Slovenia cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 6442 cities in the Slovenia available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Slovenia file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3197494KozanaCosana del Collio,Cosana nel Collio,Cosana nel Còllio,KozanaSIBrda45.9927813.55028381Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987043Stara CestaStara CestaSILjutomer46.5013516.1286293Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989731PoljubinjPoljubinjSITolmin46.1842713.76611456Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988060BelavšekBelavsek,BelavšekSIVidem46.3262215.9508477Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3195601Mali VrhMali VrhSIBrežice45.9666715.61667269Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987553PijovciPijovciSIŠmarje pri Jelšah46.2507915.53836134Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988103KrnicaKrnicaSIKoper-Capodistria45.546813.8616473Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3196339LjubnoLjubnoSIRadovljica46.3166714.25479Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988980JeršanovoJersanovo,JeršanovoSIBloke45.8150114.4667324Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3201977Dobovec pri RogatcuDobovec,Dobovec pri RogatcuSI46.2189115.75162283Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989193Dolgi LazDolgi LazSITolmin46.1146813.7452714Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3192899PodvelkaPodvelkaSIPodvelka46.5869415.33056343Europe/Ljubljanaseat of a first-order administrative division
3187432VolavljeVolavljeSILjubljana46.0338914.71722177Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988800JelšeJelse,JelšeSIMirna Peč45.8765315.0750732Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3202198Dane pri SežaniDane,Dane pri Sezani,Dane pri Sežani,DannaSISežana45.7161113.88111413Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988963Deskova VasDeskova VasSIČrnomelj45.4984815.0704924Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988085BukovjeBukovjeSIDravograd46.593215.047174Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988655GrmGrmSIIvančna Gorica45.9494414.8775338Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988443Breznica pri ŽirehBreznica pri Zireh,Breznica pri ŽirehSIŽiri46.044614.0853950Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3201840Dolenje GrčevjeDolenje Grcevje,Dolenje GrčevjeSINovo Mesto45.8515.222Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3186385ZloganjeSI45.9166715.30Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988896FijerogaFijerogaSIKoper-Capodistria45.492313.7598527Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988463LaznicaLaznicaSICerkno46.1492613.9806348Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987604BodkovciBodkovciSIJuršinci46.4924516.00216124Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3186519Zgornje DanjeZgornje DanjeSIŽelezniki46.2333314.054Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987305RadovljaRadovlja,RadovljeSIŠmarješke Toplice45.8966315.23657182Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987552Spodnji KljučarovciSpodnji Kljucarovci,Spodnji KljučarovciSIOrmož46.451116.11115134Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3198670JelšeJelse,JelšeSIKrško45.915.46667125Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3200666GibinaGibina,Murafured,MurafüredSIRazkrižje46.5216716.30028256Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989386Kot pri RakitniciKot pri RakitniciSIRibnica45.6829214.746013Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988313Vrhovska VasVrhovska VasSIBrežice45.8598315.515757Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987812Lačja VasLacja Vas,Lačja VasSINazarje46.298614.9206101Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3199332HotizaGyertjanos,Gyertjanoš,Hotiza,Hottiza,Murarev,MurarévSILendava-Lendva46.5494416.36028773Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3218389Brezova Reber Pri DvoruSIŽužemberk45.8061115.022220Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3190131Srednja Vas v BohinjuSrednja VasSIRadovljica46.29513.92389600505Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988731Podbukovje pri VačahPodbukovje pri Vacah,Podbukovje pri VačahSILitija46.1163914.8852234Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3193058Podgora pri LožuSILoška Dolina45.6844414.48972114Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987192Ptujska CestaPtujska CestaSIGornja Radgona46.6350715.99609225Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3190408ZabočevoSabocevo,Sabočevo,Sobocevo,Sobočevo,ZabocevoSIBorovnica45.907514.39917105Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987255RačicaRacica,RačicaSISevnica46.051715.22238202Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3198046Ključarovci pri LjutomeruKljucarovci,Kljucarovci pri Ljutomeru,Ključarovci,Ključarovci pri LjutomeruSIKriževci46.5527816.13778357Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989813Vitanjsko SkomarjeVitanjsko SkomarjeSIVitanje46.3977115.3265585Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988070Vodice pri KalobjuVodice pri KalobjuSISentjur46.1476415.364576Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3215754AdergasAdergasSICerklje na Gorenjskem46.2730614.46694235Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987742GobnikGobnikSILitija46.000714.94764108Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3192038RajecRajc,RajecSIBrežice45.8519315.6736781Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989251BetanjaBetanjaSIDivača45.6676113.994511Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987544Zgornja PristavaZgornja PristavaSISlovenska Konjice46.3309815.4079135Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987337Trška GoraTrska Gora,Trška GoraSIKrško45.9611215.47671170Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988101Osredek pri DobroviOsredek pri DobroviSIDobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec46.0864614.3725273Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3195719Mali GaberMali GaberSITrebnje45.9355614.9016781Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987249GradežGradez,GradežSIVelike Lašče45.8783414.62776205Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987845Stara Gora pri ŠentiljuStara Gora pri Sentilju,Stara Gora pri ŠentiljuSIŠentilj46.6569415.6394698Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987767Zgornja JablanicaZgornja JablanicaSIŠmartno pri Litiji46.0437514.88063106Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3204798AnžeAnze,AnžeSIKrško45.99215.51209110Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3186535Zgornja LušaZgornja Lusa,Zgornja LušaSIŠkofja Loka46.1833314.21667101Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989365MavrcMaverc,MavrcSIKostel45.5046314.91245Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3200819FramFramSIRače-Fram46.45615.630071024Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3190603SlatnaSlatnaSIRadovljica46.3674414.2226679Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989642Log pri ŽužemberkuLog pri Zuzemberku,Log pri ŽužemberkuSITrebnje45.8846814.9149720Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8986918Srednja Vas pri ŠenčurjuSrednja Vas pri ŠEnčurjuSIŠenčur46.2512114.43308490Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
10794058MrcinjeMrcinje,MrčinjeSINova Gorica46.0658213.700130Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3190150Središče ob DraviSredisce,Sredisce ob Dravi,Središče,Središče ob DraviSISredišče ob Dravi46.3941716.26806984Europe/Ljubljanaseat of a first-order administrative division
8987565KalšeKalse,KalšeSISlovenska Bistrica46.4401915.57255131Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987712KošnicaKosnica,KošnicaSISentjur46.1486515.4517111Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987221PotočePotoce,PotočeSIAjdovščina45.8835413.82203213Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988536KnejKnejSIVelike Lašče45.8457214.5956845Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987385PredmostPredmostSIGorenja Vas-Poljane46.1119114.18048162Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3199569GribljeGribljeSIČrnomelj45.5741715.29111356Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988787CirkušeCirkuse,CirkušeSILitija46.0965814.8675332Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989406VimoljVimol,VimoljSIKostel45.5167414.873782Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3186533Zgornja PolskavaZgornja PolskavaSISlovenska Bistrica46.4255615.612221208Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3198081KlenikClenico,KlenikSIPivka45.678914.22112178Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989855Bukov Vrh nad VisokimBukov Vrh nad VisokimSIŠkofja Loka46.104514.2326253Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987834KoprivnikKoprivnikSIŽiri46.0748514.0585799Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987936PočePoce,PočeSICerkno46.1659513.98888Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3194576NasovčeNasovici,NasovičiSIKomenda46.2113214.51697219Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987896Čadovlje pri TržičuCadovlje pri Trzicu,Čadovlje pri TržičuSITržič46.3808314.320493Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3187221VrheVrheSISlovenj Gradec46.5333315.03333327Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3199026IžakovciIzakovci,Izsakocz,Izsakócz,Ižakovci,MuraszigetSIBeltinci46.5888916.22111827Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3339120ZrečeSIZreče46.3822215.379172935Europe/Ljubljanaseat of a first-order administrative division
8987739Draga pri ŠentrupertuDraga pri Sentrupertu,Draga pri ŠentrupertuSIŠentrupert45.9921715.07095118Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3218788BečajeSICerknica45.8355614.4527833Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3199057IvanjševciAlsojanosfa,Alsójánosfa,Ivanjsevci,Ivanjsovci,Ivanjševci,Ivanjšovci,Janosfa,JánosfaSIMoravske Toplice46.7633316.3008337Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988378RačicaRacica,RačicaSIŠmartno pri Litiji46.0387714.7529354Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3192142RadehovaRadehovaSILenart46.5666715.85201Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3200333Spodnja GoricaGorica,Spodnja GoricaSIRače-Fram46.4188915.69222251Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3203499BrdarciBrdarciSIČrnomelj45.5234215.2079438Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989085Gradišče pri DivačiGradisce pri Divaci,Gradišče pri DivačiSIDivača45.6805214.0046118Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3190439SmrečnoSmrecno,SmrečnoSISlovenska Bistrica46.4515.587Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3194622MutaMuta,Na MutiSIMuta46.6113915.166112300Europe/Ljubljanaseat of a first-order administrative division
8988730KladjeKladjeSILaško46.136315.2785934Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8988490PlanjskoPlanjskoSIMajšperk46.3159315.77547Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987637ŠedinaSedina,ŠedinaSISentjur46.2756115.40469121Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989143PotokPotokSITrebnje45.9455714.9301116Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8987389RifengozdRifengozdSILaško46.1907115.24891161Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989643LasenoLasenoSIKamnik46.2026314.7565918Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3218385DolSINova Gorica46.0661113.800560Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
3214653PucPucSIKostel45.5230614.849170Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place
8989504Spodnja RočicaSpodnja Rocica,Spodnja RočicaSIBenedikt46.6185415.86055116Europe/Ljubljanapopulated place

Slovenia: A Geographical Exploration of Europe’s Hidden Jewel

Slovenia, a small but remarkably diverse country in Central Europe, offers a fascinating array of geographical features, from snow-capped mountains to rolling plains and charming coastal landscapes. For a geographer, Slovenia’s relatively compact size belies the rich complexity of its physical and cultural geography. Situated at the crossroads of the Alps and the Mediterranean, and bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia, Slovenia is an ideal subject for studying how geography shapes human settlement, economic development, and environmental management.

A Landscape of Contrasts

Slovenia’s geography is one of striking contrasts, which is part of what makes the country so unique. The northern regions of the country are dominated by the Julian Alps, where the country’s highest peak, Triglav, rises to 2,864 meters. This mountain range offers picturesque landscapes, pristine rivers, and numerous caves, including the famous Postojna Cave, a UNESCO-listed natural wonder.

In contrast, the southern and western parts of Slovenia are shaped by the Karst Plateau, characterized by its unique limestone formations and underground river systems. The country’s coastline along the Adriatic Sea, though short, offers a glimpse of Mediterranean charm, with historical towns like Piran providing cultural and economic links to Italy and beyond.

Slovenia’s geography is more than just beautiful scenery; it has played a significant role in shaping the country’s human history and economic development. The Danube River Basin, which extends into Slovenia’s eastern regions, has been a vital corridor for trade and communication for centuries, while the more rugged terrains in the north and south have fostered distinctive cultural identities and ways of life.

Administrative Divisions and Regional Importance

Slovenia is divided into 12 statistical regions, each with its own administrative and economic functions. These regions are the fundamental units for organizing governmental services, economic activities, and social programs. Unlike many other countries that divide regions into provinces or departments, Slovenia’s regions are often a mix of urban and rural areas with diverse economic characteristics.

The Central Slovenia region, home to the capital city of Ljubljana, serves as the political, cultural, and economic heart of the nation. Ljubljana, located in the central part of the country, has historically been a hub of trade and commerce, its position in the Ljubljana Marshes making it a central point for transportation routes connecting eastern and western Europe.

Other regions, such as Pomurska in the northeast and Obalno-Kraška in the southwest, offer insight into the country’s rural and coastal landscapes. While Pomurska is known for its agricultural output, Obalno-Kraška is famous for its tourism-driven economy and its position on the Adriatic. Understanding the distribution and characteristics of these regions provides insight into how geographic features influence economic strategies and development priorities.

The Role of Geographical Data in Understanding Slovenia

To truly understand Slovenia’s geographical and administrative landscape, access to detailed data is crucial. Geographical data, including information about the cities, regions, and their geographical coordinates, is an invaluable resource for researchers and policymakers. The importance of knowing the precise locations of each city, district, and their corresponding regions cannot be overstated, especially in terms of managing resources, infrastructure, and regional development.

For instance, having access to the exact latitude and longitude of cities like Ljubljana, Maribor, and Koper enables geographers to analyze spatial distribution patterns, assess urbanization trends, and predict the flow of people and goods throughout the country. By studying this data, researchers can better understand the relationship between physical geography and human activity, including the challenges posed by uneven development, environmental conservation, and climate change.

Moreover, accurate geographical data helps governments and institutions design and implement policies that foster equitable growth across all regions. Whether it's improving infrastructure, managing natural resources, or protecting Slovenia’s diverse ecosystems, understanding the geographical context of each region is essential for making informed decisions.

Using Geographic Data for Sustainable Planning and Development

Slovenia is at the forefront of sustainable development, balancing economic growth with environmental protection. The ability to access accurate geographic data on the country’s cities, regions, and specific locations allows for better urban planning and natural resource management. As Slovenia continues to grow, effective management of its natural resources and urban spaces becomes increasingly important.

For example, regions like the Ljubljansko Barje, a wetland area near the capital, require careful environmental management to preserve biodiversity while also supporting agricultural activities. Detailed geographic data, including the exact coordinates of such regions, allows policymakers to evaluate land use, monitor ecological changes, and prevent the over-exploitation of natural resources.

In Slovenia’s coastal regions, where tourism is a major economic driver, geographic data is essential for planning sustainable tourism practices. By analyzing data on population density, infrastructure, and environmental sensitivity, Slovenia can maintain its appeal as a tourist destination without compromising its natural beauty and ecosystems.

Similarly, geographic data plays a crucial role in monitoring the impacts of climate change, particularly in Slovenia’s mountainous regions, where shifting weather patterns can result in landslides or floods. By accessing detailed geographic data, researchers can identify vulnerable areas and devise proactive measures to mitigate these risks.

Promoting Data Accessibility for Geographical Research

The ability to access comprehensive geographic data about Slovenia, including information on cities, regions, and their respective coordinates, opens up numerous opportunities for research and informed decision-making. Whether it is tracking urban expansion in Ljubljana, assessing agricultural productivity in Pomurska, or monitoring coastal development in Obalno-Kraška, geographic data provides a powerful tool for understanding and addressing the diverse challenges that Slovenia faces.

Researchers and policymakers can use this data to create models that predict future trends in urbanization, resource management, and environmental conservation. Moreover, access to detailed geographic data allows Slovenia to engage more effectively with international organizations, facilitating collaboration on issues like climate change, sustainable development, and regional planning.

Conclusion: Unlocking Slovenia’s Geographical Potential

Slovenia’s diverse geography, combined with its compact administrative structure, presents both challenges and opportunities for researchers, urban planners, and policymakers. By obtaining detailed geographical data on its cities, regions, and specific locations, one can gain a deeper understanding of how geography shapes Slovenia’s growth and development. This data serves as a foundation for informed decision-making, enabling the country to balance urbanization with environmental conservation, promote regional equity, and enhance its global competitiveness.

In conclusion, Slovenia’s geographical landscape is a valuable asset that can be fully harnessed through the availability and use of accurate geographical data. Whether it is for managing natural resources, optimizing infrastructure, or protecting the environment, the ability to access detailed information on the country’s cities, regions, and coordinates will continue to play a pivotal role in Slovenia’s sustainable development and future growth.

FaQ about Slovenia

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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