SahlīLelissa,Sahli,SahlīERSouthern Red SeaAraeta14.7249340.828640Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8388603GerdettiERDebubDbarwa15.0115838.737990Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8392421Az DambaERAnsebaElabered Subregion15.6651538.579450Africa/Asmarapopulated place
343386AssabASA,Aseb,Assab,Baia di Assab,`Aseb,a sa bu,عصب,ዓስብ,‘Aseb,阿萨布ERSouthern Red SeaAsseb13.0091742.7394421300Africa/Asmaraseat of a first-order administrative division
8388928Beza-SlamERDebubDbarwa15.0897938.836750Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345027ĀdilgesAdi Al’ges,Adi Al’ges,Adilges,ĀdilgesERDebubAdi Quala14.672538.847220Africa/Asmarapopulated place
338974DilemmiDelemme,DilemmiERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo15.4938639.892650Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391303KobaERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.1197139.539740Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419289Adi AbagatAdi AbagatERDebubEmni Haili14.7511138.754720Africa/Asmarapopulated place
335325HaddohalleHaddohalle,Hoddohalle,HoddohallèERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo14.7666740.050Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6421055MaadorubaMaadorubaERDebubMay Aini14.8397239.242220Africa/Asmarapopulated place
342984Azmat AdaiERNorthern Red Sea16.2474438.047790Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345458Ad BiliERAnsebaHagaz Subregion15.6328738.245380Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391461Kesat RoreERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.1659939.325770Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8379909AmberbebERDebub17.2301338.338130Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6418940Adi GueboAdi GueboERDebubAreza Subregion14.7419438.531110Africa/Asmarapopulated place
331168Mek’erkaMek’erka,Mek’erka (1),Mek’erka,Mek’erka (1)ERMaekelSerejaka15.4986138.904170Africa/Asmarapopulated place
416441WasenaERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.0166739.70Africa/Asmarapopulated place
344818Ādī ShumaAd Sciuma,Ad Shuma,Adi Shuma,Ādī ShumaERNorthern Red SeaGhinda Subregion15.6047139.088510Africa/Asmarapopulated place
341827Bok’loERDebubTsorona14.4765539.298130Africa/Asmarapopulated place
330299Musa ElaERSouthern Red SeaSouthern Denkalya Subregion13.141.90Africa/Asmarapopulated place
328633Sheka Wedī BisratERDebubMendefera Subregion14.9619438.810Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6419053Adi KuoshetAdi KuoshetERDebubAreza Subregion14.8422238.612780Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6418857Adi KatinaAdi KatinaERDebubMai-Mne Subregion14.5561138.502220Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6415751FafaroFafaroERGash-BarkaShambuko Subregion14.9588937.77250Africa/Asmarapopulated place
416435MraraERNorthern Red SeaShieb15.6891438.874620Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8388569SuuditaERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo15.2453339.852160Africa/Asmarapopulated place
328546Shīmangus-TahtayShima Nigus Tahtay,Shima Nigus Tihtay,Shimangus-Tahtay,Shīma Nigus Tahtay,Shīma Nigus Tihtay,Shīmangus-TahtayERGash-BarkaLogo Anseba15.4908638.733530Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6661546EzeertoEzeertoERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion14.9169839.60230Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345296Adi Ali BakitAd Ali Bachit,Adi Ali BakitERNorthern Red Sea15.6142538.369310Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8383513Enda DakaERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo15.3424640.025910Africa/Asmarapopulated place
331741MaiamMaiam,MayamERDebubAdi Keyh14.9360339.524980Africa/Asmarapopulated place
326756VannERSouthern Red SeaSouthern Denkalya Subregion12.6542.633330Africa/Asmarapopulated place
344006ĀmhuruAmhur,Amhuru,Amkhur,ĀmhuruERDebubDekemhare Subregion15.0524139.021940Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391327ByraERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.0978339.555980Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8389309GoorbaatiERMaekel15.1634438.894590Africa/Asmarapopulated place
342926BadnBaden,BadnERNorthern Red SeaAdobha16.9254637.969360Africa/Asmarapopulated place
339217DesētERNorthern Red SeaMassawa Subregion15.660639.32890Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345163Ādī Goda’itīAdi Goda’iti,Adi Godati,Ādī Goda’itīERDebubMendefera Subregion14.9561138.78750Africa/Asmarapopulated place
328660Shegilet Wedī MerīrERAnsebaAdi Tekelezan Subregion15.6838.672780Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391509Tukul’ EmbayleTukul’ Embayle,Tukul’ EmbayleERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.1270939.467810Africa/Asmarapopulated place
344517AigherreERNorthern Red SeaGhinda Subregion15.2875839.246630Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8392060Adi-KarmetERDebub15.0153638.217530Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345240Adi-BigdiAdi Bigeddi,Adi Bigheddi,Adi-BigdiERDebubAreza Subregion14.8519438.671670Africa/Asmarapopulated place
409488AkiloERNorthern Red SeaGhelaelo14.9952840.154440Africa/Asmarapopulated place
345011Adi MoagheERDebubMai-Mne Subregion14.4383338.466940Africa/Asmarapopulated place
327923TantaruaTantarna,TantaruaERNorthern Red Sea15.7954638.461420Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391316AbarERMaekelBerikh15.4214938.773310Africa/Asmarapopulated place
337844FelhitERNorthern Red Sea16.6535138.046060Africa/Asmarapopulated place
6417363Ad JakarayAd Dzhakaray,Ad JakarayERDebubAreza Subregion14.7883338.414720Africa/Asmarapopulated place
331745Mai AiniMai Aini,May AyniERDebubMay Aini14.8052839.099440Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8391569AfumaERNorthern Red SeaForo Subregion15.0191339.444660Africa/Asmarapopulated place
8392787MarakabetERNorthern Red Sea15.8597138.766130Africa/Asmarapopulated place
339368DengelDengel,DenghelERDebubDekemhare Subregion15.106238.965740Africa/Asmarapopulated place
344832Ad OmarERGash-BarkaDghe15.5779937.80930Africa/Asmarapopulated place

Eritrea: A Geographical Insight into the Horn of Africa

Eritrea, a country located in the Horn of Africa, is one of the most geographically diverse nations in the region, offering a unique combination of coastal plains, rugged mountains, and fertile highlands. Situated along the Red Sea, it shares borders with **Sudan** to the west, **Ethiopia** to the south, and **Djibouti** to the southeast. Though small in land area, Eritrea’s geography plays a central role in its culture, economy, and history. The country is strategically positioned for trade, has a rich history of ancient civilizations, and is home to various ecological zones, making it a fascinating subject for geographical exploration. For those seeking to understand Eritrea in greater detail, having access to precise geographic data—including **latitude and longitude** coordinates for its cities and regions—can provide invaluable insights into urbanization, natural resource distribution, and regional development.

The Geography of Eritrea: From Coastal Plains to Highland Plateaus

Eritrea’s geography is marked by dramatic contrasts, ranging from the hot, dry **coastal plains** along the Red Sea to the lush, fertile **highlands** that make up much of the central and western parts of the country. This variation in terrain has significantly influenced both human settlement patterns and the country’s economic activities.

The Coastal Region** is home to Eritrea’s primary access to the Red Sea, which has historically been vital for trade and maritime activities. The coastline stretches for approximately 1,000 kilometers and includes several islands, the most significant of which is **Dahlak Archipelago**, an area rich in marine life and a haven for fishermen and local communities. This region’s climate is hot and arid, with minimal rainfall, making agriculture a challenge but not impossible, thanks to the availability of marine resources.

The Highland Region**, which constitutes much of the interior of Eritrea, is characterized by mountain ranges, plateaus, and valleys. The **Central Highlands** are home to the capital city, **Asmara**, which is situated at an altitude of around 2,300 meters, offering a temperate climate compared to the coastal areas. The Highlands are the most densely populated area in Eritrea, and their fertile soil supports agriculture, particularly the cultivation of crops like barley, wheat, and vegetables. The highlands are also rich in natural resources, including minerals and metals, which play a crucial role in the country’s industrial development.

Further to the south, **The Danakil Depression** is one of the hottest places on Earth, located at the lowest point in Eritrea. This region is largely uninhabited due to its extreme heat, but it contains valuable mineral deposits and contributes to the country’s mining industry.

Eritrean Cities: Urbanization and Regional Distribution

While Eritrea’s urban areas are relatively small compared to larger African nations, the country’s cities are central to understanding its cultural and economic dynamics. **Asmara**, the capital and largest city, is located in the central highlands and is known for its well-preserved Italian colonial architecture and vibrant cultural scene. Asmara’s elevation ensures a more moderate climate, making it a livable city compared to the coastal and desert regions of the country. The city serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of Eritrea, hosting government institutions, educational centers, and a variety of businesses.

Massawa**, located on the Red Sea coast, is the second-largest city and Eritrea’s primary port. The city is known for its historic role as a trade hub and its unique blend of architecture, which includes Ottoman and Egyptian influences. Massawa’s role as a port is crucial for Eritrea’s trade and commerce, providing access to global markets and connecting the country to the wider region.

Other important towns include **Keren**, which lies to the west of Asmara, and **Mendefera**, located in the southern part of Eritrea. These towns serve as regional centers for administration, commerce, and agriculture. The diverse geography of Eritrea means that cities like **Keren** and **Barentu** in the western and southern parts of the country have a significant role in both local agriculture and trade.

Administrative Divisions: Regions and Zobas

Eritrea is divided into **6 regions** known as **Zobas**. These regions serve as the primary administrative units in the country, and each Zoba is further subdivided into **subregions** or **villages**. The six regions are:

- **Maekel (Central) Zoba**, where **Asmara** is located, is the most populous and economically developed region.

- **Anseba Zoba**, located to the west of Asmara, is known for its mining activities, particularly gold and copper.

- **Gash-Barka Zoba**, in the western part of the country, is a region rich in agricultural activities and natural resources, including extensive land used for grazing.

- **Northern Red Sea Zoba**, which includes the coastal city of **Massawa**, is vital for Eritrea’s trade and maritime activities.

- **Southern Red Sea Zoba** is characterized by a mix of coastal and mountainous regions, home to nomadic communities and some of Eritrea's most important fishing zones.

- **Debub Zoba**, located in the southern part of the country, includes towns like **Mendefera** and serves as an agricultural center for the region.

Each Zoba plays a unique role in Eritrea’s national framework, from economic activities such as agriculture and mining to administrative functions. The central government in Asmara coordinates national policy, but regional governments play an essential role in managing local affairs, including education, health, and infrastructure.

Accessing Geographic Data for Eritrea’s Cities and Regions

Understanding the geography of Eritrea in greater detail requires access to accurate geographic data, including **latitude and longitude** coordinates for its cities, regions, and departments. Our database provides comprehensive data on the cities and regions of Eritrea, including precise geographic locations. By obtaining this data, researchers, planners, and policy analysts can gain insights into regional distribution, urban development, and resource management.

For example, obtaining the **latitude and longitude** of cities such as **Asmara**, **Massawa**, and **Keren**, along with the regions they belong to, helps in the analysis of population density, economic activity, and infrastructure needs. This data is also invaluable for projects related to climate studies, as geographic coordinates enable better climate modeling and the analysis of regional weather patterns, particularly important for agriculture and natural resource management in Eritrea.

Conclusion: Exploring Eritrea’s Geographic and Developmental Potential

Eritrea’s geographical diversity, with its volcanic highlands, coastal plains, and desert regions, provides a unique canvas for understanding the complex interplay between nature and human settlement. From the historic city of **Asmara** to the port city of **Massawa**, Eritrea’s urban centers reflect the country’s varied geography and rich history. Accessing detailed geographic data—including **latitude and longitude** coordinates—provides essential insights for better planning, sustainable development, and resource management. Whether for urban planning, environmental research, or regional development, this data plays a crucial role in understanding Eritrea’s geographic landscape and its potential for future growth.

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
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