Bahrain cities list with latitude and longitude in CSV,SQL,XML,JSON formats


Last update : 15 January 2025.

Number of cities

This is the best list of 98 cities in the Bahrain available in 4 formats ( CSV, Json, SQL, XML ). We have cleaned up the Geoname database to leave only the towns, capitals and villages. All are all associated with regions and sub-regions (where available).

Each file contains the following data: Geoname_ID, City, Alternate_Name, Country_Code, Region, Sub_region, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Population, Timezone, Fcode_Name. See the FAQ below for a detailed explanation.

Here is an example of the data from the Bahrain file that you are going to retrieve. The data is displayed here in the form of a table:

290193KhuwayşHuwais,Khuwais,Khuways,Khuwayş,khuays,خُوَيْصBHNorthern26.1666750.50Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290299‘AwālīAl Chirabia,Al Ghiraibat,Al `Awali,Al ‘Awālī,Bapco,Kirabad,Oil City,`Awali,عَوَالِي,‘AwālīBHSouthern Governorate26.0844450.550560Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290212JurdābJurdab,Jurdah,Jurdāb,jurdab,جُرْدَابBHManama26.1694450.575280Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290215Jidd ḨafşDjidd Hafs,Djidd Ḥafṣ,Jadd Hafs,Jid Hafs,Jidd Hafs,Jidd Ḩafş,Judd Hafs,Judd Ḩafş,jid hafs,جِدّ حَفْصBHManama26.2186150.5477831735Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290356Al HujayrAl Hujayr,Hujair,Husair,aalhujayr,اَلْهُجَيْرBHManama26.1833350.550Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290341Al MamţalahAl M’ttalah,Al Mamtalah,Al Mamţalah,Al Matallah,Al Maţallah,Al Mumattalah,Al Mumaţţalah,Al Mutallah,Al M’ţţalah,Mattala,Mutallah,Muţallah,aalmamtalat,اَلْمَمْطَلَةBHSouthern Governorate25.9241750.519440Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290375Al ‘AmarAl `Amar,Al `Umar,Al ‘Amar,Al ‘Umar,Amar,`Amur,اَلْعَمَر,‘AmurBHSouthern Governorate25.9881350.527910Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290316‘ArādSar,Sār,`Arad,عَرَاد,‘ArādBHMuharraq26.2561150.632220Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290245HarbadīyahHarbadiyah,Harbadīyah,harbadiat,هَرْبَدِيَّةBHNorthern26.2333350.50Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
385042Al Qal‘ahAl Qal`ah,Al Qal‘ah,اَلْقَلْعَةBHSouthern Governorate25.9808350.530560Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290118SārSar,Sār,sar,سَارBHNorthern26.1941750.481940Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290203KarrānahKaranah,Karrama,Karramah,Karranah,Karrāmah,Karrānah,Karānah,karaanat,كَرَّانَةBHNorthern26.2291750.509440Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290345Al Ma‘āmīrAl Ma`amir,Al Ma‘āmīr,Ma’amir,Ma’amir,اَلْمَعَامِيرBHSouthern Governorate26.1333350.608610Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290160QalālīGalali,Kalali,Kalālī,Qalali,Qalani,Qalālī,Qalānī,qalaali,قَلاَلِيBHMuharraq26.2733350.650280Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290304‘AskarAl `Askar,Al ‘Askar,`Askar,عَسْكَر,‘AskarBHSouthern Governorate26.0572250.616390Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290298‘Ayn ad Dār’Ain-ad-Dar,Ain al-Dar,`An ad Dar,`Ayn ad Dar,عَيْن اَلدَّار,‘An ad Dār,‘Ayn ad Dār,’Ain-ad-DārBH26.2166750.533330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290368Al Budayyi‘Al Buday`,Al Budayyi`,Al Budayyi‘,Al Buday‘,Badaiya`a,Badaiya‘a,Budaia,Budaiya,Buday`ah,Budayya`,Budayya‘,Buday‘ah,اَلْبُدَيِّعBHNorthern26.2130650.450Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290217Jidd ‘AlīJidd `Ali,Jidd ‘Alī,Judd Ali,جِدّ عَلِيBHManama26.1791750.560280Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290221JawwDjaww,Jau,Jaw,Jaww,jaw,جَوّBHSouthern Governorate25.9986150.616670Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290336Al MarkhAl Markh,Markh,aalmarkh,اَلْمَرْخBHNorthern26.2102850.473330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290386Ad DayrAd Dayr,Dair,Dair-ar-Rahib,Dair-ar-Rāhib,Dayr ar Rahib,Dayr ar Rāhib,aaldayr,اَلدَّيْرBHMuharraq26.2841750.623610Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290395Abū BahāmAbu Baham,Abū Bahām,aabu baham,أَبُو بَهَامBHManama26.207550.544170Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290123SamāhījSamahidj,Samahij,Samāhīdj,Samāhīj,Simahij,samahij,سَمَاهِيجBHMuharraq26.2850.6350Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290239Ḩillat as SūqHillat as Suq,hilat aalsuwq,حِلَّة اَلسُّوق,Ḩillat as SūqBH26.250.550Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290385Ad DirāzAd Diraz,Ad Dirāz,Diraz,aaldiraz,اَلدِّرَازBHNorthern26.2180650.470560Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290363Al ḨaddAl Hadd,Al Hidd,Al Ḩadd,Al Ḩidd,Hadd,Hidd,aalhad,اَلْحَدّBHMuharraq26.2455650.6541712797Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290296Az ZallāqAl-Zallak,Al-Zallāk,Az Zallaq,Az Zallāq,Zallaq,Zellaq,Zelzaq,aalzalaaq,اَلزَّلاَّقBHSouthern Governorate26.047550.486390Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290342Al MālikīyahAl Malikiyah,Al Mālikīyah,Al-Malikiyya,Al-Mālikiyya,Malichiya,Malikiyah,Mālikīyah,aalmalikiat,اَلْمَالِكِيَّةBHNorthern26.0980650.486670Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290127SalmābādSalambad,Salmabad,Salmābād,salmabad,سَلْمَابَادBHNorthern26.1830650.524720Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290319An NuwaydirātAn Nuwaydirat,An Nuwaydirāt,Nuwaidirat,Nuwaidrat,Nuwaydirat,Nuwaydirāt,aalnuwaydirat,اَلنُّوَيْدِرَاتBHSouthern Governorate26.1347250.59750Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290249Ḩālat Umm al BayḑHalat As-Saud,Halat Umm al Baidh,Halat Umm al Bayd,Um al-Baidh,halat aum aalbayd,حَالَة أُمّ اَلْبَيْض,Ḩālat Umm al BayḑBHSouthern Governorate26.1166750.633330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290186MahazzahMahazzah,Muhazza,mahazat,مَهَزَّةBHManama26.1694450.626110Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290392Abū Şaybi‘Abu Saibi’,Abu Saibi’,Abu Saybi`,Abū Şaybi‘,أَبُو صَيْبِعBHNorthern26.217550.506940Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290113ShahrakkānShaharakkan,Shahrakkan,Shahrakkān,shahrakaan,شَهْرَكَّانBHNorthern26.0752850.501390Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290322Al WasmīyahAl Wasmiyah,Al Wasmīyah,Wasmiya,Wasmiyah,Wasmīyah,aalwasmiat,اَلْوَسْمِيَّةBHSouthern Governorate26.0211150.4750Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290286BārbārBarbar,Bārbār,barbar,بَارْبَارBHNorthern26.2294450.480830Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290084Umm ash ShajarUm el Shajar,Umm ash Shahin,Umm ash Shajar,Umm ash Shanin,aum aalshajar,أُمّ اَلشَّجَرBHMuharraq26.2283350.655830Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290295Az ZimmahAz Zimmah,Zimma,Zimmah,aalzimat,اَلزِّمَّةBHMuharraq26.2552850.646940Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290260DumistānDumistan,Dumistān,dumistan,دُمِسْتَانBHNorthern26.1263950.481110Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290187Madīnat ‘ĪsáIsa,Isa Town,Madinat `Isa,Madīnat ‘Īsá,Medinat Isa,مَدِينَة عِيسَىBHSouthern Governorate26.1736150.5477838090Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290120SanadSanad,sanad,سَنَدBHManama26.1502850.581940Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290179ManīMani,Manī,mani,مَنِيBHManama26.2166750.550Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290078Umm JidrUmm Jidr,aum jidr,أُمّ جِدْرBHSouthern Governorate26.0111150.526110Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290331MagshaMagsha,Mugsha,Muqsha’,Muqshā’,mqshʿ alymn,مقشع اليمنBHManama26400Asia/Riyadhpopulated place
290205KaflānKaflan,Kaflar,Kaflān,kaflaan,كَفْلاَنBH26.1833350.583330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290324Al QaryahAl Qaryah,Kariya,Qariya,Qarya,Qaryah,Qurayyah,Quryah,aalqaryat,اَلْقَرْيَةBHManama26.1827850.583610Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290240AlmaqshaAlmaqsha,Almaqsha’,Almaqsha ,almqshʿ,المقشعBH26.2213950.516670Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290352Al JanabīyahAl Janabiyah,Al Janabīyah,Janabiya,Janabiyah,Janābīyah,aaljanabiat,اَلْجَنَبِيَّةBHNorthern26.1950.467780Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290359Al HamalahAl Hamalah,Al-Hamla,Hamala,Hamalah,aalhamalat,اَلْهَمَلَةBHNorthern26.1433350.459440Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290252Ḩālat al KhulayfātHalat,Halat al Khulayfat,Halat-al-Khalaifat,Halat-at-Khulaifat,Hālat-al-Khalaifāt,Khulaffat,halat aalkhulayfat,حَالَة اَلْخُلَيْفَات,Ḩālat al KhulayfātBHMuharraq26.2550.633330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290269Dār KulaybDar Chulaib,Dar Kulaib,Dar Kulayb,Dār Kulaib,Dār Kulayb,dar kulayb,دَار كُلَيْبBHSouthern Governorate26.0686150.5038965466Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290360Al ḨajarAl Hajar,Al Ḩajar,Hajar,aalhajar,اَلْحَجَرBHNorthern26.2111150.513890Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290366Al BusaytīnAl Busaytin,Al Busaytīn,Basatin,Basātīn,Busaitin,aalbusaytin,اَلْبُسَيْتِينBHMuharraq26.2694450.6077820Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290351Al JasrahAl Jasrah,Al-Djasra,Jasra,Jasrah,Jesera,aaljasrat,اَلْجَسْرَةBHNorthern26.1622250.449170Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290104SitrahSitra,Sitrah,sitrat,strh,strt,sytrh,Ситра,סיטרה,سترة,ستره,سترہ,سِتْرَةBHManama26.1547250.6205637657Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290091TūblīTubli,Tūblī,tubli,تُوبْلِيBHManama26.1869450.549440Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290328Al MuwaylighahAl Muwaylighah,Muwailaha,Muwailghah,aalmuaylighat,اَلْمُوَيْلِغَةBHManama26.2066750.558890Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290384Ad DūrAd Dur,Ad Dūr,Dar al Manadil,Dur,Dār al Manādīl,aalduwr,اَلدُّورBHSouthern Governorate25.9788950.614990Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290073WādiyānWadiyah,Wadiyan,Wādiyān,wadian,وَادِيَانBHManama26.1591750.611110Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290178MaqābāMakaba,Maqaba,Maqābā,maqaba,مَقَابَاBHNorthern26.2108350.48750Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290303Aş ŞakhīrAs Sakhir,Aş Şakhīr,Sakhir,aalsakhir,اَلصَّخِيرBHSouthern Governorate26.062550.527220Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290163Nūr JuruftNur Juruft,Nūr Juruft,nur juruft,نُور جُرُفْتBH26.2333350.50Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290251Ḩālat an Na‘īmHalat Nu`aym,Halat al Naim,Halat an Na`im,Naim,حَالَة اَلنَّعِيم,Ḥālat Nu‘aym,Ḩālat an Na‘īmBHMuharraq26.2388950.635280Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290154QubayţKubait,Qubayt,Qubayţ,qubayt,قُبَيْطBHNorthern26.250.516670Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290274BūrīBuri,Būrī,buri,بُورِيBHNorthern26.1513950.49750Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290275Bū QūwahBu Quwah,Bu Quwwah,Bukuwa,Bū Quwwah,Bū Qūwah,bu quwat,بُو قُووَةBHNorthern26.2047250.520Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290136ŞadadSadad,sadad,Şadad,صَدَدBHNorthern26.0827850.489720Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290226JannūsānDjannusan,Djannusān,Jannusan,Jannūsān,januwsan,جَنُّوسَانBHNorthern26.2305650.494720Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290210JusayrahJasaira,Jasairah,Jusayrah,jusayrat,جُسَيْرَةBHSouthern Governorate25.8833350.60Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290340ManamaAl Manama,Al Manamah,Al Manāma,Al Manāmah,Al-Manama,Al-Manamah,Al-Manāmah,Maenamae,Manaama,Manam,Manama,Manamae,Manamah,Manameh,Manamo,Manáma,Manāma,Menama,Mename,Mänamä,WGF,aalmanamat,almnamh,almnamt,mai na ma,mai na mai,manama,mnamh,mnamہ,Μανάμα,Манамæ,Манама,Մանամա,מנאמה,المنامة,المنامه,اَلْمَنَامَة,منامه,منامہ,مەنامە,मनामा,মানামা,ਮਨਾਮਾ,ମାନାମା,மனாமா,മനാമ,มานามา,མ་ན་མ།,მანამა,ማናማ,マナーマ,麥納瑪,麦纳麦,마나마BHManama26.2278750.58565147074Asia/Bahraincapital of a political entity
290309Ar RumaythahAl-Rumaytha’,Al-Rumaythā’,Ar Rumaytha,Ar Rumaythah,Ar Rumaythā,Rumaidha,Rumaidhah,Rumaitha,Rumaithah,Rumayzah,Rumayz̧ah,aalrumaythat,alrmytha,الرميثا,اَلرُّمَيْثَةBHSouthern Governorate25.9204350.555830Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
8643013SeefBHManama26.2396750.536850Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290218Jidd al ḨājjJidd al Hajj,Jidd al Ḩājj,jid aalhaj,جِدّ اَلْحَاجّBH26.2333350.50Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290332Al MuharraqAl Muharrak,Al Muharraq,Al Muḩarraq,Al’-Mukharrak,Al-Muharrak,Al-Muharraq,Al-Muḥarrak,Moharek,Muharrak,Muharraq,Muharraq Town,Muhurraq,aalmuharaq,al-Muharraq,mhrq,Аль-Мухаррак,اَلْمُحَرَّق,محرقBHMuharraq26.2572250.6119497458Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290142RayyāRaiya,Rayya,Rayyā,rayaa,رَيَّاBHMuharraq26.2833350.633330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290198KawrahKawarah,Kawrah,kawrat,كَوْرَةBHManama26.1833350.566670Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290255ḨālahHalah,Halat,halat,حَالَة,Ḩālah,ḨālātBHManama26.1733350.621390Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290348Al JubaylātAl Jubaylat,Al Jubaylāt,Jabailat,Jubailat,Jubailāt,aaljubaylaat,اَلْجُبَيْلاَتBHManama26.1819450.553330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290234Jabalat ḨabashīJabalat Habashi,Jabalat Habshi,Jabalat Ḩabashī,jabalat habashi,جَبَلَة حَبَشِيBHNorthern26.2172250.52750Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290346Al KhārijīyahAl Kharijiyah,Al Khārijīyah,Al-Kharidjiyya,Al-Khāridjiyya,Kharijiya,Kharijiyah,Khārijīyah,aalkharijiat,اَلْخَارِجِيَّةBHManama26.1636150.604720Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290327Al QadamAl Qadam,Qadam,aalqadam,اَلْقَدَمBHNorthern26.2155650.519170Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290308Ar Ruq‘ahAr Ruq`ah,Ar Ruq‘ah,Ruka’a,Ruka’a,Ruq`ah,Ruqa’ah,Ruqa’ah,Ruq‘ah,اَلرُّقْعَةBH26.2333350.50Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290306Ash ShākhūrahAl-Shakhura,Al-Shākhūra,Ash Shakhurah,Ash Shākhūrah,Shakhura,Shakhurah,Shakhurq,Shākhūrah,aalshaakhurat,اَلشَّاخُورَةBHNorthern26.2147250.506940Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290201KarzakkānKarrzakkan,Karrzakkān,Karzakkan,Karzakkān,karzakaan,كَرْزَكَّانBHNorthern26.1155650.481940Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290101SufālahSufala,Sufalah,Sufālah,sufalat,سُفَالَةBHManama26.1627850.625560Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290325Al QaryahAl Qaryah,Kuriya,aalqaryat,اَلْقَرْيَةBHManama26.1722250.610560Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290121SanābisAs Sanabis,As Sanābīs,Sanabis,Sanābis,sanabis,سَنَابِسBHManama26.2272250.550836564Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290287Banī JamrahBani Jamrah,Banī Jamrah,Jamra,Jamrah,bani jamrat,بَنِي جَمْرَةBHNorthern26.2097250.459720Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290133ŞāfirahSafiah,Safirah,Safrah,safirat,Şāfirah,صَافِرَةBHSouthern Governorate26.10550.538610Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290176MarqūbānMarkuban,Markūbān,Marquban,Marqūbān,marquban,مَرْقُوبَانBHManama26.1641750.618330Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290247Madīnat ḨamadHamad Town,Madinat Hamad,Madīnat Ḩamad,madinat hamad,مَدِينَة حَمَدBHNorthern26.1152850.5069452718Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
385038Ar Rifā‘Ar Rifa,Ar Rifa`,Ar Rifā‘,Riffa,اَلرِّفَاعBHSouthern Governorate26.1350.555195606Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290250Ḩālat as SulţahHalat As Suluta,Halat al-Salata,Halat as Sultah,Hālat al-Salaṭa,halat aalsultat,حَالَة اَلسُّلْطَة,Ḩālat as SulţahBHMuharraq26.2427850.638610Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290323Al QurayyahAl Qurayyah,Kuraiya,Kuriya,Quraiyah,Qurayyah,aalqurayat,اَلْقُرَيَّةBHNorthern26.1972250.462780Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290354‘Ālī`Ali,عَالِي,‘ĀlīBHNorthern26.1619450.516390Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290204KarbābādKarbabad,Karbābād,karbabad,كَرْبَابَادBHManama26.2302850.529440Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290376Al ‘Akr’Aqur,Al `Akr,Al `Akur,Al `Aqr,Al `Aqur,Al ‘Akr,Al ‘Akur,Al ‘Aqr,Al ‘Aqur,Ikur,اَلْعَكْر,’AqurBHManama26.1430650.610280Asia/Bahrainpopulated place
290229JamālahJamala,Jamalah,Jamālah,Jumaylat,Jumaylāt,jamalat,جَمَالَةBHManama26.250.550Asia/Bahrainpopulated place

Exploring Bahrain: A Geographical Overview and Data Resource

Bahrain's Geography: An Island Nation in the Persian Gulf

Bahrain, an island nation situated in the Persian Gulf, is one of the smallest countries in the Middle East, both in terms of land area and population. Despite its modest size, Bahrain plays an important role geopolitically and economically, largely due to its strategic location between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The country comprises a small archipelago, with the largest island, Bahrain Island, housing the capital city, Manama, and the bulk of the population. Several smaller islands, including Muharraq, Sitra, and the Hawar Islands, add to Bahrain’s diverse geography.

Bahrain’s flat, arid landscape is characterized by low-lying plains and desert, making it unique among the surrounding nations in terms of its natural environment. Its proximity to the Arabian Peninsula and the clear waters of the Persian Gulf have influenced its settlement patterns, trade routes, and economic development. Bahrain's coastal location has historically made it a center for maritime trade, with its harbors providing easy access for commerce across the Gulf.

Understanding Bahrain’s geography is essential for analyzing its urban development, environmental concerns, and resource management. My geographic database on Bahrain offers comprehensive data on the country’s cities, regions, and districts, with precise latitude and longitude coordinates that provide valuable insights into the spatial distribution of the country's urban and rural areas.

Bahrain’s Urban and Regional Distribution

Bahrain is divided into several governorates, each with its own distinct geographic and administrative characteristics. These regions include the Capital Governorate (which encompasses Manama), the Northern Governorate, the Southern Governorate, and the Muharraq Governorate. These regions are home to both bustling urban centers and more rural areas, each shaped by its geography, infrastructure, and economic activities.

Manama, the capital, is located on Bahrain Island and is the country’s largest city and financial hub. It serves as the political, cultural, and commercial center of Bahrain, benefiting from its coastal location and access to both regional and international markets. Manama’s proximity to the sea has historically contributed to its development as a major port and trade hub.

In contrast, the Northern Governorate, which surrounds Manama, is more industrialized and urbanized, with several smaller towns and commercial centers that cater to Bahrain’s expanding economy. The Southern Governorate, known for its quieter, more residential nature, is home to several large estates and the Bahrain International Airport, which is a major transportation link for the island nation.

The Muharraq Governorate, home to Bahrain's second-largest city, Muharraq, has been a significant cultural center in the country. Historically, it has been a major site for trade and agriculture, and it is still known for its traditional architecture and cultural heritage.

Through my comprehensive geographic database, users can explore how these regions are shaped by their geography and their urbanization trends. The database provides detailed data on cities, regions, and their administrative boundaries, offering a clear picture of Bahrain’s spatial development.

Latitude and Longitude: Key Insights into Bahrain’s Urban Layout

Latitude and longitude coordinates are vital for understanding the exact placement of cities, towns, and regions within Bahrain. These geographic coordinates help illuminate the relationship between Bahrain’s cities and the surrounding environment, including its proximity to the Persian Gulf and its position relative to neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The exact latitude and longitude of each city can also reveal how geographical features such as coastal access, climate, and terrain have influenced settlement patterns.

For example, Manama’s coastal location, at the northern tip of Bahrain Island, offers a sheltered harbor that has been crucial to its development as a commercial and industrial center. On the other hand, more inland areas, such as those found in the Southern Governorate, face different challenges related to infrastructure and urban development, influenced by the island’s flat and arid terrain.

My geographic database includes precise latitude and longitude data for all of Bahrain’s cities, towns, and regions. This resource allows users to better understand the geographic layout of the country, how it relates to the broader region, and how its cities interact with their physical environment. Researchers and policymakers can use this data to assess urban expansion, resource management, and climate adaptation strategies across the country.

Regional Characteristics and Administrative Divisions

Bahrain’s administrative structure is key to understanding its geography. The country is divided into four governorates, each of which has distinct geographical, economic, and cultural features. The Capital Governorate, where the capital city, Manama, is located, serves as the political and commercial heart of Bahrain. This region is the most urbanized, with dense infrastructure and a concentration of economic activity.

The Muharraq Governorate, home to the island of Muharraq, is both a residential and industrial region, with a mix of modern and traditional elements. This region is also known for its historical sites and cultural landmarks, which are integral to Bahrain’s identity. The Northern and Southern Governorates, meanwhile, are more diverse in terms of their geographic characteristics, with the Northern Governorate serving as a hub for light industry and the Southern Governorate featuring a quieter residential and agricultural atmosphere.

The geographic database I’ve developed allows users to delve deeper into these administrative divisions, providing latitude and longitude coordinates for each of Bahrain’s cities and districts. With this data, it becomes easier to understand the relationship between Bahrain’s cities and its geographic features, as well as the economic and social dynamics of each region.

Geographic Data and Bahrain’s Future Development

The future development of Bahrain will depend on careful geographic planning, particularly in terms of urbanization, infrastructure development, and environmental management. Bahrain’s small land area and growing population make efficient planning essential to meet the demands of its citizens and maintain its position as a global economic hub.

With geographic data, policymakers can better plan for the expansion of cities, improve resource distribution, and address the challenges posed by Bahrain’s arid climate and limited natural resources. Additionally, the accurate geographic coordinates provided in the database can aid in the development of sustainable transportation systems, environmental conservation strategies, and urban infrastructure projects.

The geographic database also offers valuable insights into how Bahrain’s cities can adapt to regional and global changes, from climate fluctuations to shifts in the global economy. By using detailed geographic data, stakeholders can ensure that Bahrain’s growth is sustainable and well-managed, aligning with the country’s long-term goals.

Conclusion: Harnessing Geographic Data for Sustainable Growth in Bahrain

Bahrain’s geography plays a fundamental role in shaping its cities, regions, and future development. From the bustling urban center of Manama to the quieter, more rural areas in the south, the spatial distribution of Bahrain’s cities is influenced by its coastal access, arid climate, and flat terrain. Through the comprehensive geographic database I have created, which includes latitude and longitude data for each city and region, users can explore the intricate geography of Bahrain and make informed decisions about its future. This resource is a vital tool for urban planners, policymakers, and researchers looking to support Bahrain’s sustainable growth, environmental protection, and economic development. By utilizing accurate geographic data, Bahrain can continue to grow as a regional leader, balancing development with environmental responsibility and social well-being.

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  • Geoname_ID: This is a unique identifier for each place or geographical name in the Geoname database.
  • City: The name of the place, which can be a town, village or any other form of human settlement.
  • Alternate_Name: Other names or appellations that the place may have. These alternative names may be in different languages, dialects or even local names.
  • Country_Code: This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which the place is located. For example, "US" for the United States, "FR" for France.
  • Region: This represents the first-order administrative division in which the location is situated. For example, this could be a state, province or territory.
  • Sub_region: This is a second-order administrative division, such as a county or district, within the region.
  • Latitude: The geographical latitude of the location, usually in decimal degrees.
  • Longitude: The geographical longitude of the location, also usually in decimal degrees.
  • Elevation: The elevation or altitude of the location in relation to sea level, usually measured in metres.
  • Population: The estimated number of inhabitants or population of the location.
  • Timezone: The time zone in which the location is located, in accordance with global time zone standards.
  • Fcode_Name: This is a code that categorises the type of location. For example, "PPL" could mean a populated place, while "PPLC" could be the capital of a political entity.
You will retrieve a .rar archive containing the country files in csv, sql, xml and json formats.
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