Mayotte cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 10 December 2024.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 136 cities in the Mayotte available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Mayotte file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

1090410MalamaniMalamaniYT-12.9204945.158360Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921933CombaniYT-12.845.166670Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090397BandréléBandrele,BandréléYTBandrele-12.9127645.192566350Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
1090362MabounganiMabounganiYT-12.8724245.199810Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090251KwaléKouale,Koualé,Kwale,KwaléYT-12.8050745.197370Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921768Mouroni AbejaYT-12.9833345.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090122NyamboGnambo,M’Jago,NyamboYT-12.709445.122950Indian/Mayottepopulated place
10631733MouanamangaMouanamangaYT-12.9109245.080780Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921842Kani KeleCani,Cani-Kely,Kani KeleYT-12.9545.10Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090407Bambo EstBambo EstYT-12.9288845.176730Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921815MamoudzouMambutzou,Mamoudzou,Mamoutzou,Mamudzu,Mamutzu,mamuju,Мамудзу,마무주YTMamoudzou-12.7823445.2287854831Indian/Mayottecapital of a political entity
1090177TsingoniTsingoniYTTsingoni-12.7872245.102787602Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
1090402NyambadaoNyambadaoYT-12.8934645.202140Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090192MitséniMitseni,MitséniYT-12.7386245.145720Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090239KaouéniYT-12.7712145.224190Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090306Ironi BéIroni Be,Ironi BéYT-12.8321245.192850Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090477NgoujaNgoujaYT-12.961645.08450Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090425MtsamoudouM’Samoudou,Moutsamoudou,MtsamoudouYT-12.9623245.174490Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090185CombaniCombaniYT-12.7880245.134050Indian/Mayottepopulated place
10631769BouchiniBouchiniYT-12.6899645.105270Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090470Bambo OuestBambo OuestYT-12.9242945.089890Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090119BandrabouaBandraboua,M’GombaniYTBandraboua-12.704445.122317880Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
921759M’SapéréM’Sapere,Montsapere,Montsapéré,M’Sapéré,Sapere,SapéréYT-12.7861945.216550Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090376PoroaniPoroani,ProaniYT-12.8922645.141210Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090227Majikavo KoropaMajikavo 2,Majikavo KoropaYT-12.7470145.220580Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921840KeledjouYTM’Tsangamouji-12.9833345.216670Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090221KanganiKanganiYT-12.7318645.186940Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090387HamouroAmoro,HamouroYTBandrele-12.881345.214940Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921766Mouroni SangaYTBandrele-1345.166670Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090445Choungui KéliChoungui Keli,Choungui KéliYT-12.9686145.130830Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090318DjivaniDjivaniYT-12.8334245.123340Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090184MrowaléMrowale,MrowaléYT-12.7886745.127980Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090338DoujaniDoujaniYT-12.8451445.108560Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090360FlorenceFlorenceYT-12.8618145.194640Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090310BarakaniBarakaniYT-12.8379945.13120Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090377MounadziniMounadziniYT-12.8953845.142220Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921798MiambaniYTBandrele-12.9545.20Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090481Kani BéYT-12.9643545.111620Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921825LongoniYTKoungou-12.7545.183330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090134MtsangadouaM’Tsangadoi,MtsangadouaYT-12.7111245.051180Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090150MoutsoumbatsouMoutsoumbatsouYT-12.7513245.04960Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090321MangajouMangajouYT-12.8440445.117160Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090396KavaniKavaniYT-12.9149745.195640Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090308OngojouAngouzou,Ongojou,OngoujouYT-12.8388345.160120Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090455TsimkouraTsimkouraYT-12.9393445.137390Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921760M’SamouniYTBandrele-12.8833345.166670Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921980BandeleBandele,BandeliYT-12.945.20Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090311OuanganiOuanganiYTOuangani-12.8463945.136117272Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
921791MirereniYT-12.9166745.183330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090247PassamaïntiPassamainti,Passamaïnti,PassamentiYT-12.8012745.210610Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090202DzoumonyéDzoumogne,Dzoumonye,Dzoumonyé,DzumogneYT-12.7207645.118480Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921695ProaniYT-12.945.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921704PassamaintyPassamainti,Passamainty,PassamaïntiYT-12.8020145.208180Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090474MbouanastaMbouanasta,Mboueanatsa,MbouéanatsaYT-12.9443345.1020Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921941ChingoniYT-12.845.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090153TanarakiTanarakiYT-12.7590745.070150Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921799M’FerrollietYTTsingoni-12.7666745.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090449ChounguiChounguiYT-12.9623145.126650Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090191BouyouniBouilloni,BouyouniYT-12.7346245.139140Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090229Majikavo LamirMajikavo 1,Majikavo LamirYT-12.7557245.229680Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090461MzouaziaMzouaziaYT-12.9271745.103360Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090248Tsoundzou 1Trotrondjeou,Trotrondjéou,Tsoundzou 1YT-12.8061545.20230Indian/Mayottepopulated place
10631739SakouliSakouliYT-12.8905945.210770Indian/Mayottepopulated place
922002AnguebacaoYTBandrele-12.8833345.233330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090214LongoniLongoniYTKoungou-12.7342645.162980Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090476Kani KéliKani Keli,Kani KéliYTKani-Kéli-12.9536145.103334854Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
1090434DapaniDapaniYT-12.9712945.160840Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090108HandrémaAndrema,Andréma,Handrema,HandrémaYT-12.6811245.099650Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090405MtsatoundouMoutsatoundou,Mtsatoundou,Musicale PlageYT-12.917945.184940Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090339BandraniBandraniYT-12.847345.104570Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090459MajiméouniMajimeouni,MajiméouniYT-12.9252145.107210Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090253Tsoundzou 2Tsoundzou DeuxYT-12.8184545.19720Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921748M’ZioizieYT-12.9333345.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
922015AcouaAccua,Acoua,AcuaYTAcoua-12.7239145.058194622Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
921917DembeniDebenay,DebeneyYTDembeni-12.843645.1843610141Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
921673SohoaYT-12.8333345.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090384Mréréni BéMrereni Be,Mréréni BéYT-12.905845.155240Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090432SazileySazile,Saziley,SaziléYT-12.9843645.181190Indian/Mayottepopulated place
10631752KomojouKomojouYT-12.8548945.100360Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090161M’TsangamoujiMtsamgamoujiYTM’Tsangamouji-12.7594445.083615028Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
921900DzaoudziDZA,Dzaoudzi,Dzaoudzi-Labattoir,Zaudzi,zao de ji,zauji,ザウジ,藻德济YTDzaoudzi-12.7833945.2569315339Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
921769MouramedoudouYT-12.9333345.166670Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090274MronyombéniMronyombeni,MronyombéniYT-12.7879245.264430Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090324KavaniKavaniYTChiconi-12.8309945.113640Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921653ZoumougineYT-12.7333345.133330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090315CoconiCoconiYT-12.834645.136940Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090225KoungouKongo,KoungouYTKoungou-12.7336145.2041718118Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
922003AngoroAngaro,AngoroYT-12.7545.233330Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090439MbouiniMbouiniYT-12.9895345.137350Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090463HanyoundrouHanyoundrouYT-12.9033145.100930Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090223TrévaniTrevani,TrévaniYT-12.7343745.198610Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090340SadaSadaYTSada-12.8505545.102059832Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
1090151MlihaMliha,MolihaYT-12.7505645.055190Indian/Mayottepopulated place
921665TrivaniYTKoungou-12.7545.216670Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090254VahibéVahibe,Vahibeni,Vahibé,VahibéniYT-12.7902445.177070Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090273FoungoujouFoungoujouYT-12.7865145.261620Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090180HachénouaHachenoua,HachénouaYT-12.7882945.112980Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090416Rampe CannelleRampe CannelleYT-12.9391945.142720Indian/Mayottepopulated place
1090126MtsamboroM’Zamboro,Mtsamboro,M’ZamboroYTMtsamboro-12.6998245.068947724Indian/Mayotteseat of a first-order administrative division
1090361HajangouaAjangua,HajangouaYT-12.8660745.198570Indian/Mayottepopulated place

Mayotte: A Geographical Overview of the French Island Territory

A Unique Island Nation in the Indian Ocean

Located in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and the coast of Mozambique, Mayotte is a French overseas department that offers a distinct blend of cultures, ecosystems, and geographical landscapes. While often overshadowed by its larger neighbors, Mayotte is an island full of contrasts and rich history. The archipelago consists of two main islands, Grande-Terre and Petite-Terre, along with several smaller islets. This remote territory has attracted a diversity of cultures due to its strategic location and history, from Arab traders to French colonization and modern influences.

The island's geography is characterized by volcanic mountains, lush forests, and a beautiful coastline with coral reefs and mangrove swamps. The combination of tropical climates, varied landscapes, and proximity to both Africa and the island of Madagascar makes Mayotte a fascinating location to study from a geographical perspective. However, understanding the country's full geographical profile requires more than simply appreciating its physical features; it involves a detailed examination of the urban and regional distribution of its cities, towns, and departments, as well as the precise coordinates that define their locations.

The Urban and Regional Layout of Mayotte

The geography of Mayotte is divided into several municipalities, which are themselves part of the island's overall administrative structure. The capital city, Mamoudzou, located on the largest island of Grande-Terre, serves as the primary economic, political, and cultural center of the territory. This coastal city has grown significantly in recent years, partly due to population growth and migration, making it the busiest and most developed area in Mayotte.

Other towns, such as Dzaoudzi, Koungou, and Bandrele, represent the variety of settlements found across Mayotte. These towns, located throughout both Grande-Terre and Petite-Terre, reflect the diversity of the island’s development. While the coastal regions are more urbanized and focused on economic activities such as fishing and trade, the interior regions of Mayotte remain more rural and less densely populated.

The country’s administrative divisions include regions and departments that reflect different cultural, economic, and environmental zones. Understanding the exact locations of cities within these regions, as well as their corresponding departments, provides a better understanding of how Mayotte has evolved geographically. Obtaining data on the municipalities of Mayotte—along with their respective regions and departments—can offer valuable insights into the spatial dynamics of this island territory.

Latitude and Longitude: Pinpointing Mayotte's Geography

Latitude and longitude are fundamental to understanding the precise location of each urban center, rural settlement, and geographical feature on the island. Given Mayotte’s diverse landscapes and urban development patterns, obtaining the latitude and longitude coordinates for key cities such as Mamoudzou, Dzaoudzi, and Koungou can help researchers, urban planners, and environmentalists map out the spatial relationships between these settlements and the surrounding natural environment.

For instance, the coordinates of Mamoudzou allow for a detailed analysis of how the city’s development relates to its proximity to the coastline, the nearby hills, and the surrounding lagoon. By comparing the geographic locations of cities with their environmental conditions, researchers can assess the impact of urbanization on the island’s ecosystem, including deforestation, water management, and infrastructure development.

Further, knowing the exact latitude and longitude of cities throughout Mayotte helps study population distribution, resource allocation, and regional connectivity. The relationship between the coordinates of urban areas and natural resources, such as freshwater sources and fertile land for agriculture, can guide sustainable development strategies for the island.

Environmental Geography: Natural Landscapes and Coastal Ecosystems

The geography of Mayotte is dominated by both its terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The island's volcanic origins are reflected in its rugged terrain, which is punctuated by mountain peaks, including the iconic Mount Choungui. The rich biodiversity found in the island’s rainforests, mangrove swamps, and coral reefs makes it a crucial region for environmental studies. These ecosystems are interconnected, and understanding the geographical distribution of Mayotte's towns and cities is vital for protecting these fragile environments.

The coastline of Mayotte is surrounded by a barrier reef, one of the most extensive coral systems in the world, making it a hotspot for marine biodiversity. This coastal geography supports a thriving fishing industry and offers significant opportunities for eco-tourism. However, the pressures of development, combined with environmental challenges like climate change and pollution, necessitate careful monitoring of how Mayotte’s urban growth intersects with its natural landscapes.

Obtaining data about the locations of towns in relation to sensitive ecosystems is essential for guiding conservation efforts. Knowing the coordinates of urban centers in close proximity to coral reefs or mangrove forests, for example, can help in devising policies to mitigate the impacts of human activity on these natural areas. Geographic data is also crucial for managing coastal infrastructure, such as ports and harbors, while maintaining ecological balance.

The Importance of Geographic Data for Sustainable Development

As Mayotte continues to face the challenges of development and environmental sustainability, access to detailed geographic data has become increasingly important. The island’s rapidly growing population, combined with its limited land area, requires careful planning to balance urban expansion with the protection of its natural resources.

The availability of geographic data—including the exact locations of cities, towns, and natural resources—helps policymakers and urban planners design infrastructure projects that are environmentally responsible and sustainable. For example, understanding the geographic distribution of resources such as water and arable land can aid in the development of agricultural zones and urban areas, reducing the strain on the island’s natural environment.

Latitude and longitude data also play a crucial role in addressing the effects of climate change. Mayotte, like many islands in the Indian Ocean, faces rising sea levels and the potential for more frequent storms. Having precise geographic data enables better forecasting of which regions are most vulnerable to flooding or storm surges, allowing for more targeted and effective disaster management strategies.


Mayotte's unique geographic characteristics—ranging from its volcanic mountains to its lush coastal ecosystems—make it a fascinating area for study. The island's diverse urban and rural landscapes, combined with its complex environmental systems, highlight the importance of detailed geographic data. By obtaining data on the locations, regions, and departments of Mayotte’s cities, as well as their precise latitude and longitude coordinates, researchers, policymakers, and planners can gain a deeper understanding of how the island’s geography shapes its economy, environment, and culture. This information is essential for guiding sustainable development, preserving natural resources, and ensuring that Mayotte continues to thrive in the face of both local and global challenges.

FaQ about Mayotte

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
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