Gabon cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats
Last update : 15 January 2025.
This is the best list of 7838 cities in the Gabon available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).
Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.
Here is an example of the data from the Gabon file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:
Geoname_ID | City | Alternate_Name | Country_Code | Region | Sub_region | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Population | Timezone | Fcode_Name |
2401705 | Bikouala | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.10004 | 12.40186 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401658 | Bimbin | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.11667 | 11.46667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402236 | Anzogobe | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.53333 | 11.6 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402310 | Andock | GA | Moyen-Ogooué | -0.35 | 10.85 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397622 | Ndoundouma | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.93333 | 13.73333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401610 | Bissassa | Bibassa II,Bissassa | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -1.66667 | 13.55 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2399311 | Malimba | GA | Nyanga | -2.68333 | 11.05 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399314 | Malimba | GA | Ngouni | -1.72597 | 10.84063 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402627 | Abong-Miang I | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.9 | 11.55 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401036 | Dougandou I | GA | Nyanga | -2.73269 | 10.97053 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401156 | Divina | GA | Nyanga | -2.49266 | 10.93415 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402516 | Akam | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.80771 | 11.42997 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399837 | Lecagna | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.2 | 13.05 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397690 | Ndendi | GA | Nyanga | -3.17387 | 11.7194 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396461 | Ribé | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.06667 | 11.66667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402541 | Afouma-adzo | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.46003 | 12.38954 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402312 | Andjogo | Andjogo,Mondjogou | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -1.2634 | 13.53551 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2398662 | Menoue | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.91667 | 11.7 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398343 | Misonyi | GA | Ngouni | -2.35592 | 12.38934 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400937 | Ebamayong | GA | Estuaire | 0.5 | 9.75 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401674 | Billy I | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.11667 | 11.48333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396611 | Panépo | GA | Ogooué-Maritime | -1.67171 | 9.7629 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397560 | Ngoma | GA | Moyen-Ogooué | -0.13333 | 10.76667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396247 | Tchimbia | GA | Nyanga | -3.81068 | 11.01918 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399398 | Makana | GA | Ngouni | -1.43333 | 10.2 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397045 | Nzoghengone | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.56667 | 12.68333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402228 | Aouela | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.91667 | 11.15 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399116 | Massanga IV | GA | Nyanga | -2.83333 | 11.05 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397069 | Nzenzila | GA | Nyanga | -2.75821 | 10.99634 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400712 | Essa | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.86667 | 11.78333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398536 | Micouma | GA | Ngouni | -2.1 | 11.78333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399855 | Lebaye | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -1.73333 | 13.76667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397497 | Ngoulabona | GA | Ogooué-Maritime | -1.81667 | 9.35 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400620 | Eyene | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.14435 | 11.88833 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400212 | Italatala | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.31625 | 12.42765 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401768 | Bibolo | GA | Estuaire | 0.63333 | 10.83333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397336 | Nkié | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.85 | 11.76667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400265 | Inzombo | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.06667 | 11.95 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401999 | Bambo | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.9 | 13.66667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399309 | Malinga | GA | Ngouni | -2.41815 | 12.22294 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398509 | Migola | GA | Ngouni | -2.15267 | 10.84456 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399804 | Lekeï II | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -1.47722 | 13.89576 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400787 | Ellem | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.20612 | 11.70545 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401126 | Djokoloudja I | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.75 | 14.05 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399546 | Mabangui | GA | Ngouni | -1.51959 | 11.76709 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2395945 | Zogomitang | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.92348 | 11.14948 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402065 | Azap | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.75 | 11.55 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2395993 | Yoss II | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.83333 | 11.46667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396245 | Tchioumbi I | GA | Ngouni | -2.1 | 11.68333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400408 | Idemba I | GA | Ngouni | -1.56667 | 11.58333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399675 | Likokou | Likoko,Likokou | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -0.2 | 12.8 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2398037 | Moukongo Ndendé | GA | Nyanga | -2.86486 | 10.26587 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398880 | Mboma-Makama | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -1.46975 | 13.35029 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401561 | Bivindé | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.16667 | 12.18333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402178 | Assok-Nyé | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.7 | 11.48333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399957 | Koula-Okak | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.2 | 11.81667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400638 | Evouta | Evouta,Ivouta | GA | Ngouni | -1.11667 | 11.7 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2399980 | Kouagna | GA | Moyen-Ogooué | -0.73333 | 10.35 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401775 | Bibé | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.03333 | 11.63333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396598 | Paris | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.30673 | 12.41924 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397669 | Ndjoué | GA | Estuaire | 0.25 | 9.38333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399359 | Makoui | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | -0.22015 | 12.30935 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402036 | Bagny | GA | Ngouni | -1.88333 | 11.81667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401960 | Bangodecahoye | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.2 | 13.41667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400636 | Evouta II | GA | Ngouni | -1.25 | 11.31667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396388 | Sanga-Plaine | GA | Nyanga | -2.96978 | 10.98214 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397847 | Movous II | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.18333 | 11.91667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401916 | Bassegua | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -0.81614 | 12.81399 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402161 | Aténé | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.66667 | 11.16667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396675 | Ovel Kol | GA | Estuaire | 0.1 | 10.38333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400153 | Kamalété | GA | Ngouni | -0.71931 | 11.7713 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397803 | Mvane I | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.75 | 11.45 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401599 | Bissobilan | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.49188 | 12.4417 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401740 | Bienam | GA | Estuaire | 0.65202 | 9.6479 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402072 | Ayong | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 0.65 | 11.01667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398585 | Mfoua-Avebé | GA | Estuaire | 0.28333 | 10.01667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398586 | Mfoua | GA | Moyen-Ogooué | -0.36667 | 10.46667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402327 | Anameyong | GA | Moyen-Ogooué | -0.48333 | 10.38333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399600 | Louba | GA | Ngouni | -2.39276 | 12.1767 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400466 | Guéme | GA | Ogooué-Lolo | -1.13333 | 13.21667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2395990 | Yougou | GA | Ogooué-Maritime | -1.9 | 9.41667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401847 | Bendé Passi Mogno | GA | Nyanga | -3.53241 | 10.79371 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397646 | Ndouani | N’Douami,Ndouani,N’Douami | GA | Ogooué-Maritime | -2.07545 | 10.31798 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2396183 | Tourounessol | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 1.56667 | 11.9 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400285 | Ingolandjondjo II | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.85 | 13.6 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396304 | Song | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.2 | 11.8 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396059 | Yamemvé | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.06421 | 11.6217 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397594 | Ngalipana | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.2 | 13.43333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2397932 | Mourima | GA | Nyanga | -2.66667 | 11.03333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396898 | Okondja | OKN,Okandja,Okondi,Okondja | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -0.65487 | 13.67533 | 7155 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2399044 | Matsioumba | GA | Ngouni | -2.03333 | 11.91667 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400639 | Evoung-Voung | GA | Moyen-Ogooué | -0.36667 | 10.45 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402609 | Achouka | Achouka,Aschouka | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | -0.09595 | 11.77921 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | ||
2400942 | Dzoguengone | GA | Estuaire | 0.13333 | 10.6 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2399134 | Massaï | GA | Estuaire | 0.97593 | 9.77826 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2402444 | Akougoubilyé | GA | Ogooué-Ivindo | 0.56667 | 12.78333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2396171 | Tsanga | GA | Haut-Ogooué | -1.73333 | 13.75 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2400694 | Essong | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.21667 | 11.73333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2401566 | Bivebinzogh | GA | Estuaire | 0 | 9.53333 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place | |||
2398363 | Minvoul | MVX,Mimvoul,Minvoul | GA | Woleu-Ntem | 2.15161 | 12.132 | 0 | Africa/Libreville | populated place |
Gabon: A Geographer’s Perspective on Its Landscape and Data Insights
The Geography of Gabon: A Tapestry of Natural Beauty
Situated on the west coast of Central Africa, Gabon is a country that offers a stunning blend of lush rainforests, rich biodiversity, and a relatively low population density. With its vast, untamed landscapes, Gabon is a treasure trove for geographers and environmental scientists. The country is bordered by Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Republic of Congo to the east and south. This strategic location gives Gabon a unique geographic identity, featuring coastal plains, extensive forests, and the impressive range of the Chaillu Mountains in the central region.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Gabon’s geography is its nearly untouched wilderness. A significant portion of the country, nearly 85%, is covered by forests, making Gabon one of the most forested nations in the world. This vast expanse of tropical rainforest is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including gorillas, elephants, and countless species of birds and reptiles. Gabon’s natural beauty is not only a source of national pride but also a crucial component in global ecological preservation efforts.
Regional Divisions: Understanding Gabon’s Administrative Structure
Gabon is divided into nine provinces, each with its own distinct geographical features and administrative responsibilities. These provinces are further broken down into regions and departments, which serve as the country’s primary units of governance. The administrative divisions of Gabon offer insight into how the country balances its urban and rural landscapes, with coastal cities and towns, such as the capital Libreville, contrasting sharply with the more remote and rural areas in the interior.
For geographers, understanding the spatial distribution of these regions and departments is key to gaining a deeper understanding of how human settlements interact with Gabon’s vast natural environments. The coastal provinces, particularly Estuaire, where Libreville is located, are highly urbanized, while the inland provinces, such as Ogooué-Ivindo, are more sparsely populated and are rich in natural resources.
The Role of City Data in Gabon’s Geography
In any geographical study, city data plays an important role in understanding how human settlements are distributed across the country. Gabon, with its relatively low population density compared to other African countries, is home to several key urban centers, including Libreville, Port-Gentil, and Franceville. These cities serve as hubs of governance, industry, and commerce. However, despite the centrality of these urban areas, Gabon remains largely rural, with many smaller towns and villages scattered across the provinces.
Obtaining data about these cities—especially information such as their exact latitude and longitude—can offer crucial insights into Gabon’s urbanization patterns, infrastructure, and transportation networks. It is only through detailed geographic data that we can understand how cities relate to one another and how they function in terms of both economy and environment. Mapping the cities and towns of Gabon, along with their administrative regions and departments, provides a clear view of the human geography of the country.
Latitude and Longitude: The Keys to Unlocking Gabon’s Geographic Potential
Latitude and longitude are essential tools for any geographical study, and Gabon is no exception. By obtaining the precise geographic coordinates for cities, towns, and administrative divisions, researchers can analyze the spatial distribution of human settlements, evaluate regional access to resources, and even predict the impact of climate change on specific areas.
In Gabon, where the environment plays such a pivotal role in daily life, these coordinates are crucial for understanding patterns in agricultural development, logging, mining, and infrastructure development. For example, knowing the exact location of Libreville allows geographers to assess its access to both international trade routes and the interior regions of the country, which is vital for understanding how the capital connects to the rest of Gabon. In contrast, towns located in more remote provinces such as Nyanga or Ogooué-Ivindo present different challenges in terms of accessibility and connectivity, which can be studied by examining their latitude and longitude in relation to surrounding areas.
The Value of Regional and City Data for Policy Making
Access to detailed city and regional data in Gabon is invaluable for policymakers, urban planners, and environmental experts. As Gabon works to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability, geographic data can provide a clearer picture of where resources are most needed. With accurate data on the cities of Gabon—such as their locations, administrative regions, and coordinates—policymakers can better plan for infrastructure development, environmental protection, and social services.
Furthermore, as Gabon continues to develop its tourism, oil, and mining industries, the ability to track the growth and movement of its urban centers becomes even more crucial. By integrating geographical data into policy decisions, Gabon can ensure that its development is both sustainable and equitable, particularly in terms of preserving the rich biodiversity that the country is known for while expanding urban areas.
Harnessing Geographic Data to Understand Gabon’s Development
The wealth of geographic data available for Gabon—whether it pertains to urbanization, regional development, or environmental preservation—offers a powerful tool for understanding the country’s trajectory. By obtaining city-specific data, including latitude and longitude, regional divisions, and infrastructure details, researchers can study the effects of human activity on Gabon’s environment. This is particularly important for a country where natural resources such as oil and timber are critical to the economy.
For instance, mapping out the location of cities and their relation to Gabon’s forested regions can help scientists track the impact of deforestation or evaluate how urban expansion is encroaching on sensitive ecological zones. Additionally, by studying the geographic coordinates of smaller towns, researchers can identify areas in need of infrastructure development or environmental conservation efforts.
A Data-Driven Approach to Gabon’s Future
Gabon’s future will be shaped by its ability to effectively manage its resources, balance urbanization with environmental conservation, and maintain its unique natural ecosystems. Geographic data plays a crucial role in achieving these goals. By obtaining accurate and up-to-date information about the cities, regions, and departments of Gabon—including their precise geographic coordinates—researchers, urban planners, and environmentalists can make informed decisions that benefit both the people and the environment.
As Gabon continues to grow and evolve, understanding the geographical dynamics of the country will become increasingly important. With detailed data on the location of cities, their regions, and their environmental challenges, Gabon can take proactive steps toward sustainable development, while preserving its rich biodiversity for future generations. This data-driven approach will help guide Gabon on its path to a prosperous and sustainable future.
FaQ about Gabon
- Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
- City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
- Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
- Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
- Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
- Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
- Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
- Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
- Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
- Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
- Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
- Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.