Mexico cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Mexico City
Number of cities

This is the best list of 224690 cities in the Mexico available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Mexico file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

3983772Santa SusanaRancho Santa Susana,Santa SusanaMXDurangoCanatlán24.73585-104.930830America/Monterreypopulated place
8914396El AuxilioEl AuxilioMXTamaulipasSoto la Marina23.32833-97.8563913America/Monterreypopulated place
8872384ZacatepecZacatepecMXPueblaHuejotzingo19.12611-98.36917195America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8686295Los LaurelesLos LaurelesMXTamaulipasLlera23.46361-98.978613America/Monterreypopulated place
8861951San LucasSan LucasMXMéxicoVilla del Carbón19.71222-99.455622America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8900676Las ParritasLas ParritasMXJaliscoTequila20.9275-103.822526America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4013839CieneguillaCieneguillaMXChihuahuaGran Morelos28.37543-106.64681111America/Chihuahuapopulated place
8887942Agua AzulAgua AzulMXVeracruzCoxquihui20.23472-97.5241761America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8901435El Saltillero UnoEl Saltillero UnoMXNuevo LeónMontemorelos25.23917-99.9419425America/Monterreypopulated place
3532034Buena VistaBuena Vista,BuenavistaMXVeracruzSoledad de Doblado19.06844-96.553890America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9187548El ChaparralEl ChaparralMXSinaloaCuliacán24.59772-107.189620America/Mazatlanpopulated place
8901241MaravillasMaravillasMXHidalgoCuautepec de Hinojosa19.91111-98.3683325America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4015574CanutilloCanutilloMXCoahuilaSaltillo24.76705-101.46860America/Monterreypopulated place
8928796Marcos GuillénMarcos Guillen,Marcos GuillénMXChiapasPijijiapan15.52139-93.05757America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8918252Arroyo de los TepetatesArroyo de los TepetatesMXQuerétaroQuerétaro20.76389-100.4630611America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9080497Los CapulinesLos CapulinesMXHidalgoAlmoloya19.71916-98.419190America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4013831CieneguillasMXJaliscoAyutla20.1361-104.544810America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8942167Los ChapilesLos ChapilesMXMichoacánCoalcomán de Vázquez Pallares18.58472-103.243895America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8923422La ConchaLa ConchaMXOaxacaVilla de Tututepec de Melchor Ocampo16.05694-97.582229America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8895874PicachosPicachosMXDurangoSan Dimas23.71806-105.8125235America/Monterreypopulated place
9262896Los CuadrosLos CuadrosMXZacatecasVilla de Cos23.31894-102.433820America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8915456Los ChávezLos Chavez,Los ChávezMXHidalgoPachuca de Soto20.13167-98.7413912America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3977507El RetoñoEl Retono,El RetoñoMXDurango25.74141-103.334560America/Monterreypopulated place
9098520San AgustínSan Agustin,San AgustínMXVeracruzTantoyuca21.34629-98.354610America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8915782Santa Mónica (La Hoya)Santa Monica (La Hoya),Santa Mónica (La Hoya)MXMichoacánNuevo Parangaricutiro19.41-102.1413912America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9270076Los RincónLos Rincon,Los RincónMXJaliscoMezquitic22.14824-104.073660America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8927971El LaurelEl LaurelMXZacatecasTlaltenango de Sánchez Román21.85278-103.126678America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8947923El CusalEl CusalMXChihuahuaChínipas27.6538-108.327164America/Chihuahuapopulated place
8915229El CapulínEl Capulin,El CapulínMXDurangoSan Dimas24.2-105.9719812America/Monterreypopulated place
11602790Los ÓrganosLos Organos,Los ÓrganosMXChiapas16.60093-93.645410America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8915612La Barranca del Espíritu SantoLa Barranca del Espiritu Santo,La Barranca del Espíritu SantoMXJaliscoTechaluta de Montenegro20.13028-103.5658312America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8914066El MiradorEl MiradorMXOaxacaTamazulápam del Espíritu Santo17.05139-96.0802813America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9191566Chico RuizChico RuizMXSinaloaMocorito25.08459-107.744210America/Mazatlanpopulated place
3827264San Miguel TotocuitlapilcoSan Miguel TotocuitlapilcoMXMéxicoMetepec19.22889-99.594178207America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3816367El CedroEl CedroMXChiapasBenemérito de las Américas16.42349-90.425760America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8863200Nuevo JericóNuevo Jerico,Nuevo JericóMXChiapasPalenque17.13167-91.54278506America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8925984Cañada AnchaCanada Ancha,Cañada AnchaMXJaliscoEncarnación de Díaz21.6075-102.274448America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3819038El MiradorEl MiradorMXPueblaAjalpan18.41746-97.092980America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9084958El Charro NegroEl Charro NegroMXYucatánTizimín21.47551-87.697430America/Meridapopulated place
10266621Los ReyesLos ReyesMXNuevo LeónCerralvo26.13617-99.763380America/Monterreypopulated place
3531536Carmen RosaldoMXVeracruzMoloacán17.91667-94.316670America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8945566La Viuda (Rancho Ortiz)La Viuda (Rancho Ortiz)MXZacatecasFresnillo22.92333-103.083895America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3529527Ejido PurificaciónMXTamaulipasHidalgo24.01184-99.476310America/Monterreypopulated place
8758507El RecodoEl RecodoMXSonoraMoctezuma29.73167-109.603330America/Hermosillopopulated place
9504304La ProvidenciaLa ProvidenciaMXDurangoDurango24.00551-104.638090America/Monterreypopulated place
8859739Concentración 5 de FebreroConcentracion 5 de Febrero,Concentración 5 de FebreroMXSinaloaSinaloa25.85639-108.629441080America/Mazatlanpopulated place
3985565San MarcosSan MarcosMXNuevo LeónGaleana24.70077-100.08048224America/Monterreypopulated place
4014628ChihuapaMXGuanajuatoPénjamo20.46111-101.9808335America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3519713San AntonioSan Antonio,San Antonio EncinalMXOaxacaSan Juan Bautista Tuxtepec18.10806-96.151394America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8879309Talayotes (Talayotes de los Volcanes)Talayotes (Talayotes de los Volcanes)MXChihuahuaBocoyna27.91917-107.81139113America/Chihuahuapopulated place
8896368El CapulínEl Capulin,El CapulínMXGuanajuatoPurísima del Rincón21.05083-101.8855634America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3989905La PuertaLa Puerta,Rancho La PuertaMXBaja CaliforniaTecate32.5496-116.676390America/Tijuanapopulated place
10221149El ÁlamoEl Alamo,El ÁlamoMXTamaulipasMier26.4305-99.11480America/Monterreypopulated place
8859785Manzana SegundaManzana SegundaMXMéxicoJiquipilco19.56722-99.593891064America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3818597IcxotitlaMXPueblaNaupan20.24253-98.100691369America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8726741El ChoteEl ChoteMXVeracruzTantima21.34667-97.85611147America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9531656Villa NuevaCajetal,Villa NuevaMXChiapasSiltepec15.59598-92.506220America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8946961Rincón TarascoRincon Tarasco,Rincón TarascoMXChiapasChiapa de Corzo16.67444-92.980564America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3974221San Francisco del Carmen (La Zorra)La Zorra,San Francisco del CarmenMXSan Luis PotosíVilla de Guadalupe23.48322-100.8684412America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8700863Las ColoradasEl Indio,Las ColoradasMXTamaulipasAltamira22.67449-98.267530America/Monterreypopulated place
9013135San José de los OjitosSan Jose de los Ojitos,San José de los OjitosMXDurangoRodeo25.21129-104.65960America/Monterreypopulated place
8864069Colonia LaurelesColonia LaurelesMXMéxicoIsidro Fabela19.55139-99.41417451America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8869163La SabinaLa SabinaMXGuanajuatoManuel Doblado20.67028-101.89278258America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4028245La TijeraLa TijeraMXColimaTecomán18.84211-103.837010America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8895047Saucillo SegundoSaucillo SegundoMXGuanajuatoTarandacuao19.93611-100.5219437America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3529078El CoyolCoyolMXVeracruzHueyapan de Ocampo18.15238-95.120060America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8867840Providencia de los MolinaProvidencia de los MolinaMXGuanajuatoSan Luis de la Paz21.16194-100.63417293America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8920003Ejido Zapotlán de AllendeEjido Zapotlan de Allende,Ejido Zapotlán de AllendeMXHidalgoTulancingo de Bravo20.07497-98.3314110America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3974796ParamoParamo,Paramo de Morelos,Páramo,Páramo de MorelosMXChihuahuaGuerrero28.43208-107.18639516America/Chihuahuapopulated place
3997179Los SaucesMXColimaMinatitlán19.43333-103.983330America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8887887El SalarEl SalarMXOaxacaSanta Catarina Juquila16.06333-97.3427861America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
11224924PotrerilloPotrerilloMXJalisco21.00677-102.033740America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9520804Coatepec de MorelosCoatepec de Morelos,San FranciscoMXMichoacánZitácuaro19.41975-100.375130America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3983430SapiorisSapieris,SapiorisMXDurangoConeto de Comonfort25.14107-104.90813164America/Monterreypopulated place
8915498ManzanillasManzanillasMXJaliscoCabo Corrientes20.4925-105.48512America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4023634Emiliano ZapataEmiliano Zapata,ZavalaMXGuanajuatoSan Felipe21.63189-100.9603539America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8932151Agua FríaAgua Fria,Agua FríaMXVeracruzUrsulo Galván19.4675-96.381947America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
9904559Los Tres GarcíaLos Tres Garcia,Los Tres GarcíaMXTamaulipasReynosa25.82717-98.286370America/Matamorospopulated place
9514052Puerto el NaranjoPuerto el NaranjoMXGuerreroCoahuayutla de José María Izazaga18.14047-101.675610America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3814034Loma HuatiLoma Huati,Loma HuatíMXHidalgoAlfajayucan20.47706-99.390620America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4021452Noria del Borrego (Norias)MXAguascalientesAsientos22.28722-102.041941186America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8878486Galván el Chorizo (Colonia Elías) [Empaque]Galvan el Chorizo (Colonia Elias) [Empaque],Galván el Chorizo (Colonia Elías) [Empaque]MXBaja CaliforniaMexicali32.3528-115.0471120America/Tijuanapopulated place
4000359Las AguilasLas Aguilas,Rancho Las AguilasMXBaja CaliforniaEnsenada31.53516-116.272060America/Tijuanapopulated place
3982894SolitarioMXGuerreroLa Unión de Isidoro Montes de Oca18-101.950America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8939652El RobleEl RobleMXChiapasLas Margaritas16.33222-91.750835America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3821940San FranciscoMXGuerreroTecoanapa17.00583-99.283061674America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4025517San JoséSan Jose,San JoséMXMichoacánHidalgo19.44109-100.724710America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4029628Presa de BravoPresa de Bravo,Presa de BrayoMXQuerétaroCorregidora20.42826-100.42501857America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8878132Dos ArroyosDos ArroyosMXVeracruzCatemaco18.35056-95.06528124America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
4003035Las ChaparrerasLas Chaparreras,Rancho La ChaparreraMXSinaloaEl Fuerte26.31258-108.65050America/Mazatlanpopulated place
9090166Agua LimpiaAgua LimpiaMXHidalgoNopala de Villagrán20.18506-99.52810America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
11137304El EscondidoEl EscondidoMXJaliscoTalpa de Allende20.23452-104.887940America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8867662HidalgoHidalgoMXOaxacaPutla Villa de Guerrero16.97639-97.84361299America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8707462Los CastellanosLos CastellanosMXCoahuilaZaragoza29.0491-101.908462America/Matamorospopulated place
8872697El MalangarEl MalangarMXOaxacaMazatlán Villa de Flores18.05611-96.91972190America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3995462El TerrenoMXSonoraHermosillo29.20611-110.777221America/Hermosillopopulated place
4011566La Sucursal JiquilpanEjido Jiquilpan,La Sucursal Jiquilpan,Sucursal Dos de JiquilpanMXSinaloaAhome25.76567-108.930570America/Mazatlanpopulated place
3981960TepetateTepetate,TepetatesMXJaliscoTepatitlán de Morelos20.86667-102.80America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
8908476Las JuntasLas JuntasMXMichoacánTuricato19.08556-101.4377817America/Mexico_Citypopulated place
3528982EscobillaEl Escobillal,EscobillaMXChiapasSiltepec15.58608-92.33910America/Mexico_Citypopulated place

Mexico: A Geographical Exploration of the Heart of North America

A Country of Diverse Landscapes and Regions

Mexico, a vast country in North America, is renowned for its extraordinary geographical diversity. From the towering mountains and expansive plateaus of the Sierra Madre ranges to the lush jungles of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico’s landscapes are as varied as its culture. Positioned between the United States to the north and Central America to the south, Mexico is a crossroads of environments, climates, and ecosystems. The country's geography plays a central role in shaping its history, economy, and settlement patterns.

With 32 states, each possessing its own unique characteristics, Mexico’s urban and rural areas are distinctly shaped by their natural surroundings. Cities such as Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey represent urban hubs that have grown around geographic features such as highland valleys, rivers, and coastal plains. Meanwhile, rural regions across the country depend on agriculture, mining, and tourism, influenced by the diverse natural landscapes that range from deserts to rainforests.

To understand the full geographical scope of Mexico, it’s important to examine the exact locations, regions, and departments of the country’s cities. By accessing detailed data on the cities, their corresponding regions, and the specific latitude and longitude of each, one can gain a deeper understanding of how Mexico’s geography has influenced both its urban growth and its development challenges.

Urban Growth and Regional Diversity

Mexico’s urbanization has been shaped by its varied geography. The capital city, Mexico City, is one of the largest and most populous cities in the world, located in a high-altitude valley surrounded by mountains. Historically, this location was ideal for agriculture, but over time, the city’s development has led to challenges such as overcrowding, pollution, and the need for sustainable resource management. Despite these issues, Mexico City remains the country’s political, cultural, and economic center, influencing not only the surrounding region but also global markets.

Other important urban centers, such as Guadalajara and Monterrey, also reflect the geographic diversity of the country. Guadalajara, located in a highland basin in western Mexico, is a cultural and industrial hub, while Monterrey, nestled in the desert landscape of northern Mexico, has evolved into a major commercial and industrial powerhouse. These cities, while distinct in their environment and history, serve as key economic drivers for the country and are integral to Mexico’s position in the global economy.

The regions of Mexico are also defined by their distinct landscapes. The northern states, such as Sonora and Chihuahua, are arid and rely on industries like mining and cattle ranching, while the southern states, such as Oaxaca and Chiapas, are more forested and support agriculture, particularly in the production of coffee, corn, and tropical fruits. These geographical characteristics not only influence the local economy but also affect the distribution of population and the development of infrastructure.

Accessing data on the exact locations of cities and regions, as well as the boundaries between them, helps to illustrate the connection between geography and regional identity. This data is crucial for urban planners and policymakers who aim to balance development with environmental sustainability across the country’s diverse landscapes.

Latitude and Longitude: A Tool for Geographic Precision

Latitude and longitude are indispensable tools for understanding the precise locations of cities and towns across Mexico. In a country as geographically diverse as Mexico, the exact geographic coordinates of urban centers and rural areas provide essential insight into the relationship between human settlements and their natural environment.

For instance, Mexico City’s latitude and longitude can be used to study its interaction with the surrounding mountains and volcanic terrain. Similarly, the coordinates of coastal cities like Veracruz and Acapulco help reveal how Mexico’s cities are strategically positioned to take advantage of its access to both the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The availability of this geographic data also enables researchers to better understand the spatial distribution of resources, such as water, arable land, and energy sources, which in turn informs sustainable planning efforts.

Moreover, obtaining the latitude and longitude of cities throughout Mexico allows for in-depth analysis of regional transportation networks, climate patterns, and environmental factors. For example, the relationship between the high-altitude cities in the central part of Mexico and the lower coastal regions can be studied to understand the unique challenges each region faces, from temperature extremes to natural disaster risks.

This geographic precision is key for tackling issues such as urban sprawl, water management, and climate resilience. Accessing accurate geographic data allows for better decision-making when it comes to managing growth, distributing resources, and protecting vulnerable areas from the impacts of environmental change.

Environmental Geography: Mexico’s Diverse Ecosystems

Mexico’s environmental geography is as diverse as its human geography. The country is home to a wide range of ecosystems, from the deserts of the north to the tropical rainforests of the south. Its varied climate zones and ecosystems support an incredible array of plant and animal life, making it one of the world’s most biodiverse countries.

The Baja California Peninsula, with its arid desert climate, contrasts sharply with the humid, tropical conditions found in the Yucatán Peninsula. The temperate highlands in central Mexico are known for their fertile soil, while the rainforests in the south support agriculture and serve as vital carbon sinks. The coastal regions of Mexico are particularly important for their marine biodiversity and serve as critical areas for both local fisheries and global conservation efforts.

In addition to these natural resources, Mexico’s volcanoes, particularly in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, influence not only the country’s landscape but also its agriculture. Volcanic soils are some of the most fertile in the world, supporting crops like maize, beans, and tomatoes that are central to the nation’s cuisine and economy.

Obtaining data on the exact locations of Mexico’s cities in relation to these ecosystems allows for a deeper understanding of how human settlements impact the environment and vice versa. By analyzing the latitude and longitude of urban areas and rural regions, it becomes possible to track how land use patterns affect biodiversity, agriculture, and climate change, as well as to design policies that preserve the country’s valuable natural resources.

The Role of Geographic Data in Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a key priority for Mexico as it works to balance urban growth with environmental protection. Given the country's geographical challenges, such as deforestation, water scarcity, and vulnerability to climate change, geographic data plays a critical role in shaping the future of development across the nation.

Accessing detailed information about the locations of cities, regions, and natural features, including their geographic coordinates, allows policymakers to make informed decisions about infrastructure, conservation, and climate change mitigation. Whether it’s improving the transportation networks in urban centers like Guadalajara or ensuring the protection of sensitive ecosystems in the Yucatán Peninsula, geographic data helps to guide efforts toward sustainable, environmentally responsible growth.

Additionally, geographic data is vital for addressing regional disparities. Mexico’s northern states, with their desert landscapes and limited water resources, face different challenges than the agricultural regions in the south. By using geographic data to understand these differences, the government can implement more targeted policies that address the unique needs of each region.


Mexico’s geography is both diverse and complex, with varying climates, ecosystems, and urban development patterns shaping the nation’s identity. The precise geographic data on cities, regions, and their coordinates plays a crucial role in understanding how the country’s landscapes and urban centers interact. By obtaining detailed data on the latitude and longitude of key cities, regions, and departments, geographers, policymakers, and urban planners can better navigate the challenges of urbanization, resource management, and environmental sustainability. With this geographic data, Mexico can continue to build a more sustainable and resilient future, balancing economic growth with the preservation of its unique landscapes and ecosystems.

FaQ about Mexico

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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