Norway cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 12031 cities in the Norway available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Norway file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

12078086ElgesemElgesemNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.1366210.162550Europe/Oslopopulated place
9536866Nedre EieNedre EieNOAgderFlekkefjord58.358886.632180Europe/Oslopopulated place
9535986ØveråsenOverasen,ØveråsenNOInnlandetEngerdal61.7411211.819210Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537889RøyskårRoyskar,RøyskårNOAgderLyngdal58.204387.046210Europe/Oslopopulated place
3136842SteinvikNOVestlandAustevoll605.133330Europe/Oslopopulated place
3159125DølemoDolemo,DølemoNOAgderÅmli58.712298.343690Europe/Oslopopulated place
3159420DalemNOTroms og FinnmarkMålselv69.0666718.516670Europe/Oslopopulated place
3162771ÅsbergAasberg,Asberg,ÅsbergNOVikenHol60.40588.437930Europe/Oslopopulated place
3140003SedalenNOVestlandVaksdal60.483335.766670Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537837NordskogenNordskogenNOVikenFlesberg59.968549.475570Europe/Oslopopulated place
3163041ÅnnerudAannerud,Annerud,ÅnnerudNOInnlandetRingsaker60.9166710.966670Europe/Oslopopulated place
3134346TonNOVikenModum60.033339.983330Europe/Oslopopulated place
3156699ForstrandaForestranden,ForstrandaNONordlandGildeskål67.0065213.97380Europe/Oslopopulated place
3159915BrubrekkaBrubbekka,Brubrekka,BrubrekkenNONordlandHadsel68.3833315.10Europe/Oslopopulated place
11846104ManvikManvikNOVestfold og TelemarkLarvik58.995959.91980Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537715EikelandEikelandNOAgderFarsund58.132486.686250Europe/Oslopopulated place
11873673SkogstadSkogstadNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.6028810.021760Europe/Oslopopulated place
12080433PindslePindsleNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.1399610.174320Europe/Oslopopulated place
12080442Øvre HasleOvre Hasle,Øvre HasleNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.1492310.231040Europe/Oslopopulated place
3162786AsakNOVikenHalden59.1511.450Europe/Oslopopulated place
9536707RaudvikaRaudvikaNOTrøndelagHitra63.500589.185640Europe/Oslopopulated place
3149907KleivfossKleivfoss,Klevbakken,KlevfosNOInnlandetLøten60.7885411.326090Europe/Oslopopulated place
3131344VorlandVorland,Vorlandsjo,VorlandsjøNOVestlandØygarden60.226675.071670Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537379OmmestadOmmestadNOInnlandetÅsnes60.5503512.00970Europe/Oslopopulated place
9535910NessetsætraNesesaetra,Nesesætra,Nessetsaetra,NessetsætraNOInnlandetGausdal61.382099.714150Europe/Oslopopulated place
3153530HaukelandNOVestlandBergen60.363335.451390Europe/Oslopopulated place
3143440ØrekvamNORogalandSuldal59.46.516670Europe/Oslopopulated place
3148283LangnesLangereset,LangnesNOTroms og FinnmarkKarlsøy7019.566670Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537323UlvåaUlvaa,UlvåaNOInnlandetÅmot61.1939911.561170Europe/Oslopopulated place
3160066BrenmoBrenmoNOTrøndelagVerdal63.66667120Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537586KongshusKongshusNOTroms og FinnmarkAlta70.1443723.268040Europe/Oslopopulated place
12080643HaugtuftHaugtuftNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.1878510.222120Europe/Oslopopulated place
9535965GjervollsætraGjervollsaetra,GjervollsætraNOInnlandetTrysil61.3002712.732970Europe/Oslopopulated place
3222536JonagårdNOTroms og FinnmarkSenja69.2233317.820830Europe/Oslopopulated place
3151392HusbyHusbyNONordlandNesna66.2255512.769660Europe/Oslopopulated place
11872122ÅslyAsly,ÅslyNOVestfold og TelemarkLarvik59.024299.944650Europe/Oslopopulated place
3142760ØyslebøOislebo,Oyslebo,Öislebö,ØyslebøNOAgderLindesnes58.167447.55156362Europe/Oslopopulated place
11998770KillingdalenKillingdalenNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.5568710.286280Europe/Oslopopulated place
3158675EidetEide,EidetNOTrøndelagOrkland63.259.60Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537881RøtterudmoenRotterudmoen,RøtterudmoenNOVikenNannestad60.2033310.947460Europe/Oslopopulated place
11998773KihlKihlNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.4598710.358890Europe/Oslopopulated place
11870219LiaLiaNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.6489910.258580Europe/Oslopopulated place
9403940VenneslamoenVenneslamoenNOAgderVennesla58.270937.973710Europe/Oslopopulated place
12080445Østre BerganOstre Bergan,Østre BerganNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.1506610.292590Europe/Oslopopulated place
3142828ØygardNOAgderLyngdal58.357.383330Europe/Oslopopulated place
11999009EikåsEikas,EikåsNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.5377210.331290Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537661UlvøysundUlvoysund,UlvøysundNOAgderLillesand58.113738.210130Europe/Oslopopulated place
3161840BerekvamNOVestlandAurland60.87.10Europe/Oslopopulated place
12023817Vivestad SkoleVivestad SkoleNOVestfold og TelemarkTønsberg59.4211710.132210Europe/Oslopopulated place
3153339HegglandsgrendHegglandsgrend,HeglandNOVestfold og TelemarkFyresdal59.233158.087640Europe/Oslopopulated place
9536974MannvikjaMannvikjaNONordlandDønna66.213412.605020Europe/Oslopopulated place
3205881VikebygdVikebygdNORogalandVindafjord59.594425.587490Europe/Oslopopulated place
12077651NygårdNygard,NygårdNOVestfold og TelemarkHorten59.3511310.464930Europe/Oslopopulated place
3149498KopperåKoppara,Kopparå,Koppera,Kopperaa,KopperåNOTrøndelagMeråker63.3927611.84752209Europe/Oslopopulated place
3138001SnøtonSnoton,SnøtonNOTrøndelagOrkland63.183339.90Europe/Oslopopulated place
3153360HeggeskoganNOTroms og FinnmarkSenja69.418.383330Europe/Oslopopulated place
6940554BusnesgrendaNOVestfold og TelemarkNotodden59.816418.985990Europe/Oslopopulated place
11998769KillingdalsåsenKillingdalsasen,KillingdalsåsenNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.5593310.288680Europe/Oslopopulated place
3134838TangenNOVestlandKvam60.256.166670Europe/Oslopopulated place
9536663MelandMelandNOTroms og FinnmarkHammerfest70.6789923.639590Europe/Oslopopulated place
3135025SvodaNOVestlandSunnfjord61.65.983330Europe/Oslopopulated place
3131763VikaVika,VikenNOInnlandetÅmot61.3166711.80Europe/Oslopopulated place
3159134DokkiNOInnlandetØystre Slidre61.083339.083330Europe/Oslopopulated place
3151410HuristveitNOVestfold og TelemarkNotodden59.566679.166670Europe/Oslopopulated place
3154021HamnaNOVestlandAskvoll61.316674.733330Europe/Oslopopulated place
11846445BettumBettumNOVestfold og TelemarkTønsberg59.4193410.254730Europe/Oslopopulated place
9535635UlvinmyraneMyra,Ulvinmyra,UlvinmyraneNOVikenEidsvoll60.4660211.269790Europe/Oslopopulated place
3153725HaugHaug,Haug i Lofoten,HaugeNONordlandVestvågøy68.1372113.527320Europe/Oslopopulated place
3154001HamnvågnesHammvaagnes,Hamnvagnes,HamnvågnesNOTroms og FinnmarkBalsfjord69.3333318.80Europe/Oslopopulated place
3146476MålsjordMaalsjord,Malsjorda,Mols,MålsjordaNOTroms og FinnmarkSenja69.3781218.46870Europe/Oslopopulated place
9536872LonaLonaNOAgderFlekkefjord58.362716.683640Europe/Oslopopulated place
11693816BestunBestunNOOsloOslo59.920510.664570Europe/Oslopopulated place
12176899KarlsebakkenKarlsebakkenNOVestfold og Telemark59.2541110.455520Europe/Oslopopulated place
12078276ÅsAs,ÅsNOVestfold og TelemarkTønsberg59.297510.357040Europe/Oslopopulated place
3147923LeinesLeinesNONordlandSteigen67.7369914.798240Europe/Oslopopulated place
3135260SvartbækSvartaek,Svartbaek,SvartbækNOTrøndelagOrkland63.19.683330Europe/Oslopopulated place
11998760KjelleråsenKjellerasen,KjelleråsenNOVikenDrammen59.5576910.394250Europe/Oslopopulated place
3157287FjereFjaere,Fjere,FjæreNOVestfold og TelemarkSkien59.183339.566670Europe/Oslopopulated place
3132165VerklandNOVestlandGulen60.955.416670Europe/Oslopopulated place
9537717TveitanTveitanNOVestfold og TelemarkSkien59.220119.384830Europe/Oslopopulated place
3137811SolliSolbakken,SolliNOTroms og FinnmarkSenja69.1999917.796360Europe/Oslopopulated place
9536283SolumSolumNOVikenAurskog-Høland59.7282311.408420Europe/Oslopopulated place
3140020SaursfjordNONordlandSteigen67.7920515.055350Europe/Oslopopulated place
3153587HaugsbøNOVestlandSunnfjord61.383335.683330Europe/Oslopopulated place
779214KolvikKolvik,Sarvisvuono,SarvvesvuotnaNOTroms og FinnmarkPorsanger70.2936125.113770Europe/Oslopopulated place
3141107RøykenNOVikenAsker59.7472410.388322775Europe/Oslopopulated place
11844482KalbakkenKalbakkenNOOsloOslo59.9542910.866560Europe/Oslopopulated place
3134645TevraNOVestlandSunnfjord61.466675.916670Europe/Oslopopulated place
3147305LitlebøNOVestlandStord59.85.450Europe/Oslopopulated place
12077321StubbStubbNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.1194410.223360Europe/Oslopopulated place
3158688EidemNONordlandVega65.6166711.850Europe/Oslopopulated place
3158208EngerNOInnlandetSøndre Land60.5666710.350Europe/Oslopopulated place
11998780KårbyKarby,KårbyNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.5120810.124140Europe/Oslopopulated place
11998990EplerudEplerudNOVestfold og TelemarkHolmestrand59.559710.15260Europe/Oslopopulated place
3161750BergeNOVestlandTysnes59.966675.633330Europe/Oslopopulated place
12078144BriskebakkenBriskebakkenNOVestfold og TelemarkSandefjord59.0843810.261440Europe/Oslopopulated place
8558591SververenSververenNOVikenAsker59.8610110.518030Europe/Oslopopulated place
3146239MebyNONordlandAndøy68.8505815.574850Europe/Oslopopulated place
3158091ErveNOVestlandSveio59.553065.491940Europe/Oslopopulated place
3162147BakkenNOInnlandetStor-Elvdal61.5511.050Europe/Oslopopulated place

Unveiling Norway: A Geographical Masterpiece

Norway, a Scandinavian gem, offers a dramatic and multifaceted landscape that captures the imagination of geographers worldwide. From its rugged fjords and snow-capped mountains to its expansive forests and serene lakes, the country presents a rich tapestry of geographical features that influence everything from climate to settlement patterns. The geographic diversity and climatic extremes of Norway make it a fascinating subject for study, providing a wealth of data on its cities, regions, and geographical coordinates. Understanding the full scope of this country’s geography requires access to detailed and accurate data, which can illuminate the interactions between its environment and urban development.

Geography of Norway: A Land Shaped by Nature

Norway’s geography is defined by its dramatic relief, stretching from the Arctic Circle in the north to the southernmost tip of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The country’s coastline, famously jagged and fragmented, is adorned with deep fjords, islands, and rocky promontories carved by centuries of glacial activity. This coastal landscape is not just visually striking but also a key factor in shaping the country’s settlement and economic activities, particularly in maritime industries and tourism.

The Norwegian interior is dominated by vast mountain ranges, including the Scandinavian Mountains, which form the backbone of the country. These mountains, often capped with glaciers, contribute to the unique climate of Norway, marked by cold winters and relatively mild summers in the coastal areas, with harsher conditions further inland. Norway’s rivers, such as the Glomma, provide essential resources for agriculture and industry, particularly hydropower, which is a major contributor to the country’s economy.

Regional Divisions and Urban Settlements in Norway

Norway is divided into several administrative regions, each with its own distinct geographical and cultural identity. These regions, which include everything from the bustling urban centers of the south to the remote, pristine wilderness of the far north, reflect the diversity of the country’s landscape. Understanding these regions, as well as the cities and towns within them, is essential for grasping how the country is organized both geographically and politically.

The capital, Oslo, located in the southeastern part of the country, is the largest city and an important cultural, economic, and political hub. Other major cities like Bergen, Trondheim, and Stavanger each serve as gateways to different parts of the country, offering unique insights into Norway’s regional diversity. For instance, Bergen, situated on the west coast, is the gateway to the fjords, while Trondheim, further north, plays a key role in Norway’s history and its connection to the Arctic region.

Each region in Norway offers a distinct geographical experience, from the rugged terrain of Nordland to the fertile plains of Østlandet. These regions are not just defined by geography but also by their administrative structures, including counties, municipalities, and districts, each contributing to the overall governance of the country.

Latitude and Longitude: Pinpointing Norway’s Cities

Geography is about more than just landforms; it’s also about location, and for a comprehensive understanding of Norway’s cities and regions, latitude and longitude data is crucial. The exact coordinates of each settlement offer essential insights into the country’s geography, allowing for detailed mapping, analysis, and planning. By obtaining the latitude and longitude of each city in Norway, geographers can better understand their relationship to the surrounding environment, to each other, and to the larger geographical context of Europe.

Precise geographic data also facilitates the development of tools for environmental management, infrastructure planning, and sustainable development. For example, by mapping out cities like Oslo, Bergen, and Tromsø, one can better understand the challenges and opportunities presented by the country’s varied topography, from coastal erosion to the preservation of wilderness areas.

Unlocking Geospatial Data on Norway

For those looking to unlock the full potential of Norway’s geographical insights, access to a specialized database containing detailed data on the cities, regions, and coordinates of the country is essential. Such a database can provide the precise latitude and longitude of Norway’s cities, offering a clearer picture of urban distribution, transportation networks, and the relationship between cities and the surrounding natural features.

With access to comprehensive geographical data, one can conduct detailed studies on the interplay between Norway’s urban areas and its natural environment. This information is invaluable for researchers, urban planners, environmental scientists, and policymakers who seek to better understand the country’s geographic challenges and opportunities.


Norway’s geography is a complex and stunning landscape, shaped by natural forces and human activity alike. From its dramatic fjords to its vast mountain ranges, the country offers a wealth of insights for geographers. By gaining access to detailed geographical data on Norway’s cities, regions, and their precise coordinates, one can explore the intricacies of urban development, environmental conservation, and cultural identity in this extraordinary country. With such data, a deeper understanding of Norway’s geography can be achieved, revealing new dimensions of this Scandinavian marvel.

FaQ about Norway

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Yes, of course, click here to retrieve an archive containing an extract of the 4 CSV, XML, JSON and SQL files for a country.
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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
Yes, you'll be able to download the content you've purchased whenever you want, with no time limit.
Make sure your Internet connection is stable, as some files can be quite large and take a long time to download.
Unfortunately we don't offer files in excel format, but it's really very easy to convert a csv file into excel. There are a plethora of free online sites that allow you to do this, here are a few: click here to convert csv to excel

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