Malawi cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 7873 cities in the Malawi available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Malawi file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

929618JereMWCentral RegionKasungu District-12.6333333.40Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
926710MdzaceMWSouthern RegionChikwawa District-16.1166734.60Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177802Vuta ChipetaVuta ChipetaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.9023533.340760Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930662ChipasiMWCentral RegionDedza District-14.2997134.276130Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
925023NdekaNdekaMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.2812233.616360Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12170111MalamulaMalamulaMWNorthern RegionChitipa District-9.8159333.576190Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177713Yakobe ChisiYakobe ChisiMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.4415533.92110Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12183269SunamaSunamaMWCentral RegionMchinji District-13.4510133.016020Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931677BwalaMWCentral RegionNkhotakota District-13.3166734.116670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931086ChikusaChikusaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.8728933.36870Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
925599MfwanyotaMfwanyota,MwanyotaMWCentral RegionKasungu District-12.5763333.41580Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185122KatumbiKatumbiMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.6832233.489530Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12170280Timothy Kaira OneTimothy Kaira I,Timothy Kaira OneMWNorthern RegionChitipa District-10.1439233.568450Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930853ChimwalaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-14.0020133.482710Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
235739FundiMWCentral RegionKasungu District-9.7333333.916670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931499ChamawoyaChamawoyaMWNorthern RegionNkhata Bay District-11.5256134.082540Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
928345KawaleMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.733.666670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923731TenganiMWSouthern RegionNsanje District-16.7333335.266670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
928802KaodzelaKaodzelaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.6492933.432750Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185119ChinziliChinziliMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.6399633.494430Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
927387MalaviMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.7166733.70Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923686ThomasMWSouthern RegionChikwawa District-16.0833334.550Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12183009KanyikaKanyikaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.7094833.658180Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
926286MowereMWSouthern RegionMachinga District-14.7535.650Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185331ChamphenziChamphenziMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.8742133.390880Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
925012NdemboNdemboMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.4203733.691690Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923488Sitonya VinkhumbuSitonya Vinkhumbu,VinkhumboMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.9284233.429140Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177809Mdachi NyirendaMdachi NyirendaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.9540233.367480Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931272ChibwanaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.1666733.683330Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930748ChinkwiriChinkwiriMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.3773333.742240Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923838SongoMWSouthern RegionZomba District-15.4166735.333330Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12170649ChikulamasindaChikulamasindaMWNorthern RegionRumphi District-10.9341133.671950Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
924477NthambweNthambweMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.6686633.810560Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
926752MchengaMchenga,MchingaMWCentral RegionKasungu District-13.1949533.568730Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
927620Madimba ManaMWNorthern RegionLikoma District-12.0534.750Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930710ChinyamunyamuMWCentral RegionKasungu District-13.0666733.433330Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177960Bayane MunyenyembeBayane MunyenyembeMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.7021133.731860Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930316ChizangweMWCentral RegionNkhotakota District-13.234.316670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12182297MudokaMudokaMWNorthern RegionKaronga District-10.2735934.136620Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185240YotamuYotamuMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.8643633.301140Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
929069KampambeKampambeMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.9110533.78780Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
924002SanjamaMWSouthern RegionChikwawa District-16.2833334.916670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930257ChopiMWSouthern RegionZomba District-15.3535.40Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12182513Mbenuka NyirendaMbenuka NyirendaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.1014933.425050Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930705ChinyanyaMWNorthern RegionLikoma District-12.0537534.753610Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931224ChidzundaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.7166733.550Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12169976KarongoKarongoMWNorthern RegionChitipa District-9.7317933.605890Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
925833MtwiceMWSouthern RegionZomba District-15.256635.409920Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930524ChisasaChisasaMWCentral RegionMchinji District-13.4018233.136240Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185546BvungutiBvungutiMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.893633.759970Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
928154KudeMWCentral RegionDedza District-14.4833333.70Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12169937MwangulukuluMwangulukuluMWNorthern RegionChitipa District-9.6229133.594040Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177710Kamangadazi ChirwaKamangadazi ChirwaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.4950733.94520Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177823Bichi Chiswa MumbaBichi Chiswa MumbaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.9913833.459350Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
925098MbuyedzikoMbuyedziko,NbuyedzikoMWCentral RegionNtchisi District-13.3728133.806990Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
929278KaleloMWCentral RegionDedza District-14.31667340Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185013MtuliraMtuliraMWCentral RegionMchinji District-13.5865733.067750Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177498KhuyuKhuyuMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.1710833.702320Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931061ChikwinaMWNorthern RegionNkhata Bay District-11.3979234.172390Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
924724NkhomaNkhomaMWCentral RegionKasungu District-12.7186133.397820Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177499Alifeyo NyasuluAlifeyo NyasuluMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.1652833.701710Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931919Abel ChungaAbel ChungaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.1674733.491840Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931659CabwedzekaMWSouthern RegionChikwawa District-16.1166734.60Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923931SezaMWCentral RegionNtchisi District-13.2666733.833330Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185382KhombeKhombeMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.7753733.431020Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
926502MkanjeMWCentral RegionSalima District-13.4534.316670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12182755KapitaKapitaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.450733.853060Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
926450MkuleMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-14.133.783330Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177743DorobaDorobaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.358733.949610Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931732BongweMWSouthern RegionZomba District-15.4535.416670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185710ChinkhotaChinkhotaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.8405733.809940Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177945SasaSasaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.58533.560980Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185696ThemuThemuMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.797333.967560Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931122Chikomeni TholeChikomeni Thole,Chikomeni ThoreMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-12.0976233.529770Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185199KapikoKapikoMWCentral RegionMchinji District-13.9468933.236360Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12182776KavidzindeKavidzindeMWCentral RegionKasungu District-12.6284133.330120Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12177894Chingati ChirwaChingati ChirwaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.9259733.480550Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12178028Jeremiya ShumbaJeremiya ShumbaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.9964733.547250Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12183359MnkholweMnkholweMWCentral RegionKasungu District-13.2656933.373940Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931755BlantyreBLZ,Blantair,Blantairas,Blantajer,Blantajr,Blantajur,Blantire,Blantjiro,Blantyre,Blantyre-Limbe,Kapeni,beullaentaieo,blamtayara,blantayr,blantayr malawy,blantyyr,blntyyr,bu lan tai er,burantaiya,Μπλαντάιρ,Блантайр,Блантайър,Блантајер,בלנטייר,بلانتاير,بلانتایر، مالاوی,بلانتیئر,ब्लँटायर,ブランタイヤ,布兰太尔,블랜타이어MWSouthern RegionBlantyre District-15.7849935.00854584877Africa/Blantyreseat of a first-order administrative division
925866MtongolaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.9043433.311260Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12170609ThazimaThazimaMWNorthern RegionRumphi District-10.8286533.594550Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923574TsongaTsongaMWCentral RegionNtchisi District-13.4465933.853640Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923793SuwilaMWCentral RegionKasungu District-13.0333333.550Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
926151MpholaMWCentral RegionNtcheu District-14.6675834.815220Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185165KambandaKambandaMWCentral RegionMchinji District-13.9108333.21570Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185438NakhuluNakhuluMWCentral RegionDowa District-13.5817133.582990Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
931364Chautala MsiskaChautala Msiska,ChautelaMWNorthern RegionRumphi District-10.6678634.072230Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
928206KhwereKhwere,KwareMWCentral RegionMchinji District-13.4963833.097370Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
929550JuwakiJuwaki,MakhangaMWSouthern RegionNsanje District-16.4981935.206210Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
929027KamtetekaKamtetekaMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.7897333.354640Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
928504KatamboMWCentral RegionSalima District-13.7666734.416670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
924361NyampaluMWSouthern RegionPhalombe District-15.8251135.605050Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
923715TewesyaMWCentral RegionDedza District-14.2048534.2530Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
8478232Chikupizga VillageMWNorthern RegionRumphi District-10.9241433.6306750Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
924933NgawoMWSouthern RegionMangochi District-14.6166735.466670Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930238ChinganiloChinganilo,ChunganiroMWCentral RegionNtchisi District-13.3233233.913910Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
930593ChipwailaChipwailaMWNorthern RegionNkhata Bay District-11.5637634.130730Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
924030Samuel MphepoSamuel MphepoMWNorthern RegionMzimba District-11.762233.717960Africa/Blantyrepopulated place
12185552KalongaKalongaMWCentral RegionLilongwe District-13.916333.772590Africa/Blantyrepopulated place

Unveiling Malawi: A Geographical Exploration

A Land of Lakes and Mountains

Nestled in the southeastern region of Africa, Malawi is a country often overshadowed by its more prominent neighbors, yet its geographical landscape offers a unique blend of features that captivate both researchers and travelers alike. Known for its stunning lake, Malawi is dominated by Lake Malawi, one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, which shapes the economy, ecology, and geography of the country.

Malawi’s landscape is incredibly diverse, ranging from the tranquil waters of Lake Malawi in the east to the towering peaks of the Nyika Plateau and the Mafinga Mountains in the west. The country’s varied terrain—spanning plains, forests, mountains, and valleys—creates a complex geography that is further defined by the distribution of cities, regions, and departments.

For a complete understanding of Malawi’s geographical layout, it is essential to explore not just the natural features but also the spatial distribution of its human settlements. Obtaining detailed data on the cities of Malawi, including their respective regions and departments, is critical for any geographic study of this nation. Furthermore, geographic coordinates—latitude and longitude—are key for pinpointing the exact locations of these cities, helping to shed light on the intricate urban and rural dynamics that characterize the country.

Mapping Malawi’s Cities and Regions

Malawi’s cities are the economic and cultural hubs of the country, with Lilongwe, the capital, standing as the center of political power, while Blantyre, the country’s commercial capital, drives much of the economic activity. The geographical arrangement of Malawi’s cities, regions, and departments reveals how historical patterns of settlement have influenced modern-day urbanization and the distribution of resources.

Lilongwe, located in the central region, is strategically positioned near the Lilongwe River, making it an important focal point for trade and governance. Meanwhile, Blantyre, situated in the southern region, benefits from its proximity to both the border with Mozambique and its location along the Shire River. The city’s growth is a testament to its importance in Malawi’s industrial and economic landscape.

For anyone interested in a deeper geographical understanding of Malawi, accessing data on the names of its cities, regions, and departments is essential. By identifying the geographical relationships between these cities and regions, one can begin to understand the economic and social interconnections that define the nation’s spatial organization.

The data on each city, region, and department allows geographers to uncover patterns of population density, infrastructure development, and access to resources. Such insights are invaluable for a variety of studies, from urban planning to environmental conservation and beyond.

Geographic Coordinates: Unlocking Precision

Latitude and longitude data are the fundamental tools of geography, providing a precise system to locate and study the various cities and settlements that make up Malawi. The ability to access the exact coordinates for each city in Malawi allows for more accurate mapping and analysis, revealing the intricate relationships between different urban and rural areas.

For example, by knowing the geographic coordinates of a city like Mzuzu in the north or Zomba in the south, researchers can better understand how geographical factors like altitude, proximity to water bodies, and climate conditions influence the development of these areas. The precise location of a city also allows for the study of transportation networks, environmental concerns, and population movement across the country.

Having access to up-to-date geographic data, including the latitude and longitude of each city, also supports projects such as resource management, disaster relief, and climate change monitoring. The ability to accurately locate these cities enhances the capacity for decision-making and policy formulation in response to Malawi’s ongoing development needs.

The Importance of Geographical Data for Planning and Development

Understanding the geographical layout of Malawi is critical for any effort aimed at planning and development. Whether for infrastructural projects, environmental conservation, or healthcare accessibility, knowing where cities are located and how they are organized in relation to their surrounding regions is key to efficient resource allocation.

For example, Malawi’s cities, which are spread across three main regions—north, central, and south—are connected by a network of roads that facilitate trade and mobility. By analyzing geographic data such as the latitude and longitude of these cities, urban planners can identify potential areas for future development, assess the current infrastructure, and predict how growth will affect the surrounding environments.

Moreover, the diverse geography of Malawi—ranging from the fertile plains around the lake to the mountainous terrain in the west—requires a tailored approach to urban planning. With geographic data, planners can take into account the unique challenges of each region, from flood risks in lowland areas to transportation difficulties in the highlands.

A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Malawi

To unlock a deeper understanding of Malawi's geography, obtaining a comprehensive set of geographic data, including the cities, regions, and departments of the country, is crucial. This data not only aids in mapping and analysis but also provides valuable insights into how Malawi’s geography shapes the lives of its people.

By using latitude and longitude data to precisely locate each city, region, and department, researchers and policymakers can make informed decisions about everything from infrastructure development to environmental protection. A robust geographical database is not just an academic tool; it is a crucial asset for those looking to understand Malawi’s geographic complexities and address the challenges the country faces as it continues to grow and develop.

Access to detailed data on the cities, regions, and coordinates of Malawi offers a clearer, more comprehensive picture of the country’s geographical layout. This data serves as a powerful tool for exploration, study, and development, making it an essential resource for anyone working within or studying the dynamic landscape of Malawi.

FaQ about Malawi

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
Yes, you'll be able to download the content you've purchased whenever you want, with no time limit.
Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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