Kosovo cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 10 December 2024.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 2223 cities in the Kosovo available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Kosovo file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

793156AjvalijaAjvalija,Hajvali,АјвалијаXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.6180621.180830Europe/Belgradepopulated place
855034Rexh BogeXKPecKomuna e Pejës42.7458320.054440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790418Gornje SeloGornaselle,Gornasellë,Gorne Selo,Gornja Sell,Gornjasella,Gornjaselle,Gornjasellë,Gornje Selo,Sirvuc,Sirvuć,Горње СелоXKPrizrenPrizren42.1777820.930830Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830074Novo SeloNovo Selo,Ново СелоXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.5163920.8550Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830312Čarkoš-MahalaCarkos-Mahala,Čarkoš-MahalaXKFerizajKomuna e Ferizajt42.3488921.229440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
12440705MoisilovëMoisilova,Moisilove,MoisilovëXKMitrovicaKomuna e Zubin Potokut42.9777220.635930Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830432BreshancBresance,Bresance Mehana,Bresene,Bresenë,Breshanc,Breshance,Brešance,Brešance Mehana,БрешанцеXKPrizrenKomuna e Thërandës42.4108320.778890Europe/Belgradepopulated place
787061PidiqPidic,Pidiq,Pidiqi,Pidiç,Pidić,ПидићXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.3138921.526390Europe/Belgradepopulated place
789501KishnapoleKishnapole,Kishnapolë,Kishno Pole,Kisno Polje,Kišno Polje,Кишно ПољеXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4616721.301670Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830554MuhadžeriMuhadzeri,Muhadžeri,MuhagjerXKPristinaNovo Brdo42.5944421.362780Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790155GrizhanGrizane,Grizani,Grizhan,Grizhane,Grizhani,Grižane,Grižani,Han Grizani,Han Grižani,Han-Grizhani,Грижане,ГрижаниXKMitrovicaOpština Zvečan43.0182320.709420Europe/Belgradepopulated place
8218155Mahalla CakiqCakic Mahala,Cakić Mahala,Mahalla CakiqXKPristinaPodujevo42.8990721.133310Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830769Isenovicka MahalaIsenovicka MahalaXKGjilanKamenica42.6783321.713610Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830498Donja VaganicaDonja Vaganica,SenjakXKMitrovicaKomuna e Mitrovicës42.8563920.860280Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830328KućištKucist,KućištXKFerizajKomuna e Kaçanikut42.3013921.254440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832344SovrlićeSoverle,Soverli,Soverlë,Sovrlice,SovrlićeXKMitrovicaKomuna e Zubin Potokut42.9808820.596610Europe/Belgradepopulated place
784835TemiçinëTemeqin,Temicine,Temiçinë,Timicina,Timičina,Tiniqinjo,Tumichina,Tumicin,Tumicina,Tumiçin,Tumičina,ТумичинаXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.4436120.838330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
783836ZllakuqanZllakuqan,Zllokuqan,Zlokucane,Zlokucani,Zlokućane,Zlokućani,ЗлокућанеXKPecKomuna e Klines42.6611120.540Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830083KureljeKungull,Kungulli,KureljeXKMitrovicaKomuna e Leposaviqit43.2080220.780360Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832616GlavicaGlavica,Gllavice,Gllavicë,ГлавицаXKFerizajKomuna e Shtimes42.4297221.086940Europe/Belgradepopulated place
786177RunjevoRunevo,Runjeve,Runjevo,Runjevë,РуњевоXKFerizajKomuna e Kaçanikut42.2447221.254440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
785836SkorashnikShkarashnik,Shkorashnik,Skarashnik,Skorashnik,Skoroshnik,Skorosnik,Skorošnik,СкорошникXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.5247220.776940Europe/Belgradepopulated place
785042Tomane (Kushtrim)Kushtrim,Kushtrimi,Tomanc,Tomane,TomocXKPecKomuna e Istogut42.7416720.473330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
860224Hodžaj MahalaHodzaj Mahala,Hodžaj MahalaXKPrizrenKomuna e Thërandës42.3583320.943610Europe/Belgradepopulated place
786660Prvi TunelKolonija Prvi Tunel,Prvi Tunel,Tunel i Pare,Tunel i Parë,Први ТунелXKMitrovicaKomuna e Mitrovicës42.9222220.898330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
834934BirovoBirovo,Lagjia Biriva,Lagjia Birive,Lagjia BirivëXKMitrovicaKomuna e Leposaviqit43.0511120.769170Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788813LladroviqLadrovic,Ladroviq,Ladrović,Landrovic,Lladroviq,Ладровић,ЛандровићXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.4722220.841670Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788686LeshtanLeshtan,Leshtane,Leshtani,Lestane,Leštane,Lleshtan,ЛештанеXKPrizrenKomuna e Dragashit42.0441720.684720Europe/Belgradepopulated place
786810PërçevëPerceve,Perqeve,Prceve,Prcevo,Prchevo,Prçevë,Prčevo,Përqevë,Përçevë,ПрчевоXKPecKomuna e Klines42.5677820.633060Europe/Belgradepopulated place
785390StrovceStreoce,Streovce,Stroc,Strofc,Stronce,Strovc,Strovce,СтровцеXKMitrovicaVushtrri42.7136120.980280Europe/Belgradepopulated place
9828025TofajXK42.4829520.265850Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830109Rušta MahalaRusta Mahala,Rušta MahalaXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.2813921.572780Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832736Spajević MahalaSpajevic Mahala,Spajević MahalaXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.6644421.293330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
785905ŠilovoShillove,Shillovë,Shilovo,Silovo,Šilovo,ШиловоXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4794421.495560Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830398ZatraDrezhic,DrezhiçXKPecKomuna e Pejës42.6569420.284320Europe/Belgradepopulated place
785522Staro ČikatovoCikalovo,Cikatova,Cikatova e Vjeter,Cikatova e Vjetër,Cikatove,Cikatove e Vjeter,Cikatovo,Qikatove e Vjeter,Qikatovë e Vjetër,Staro Chikatovo,Staro Cikatovo,Staro Ćikatovo,Staro Čikatovo,Çikatova,Çikatovë,Çikatovë e Vjetër,Čikalovo,Čikatovo,Старо Ћикатово,Старо ЧикатовоXKPristinaKomuna e Drenasit42.6547220.907780Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830193Han GrižaniHan Grizani,Han Grižani,Han-GrizhaniXKMitrovicaOpština Zvečan43.03520.712780Europe/Belgradepopulated place
859754Caka MahalaCaka MahalaXKFerizajKomuna e Kaçanikut42.2616721.174170Europe/Belgradepopulated place
786740PrigodaGoden,Godeni,Prigoda,Prigode,Prigodë,ПригодаXKPecKomuna e Istogut42.752520.429440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790170GrebnkikGrabnik,Grebnik,Grebnkik,Gremnik,Gremniku,Shkrep,Shkrepi,ГребникXKPecKomuna e Klines42.5830620.589720Europe/Belgradepopulated place
792736BelinceBelince,Belincë,БелинцеXKFerizajKomuna e Shtimes42.4422221.009170Europe/Belgradepopulated place
789951JablanicaJablanica,Jabllanica,Jabllanice,Jabllanicë,ЈабланицаXKPrizrenPrizren42.1708320.768060Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832016Breg MahalaBreg Mahala,Breg Makhala,Брeг МахалаXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.5636120.758330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830465StranaStrana,Strane,Stranë,СтранаXKMitrovicaKomuna e Mitrovicës42.8927820.917220Europe/Belgradepopulated place
784786UglarBuzemorave-a ose Margeshi,Uglar,Uglare,Uglari,Uglarë,Ugljare,УгљареXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4255621.525280Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790427Gornje LjupčeGorne LJupche,Gornje Ljupce,Gornje Ljupče,Gurishta,Gurishte,Gurishtë,Lupc i Eperm,Lupci i Eperm,Lupç i Epërm,Lupçi i Epërm,Горње ЉупчеXKPristinaPodujevo42.8541721.094440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832386TrnovaTrnovaXKMitrovicaKomuna e Skenderajt42.7619420.677220Europe/Belgradepopulated place
858829Gornji MuhadžiriGornji Muhadziri,Gornji MuhadžiriXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4338921.501110Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832743Ajetović MahalaAjetovic Mahala,Ajetović MahalaXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.7169121.247520Europe/Belgradepopulated place
8219855Gornja MahalaGornja Mahala,Mahalla e Eperme,Mahalla e EpërmeXKPristinaPodujevo42.9178821.123320Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788058MedveceMedvec,Medvece,Metefc,МедвецеXKPristinaLipjan42.5516721.006390Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788352MajdevoMajdeva,Majdeve,Majdevo,Majdevë,МајдевоXKMitrovicaKomuna e Leposaviqit43.1393320.828990Europe/Belgradepopulated place
835074Donja RepaDonja Repa,Repa e Poshtme,Rrepe e Poshtme,Rrepë e PoshtmeXKPristinaPodujevo43.0219421.136940Europe/Belgradepopulated place
784283VojmisliqVojimislice,Vojimisliće,Vojmislice,Vojmisliq,Vojmisliće,Vojmislliq,Војимислиће,ВојмислићеXKMitrovicaKomuna e Zubin Potokut42.982520.708060Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830447Donje LičaneDonje Licane,Donje Ličane,Liqan i Poshtem,Liqan i Poshtëm,Liqani i Poshtem,Liqani i PoshtëmXKPristinaPodujevo42.9341621.213830Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830321DobroševinaDobrosevina,Dobroshevina,Dobroshevine,Dobroshevinë,Dobroševina,Dona Dobroshevina,Done Dobroshevina,Donja Dobrosevina,Donja Dobroševina,Donje Dobrosevina,Donje Dobroševina,Доброшевина,Доња Доброшевина,Доње ДоброшевинаXKMitrovicaKomuna e Zubin Potokut42.91820.70250Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788839KushninKushin,Kushnik,Kushnin,Kusneni,Kusnin,Kušneni,Kušnin,КушнинXKPrizrenPrizren42.2755620.53750Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790057HamidiHamidi,Hamidija,Khamidija,Mali Bivoljak,ХамидијаXKPristinaKomuna e Obiliqit42.7061121.026670Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790508Fushticë e EpërmeFusha,Fushe,Fushtica e Eperme,Fushtica e Epërme,Fushtice e Eperme,Fushticë e Epërme,Fushë,Fustice e Poshtme,Fusticë e Poshtmë,Gorna Fushtica,Gornja Fustica,Gornja Fuštica,Горња ФуштицаXKPristinaKomuna e Drenasit42.55520.948060Europe/Belgradepopulated place
855429Gorje NakloGorje NakloXKPecKomuna e Pejës42.672520.369720Europe/Belgradepopulated place
789199KosuriqKosuric,Kosuriq,Kosurić,КосурићXKPecKomuna e Pejës42.5702820.464724201200Europe/Belgradepopulated place
12239534MaliqMaliq,MaliqiXKMitrovicaKomuna e Leposaviqit43.0743120.836480Europe/Belgradepopulated place
858925AjvaziAjvaziXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4530621.345560Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830613LaništeLaniste,LaništeXKFerizajKomuna e Kaçanikut42.2163921.271390Europe/Belgradepopulated place
792653BesinjeBesi,Besine,Besinje,БесињеXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.7537621.148520Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830209MalaLagjia e Vogel,Lagjia e Vogël,MalaXKMitrovicaKomuna e Leposaviqit43.0658420.832560Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830277Gornji SibovacGorni Sibovac,Gornji Sibovac,Siboc i Eperm,Siboc i Epërm,Siboci i Eperm,Siboci i Epërm,Sibolci i Eperm,Sibolci i Epërm,Sibovac,Sibovci i Eperm,Sibovci i Epërm,Vindeni i Eperm,Vindeni i Epërm,Горњи СибовацXKPristinaPodujevo42.852521.190830Europe/Belgradepopulated place
784213VrapčićVrapchic,Vrapcic,Vrapciq,Vrapçiq,Vrapčić,ВрапчићXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4183321.409170Europe/Belgradepopulated place
789280KorbuliqKerbliq,Korbiliq,Korbliq,Korboliq,Korbulic,Korbuliq,Korbulić,КорбулићXKFerizajKomuna e Kaçanikut42.2361121.336110Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788335Mala DobranjaDobraja e Vogel,Dobraja e Vogël,Dobraje e Vogel,Dobrajë e Vogël,Mala Dobrana,Mala Dobranja,Мала ДобрањаXKPristinaLipjan42.5472221.028610Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830692ZaguljeZagul,Zagule,Zagulj,Zagulje,ЗагуљеXKMitrovicaKomuna e Zubin Potokut42.8822220.650830Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788596LivagjëLivade,Livadh,Livadje,Livagje,Livagjë,Livaxhe,Livaxhë,Livađe,Ливаде,ЛивађеXKPristinaKomuna e Graçanicës42.5644421.166670Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830481MuhadžeriMuadzeri,Muadžeri,Muhadzeri,Muhadžeri,MuhaxhireXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.5024721.46760Europe/Belgradepopulated place
832738Stulčak MahalaStulcak Mahala,Stulčak MahalaXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.6819421.269720Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830033Gornja MahalaGornja MahalaXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4597221.524170Europe/Belgradepopulated place
829501RežanceRashanice,Rashanicë,Rezance,Rezhanc,Rezhance,Rezhancë,Režance,Rëzhancë,РежанцеXKFerizajHani i Elezit42.1466721.257220Europe/Belgradepopulated place
785711SofalijaSofali,Sofalija,СофалијаXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.6666321.203640Europe/Belgradepopulated place
860140Belče MahalaBelce Mahala,Belche Makhala,Belče Mahala,Бeлче МахалаXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.4169420.763330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
860134ZabeljajZabelaj,Zabeljaj,ЗабељајXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.4383320.833330Europe/Belgradepopulated place
855464TonkovićTonkovic,TonkovićXKPecKomuna e Pejës42.6116720.356670Europe/Belgradepopulated place
831908Donja PenduhaDonja Penduha,Donja PendujaXKPristinaPodujevo42.8411121.183890Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830720Mahala SimolovićMahala Simolovic,Mahala SimolovićXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.6983321.378060Europe/Belgradepopulated place
786845PoslishtëPolishte,Poslishte,Poslishtë,Posliste,Poslište,ПослиштеXKPrizrenPrizren42.1788920.671390Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790371Livoç i EpërmGorni Livoc,Gornji Livoc,Gornji Livoč,Livoc i Eperm,Livoci i Eperm,Livoq i Eperm,Livoq i Epërm,Livoç i Epërm,Livoçi i Epërm,Горњи ЛивоцXKGjilanKomuna e Gjilanit42.4569421.431110Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830782Mahala MaguraMagura,Mahala MaguraXKGjilanKamenica42.6530621.609720Europe/Belgradepopulated place
793004BadovacBadoc,Badofc,Badovac,Badovc,БадовацXKPristinaKomuna e Graçanicës42.6097221.22250Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830683Gornja VitijaGornja Mahala Vitinje,Gornja VitijaXKPristinaKomuna e Prishtinës42.6536121.358890Europe/Belgradepopulated place
789949JablanicaJablanica,Jabllanice,Jabllanicë,ЈабланицаXKPecKomuna e Pejës42.6177820.469440Europe/Belgradepopulated place
788544LjuboždaLjubozda,Ljubozhda,Ljubožda,Lubizhde,Lubizhdë,Lubozhda,Lubozhde,Lubozhdë,Lupizhde,Lupizhdë,Nengurra,Nengurre,Nëngurra,Nëngurrë,ЉубождаXKPecKomuna e Istogut42.7769420.441940Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830766KomaniKomaniXKGjilanKamenica42.6661121.72750Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830360LašarcLasarc,LašarcXKFerizajOpština Štrpce42.2941721.083610Europe/Belgradepopulated place
791167Ratish i UltëDoni Ratish,Donji Ratis,Donji Ratiš,Qendresa e Poshtme,Qëndresa e Poshtme,Ratish i Ulte,Ratish i Ultë,Ratisha e Poshtme,Ratishi i Ulet,Ratishi i Ulte,Ratishi i Ultë,Ratishi i Ulët,Raush i Poshtem,Raush i Poshtëm,Доњи РатишXKGjakovaKomuna e Deçanit42.5194420.390830Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830103VrujiceVruica,Vruice,Vruicë,VrujiceXKMitrovicaKomuna e Leposaviqit43.1893320.762620Europe/Belgradepopulated place
784887TrpezaTerpeze,Trpeza,Tërpezë,ТрпезаXKPrizrenKomuna e Malisheves42.5094420.8150Europe/Belgradepopulated place
791933ČiflakChiflak,Ciflak,Ciflik,Cifllak,Cifllek,Qifllak,Çifllak,Çifllëk,Čiflak,Čiflik,ЧифлакXKGjakovaOrahovac42.4613920.52250Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830161KrivačaKrivaca,Krivaqa,Krivaqe,Krivaqë,KrivačaXKMitrovicaOpština Zvečan43.0155620.760Europe/Belgradepopulated place
790159GrgocGergoc,Grgoc,Gërgoc,ГргоцXKGjakovaKomuna e Gjakovës42.5097220.4550Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830284KunovikKunovik,КуновикXKMitrovicaVushtrri42.8748721.070980Europe/Belgradepopulated place
830596BabudovicaBabudovica,Babudovice,Babudovicë,БабудовицаXKMitrovicaKomuna e Zubin Potokut42.9664920.63550Europe/Belgradepopulated place
791392DollcDolac,Dolci,Dollc,Dollci,Lug,Lugu,ДолацXKPecKomuna e Klines42.5966720.595560Europe/Belgradepopulated place

Kosovo: A Geographical Overview

Nestled in the heart of the Balkans, Kosovo is a landlocked country that boasts a rich history and a dynamic geographical landscape. Despite its relatively small size, Kosovo’s geographical location has shaped its cultural and political significance throughout the centuries. Located at the crossroads of Southern Europe, it shares borders with Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Kosovo’s diverse terrain, ranging from rugged mountains to fertile plains, has not only influenced its settlement patterns but also its regional and economic development. This article will delve into Kosovo’s geography, with a special focus on the importance of obtaining detailed geographic data, including the latitude and longitude of its cities, to fully understand its spatial distribution and dynamics.

A Diverse Landscape of Kosovo

Kosovo’s geography is a stunning mix of mountainous terrains, valleys, and flat plains, providing both natural beauty and challenges. The country is bordered by the Šar Mountains to the south, the Kopaonik Mountain range to the north, and the Accursed Mountains along the western border. These mountain ranges have historically isolated many communities, which is reflected in the culture and heritage of the region. The central part of Kosovo is characterized by a fertile plain, with the Kosovo Valley serving as the agricultural heart of the country.

Kosovo’s natural resources, particularly its mineral wealth, are one of the key aspects of its geographical importance. The country is rich in natural resources like coal and lead, which have significantly contributed to its economic development. Additionally, Kosovo's terrain plays a central role in its agriculture, with the fertile plains supporting the growth of crops such as wheat, maize, and vegetables.

Understanding the layout of Kosovo’s cities within this diverse landscape is essential for anyone looking to explore the country’s geographical structure. Whether you are researching urban development, environmental factors, or economic activity, access to detailed geographic data, such as the precise latitude and longitude of cities, is necessary for a deeper analysis.

Urban Centers and Regional Distribution

Kosovo’s urban development is concentrated primarily in a few key cities, each of which plays an important role in the country’s economy and culture. The capital, Pristina, is the largest and most significant city in Kosovo. It lies in the central part of the country, within the Kosovo Plain, and serves as the political, economic, and cultural hub. Pristina is home to a variety of governmental institutions, businesses, and educational facilities, making it the heart of Kosovo's development.

Other major cities in Kosovo include Peja (Pec), Mitrovica, and Gjakova, each located in distinct regions. Peja is situated in the western part of the country, near the Rugova Canyon, and is known for its natural beauty and historical significance. Mitrovica, located in the north, has historically been a center for both Albanian and Serbian communities and is known for its cultural and political complexities. Gjakova, located in the southwestern part of Kosovo, plays a key role in agriculture and trade.

The regions and cities of Kosovo are diverse, with each city and region offering unique insights into the country’s historical, cultural, and economic evolution. The distribution of these cities across Kosovo’s varied landscape influences settlement patterns and infrastructure development, with urban areas in the valleys and plains contrasting with rural communities in the more mountainous regions.

Access to geographic data on these cities, including their precise locations and regional affiliations, is vital for understanding the spatial organization of Kosovo. By obtaining the latitude and longitude of each city, researchers and urban planners can gain a better understanding of the relationships between cities and their surrounding landscapes.

The Value of Geographic Data for Kosovo

In order to fully grasp the geographical organization of Kosovo, it is essential to obtain detailed geographic data. Information on the latitude, longitude, and administrative boundaries of each city is invaluable for a range of studies, from urban planning to environmental research. The accurate positioning of cities in Kosovo allows for the analysis of various factors, such as transportation networks, resource distribution, and the environmental impact of urbanization.

Kosovo’s geographic data is particularly important when it comes to infrastructure development. With a population that is primarily concentrated in a few urban centers, understanding the geographical distribution of cities is key to planning for efficient transportation, energy, and water systems. Additionally, geographic data can help in identifying regions of economic growth, such as areas rich in natural resources or fertile agricultural land, and supporting policies for sustainable development.

For researchers and planners, understanding how Kosovo’s cities interact with their environment requires precise data on geographic coordinates. From the hilly areas surrounding Peja to the flat plains around Pristina, geographic data allows for a more informed approach to tackling the challenges Kosovo faces as it continues to develop and modernize.

How Detailed Geographic Data Enhances Research

For anyone interested in researching Kosovo, whether it be for academic purposes or practical applications, access to detailed geographic data is essential. Our database provides comprehensive information on the cities of Kosovo, including their regions and departments, along with their exact latitude and longitude coordinates. This data allows users to examine how different areas of the country interact with one another and with their surrounding landscapes.

With accurate geographic data, researchers can analyze regional disparities, assess infrastructure needs, and develop targeted policies to address environmental and social issues. For example, urban areas like Pristina, which experience rapid growth, may require infrastructure investments to support a growing population, while rural areas in the mountainous regions may need different types of development strategies that account for their natural landscape and limited access to resources.

Moreover, understanding the geography of Kosovo also enables better international collaboration. Accurate data on Kosovo’s geographic locations allows for improved trade routes, better management of cross-border issues, and enhanced collaboration with neighboring countries in areas like environmental conservation and regional security.


Kosovo’s diverse geography, with its fertile plains, rugged mountains, and rich natural resources, plays a critical role in shaping the country’s culture, economy, and urban development. To fully understand the spatial dynamics of Kosovo, it is crucial to have access to detailed geographic data, such as the latitude and longitude of its cities. This data offers valuable insights into the distribution of cities and regions, and helps inform decisions in urban planning, environmental research, and infrastructure development. By utilizing a comprehensive geographic database, researchers, planners, and policymakers can gain a deeper understanding of Kosovo’s geography and use this knowledge to address the country’s ongoing development challenges.

FaQ about Kosovo

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
Yes, you'll be able to download the content you've purchased whenever you want, with no time limit.
Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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