Dominican Republic cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats

Dominican Republic

Last update : 15 January 2025.

Dominican Republic
Santo Domingo
Number of cities

This is the best list of 7843 cities in the Dominican Republic available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Dominican Republic file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3510801CaciquilloDOEl SeíboEl Seibo18.83772-69.051570America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503585La BerenjenaDOPuerto PlataPuerto Plata19.74693-70.71140America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3505826EstebaníaDOSan CristóbalSan Cristóbal18.40474-70.081810America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500398Las LajitasDOHato MayorHato Mayor18.64903-69.307340America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3510314CañongoDODajabónDajabón19.61649-71.694940America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3492360TitominaDOAzuaAzua18.54566-70.728260America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500705Las CañitasDOElías Piña19.07934-71.413660America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3497999Los NaranjalesDOSan José de Ocoa18.45357-70.436020America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3506762El Ojo de AguaEl Ojo de Agua,Ojo de AguaDOSan José de OcoaSan José de Ocoa18.54035-70.563570America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503306La CaobaDOSanto DomingoSanto Domingo Norte18.60413-69.869690America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3495163PatranaDOMaría Trinidad SánchezCabrera19.53333-700America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3492553TabiqueTabique,Taguique,TahuiqueDODajabónPartido19.52184-71.542340America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3511764Batey La GrúaBatey La Grua,Batey La Grúa,La Grua,La GrúaDOSan Pedro de MacorísConsuelo18.62034-69.216940America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3499432Los AmargosDOSan JuanLas Matas de Farfán18.90695-71.45740America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3502325La HondonadaHondonada,La HondonadaDOSanto Domingo18.54143-69.976250America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512087BananoBanano,Banano DominicanoDOPedernalesPedernales18.15-71.733330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512765Alto del RanchoAlto Rancho,Alto de Rancho,Alto del RanchoDOMaría Trinidad SánchezEl Factor19.31544-69.946410America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498926Los CerritosDOSan JuanSan Juan de la Maguana18.95495-71.313250America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3504290Isabel ArribaIsabel Arriba,Isabela Arriba,La Isabela ArribaDONacional18.69035-70.156240America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3506945El MemisoEl Memiso,Los MemisosDOBarahonaVicente Noble18.45-71.10America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498501Los GuayabosDOSan José de OcoaSabana Larga18.59566-70.503520America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3504772Hato del Yaque ArribaDOSantiagoSantiago de los Caballeros19.46667-70.783330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509397Comedero AbajoDOSánchez RamírezFantino19.08737-70.295760America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503499La BombaLa Bomba,La Bomba San PedroDONacional18.67732-69.952680America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503975José Joaquín PuelloJ J Puello,Joaquin J. Puello,Joaquín J. Puello,Jose Joaquin Puello,Jose Puello,José Joaquín Puello,José PuelloDOIndependenciaJimaní18.60969-71.831850America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503275La CasualidadDOSamanáSamaná Municipality19.24427-69.331070America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509921CenovíCenobi,Cenobí,Cenovi,Cenoví,Hoyo ViejoDODuarteSan Francisco de Macorís19.2545-70.368599America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3507598El FrontónEl Fronton,El Frontón,Fronton,FrontónDOSamanáSamaná Municipality19.3-69.150America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3499829LázaroDOSantiago RodríguezSan Ignacio de Sabaneta19.45584-71.326150America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512189BabosoBaboso,BabozoDOSantiago RodríguezSan Ignacio de Sabaneta19.53106-71.418860America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509461ColoradoDOMonte PlataYamasá18.74952-70.143870America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3510815Cachón FlacoDOIndependencia18.38938-71.407610America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3506570El Pie de la LomaEl Pie de la Loma,El Pie de la Lomo,El Pié de la Lomo,Pie de Loma,Pie de la Loma,Pié de la LomaDOBaorucoVilla Jaragua18.53499-71.455390America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500636Las Charcas de María NovaDOSan JuanSan Juan de la Maguana18.82148-71.38840America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3492740SinasalEl Sinasal,SinasalDOAzuaPueblo Viejo18.39288-70.803680America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3494332Pueblo NuevoEl Cruce,Pueblo NuevoDOMaría Trinidad SánchezCabrera19.5171-69.891820America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498204Los LiriosDOBarahonaPolo18.11667-71.266670America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3511776Batey Kilómetro DosBatey Kilometro Dos,Batey Kilómetro Dos,Batey Numero 2,Batey Número 2DOEl SeíboEl Seibo18.77961-69.054110America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512383Arroyo MaríaDOSan CristóbalCambita Garabitos18.47691-70.200890America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503120La CidraDOElías PiñaPedro Santana19.1815-71.449050America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3501253La PiedraDOSan CristóbalVilla Altagracia18.55-70.150America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3495628PaleroEl Palero,PaleroDOMonseñor NouelBonao19.0463-70.442150America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512501Arroyo BlancoDOEl SeíboEl Seibo18.665-69.212650America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3506359El RamonalDOEspaillatMoca19.59393-70.415690America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3504643HiguamoDOSan Pedro de MacorísQuisqueya18.51266-69.39860America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3499357Los ArroyosDOMonte PlataBayaguana18.75-69.733330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498263Los LadrillosDOSan JuanLas Matas de Farfán19.01667-71.483330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509130CruceroDOLa VegaJarabacoa19.18921-70.636680America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3502861La CuevaLa Cueba,La CuevaDOMonte CristiPepillo Salcedo19.69046-71.631220America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3505067GuaranalDOPuerto PlataAltamira19.692-70.868560America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498913Los CerrosDOMonte PlataMonte Plata18.83923-69.951420America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3510327Caño GrandeDOMonseñor NouelBonao18.93282-70.386620America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509108CuabaCasa Viejo,CuabaDODuartePimentel19.25-70.150America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503521La Boca de los GuirosDOAzuaLas Yayas De Viajama18.50659-71.002730America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500881Las AguasDOMonte CristiMonte Cristi19.73586-71.596160America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3505234GuaconejalDOPuerto PlataVilla Isabela19.83949-71.059340America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3499850La YucaDONacionalSanto Domingo De Guzmán18.50243-69.994850America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498258Los LanosDOMonte PlataYamasá18.78286-70.007310America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3499457Los AltosDOPuerto PlataLos Hidalgos19.73176-70.999020America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3493184San DiegoSan DiegoDOSanto Domingo18.53553-69.970710America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3505175GuamilitoGuamilita,GuamilitoDOSan JuanVallejuelo18.66667-71.366670America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3502653La FincaDOAzuaEstebanía18.66667-70.733330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3496880Mano Matuey ArribaDOSan CristóbalCambita Garabitos18.4994-70.254460America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3510434CanasticaDOSan CristóbalSan Cristóbal18.40666-70.127140America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3497367LozanoDOMonte CristiCastañuelas19.72876-71.491050America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3491727Yerba BuenaDOElías PiñaHondo Valle18.70112-71.764930America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3495515PalmaritoDOSamanáSamaná Municipality19.2769-69.40260America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512513Arroyo AnchoDOPuerto PlataPuerto Plata19.66777-70.664940America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3505239GuachupitaDOLa VegaJarabacoa19.18333-70.633330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3507374El HigoDOMonseñor NouelBonao18.844-70.500350America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500279Las PiraguasLa Piragua,La Piragua Abajo,Las PiraguasDOPuerto PlataImbert19.78333-70.883330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3511680Batey Punta AfueraBatey Punta Afuera,Punta AfueraDOHato MayorHato Mayor18.58111-69.338830America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3501372La PatillaDOMonte PlataYamasá18.8087-69.982510America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500871La SalDOLa VegaJarabacoa19.07116-70.578520America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509862Cerro de NavasCerro de Navas,Cerro de NovasDOPuerto PlataLuperón19.81397-70.98750America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498203Los LiriosDOSantiagoJánico19.3-70.816670America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3507691El DesechoDOAzuaPadre Las Casas18.77015-70.870270America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3493383SabanetaSabaneta,San Ignacio de Sabaneta,Santiago Rodriguez,Santiago RodríguezDOSantiago RodríguezSan Ignacio de Sabaneta19.47793-71.3412516380America/Santo_Domingoseat of a first-order administrative division
3497491Los TamarindosDOSánchez RamírezCevicos19.02322-69.966980America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3491927Villa JaraguaJaragua,Jose Trujillo Valdez,José Trujillo Valdéz,Villa Jaragua,Villa Jose Trujillo Valdez,Villa José Trujillo ValdézDOBaorucoVilla Jaragua18.49077-71.483779248America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512978Agua ClaraDOAzuaLas Charcas18.29072-70.589140America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500646Las CejasDOSan Pedro de MacorísQuisqueya18.57553-69.463340America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3502158LajasLajas,Las LajasDOMonte PlataBayaguana18.80728-69.635080America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3497421Los UverosLos Uberos,Los Ubéros,Los UverosDOMonte CristiVilla Vásquez19.80921-71.388290America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3500491La SierraDOSan CristóbalYaguate18.37036-70.176810America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3502768La DominicaDominia,Dominica,La DominicaDOHato MayorSabana de La Mar18.98172-69.324610America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3496562MaterezaMateresa,MaterezaDOBarahonaEnriquillo17.95-71.233330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3502555La GrúaDOSanto DomingoSanto Domingo Este18.51612-69.789280America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3493442Sabana PalenqueSabana Palenque,Sabana de PalenqueDOSan CristóbalSabana Grande De Palenque18.25052-70.164640America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3506975El ManielDOBarahonaParaíso17.98333-71.233330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3499885La YautíaDOSan José de OcoaSan José de Ocoa18.6-70.383330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3501794La MajaguaLa Majagua,Las MajaguasDOLa AltagraciaHigüey18.86667-68.683330America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3496158Monte LlanoDOLa VegaConstanza18.86241-70.582580America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3496178Monte GrandeDOAzuaAzua18.54628-70.739510America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509779Charco ColoradoDOBarahonaBarahona18.21115-71.146670America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3508762Don JuanBatey Don Juan,Don JuanDOSan Pedro de MacorísConsuelo18.53882-69.301870America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3498070Los MelonesDOAzua18.76655-71.052310America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3512616Apolinar PerdomoDOBaorucoNeiba18.58087-71.416820America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3503673La AtravesadaLa Atravesada,La AtravezadaDOSantiagoBisonó19.58867-70.86210America/Santo_Domingopopulated place
3509363ConstanzaCOZ,Constanza,Costanza,Konstancija,Villa de Constanza,КонстанцияDOLa VegaConstanza18.90919-70.7449929481America/Santo_Domingopopulated place

Dominican Republic: A Geographical Journey through the Caribbean

The Dominican Republic, occupying the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, is a country known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and significant role in regional trade. It is the second-largest country in the Caribbean by area and population, boasting tropical forests, mountains, fertile valleys, and miles of coastline. The country’s geography is as varied as it is beautiful, with coastal plains giving way to mountain ranges, and lush valleys nestled between some of the Caribbean’s highest peaks. For geographers, understanding the Dominican Republic’s urbanization, regional development, and environmental features requires a close look at the country’s cities, regions, and geographical coordinates. Gaining access to accurate geographic data—including **latitude and longitude** coordinates for cities, regions, and departments—can offer valuable insights into how the landscape influences both human settlements and natural resource management.

The Geography of the Dominican Republic: A Land of Diversity

The Dominican Republic’s geography is one of striking contrasts, from its towering mountain ranges to its pristine coastlines. It is located in the heart of the Caribbean, sharing the island of Hispaniola with **Haiti** to the west. The country’s total land area is approximately 48,000 square kilometers, and its geographical makeup is largely defined by its **mountainous interior**, fertile plains, and extensive coastline.

The Cordillera Central**, the island’s highest mountain range, runs through the country’s center, with the **Pico Duarte** rising to an impressive 3,098 meters—making it the highest point in the Caribbean. This mountain range is crucial to the Dominican Republic’s climate and ecology, creating diverse microclimates across the island, from the tropical rainforests in the valleys to the cool, temperate conditions at higher altitudes.

To the north, the **Atlantic Coast** is characterized by cliffs and sandy beaches, including **Samaná Bay**, famous for its whale watching season. The country’s **southern coastline**, bordered by the **Caribbean Sea**, is known for its idyllic beaches, such as those in **Punta Cana** and **La Romana**, which attract thousands of tourists each year.

The **Cibao Valley**, a large fertile area located in the north, is one of the most agriculturally productive regions in the country. The region produces a wide variety of crops, from tobacco to rice, and contributes significantly to the Dominican economy. Meanwhile, the **Eastern Region** is home to some of the island's most important tourist destinations, as well as **Los Haitises National Park**, which offers unique ecosystems and rich biodiversity.

Urban Areas and Cities of the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic’s cities are central to its economy, culture, and history. **Santo Domingo**, the capital and largest city, is located along the Caribbean coast on the country’s southern shore. Founded in 1496, it is the oldest continuously inhabited European-founded city in the Americas. **Santo Domingo** is a vibrant hub for government, commerce, education, and tourism. The city is home to numerous historical sites, including the **Alcázar de Colón** and the **First Cathedral of the Americas**, which speak to its colonial past. The city’s location along the coast has made it a gateway for trade and international relations for centuries.

In the northern part of the country, **Santiago de los Caballeros** is the second-largest city and an important cultural and economic center. Located in the **Cibao Valley**, Santiago is the heart of the country’s tobacco industry and a bustling urban area surrounded by fertile agricultural land. The city is a mix of modern infrastructure and colonial-era architecture, and it is also known for its universities and arts scene.

Other notable cities include **Punta Cana**, which is not only a popular tourist destination but also an emerging center for development and business, especially in the hospitality and real estate sectors. **La Romana**, located on the country’s southeastern coast, is another prominent city known for its sugar industry and the nearby **Altos de Chavón**, a recreation of a Mediterranean village that is a major cultural landmark.

Administrative Divisions of the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is divided into **31 provinces** and the **National District**, where the capital, Santo Domingo, is located. These provinces are grouped into regions based on their geographical and cultural characteristics. The **Cibao Region** is an agricultural powerhouse, while the **Southern Region** is known for its mineral wealth and industrial activity.

The provinces are further subdivided into **municipalities** and **municipal districts**. Each municipality is the center for local governance and public administration, responsible for managing public services, local economy, and infrastructure. Some provinces, like **La Altagracia** (home to Punta Cana), are key tourist regions, while others, like **San Juan** and **Santiago**, play vital roles in industry and commerce.

- **Santo Domingo**: As the National District and capital, this region is central to the country’s political and economic operations.

- **Cibao**: Known for its agriculture, this northern region includes cities like **Santiago** and **Moca**, pivotal to the country’s economy.

- **Eastern Region**: This region includes the popular tourist areas of **Punta Cana** and **La Romana**, famous for their beautiful beaches and resorts.

- **Southern Region**: This area has a significant agricultural presence and is home to the city of **Barahona**, important for its industrial activities.

Accessing Geographic Data for Cities and Regions in the Dominican Republic

For those looking to gain a deeper understanding of the geography of the Dominican Republic, access to precise geographic data is crucial. Our database offers detailed information on the cities, regions, and departments of the Dominican Republic, including **latitude and longitude** coordinates. This data allows for more accurate geographic studies, urban planning, environmental management, and regional development.

Accessing this data is particularly valuable for researchers, planners, and businesses seeking to understand urbanization trends, resource distribution, and infrastructure development. By obtaining the coordinates of cities such as **Santo Domingo**, **Santiago**, and **Punta Cana**, users can more effectively study the spatial organization of the country and make informed decisions on where to focus resources, improve transportation networks, or expand sustainable development initiatives.

This data also plays a critical role in tourism planning, helping to understand the geographic concentration of visitors in key regions like the **La Romana** and **Samaná** areas. It can help authorities and businesses optimize tourism infrastructure, ensuring a balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Conclusion: Understanding the Geography of the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic offers a rich and varied landscape, from its coastal regions and fertile valleys to its bustling cities and mountainous interior. Understanding the geography of the country, including the exact **latitude and longitude** coordinates of its cities, regions, and departments, provides valuable insights for planning, development, and sustainable management. Whether you are researching urban growth, environmental conservation, or regional economics, access to detailed geographic data is essential for making informed decisions. The Dominican Republic’s geography not only shapes its culture and economy but also offers opportunities for growth, innovation, and sustainable development in the future.

FaQ about Dominican Republic

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
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